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ACT RPG Maker Ryona [えのきっぷ] ソルルイ -after mini- (RJ01027690)


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score

DLsite store page:
Available to purchase from 26th February 2023 onwards.

Since everyone else interested in this game is too lazy to create a thread, I'm going to start one for myself as the administrators are fed up with off-topic chatter clogging up other threads when discussing this game. Having all of the gameplay guides under a thread I create is very convenient for searches in future.

Description of gameplay:
This game is a combination of four self-contained mini-games rolled into one. Players are free to choose one of four "doors" at the beginning, each door leading to a different gameplay segment. For the "Mad School" segment, this is an escape game where players have to avoid obstacles and threats and reach the exit. For the "Rabbit House" segment, this is an exploration game where players have to earn appraisal points from patrons without succumbing to their sexual advances. For the "Monster-hunting forest" segment, a roguelike-RPG where players progress through the forest defeating monsters along the way with the goal of defeating the boss monster at the end to clear the segment. The "Goblin Lair" segment is also combat-oriented, but it is a sneaking RPG where players have to navigate the lair and avoid direct combat with the goblins (who will rape females on sight) by killing them unawares from behind.

Played completely using the keyboard. Mouse not used at all.
Arrows keys: Movement. Option to enable permanent run available.
Z key: Select option. Also used for the QTE segments.
X key: Cancel option to exit menus such as in the Forest mini-game.

Description of story:
This is an after-story of the developer's first game ソル ルイー異界の魔法少女. There's a quick summary of what happened in the game right at the beginning, so uninitiated players won't be missing out too much if they didn't play it. For this game, the eyeball monster Chuberos has been seeking Sol Rui for some time. He seeks to break her mentally in his magic dungeon, so that he can have his lewd way with her. He's already done the same to countless other young girls who were kidnapped and made to brave his dungeon; all of them failed his challenge. Sol Rui has to do the same, as beating his dungeon (all attempts to date have failed) will kill Chuberos and allow her to escape.

Fetishes: Hypnosis, (light) Ryona, Body Size manipulation, Monster Sex
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Game guide:

Mad School: The prologue section's QTE can be adjusted in the "lobby" by interacting with the magic circle at the bottom of the room. Mileage will vary, but I find the normal setting quite challenging. QTEs in this segment require players to get the moving dial to stop at the circle; this has to be done multiple times in succession before the sequence is passed. What's tough is that the prologue section has a timer for the first QTE event when she's walking to the front of the class. Fail that, she loses one heart and the next sequence in the classroom begins. This QTE is slightly easier in that it's not timed, so players who are careful will eventually pass.

The infirmary section has lots of dialogue but nothing in the way of actual gameplay. This segment in the demo ends when she walks out of the infirmary (for the full version this presumably starts the escape mini-game). Players who can't read don't have to worry what's being said since it's story-based, nothing important for passing the segment gameplay-wise.

The mini-game is a sequence of mazes filled with puzzles which players need to solve in order to move to the next map. There's a gimmick in each segment which players have to watch out for before progressing to the next. In the later stages, there are instant game-overs which will drop the player back to the lobby with corruption increased. Overcome each map and its puzzles, and players will clear this mini-game.

Stage 1:
Cameras: These look in different directions, with the visual range indicated by the coloured tiles. Use obstacles (if any) to hide behind. Getting caught by a camera will summon a guard who moves too quickly to be evaded and will reduce player's resistance level by one. There's a chest in the level which restores two hearts when interacted with.

Stage 2:
Nooses: Don't walk through them. If you do, pass the QTE or get hanged.
Switches: Step on them to unlock doors but also unleash guards who will roam the map looking for the player. They can be evaded, just keep moving and don't stay still.

Stage 3:
Same as stage 2, but remember to flip the switches in the long corridor which will provide shortcuts to pass the level faster on future visits in case of failure.

Stage 4:
Read the message on the wall. Since it says don't look back, literally do what it says when moving through the long corridor by keeping the left arrow key pressed.

Stage 5:
Interact with the locked door. Then move to the female changing room on the left. When you can't pass the door to the pool, use the locker to change into a swimsuit. That will allow entry into the pool.

Stage 6 (Highly recommend saving at the start before starting the pool sequence):
Talk to the teacher and enter the pool to grab any 5 sparklies (rubber balls). At the first dialog box, look down into the water to proceed with the mini-game. Navigate the maze and look for the sparklies. When the big eye opens, the arousal gauge will keep rising until player climaxes (+1 to corruption) or player dives into the pool by pressing the Shift key. Unfortunately, diving activates the black sludge icons which will actively look for the player while submerged. If too many of them grab the player, it's a game-over.

To beat this mini-game, move for the sparklies and take note of where the inactivate black sludges are. Only dive when it's clear they cannot reach the player because there's no clear path to navigate. If it means losing a heart to the eye, so be it. Save and load if required, once players figure out where the sparklies are and how to avoid the black sludges it's very doable.

