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School Courtyard

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The group temporarily slows a moment upon hearing his voice, allowing him to catch up easily. Turning to see who, Ellisia greets Jackson normally with a good morning as if nothing special was going on, but Grace's somewhat distressed demeanour gives the game away imediately. Harrel simply waits standing behind the pair to continue on when ready.

"Oh... uh, Jackson? Is it?" Grace asks, remembering him as the brave and reckless guy who jumped onto Charles that other night. She hesitates, seemingly unsure what to say, before coming right out with it anyway, "Isabella's been kidnapped. Someone took her and ran to the docks." She says staring off into space down low, before flicking her gaze back up to Jackson, then back around the courtyard, shuffling a little impatiently. "Sorry, no time to stop. You can come with us if you want." She continues without much detail, turning to step towards Harrel who begins to proceed onwards again.

Ellisia didn't like the idea of involving any more people than necessary, but wasn't going to stop Grace if she felt the need to tell people. She just still had it in her mind that everyone else was "civilian", whether they possesed some form of unusual powers or not. Grace on the other hand had subconciously considered everyone present at the fight with Charles part of some kind of unwriten secret club. She'd been wanting to meet up and talk with some of the others ever since.

(Small note, I don't actually know for certain where Siphon would be, thus left the destination vague so far. The dorm is a fair assumption though. I'm trying to ask him where he'd be at this time.)


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Emily, having stalked Grace and Ellisia from the dorms to the courtyard seemingly unnoticed so far ducks behind a tree as Harrel meets with the two girls. Listening in on the conversation Emily's expression goes from surprise to curiosity as its explained that Isabella had been kidnapped and now they plan on rescuing her. Not one to skirt away from an adventure, no matter how dangerous or what it entails, Emily continues to follow the growing group as they look for this 'Siphon' while trying to stay out of sight as best as she can.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Gabriel, having heard something about someone being kidnapped from his farther point of hiding, steps out from behind the tree, deciding to reveal himself. He begins to walk towards the group calmly as he looks them over, trying to get a feel for how to handle the situation. "Well, well. What is this about someone being kidnapped, children?" he asks, stopping several feet from the group and awaiting their reaction.


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson nodded as the blond haired girl spoke his name but in the back of his mind he trying to remember if the two every spoke before. He didn't have much time as she then spoke about the kidnapping and jarred him out of his normal relaxed self. His entire body tensed up for a split second before at returning to a semi-normal look.

His head swiveled back and forth almost like he was looking for anyone who seemed to be suspicious in any way or form. While he only spoke with Isabella once, she didn't seems to the type to gain any enemies unless it was due to her family... even then how would they know she wore here.

Jackson saw the older man before the others. He hadn't seen him as a teacher or any where in the school before today so he was very suspicious.

"Nothing sir.... J-just a bad joke" He said trying to out right lie to him. Jack slid his hands into his pockets and removed the gloves he was wearing just to be safe. If a fight broke out he could uses his "powers" if he was still wearing them after all. All the while watched the older man for any odd movements.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Gabriel observed Jackson as he spoke, crossing his arms and glaring at him. "Is that so, young man? I know I heard something about a kidnapping. Now explain the situation before I throw all of you in D-hall." he speaks in a firm tone of voice, sounding very much like a teacher to the group.


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Hearing the threat of D-hall made it known to him that the older man was in fact a teacher. Now he was regretting the out right lie now but it was better save then sorry. He turned back to look at Grace and the other two and scratched the back of his head. He had the look of having no idea if they should speak the truth or not.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((I'm still here. Stuck waiting for Siphon / trying to figure out an alternative way to proceed. Trying to work it out. I'll get back to you when I can.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

