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ACT Mod [ KooooN Soft ] Witch Girl ( Corruption Mod by: Mc Swagger)

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
hey ho!
first things first: I would have posted this in the witch girl thread but i cant seem to find it so... Anyway

Must have been two years ago I started a modification to KooooN Soft's Witch Girl. One or two of you might remember since i posted some (not a lot) updates in the witch girl thread. I worked a lot on this project because I like KooooN Soft's games and were pleased by the direction the mod was developing, but finally I lost the fun and hade not the time for working further on it. So exaclty one year ago I abandoned the project.
I figured since I dont want to finish the mod, why not share it with others? So here you go:


The core gameplay stayes the same, so it is a sidescrolling action flash game. The mod is flavoured with corruption content and I added some RPG elements, but the original gameplay and explicit content is largely the same.
I recommend you to explore this mod on your own, especially when you played the original (or other sidescrollers like shinobi girl, angle girl *nostalgia flashback*). But if you want to spoil yourselfs:
What I added:
  • New stage mechanics
    • Run (Classic reach the goal), Survive (Self explanatory), Hunt (Kill a given amount of enemies) and Climax Quest (like conquest with masturbation)
  • RPG elements: you gain XP after finishing a stage. With each level up you can spend skillpoints on
    • Willpower (escape speed),
    • Strenght (damage),
    • Speed (max movmentspeed),
    • Stamina (pleasure taken),
    • Tenacity (stunduration)
    • or Prestidigitation (masturbation skill)
  • Lust meter
    • The player gains lust over time, on orgasm (except masturbation), by attacking (in order to reduce spamming) and when "submitted" (see below)
    • When the meter is full the player gets corrupted
  • Corruption mechanic
    • each bodypart can (and will) be corrupted and has different effects on the gamplay (penalties or enhancements depending on which side you are):
      • head: increased sensitivity on head attack
      • torso: gain exhaust while flying
      • skirt: increased sensitivity on rear attack
      • chest: increased sensitivity on chest attack
      • pussy: increased sensitivity on pussy attack
      • arm: new basic attack, which is slower and might backfire...
      • leg: increased base lust gain
      • feet: increased base lust gain
  • Savegame and continue option
  • New escape mechanic, because i hate button mashing while... you know ;)
    • There is a penalty for wrong inputs: in worst case the player is "submited" and corrupted faster.
    • Mode 1: still a qte, but it is a fixed sequence of arrow keys. Its more challenging and less dull
    • Mode 2: lean back mode. No qte, escape is only determined by willpower. Submitting is always an option of course
    • I tried to balance these two modes... so no advantage for mode 1
    • you can select the modes in the options menu
  • Pink fog: after getting stunned by an enemy, misterious pink clouds sourrounds the player. If you can find out what it does?... No really. This is a mechanic that did not end up as I had hoped ;) but basically the stage summons for some time (depending on tenacity) shadow enemies, which play tricks with the player's mind. At least this was the plan
  • New enemy... Kinda: As an anti camping measure a trap spawns below the player when standing still for too long in surving mode. Might also spawn as a regular enemy if I remember correctly
  • Added a (cringeworthy) voice for the succubus, since she plays an important role in this mod...
What I changed:
  • An enemy attack stuns the player. Pink projectiles are adding lust
  • Max movment speed down to 10
  • changed some HP and damage of enemies
  • changed the spawning system to RNG with weighted selecting chances depending on the stage and enemy type
  • all cosplay book sex animations
What I deleted:
  • Clothing and cloth tearing mechanic
  • Boss levels (Bosses might spawn as regular enemies)
  • Gallery and debug mode
Known Bugs:
  • A lot... more than I can and want to list here ;)

I'm sure this forgetting some mechanics, but that is all I remember for now

Controls are the same as in the original so I'm quoting the readme:
[ How to operate ]

* Both the mouse and the keyboard is required to play this game.

* Mouse:
You can operate buttons on the title and option screens.
Basically you use the left click only. Right-clicking and wheel are not used.

* Keyboard:
You can operate the character in the action part.