Stage 7: (Highly recommend saving after activating the first elevator stage)
From the unlocked school gate, go through the vents. Players have to navigate the maze and find five switches to activate before entering the elevator. Obstacles to manage include:

Roving eyeball: If caught, vision is obscured and players move at a snail's pace. Almost impossible to avoid the next hazard afterwards.
Tentacles monsters: These have a fixed patrol route and vision. Avoid them. Get caught and it's game-over.
The big drop: Take care navigating the catwalks. Falling down is a game-over.

Enter the elevator to finish this mini-game.

Rabbit house: Exploration RPG where players have to amass enough rating (represented by points) to reach S-rank. Go through the last unlocked area at S-rank to clear the mini-game.

To acquire points, interact with patrons. The outfit worn when interacting with patrons should have an impact on how many points are accrued, particularly for more involved sequences. However, since Sol Rui can't go beyond the white underwear without falling prey to the changing room tentacles' schemes, players should just ignore the changing room and concentrate on clearing the stage as quickly as possible.

Non-H point accrual locations:
Battery - Aphrodisiac - Antidote = Follow these sequences in order to obtain a fair amount of rating points at no cost to corruption or arousal. The battery is on a table just to the left of the starting area after the changing room. The aphrodisiac is from the patron with the question mark south of the starting area. The antidote is from the patron with the question mark in the play area; his room has several downed bunny girls.

Scissors-paper-stone: There's a patron who will challenge to a best of 5 in scissors paper stone. He gives 10 points each time he loses, so save and load to get the best outcome. After winning enough times, he'll give up and leave.

Old patron: In the VIP area, there's a seated patron surrounded by bodyguards. Talk to him to get 30 points.

H point accrual locations:
There are roaming patrons in red who will feel up the player. Mash the QTE buttons to shake them off and earn one point. Climax to their advances and they'll take the player to a separate room for sex, which will leave the player with one less heart and an elevated arousal bar at the end.

There are stationary patrons with an eye icon. Keep moving in and out of the eye tiles and they'll eventually feel up the player. They give one point, but climaxing to their advances will cost the player just like the roaming red patrons.

There's a patron with a love icon at the extreme left of the starting area. Costs one heart and some corruption in exchange for a decent number of points.

In the play area, interact with the screen and watch the video. At the cost of some corruption, talk to the patron next to the monitor to receive 30 points.

Just outside the changing room, there are two patrons seated across each other with a narrow corridor. Talk to them once, then keep walking past them. They'll grope Sol Rui in exchange for a point, but climaxing to them does not have the same problem as the red patrons and the eye patrons. Eventually they'll grab Sol Rui and ask her to repeat what she was told. Choose to stay silent and the sequence will restart again. Personally I think this is the best way to rack up points and rise in rank as there's almost no downside to their groping aside from one or two lost hearts.

In the VIP area, there's a patron who's having sex with a bunny girl on the lower right of the area. Talk to him when he's having a breather and he'll offer a hefty amount of points in exchange for having sex with the player. Taking him up on the offer will almost certainly lose the player all remaining hearts, but at A rank he gave enough points to get to S-rank immediately in exchange for the game-over and some corruption.

Effectively mandatory to do this mini-game first when aiming for the true end.

There's a "barber" in the top right of the VIP area who will change hairstyles on request. Has a question mark on his head. Finish the mini-game and the blue circle in the "lobby" will offer the same services.

Monster-hunting forest: Rogue-lite RPG where players have to manage their HP, MP, coins, clothing damage and arousal level. The demo has three enemies (one enemy being an elite version of its base type) and numerous mini-events included. It will end when players reach the unavoidable monster icon. The forest can be run multiple times as stat boosts acquired each run are carried over into a different run, and this is effectively mandatory since it's impossible to finish this segment on a single try.

HP: She's defeated when it reaches zero and is raped by the monster which defeated her. There are two ways to skip the scene, the second one will end it early but increase her corruption level by a set amount. HP is sometimes used during random events to influence the outcome.
MP: Used for her abilities. She has a small selection to begin with and does not learn any more in the demo. The most important ability is a heal worth 80HP for 2MP, everything else is a superior damage-dealing skill to the base attack. Some random events (impregnable box, pack of wolves) also allow players to use MP to influence the event outcome.
Coins: Monsters will drop them when defeated. Also obtainable at some of the random ??? tiles when progressing through the forest. Used to barter with the fairy who stocks different types of panties (didn't pay for them so don't know if they impart any useful effects) as well as the more useful healing potions, mana potions, clothing repair and stat boosts for HP and MP respectively.
Clothing damage: Sol Rui starts off with 5 Defence. After monsters land enough hits on her, her clothing will be damaged and eventually she'll end up stark naked after it's ripped to shreds. The clothing can be repaired at fireplaces for 3 DEF, provided she isn't stark naked in which case the repair is wasted. The fairy's sewing kit will fully repair clothing, so definitely worth the purchase when she's naked.
Arousal level: The mushroom enemy and some ??? tiles will increase this. When she's aroused the bar will slowly rise, and if it maxed out she'll climax which is detrimental during combat situations. No way to decrease this as far as I can tell, except finishing a run in the demo.

