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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mistress I know much of the city. It depends on what you want to know." Crissa sat a moment waiting for Sera to ask a question. Ivy meanwhile seemed focused on June and kept watching her intently. Maybe she was jsut seeing if anymore changes would happen or was curious about the changes that had occured.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, I suppose what places should I avoid, like the bad paces of town. And then what would be the good places to go to, things like that. I'll leave it to you to decide what to talk about because I know virtually nothing of this place honestly," Sera said to Crissa, leaving it to her what she told her about and whatnot for the time being. "Ivy dear, I don't think June is going to change any more than she already has honestly," Sera then told Ivy.

(If you want to you don't even need to go into great detail with Crissa, just have her say a couple of different places to avoid and or ones decent enough to go to for some fun and skip to June waking back up. It's up to you.)


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well Mistress due to the military presence most crime in the city is minimal, but you will want to avoid the poor area's of the city sense they tend to have some sickness roaming about. A few good places are the market square in mirror lake. Another is the gardens. But my personal favorite is the theater district." Crissa went on about the various shows she had seen letting Sera get a good discription of the area. Apparently the theater district was an old ampatheater that had several play houses built around it. After maybe a half hour June stirred to life once more. "Hey Sera I had this strange dream. I was turning into a cat it was really weird."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you Crissa, though I don't get sick like normal people do for the most part... however I suppose I might carry a germ for sickness around and cause one of you to catch it, so I will stay away from those areas of town. And I think that we ought to go to the theater district if there are any good plays or shows of some sort there, it would be good to get a bit of entertainment while I'm here I believe," Sera said to Crissa, thanking her for telling her about all of this stuff.

When June finally stirred and woke back up, Sera moved over beside her after noticing her stir. Waiting for her to open her eyes and talk, Sera sat there until she did, at which point she reached out to gently caress her cheek. "Well June... you have kind of... well... changed. That milk that Pet had you drink was... how should I say... not meant for you or adults in general really, least of all a human like yourself. Pet is really sorry about it, but nonetheless I'll be having a few words with her and Jolynn as well. But needless to say you've now got cat ears and a cat tail like Pet and the other cat girls do. I hate to say this, but I really don't know of a way to change you back to normal honestly. Just remember not to accept any drinks from Pet anymore unless you make sure what it is first okay," Sera told June slowly, helping her raise up and hugging her gently after doing so while she told her what had happened.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Wha.. what?" Almost as if on cue June's tail whipped up into the air. June stared at it a moment her face going pale again. Thankfully she stay concious this time. "Its... real....... oh my......" Grabbing it June felt her tail and tugged on it bring a small tear to her eye. "Oh my god its real....." For the moment June sat in shock her new cat ears twitching in an agitated manner. Embracing June Sera felt her tremble slightly. Undoubtedly it was something to get used to.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thankful that June remained conscious, Sera patiently watched as June looked at and touched her new tail. When June looked back to her and hugged her after giving her tail a little tug, Sera held her tight, gently stroking her hair. "I know it'll take a bit of getting used to, but I'll help you as much as I can okay June," Sera told June as she held her close, kissing her on the cheek before pulling back a bit. "I have to say though you are very cute with those ears and tail. Regardless though I have someone to introduce you to, and hopefully it'll help take your mind off of this," she added before releasing June and gesturing at Crissa.

"This is Crissa, she's... I suppose going to be staying with us for now you might say," Sera began telling June before explaining what had happened to her, not in great detail, but enough so that June got the gist of it. "So I couldn't just let it happen you know," Sera told June after explaining why Crissa was with them now.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June clearly still shocked at her situation let out a stuttering hello which brought a giggle from Ivy. "Sorry Crissa June is usally much more talkative but she has alot on her mind." This brought a nod from Crissa who waved at the still stunned June. Still after a moment Sera got her attention and explained Crissa's situation. "I--I see so she is... a slave." Sera might not have enjoyed June's term but there was little argument againist it. No matter what Sera called her the simple truth was that Crissa was not here of her own free will. Nodding June calmed abit. "No worries Crissa once we get out of here Im sure Sera will find a way to free you."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera giggled a bit when Ivy said what she did, but went on to explain as best she could what was going on with Crissa to June. "Technically speaking... yes she is a slave. And that was pretty much the only way I could convince Jolynn to not... break her mind," Sera said, obviously not proud of the fact she now owned a slave pretty much, but feeling that it was the only way to protect Crissa from Jolynn's wrath.