* [Move ↑↓←→ keys (or W, A, S, D key)]
This moves your character.
Head to the goal.

* [Attack Z key (or Ctrl key)]
You can make magical attacks of fire.
You can defeat the enemies by inflicting damage to a certain degree.

* [Masturbation X key (or Shift key)]
You will play with yourself.
The Pleasure increases while pushing this key.
If your Pleasure reaches the maximum in this manner, your Bomb count will increase by 1.
Also, your HP recovers little by little.
You will suffer great damage if the Pleasure gauge reaches maximum by the attack from the enemy; if you are near the maximum, you should better play with yourself to reach orgasm.
After you climaxed, you will be impervious to attacks for some time.

* [Bomb C key (or Enter key)]
You can unleash a powerful attack that can instantly wipe out enemies.
It will defeat all mob enemies by one attack.
Also, you can incur damage to the boss characters.

* [Pause Space key]
This will pause the game.
It is safe to pause when you want to change options.
Also, the button to return to the title screen will display while pausing.

Also the link to the original game:

As I sad it was really labour intesive to create this mod and I finished about 90%, so do not expect it to be bug free or polished. Just have fun exploring it for a bit.
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Threads for mods must meet the same standard as all other threads and you've categorically failed to do so.

1. You title is formatted incorrectly, it contains no RJcode, you have not listed the creator's name
2. You have no link to the game's dlsite
3. You have no description of gameplay
4. You have no controls listed

https://ulmf.org/threads/your-op-must-contain-this-information-or-it-will-be-deleted.12507/ Should have all the information you need to fix these issues.

Also, please don't use double genre tags. As you've said the mod does not change the original gameplay much I'm removing the RPG tag.
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
Threads for mods must meet the same standard as all other threads and you've categorically failed to do so.

1. You title is formatted incorrectly, it contains no RJcode, you have not listed the creator's name
Well... I kinda did, didnt I? I'm the creator of the mod and there is no RJcode of the mod... Should I include the creator of the original game? Like so: [Koooonsoft / Mc Swagger]. I think that this would be missleading

I fixed all other issues


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Apologies, it appears that the title format has yet to make it to official rules yet. So that one's not on you. I'll fix it.

Unfortunately I need more in the way of a description of what exactly you've changed with this mod, you've mentioned rpg mechanics and aesthetic changes those would be a good thing to add.
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Feb 12, 2015
Reputation score
Do not start discussion until the OP is up to standard.
Okay, wow, this is amazing. I just threw away like three hours on this (whoops!). I only really played around with points in strength, just a couple in willpower, and mainly prestidigitation (love that word choice for that purpose).

The only outright problems I had were the succubus sometimes not corrupting you and then getting stuck in her trapped animation, and lack of clarity on a few issues: besides getting hit, what causes the pink fog? And what does it do? I noticed pink monster spawning, do those have a fog aura, or are they summon by the fog debuff? Do you clear it by masturbating, or just moving far enough? And what factors affect XP multiplier, besides time spent on the level?

A suggestion I'd like to make is to really tone down the length of the levels where you have to run to the end of the level. They started getting so long it'd take 15 minutes or longer to get through, especially when there were succubi pushing me back until RNG decided to give me an opening to attack. And since they take so long, they barely give any XP, which is a pretty painful bit of salt in the wound.
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
Apologies, it appears that the title format has yet to make it to official rules yet. So that one's not on you. I'll fix it.
No problem ;P
Unfortunately I need more in the way of a description of what exactly you've changed with this mod, you've mentioned rpg mechanics and aesthetic changes those would be a good thing to add.
Intended to not mention all the mechanics, because I wanted the player to explore the mod on its own. I assumed that the reader is informed what these kind of sidescrolling games are like, since this forum is based on one ;P
BUT: I figured you are right and I did not share the informations because of the offended pride of a hobby developer. Keep up the good moderating work
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
and mainly prestidigitation (love that word choice for that purpose).
Thank you XD It took me a long time as a (obviously) non native speaker to come up with this word... Nice to see it worked XD