If anyone is paying attention to something other than Gabriel at the moment, Ian can currently be seen slipping in to the courtyard via the front gates of the school. He's wearing casual clothes, not quite suited for physical activity, so, again, the observant might theorize that he was not out exercising in the forest this morning. The even more observant might notice that it looks like he might have woken up not all that long ago and is actually coming in from spending the night somewhere out in the woods rather than having been in the dorms. He looks to be headed there at the moment, which serves to remind any of the boys that he is Siphon's roommate and the two are chummy enough that he might have a clue as to where the Alveran has gotten off to. Maybe.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan entered the courtyard as well. He had eaten a lunch yesterday with Vewla, then went out on his own. Today he was quite bored and was looking for something to do when he noticed the peculiar scene that took place here. Noticing an adult confronting a group of students, he immediately assumed that something interesting might be happening. A teacher berating some students? This held some potential for fun. Or blackmail. Jonathan moved closer, not close enough to join the conversation - he could listen in as much as he wanted, though. However, if Gabriel or anyone else bothered to look around, they'd see him standing near, wearing casual (all black) clothes, watching them with a look of moderate interest on his face.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((Turn's out the group is headed to the waterfall (which is where Siphon will be) and not the boys dorms after all. No changes needed. They'd be heading past the dorm building and into the forest anyway.))

Hearing the man's voice The group hesitantly comes to a halt before they can properly move off again, being confronted by a teacher was certainly awkward. There was no time to waste, but it wouldn't help to gather unwanted suspicion. Ellisia tries to think of a suitable response or effective cover up, but with nothing coming to mind. Grace was clueless. Harrel stood at the back waiting once more, concerned for the others, but not really effected himself. With another student gathering at the side, and not wanting to stand speechless any longer Ellisia replies, "Sir. Our friend Isabella has gone missing. No one else knows yet. We're trying to find out where she's gone." She says giving half of the truth.
"Isabella Greenway." Grace speaks up to add.
Starting to back-pedal towards the forest and the boys dorm path, Ellisia continues, "Sorry sir but we need to go."

She very much doubted the man would be satisfied with the answer, likely raising more questions, but she didn't want to get bogged down in an official standard investigation procedure. The group begin moving once more, likely passing by Jonathan on their way.

(It's very tricky trying to "round up the gang" as it were, with a character who doesn't want to "involve civilians"...)


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson not wanting to be left with the teacher on his own quickly moved to follow Grace and the others. She had said he could come if he wanted and the more looking for Isabella the better after all. He tried to relax at least as he followed as he didn't want to make himself look odd or out of place at all.

As he walked his mind went back to think if he had spoke to the blond before now but his mind just kept coming up blank... Maybe he had spoken to her during one of his black outs. He would have to as later just to make sure.

((>.>;; My only problem with the long breaks in RP is keeping in mind who has my character spoken and to what extent.))


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The sound of a lawnmower gradually becomes clearer and clearer as Matt rides clear through the main fields and to the courtyard, leaving a trail of unevenly cut grass in his wake. "Stop right there, evil doer!" He shouts, pointing triumphantly at Gabriel. Still slowly inching forward, he continues to point until the vehicle begins to power down and run out of gas. Looking confused, Matt slowly gets off and sheepishly walks to the group.

"Um. As I was saying, stop right there!" Still pointing at Gabriel. "You should be in class right now, young man!" Having experienced his fair share of incidents in the school, he knew when the gifted students needed to do something when he saw it. He glanced at the rest of the group and motioned for them to continue onward.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

"Oh kaaay..." Jonathan wasn't suprised by the arrival of Max, even though he had no idea who that person was. On the other hand, the newcomer's behaviour was rather... Unusual. Deciding to stick with the group that was leaving the place, he followed them, keeping some distance between him and Ellisia's group. He didn't want to be noticed outright. If it were night, he'd have much better chance of avoiding detection - he could simply transform and blend in with the dark. This time, he had to rely on more mundane methods of tailing others.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The group quickly hurries off, Harrel looking back and smirking at the other mans strange entrance for a moment, as he continues to lead the group on. Heading part way along the path to the boys dorm, they then veer off right on course to the water fall area. Passing into the trees Harrel hums to him self as if just noticing something. "Just a heads up, someone seems to be following us. Seems human. Since the courtyard. Wasn't sure till now." He says pointing in a backwards direction with his thumb, though not towards Jonathan.