When June said what she did to Crissa, Sera smiled and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Hmhm, technically speaking June... you're my slave here too, at least according to everyone outside this room anyway. But I won't treat you like one June, nor will I treat you like one either Crissa. You can always feel free to talk to me in whatever manner you wish, but just expect if you talk rude to me I'll probably talk rude back. Anyway though. I'm going to go and have a talk with Jolynn now if I can about Pet. Also June, be careful and don't drink anything else she gives you to drink, especially if it's more of the milk or something else that you don't know okay. Make sure if you go with Pet to talk to her and stuff again that you find out what she's giving you before you drink it," Sera said before getting up, where she pecked June on the lips, then Ivy, then she winked at Crissa before giving her a peck on the lips too. "When I return perhaps we can all have fun together, try not to start without me okay," Sera said with a wink back to everyone as she went to the door and headed out to ask any of the guards around if Jolynn was free to speak with yet, where she'd ask to be taken to see her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera didn't catch the twin grins of Ivy and Crissa as she left nor the sudden paleing of June's face. Heading down the hall to where the guards stood watch she was greeted once more by Tina. "My lady or shall I say stepmom." This brought a sharp elbow from her companion who simply sighed at her. "Ouch! Okay okay Matriarch how are you this evening." Explaining her desire to Tina the royal guard nodded and brought out a book. Flipping threw it Tina settled on a page with number and dates written on it. "Matriarch it seems the last meeting of the day should be wrapping up soon. Matriarch Jolynn should be free until dinner." Tina put her book away and awaited Sera's decsision.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Spotting Tina, Sera asked her about seeing Jolynn, where she couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Hmhm, I'm just fine Tina, thank you for asking. And please, if you wish to call me stepmother, or step papa or anything like that then feel free to okay, it doesn't bother me any. Same goes for all of you actually, if you wish to call me something other than matriarch that is," Sera told Tina with a smile. When Tina brought out her book and told her that Jolynn was going to be free until dinner once her next court meeting was through Sera nodded in thanks. "Alright then, is it a private meeting? Or is it in the main court hall per chance? If it is in the main court hall I'd like to go there and wait... and watch if possible just to see how the town is governed," Sera went on to say, gesturing for Tina and the other lady guard to lead the way unless Jolynn's meeting was private, in which case Sera would head over that way and mill about until Jolynn was done and could see her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"It should be fine most of these last meetings are walk ins anything private would be schedualed after dinner unless it was urgent. It should be in the main hall. Would you like an escourt?" What ever Sera's choice she would soon enter the main hall where she had her first meeting with Jolynn a few days prior. As she entered a few guards took notice of her and let her pass. It was still in much the same shape as before though this time the harem was much more subdued. Before Jolynn stood the woman she had seen leading the slaves on the first day she discvered this place. Her attire this time was more suited for a courtly apperance though even from her distant vantage point Sera could see the woman was uncomfortable.

"Matriarch I humbly request a raid to fetch more males for the mines and quarries." The matriarch still unaware of Sera looked at the woman and frowned. "No." The woman seemed to look up sharply. "But Matriarch with out new slaves our mines will run dry." Jolynn brought a hand to her head messaging her temple. "Torri every month you come and ask for a raid to fetch more males. This is unacceptable we cannot keep our city hidden if we go and kidnap men. If the mines have to slow due to your careless and wrekless use of your stock then perhapse you should evaluate how you treat them!" The woman stepped back visibly shaken by Jolynn who now had a frightful expression on her face. "B-but Matriarch they are" "SILENCE!" Jolynn stood up from her seat. "They may be slaves but they are not cattle. We keep them as slaves to protect them from their base desires. We are ment to care for them not make them suffer. I will not have a slave revolt formenting in the mines. Improve the treatment of those under your charges or you will see how it is to live in their shoes for awhile. Am I understood?" The woman shook "Yes Matriarch." "Good now go I want to see improvment by the week."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"That's good to hear Tina, in that case please lead the way for me," Sera told Tina, following her to the throne room where Jolynn was at holding court.

Spotting the woman she'd seen the first day down there that was leading the enslaved men around through the mines, Sera took a seat or stood a little out of the way if there were no seats available, but close enough to hear either way. Listening to the whole thing between the woman and Jolynn, Sera had to say she honestly was amazed at Jolynn's view on the slaves. She still personally didn't like the idea of slaves being slaves like that, but at least Jolynn wasn't wanting them totally beaten down.