The only outright problems I had were the succubus sometimes not corrupting you and then getting stuck in her trapped animation, and lack of clarity on a few issues: besides getting hit, what causes the pink fog? And what does it do? I noticed pink monster spawning, do those have a fog aura, or are they summon by the fog debuff? Do you clear it by masturbating, or just moving far enough? And what factors affect XP multiplier, besides time spent on the level?
Yeah... as I sad: this mod is not polished and made with limited resources in terms of source code editing possibilities. Debugging is therefore very labour intensive. Im sorry about that
Also look in the first post i made. Some mechanics are (now) properly described.
On the multiplier: I think "Captured", "Orgasmed" and "Corrupted" change the multiplier. All other are flat XP bonuses. But its been a over one year so im not sure

A suggestion I'd like to make is to really tone down the length of the levels where you have to run to the end of the level. They started getting so long it'd take 15 minutes or longer to get through, especially when there were succubi pushing me back until RNG decided to give me an opening to attack. And since they take so long, they barely give any XP, which is a pretty painful bit of salt in the wound.
That is very observant. I figured the same things when I was playtesting, but abandoned the project at some point


Devious Succubus
Jun 14, 2015
Reputation score
I tried downloading this, the mega download fails in both incognito mode and in normal mode, then I tried standard download instead of ZIP download on mega and it says I cant download "data-d-005b.swf" and "data001 - Kopie (7).swf"
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
I tried downloading this, the mega download fails in both incognito mode and in normal mode, then I tried standard download instead of ZIP download on mega and it says I cant download "data-d-005b.swf" and "data001 - Kopie (7).swf"
Can not reproduce the error. Added a mirror. Try again ;)


Jungle Girl
Jun 21, 2013
Reputation score
For some reason I couldn't level up any stats. To do that you're just supposed to click on them in between stages, right?
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
For some reason I couldn't level up any stats. To do that you're just supposed to click on them in between stages, right?
Are you sure that you have reached a levelup jet? If so, you might just found a bug... Congrats ;)


Jungle Girl
Jun 21, 2013
Reputation score
Yeah, I got a few stages in, and I'm sure I was at level 3 or 4 at least. It was very difficult to kill anything because I couldn't put points in. Still, is a neat mod.


New member
May 11, 2018
Reputation score
Maybe me beeing dumb but how do i install the mod?
No install required, its an swf file so you'll need to run it in a browser for it to work. Either right click and select open with or drag and drop the file onto your browsers search bar


Demon Girl Master
Jun 25, 2010
Reputation score
Yeah, I got a few stages in, and I'm sure I was at level 3 or 4 at least. It was very difficult to kill anything because I couldn't put points in. Still, is a neat mod.
I wonder if you're like me and just couldn't see the icons for leveling up. On my screen there were practically invisible because they blended in with the background. They're to the right of each stat, just hard to see.

Interesting idea. I won't go into details about some of the balancing problems I saw (like escaping getting very difficult after the first capture) but I wanted to give some constructive feedback. I doubt you'll ever pick this back up but it may help if you're looking to do something else like this because I see a lot of potential in what you provided.

I think the counterproductive nature of the core gameplay you created worked toward your exhaustion of creating this mod. Many of the elements of the game not only work against the concept of an H-game but the game itself. For instance, the escape mechanic is a neat idea to change up from the button mashing but it's difficult to pull off and requires perfect memorization of the pattern just to barely get out. This not only makes it ridiculously difficult but it makes it harder to enjoy the hentai because instead of mashing you're frantically trying to press the right keys. I think what would've worked better is a full QTE displayed on screen that once the entire sequence was entered the player would escape. And the QTE could get more complex depending on the lust of the character.

The same can be said for the lust mechanic. The lust mechanic prevents players from spamming the attack key but it's required to get through the 'hunt' levels. This idea works against the player and forces them to slowly go through if they want to avoid getting corrupted. Of course, it's an H-game so I guess it's kind of the point to get corrupted, but then it's not really a penalty then.