"Hmm, keep an eye on it, but we'll keep going. Is he just a short way ahead now?" Ellisia asks their guide, to which he nods. "Oh he's at the waterfall then. This way." Ellisia says taking lead now, and turning her head a little to Jackson to speak. "We're going to meet Siphon. You know the person I'm talking about? Hopefully he may be able to help us identify the kidnapper." Ellisia explains just a little, as Jackson would probably be wondering where they we're heading to by now having gone past the dorms.

"The strange guy with silver hair and claws..." Grace chips in still staring ahead as they walk.

((I'll make an entry post in the waterfall thread soon, feel free to make any responses in this thread though.))

(((Jackson has seen Grace and Ellisia at the fight with Charles, but other than that nothing specific I can recall. Ellisia would have been obviously unusual with all her souped up sword play, though Grace didn't show any powers. Grace is just the kind of girl that remembers people and names well and I assume she might have heard his name around school somehow, even if not actually introduced or anything.)))


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson kept place with the tree in front of him and started to at least remember the girls. He saw both when the fight with that knight, Charles, a few nights ago. The one taking the lead he knew had a sword and a great level of skill with it. The other girl on the other hand didn't seem to do anything when it came to the fight. But with everyone else who was able to move that night just so happened to have some "gift", she must have some power all her own as well.

As Ellisia spoke Jackson started to shake his head before Grace talked about the sliver haired man from that night.

"... Can't say I have had the honor so speak with him but I at least know who your talking about..." He answered. His eyes started to focus on the other man in the group. He knew for a fact he had never seen him before but he wasn't going to question it right now. He might be better of not knowing everything right now.

However, Jackson started to wonder what the man had tried to point out. Jack slides out his I pod and rubs the stainless steel back on his jacket and and holds it up to try to see behind him. While holding still he decided it might be a good time to introduce himself.

"I'm Jackson Cougar.... but you can call my Jack for short. Your names are?" He tried to say in as polite of a tone as he could.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((Brilliant move, Dark. *thumbsup*))

The sound of the lawnmower distracts Ian for a moment, as he makes his way toward the dorms, still trying not to be seen by, well, anyone at the moment and he uses Matt's distraction to his full advantage. Of course, coming up on the dorms, he catches sight of the group veering off. And, of course, a group of the specials cutting through the campus with a purpose usually meant something. Of course, he didn't want to intrude, but with the way things were in the school, it was better to assume the worst and bow out gracefully if it was something completely innocent.

Should know better. I really should. But I'm going to go anyway.

He trails after, keeping his pace even, mostly looking for signs of the other students through the trees, a flash of clothes or hair. Hopefully he'd find a good time to catch up and see what was going on.

((For the sake of whoever *else* is following them, assume Ian's behind *them* and hasn't spotted their tail yet, since he's mostly focused on the others, so as not to ruin anything for y'all.))


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Emily, still following the group with a fair bit of distance between her and them hadn't caught any of the conversation going on and as such was unaware that she had been spotted. Or at least detected. She also didn't realise they were heading towards the waterfall.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan didn't notice that the group was now aware of being followed or that other people were joining the investigation. He just continued moving, growing slightly impatient. What was their plan? Where were they going? Who else would the recruit? Who were they, anyway? And what in the bloody Hell really happened? Eager to find out, the darkling pursued his quarry.

((Posting mainly to let you know that until I get a new PC, I will have some problems with appearing here. I should be back online fairly soon, though. A couple of weeks, perhaps.))

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia walks by, watching the progression and the seemingly endless line of people following each other and trying to stalk each other. She recognized the spirit knight immediately, but not the others, which meant that while this was likely interesting to the others, it would hold little importance for her. She pulls her schoolbag up again to allow it to get a good hold on her shoulder before whistling and heading to class.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: School Courtyard

((Curse my PC's cooling unit failure.))

Gabriel listens to the explanation from Ellisia, nodding as he does so. However, when Matt intervenes, he looks at the groundskeeper and crosses his arms. "Evil doer? Is that any way to speak to a teacher?" he asks in a firm tone of voice, then turns to the group of children. "You children can go and find your friend. Just be sure to slug whoever kidnapped her once for me. I'll handle this joker." he says, turning back to face Matt and staring him down with his brown eyes.