Seeing Jolynn in a bit of a new light, Sera waited until she was sure that Torri's request was the last before stepping forth up to Jolynn herself. "Hello there love. I hope that holding court hasn't left you too tense, because I'd like to talk a little about... well some things happened that I need to talk to you about, in private preferably, though it doesn't have to be... too private I suppose," Sera would say to Jolynn when she approached her high seat, not loud enough for the whole hall to hear her, but anyone nearby would be able to most likely.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Hearing was not an issue as the whole room was devoated to the throne at the far end. The lighting was clearly designed to show promently on the throne and even the walls where shapped to form a natural amplifier for sound. The woman named Torri bowed as Jolynn dismissed her and quickly left her heels making sharp clacking sounds as she exited. Stepping forward and speaking brought a small smile to Jolynns face. "Of course Rikku has already sent word ofthe inccident. We shall meet after dinner to discuss this if thats alright." Turning her head Jolynn stood up. "Is their any others who wish to speak with their matriarch?" There was a deafing silence as Jolynn stood and after a moment she nodded. "Very well you are dismissed." With that utterance several more lights flickered to life revealing the court to Sera for the first time. Many attrative ladies where present including Crissa's sister who eyed Sera a moment before leaving. Stepping down Jolynn took Sera by the hand and lead her away from the throne room and to a private chamber where she boldly turned around and kissed her on the lips. "Sorry Sera ever sense our time together your lips have been on my mind." Smiling Jolynn sat in a poofy chair and gestured for her to sit as well. Clapping her hands numorous servents flooded in some carring a small square table and a couple high backed chairs.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, that'll be fine I think then," Sera replied before Jolynn stood and addressed the court, where Sera saw them all for the first time really as the room had been a bit darkened while court was in session.

After Jolynn spoke to the court and they began filing out, Sera noticed Crissa's other sister in there as well, who gave her a look that Sera thought told her that she wished to talk when they got the chance, at least she thought that's what she wanted to do anyway. Taking Jolynn's hand, Sera followed her out and to the private room behind the great hall where once they were alone and all, Jolynn kissed her, with Sera returning the kiss with nearly as much fervor.

"Oh it's alright dear, I've been told I have that effect on people sometimes," Sera replied, sitting down beside Jolynn for the moment. "I think Pet is... scared that she's going to be punished rather harshly for what happened earlier. And though I think she does need to understand what's happened, even if that means giving her a spank or two on the butt, I don't think she should be punished too harshly because Rikku explained to me earlier that Pet... well that she doesn't really know any better because she's not as... mentally developed as the other cat girls. But I also wanted to ask you if you know of any way that we can change June back to normal, she's... quite distressed about this as you can probably imagine, and if possible I'd like to help her get back to normal, though I myself know that it's a long shot at best for that," Sera then said to Jolynn as she sat beside her, watching the servants bringing things out into the room with them.

"I was also going to say I'm quite glad about the way you spoke to that Torri back there... about the slaves I mean. I personally dislike people being enslaved and all, but... this is your culture therefore I'm not supposed to interfere with that really," Sera said while they sat there together, reaching over with one hand and taking Jolynn's with it to hold for the time being. "Also, I haven't been able to find out anything more about that angel that was turned to stone. I looked in the main library with Rei's help, but no luck really there. I'd need to know more about the history of the tower to probably find out about her, and Rei said that those kinds of things would probably be in your personal collection. I... I don't mean to be a bother about it, but since she is my kin I would like to at least find out something about her, a name, what she was doing here... things like that. If possible that is," she added to Jolynn, informing her about her search into the stone angel that was at the tower.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn easily accepted the warm hand and squeezed it lightly. "She should be punished and you are right about it not being to harsh." Jolynn sighed "I wish their was more I could do for Petricia but its my fault in the end. My arogance caused her to be incomplete. I should have experimented more before attempting such a feat." Jolynn looked to Sera a moment. " Have you any suggestions in that regard? I fear I would be to easy on her given how close she is to me." Jolynn looked a way a moment giving her servents some quick orders before turning back to Sera. "As for June's condition... well Im afraid their is nothing we can do for her.... its an unexpected result and should not have happened. After all Ive tasted Rikku's milk plenty of times and yet I have no cat tail or ears to show for it." Sera almost heard a slight tone of dissapointment in those words. "About the archives..... those are forbidden.. but if I accompany you it should be alright."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Hearing that there wasn't anything really to be done for June brought a sigh from Sera, as she too knew there was little to nothing to be done for June now really. "As for Pet's punishment... I am honestly not sure what could be done to punish, yet not be overly harsh. I feel a spanking might actually excite her a bit to be honest, but I'm not sure. I... maybe um..." Sera said, completely at a loss about this problem, yet after a few moments of thinking about it, Sera began to giggle, which most likely lightened the mood. "Hmhm, we could always rub her nose in it I suppose... hmhmhm," Sera giggled, unable to control herself as she made such a goofy suggestion for Pet's punishment.

When she finally stopped giggling at what she'd said, as absurd as it was it did give her an actual idea. "What is something that she doesn't like doing Jolynn? Simply have her do a couple of chores that she doesn't like doing. I also remember her saying that you're the only one allowed to touch her in a sexual way, but I wouldn't want to break her heart by doing something like that. I mean a lot of the other cat girls were groping me and stuff when I went in and found June, which didn't really bother me honestly, and I suppose I'm allowed to have fun with any of them that want to so if I want to have any of the cute cat girls to purr and nuzzle against me I can just go back in there and lay down and await the pouncing really," Sera said after she'd stopped giggling about Pet's goofy punishment.