I liked the corruption idea overall. The visual effects were cool and even the voice was pretty good. I just think they feel rather tame gameplay wise. I know this is an unfinished mod but I think you would've enjoyed working on it if there was more of a focus on fleshing out the corruption effects for unique gameplay elements. instead of the extra modes as they really don't add much. Same for the new enemy. I think this mod would be far more interesting if it was in the normal story. It'd be interesting to try and get to the end with as little (or as much) corruption as possible.

Ultimately, if you ever look into mods again that add a unique gameplay element, focus on the core gameplay that feels fun to you first. The extra elements like the modes, RPG elements, and escape options aren't bad ideas at all but they don't fit this setting because of its simple nature. It's like trying to add RPG elements to Super Mario Bros. It's doable but it's really unnecessary and overcomplicates your idea, thus making it more tedious to work on because it's so bloated in all the concepts it's trying to cram together.

Thanks for posting this! Best of luck in your future endeavors.
Mc Swagger

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
Thanks @DoggieDog52 for the detailed feedback. I had a lot of fun thinking about the mechanics you described and I think it is a huge challenge making a good hentai game. Maybe others can learn from your thoughts and my mod. Let me answer some of the points you brought up:
(after rereading what I wrote I think it might sound harsher than intended. Sorry about that, but I mean no offense. On the contrary: I always wanted a discussion about H-game mechanics! Thank you for the opportunity!)

I think the counterproductive nature of the core gameplay you created worked toward your exhaustion of creating this mod. Many of the elements of the game not only work against the concept of an H-game but the game itself. For instance, the escape mechanic is a neat idea to change up from the button mashing but it's difficult to pull off and requires perfect memorization of the pattern just to barely get out. This not only makes it ridiculously difficult but it makes it harder to enjoy the hentai because instead of mashing you're frantically trying to press the right keys. I think what would've worked better is a full QTE displayed on screen that once the entire sequence was entered the player would escape. And the QTE could get more complex depending on the lust of the character.

The same can be said for the lust mechanic. The lust mechanic prevents players from spamming the attack key but it's required to get through the 'hunt' levels. This idea works against the player and forces them to slowly go through if they want to avoid getting corrupted. Of course, it's an H-game so I guess it's kind of the point to get corrupted, but then it's not really a penalty then.
About gameplay of a Hentai game:
I think the counterproductivity of the gameplay you described is inherent in hentai games. If we break down Super Mario as an example for "normal" games, what is the goal of the gameplay? Simple: go form point A to point B. The skills the player needs in order to reach that goal are jumping and moving. Along the way he needs to use these tools to avoid pitfalls and enemies. In Hentai games these obstacles are part of the goal, because the player wants to see some sex scenes. Imo bad hentai games do not deal with this different design approach and punish the player for entering a h-scene on purpose. For example kyreiru's "Erico": I love that game, but you play that game according to its own design goals (and are a skilled player) you will not see any h-scenes during the game. The hentai becomes almost not obsolete. For this reason a lot of games have (and player ask for) a gallery mod, because to unlock the gallery is the (some times only) incentive for beating the game.
The other extreme would be to reward the player for entering a h-scene, but why would you consider trying to beat the game if you reach the goal (the h-scene) by loosing? You could watch porn instead ;)
A good example where the design goal for hentai games is applied is MenZ Studio's "Atelier Tia" (and also "Virgin Invader" if I remember correctly ). In these games you are rewarded with a h-scene for beating an enemy and the stage. But they tend to use h-scenes as a mere addition to the gameplay rather than influece the gamplay and decisions the player makes.
A huge influece on my mod had the gameplay of dirtyc's "furry fury". In this game running into enemies is sometimes a valid strategy for beating the level. Because of the (unique) domination/submission system in during sex scenes the player can gain an advantage or penalty in form of HP depending on the enemies and your stats.
As a last example I think that good old jungle girl was such a great game because it delivered on h-game design goal really well. No matter how good you are, there is no way you will beat the game without entering at least one or two h-scenes.
I tried to implement this design goal by offering the player tools in form of the h-scenes for beating a stage: the attacks are not strong enough to hunt the enemies? Why not beat them by having sex with them. Masturbating in "climax quest" takes way too long? Let the enemy help you. Also with the stat system you can customize the way you want to play.
Maybe you can reassess your opinion in some points: It was never ment to be easy to escape from h-scenes because it is part of the design to enter these. Also take a look at the no QTE mode in the options menu... You might like it
The corruption system is tailored around that. I tried to implement a balance where the player needs to work with lust meter in order to succeed. Some times you want to keep the lust high because you are close to the next climax quest marker or you want to gain a bomb for example. This should create some interesting decisions the player has to make, but if the player is not carefull he gets punished by getting corrupted.

I liked the corruption idea overall. The visual effects were cool and even the voice was pretty good. I just think they feel rather tame gameplay wise. I know this is an unfinished mod but I think you would've enjoyed working on it if there was more of a focus on fleshing out the corruption effects for unique gameplay elements. instead of the extra modes as they really don't add much. Same for the new enemy. I think this mod would be far more interesting if it was in the normal story. It'd be interesting to try and get to the end with as little (or as much) corruption as possible.
I disagree on most points. Thanks for liking the voice XD I think it sound very cheap, but its good to hear that others do not have this impression. You are somewhat right with the unique corruption gameplay effects. My ideas and the resources on that point were limited. The increased sensitivity of the bodyparts was a must imo and the wing mechanic worked out quite well. The new attack mode is also fine, but could have maybe used one additional twist. The penalty for feet and legs are the weak point. Im curious: What would be your idea for these?
I did not lose interest in modding becaue I didnt like the product. I simply had not enough time and it was - and i can not reapeat that too often - really labour intensive!
The new enemy is a mere anti-camping-device and as such quite ok
Its never ment to be a story driven game. Also story is not just told by text boxes and dialogs (which I suck at writing). I wanted the player to be curious to create a story in their head. But that beeing sad I had plans to frame the game with some story.

Ultimately, if you ever look into mods again that add a unique gameplay element, focus on the core gameplay that feels fun to you first. The extra elements like the modes, RPG elements, and escape options aren't bad ideas at all but they don't fit this setting because of its simple nature. It's like trying to add RPG elements to Super Mario Bros. It's doable but it's really unnecessary and overcomplicates your idea, thus making it more tedious to work on because it's so bloated in all the concepts it's trying to cram together.
Thanks for the advice but I did just that. As I mentioned, the RPG elements should empower the player and give him tools to work with.


Demon Girl Pro
Sep 21, 2011
Reputation score
Tried to play it but the character was completely invisible to me. If I held forward the screen would move like I was moving, but there was no character or interaction from the enemies.


Jungle Girl
Jun 21, 2013
Reputation score
I wonder if you're like me and just couldn't see the icons for leveling up. On my screen there were practically invisible because they blended in with the background. They're to the right of each stat, just hard to see.

Holy shit, I didn't see those at all. I figured you had to click on the stat name, since I was getting a clickable curser at that point. This changes everything.


Sep 19, 2012
Reputation score
I think I may have found a nice little detail with some right click > play magic;)

It seems to be something, called "extra" and it's like a game over touching session of some sorts.
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Demon Girl
Mar 14, 2012
Reputation score
Man, I remember the early discussion on the old threads about this. Never imagined it would become this elaborate. It certainly makes for a nice reprieve during the current drought of tangible updates from Koooonsoft.
Took a couple runs to figure out the stat distribution (prior to reading newer replies). Now with some decent stats most levels are relatively simple to clear (with the occasional randomized enemy distributions throwing a few wrenches into the system here and there).
Protip: If you're struggling to keep lust/corruption at bay, masturbating will stave off and slowly reduce lust, while self-inflicted orgasm takes a large chunk of lust off. With the right stats you can "submit" to an enemy (I avoid letting it go to far left when I can, as this will progress your corruption) and finish yourself off for reduced lust and an extra bomb. Also it appears that while attacking increases lust, damaging enemies will remove the lust you gain from the shot, so shoot wisely.
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