When Jolynn said what she did about the archives, Sera nodded in thanks before leaning over and pecking her on the cheek. "Thank you Jolynn, I really wish to know who that angel is so that if she isn't bad I can help her if I can," Sera said about checking Jolynn's archives, laying her head down on Jolynn's shoulder in a show of affection.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As they spoke several more servents came in with trays of food. It seemed pretty light and nothing like the feast she had been treated to before. Standing up Jolynn guided Sera to a chair opposite of her. The size of the table made the dinner extremely intimate. The space between her and Jolynn was barly a bodies length. Looking at Jolynn Sera saw a flash of desire in the matriarchs eyes which quickly passed as the woman laughed slightly. "Well as for Pet's punishment hummm. There is nothing she won't do if asked by me, and to be honest I have yet to find a task she absolutly hates. Though giving Petricia's personality she is likely punishing herself. Her fondness for June has been intresting to say the lest. Did I tell you that when Petricia first saw June it was like she had been struck by lighting? I will admit I was honestly jealous."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Watching the food coming in, Sera's mouth began watering a bit, as she was starting to get hungry somewhat. Deciding that it was best to go ahead and eat now here with Jolynn where she could talk some with her, Sera moved into the other chair as Jolynn guided her to the other chair next to her own. "Well if she's punishing herself more than either of us could then I suppose that would be for the best instead of us doing anything more. Wouldn't you say? And I wonder why she's so taken with June. Do you know why?" Sera said, telling Jolynn what she thought about Pet's punishment. "And are you still a bit jealous since you've met me hmm?" she then asked curiously, giving Jolynn a wink.

Once the food came out, Sera looked to their servants as they set it all down, nodding to them and thanking them with some kind words. "Would a couple of you ladies be so kind as to have some food taken to my room for my companions? I'd be ever so grateful if you would please, as I didn't expect dinner to be right now and all," Sera asked their serving girls once their food was all down to eat.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn frowned "It might be due to how I found her. She was the only surving kitten of her litter. Sadly sickness or crulity took the rest of her siblings away. Maybe June reminds her of one of them in some way." Jolynn shrugged and prepped her plate. Jolynn smiled at the next part. "Im only Jealous that shes all yours and only yours." Jolynn winked at Sera indicating the shared secret.

After the meal was set Sera asked the servents to send some food for her companions. The servent girls bowed and answered almost in creepy unision. "Of course matraiarch." After the servents left Jolynn leaned back and swirled some wine in her glass letting her hand rest on her belly. "Humm Sera.... Im going ask you a question. Please be honest with me. Will you mary me?" Jolynn looked at Sera her eyes full of hope and fear. "I know its alot to ask of you but I did find a loophole that would allow us not to.. that is if you didn't want to....." Jolynn coughed "I just thought that if I asked you with out the pressure of the court that I could get an honest answer from you." The surprised silence hung in the air a moment with Jolynn growning more uneased. "If you have to think about it Ill understand its alot to take in.. its just... Ive never been so... complete before...."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Aw... poor thing. Now I'd feel even worse for punishing her. But... as I've said before to you privately, June isn't exactly a slave per se," Sera said to Jolynn, taking her hand again and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Hmhm, so if she wants to have some fun with you that's her business," she added with a little giggle.

Nodding in thanks to the two servants that went off to take June and the others something to eat, Sera turned back to Jolynn, a slight bit creeped out by the way the two servants had answered her. When Jolynn spoke up again, Sera listened intently, as it seemed Jolynn was almost worried of what Sera's answer might be to this.

"Hmm, well... I've been thinking about this too actually. I can't deny that I've grown quite fond of you Jolynn, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't. I... I would still wish to continue my search though of course, at least until I've exhausted all sources of information on what I'm seeking. Also Jolynn, my kind don't generally marry in the same sense as you do, we can't put anyone over our calling you might say, because that would be... well a conflict of interest to put it simply. It can cause us to fall putting one person over others," Sera began saying to Jolynn, then she took a drink of her wine as well before looking back up to the matriarch. "I could marry you though, but I just need you to understand that I can't really put you above the rest of the people here, even the ones you call slaves, which I would personally like to see set free, but I know that it is the ways of your people, so I'm not supposed to interfere with your ways," Sera went on to say, scooting her seat over next to Jolynn's.

"Would that be alright with you Jolynn? I mean if you want me to remain like I am and not fall then I couldn't, and more often than not those that stay close with angels tend to... well... they tend to meet oftentimes quite horrible endings. I feel I should be honest with you about everything and simply lay it out on the table," Sera said after a scooting over next to Jolynn. "I'm not saying I wouldn't express love for you in the least, merely that I couldn't show favoritism you might say. You understand what I'm getting at don't you sweetie?" she added to Jolynn, taking Jolynn's hand in her own again and giving it a gentle squeeze.