Evil Spider: Base attack, multi-hit attack, spit web (players can remove this debuff at the cost of the next spider attack doing slightly more damage. Let too many webs accumulate and it's an instant loss).
Hard Spider: Same as Evil Spider but with more HP, deals more damage and has a "web shield" ability which reduces damage taken by 50% and inflicts webbed debuff on player after attack.
Mushroom: Base attack, do nothing, regenerative spores (heal 6HP) and release aphrodisiac spores. The aphrodisiac spores will change one of the player's actions into masturbate, which does nothing except increase the pleasure gauge when selected. The aphrodisiac spores debuff stacks, so if the fight drags on for too long the player can't do anything except masturbate. Fortunately the mushroom is weak with only 38HP and can be killed quickly once players get a few attack stat buffs and more MP.
Orc: Base attack, leer at player, fondle private parts, look down at player (all do nothing), charge then strong attack next turn (defend it to reduce damage or get stunned and lose turns), when HP is less than 10% will do a desperation attack which does more damage than the standard attack, lunge (pass QTE or end up pinned)
During the pin QTE, probably need to spend MP to get the orc off. If players dawdle, it's game over with the orc raping the player.
Quite the standard fight, more of a slugfest than the spider because of higher HP and damage. If the orc lunges, don't fail the QTE and it's fine.
Veteran Orc: Same as Orc, but more HP and damage. Sometimes encountered during the ? events, where players can either fight, submit (get raped and raise corruption) or run (lose 20 HP and 2MP, best choice of action since veteran Orcs are a slugfest which require much more than the HP and MP paid to run to overcome).
Veteran Orcs (regardless of encounter via ? or at the mid-boss tile) will grant a permanent bonus of +10HP and +1 ATK when defeated. Worth taking on once the player has finished the minotaur and is rerunning for stat grind to prepare for the final boss.
Basilisk: Toughest regular enemy in the game. Regular attack, sandstorm attack (less damage, but player deals less damage while sandstorm is in effect), Charge then petrify (petrification works like the spores from the mushroom, reduce effective actions available per turn, game-over if petrification hits 3 stacks).
Petrification is countered by the 2MP heal skill, but there's a chance it won't be available if the basilisk spams this and RNG stops heal from being available in the turn before petrification. If this enemy shows up early when starting out, the run will most likely end before the mid-boss.

Minotaur (boss): Massive variety of attacks and a huge HP pool. There's lot of QTE attacks to contend with as well, as well as the terror mechanic to manage.
Opening QTE: 3 arrow keys to press within the countdown, get it right and it's a free hit for damage.
Regular attack
Charge then strong slam: If not defended to minimise the damage (which is still a lot), player is stunned and cannot take actions.
Meteor drop: Pass the single QTE to avoid damage.
Roar: Increases terror stack by +1. Terror reduces player attack damage by 1, and if the stacks total 5 she'll end up on the ground frozen in fear. At 3 stacks, punches to the gut deal critical damage and stun the player for a few turns.
Super roar: Minotaur will do this when under 100HP. Guaranteed 5 stacks of terror, so players need to survive the terror sequence to return to the battle.
Terror sequence: Players have several options.
1. Get back up (success modifier depends on number of terror stacks)
2. Breathe deep (reduces terror stacks by 1-3)
3. Mana burst (use this when the minotaur is right next to her. For 3MP this pushes him back to the starting position buying players more time)
4 + 5: Nothing useful. Only choose if intending to lose on purpose.

The minotaur will approach and will occasionally roar which will keep the terror stacks active, making escape from this sequence more challenging. Even at 80% success chance it feels like the player might still fail to get back up, so keeping MP in reserve when the minotaur's HP reaches the threshold is almost mandatory.

Final QTE: When the minotaur's HP hits zero, players have to survive a series of QTEs to properly finish the fight.

The minotaur is the boss and must be beaten to clear this mini-game. Practically impossible to beat first time; players should stock up on HP, MP and attack boosts (I had over 200HP, 15 MP and 16 attack when I eventually won) before taking on the challenge. As of the initial version, there's a game-breaking crash which happens when players fail the terror sequence; only way to escape is to reset the game and try again.

Random events:
Tentacle traps will rape the player if HP isn't sacrificed. Sleeping at the campsite (2nd choice) usually starts a QTE where players have to wake up before the rapist has his way with the player. If players are lucky, no QTE and full HP and MP recovery. There's likely a peeking event if the player agrees to the underwear maniac's proposal and changed at the bush he designates.

Goblin Lair
Enter a dark labyrinthine goblin lair and slay the leader goblin to clear the mini-game. My least favourite of the mini-games, since normal mode has awful visibility (it's a cave with almost no torches) and there are multiple corridors and cul-de-sacs in each level which makes navigation an absolute chore.

There are 100 goblins in total. Kill as many as possible and the game will do the RNG check when the goblin leader is encountered. If the RNG result is less than the number of goblins left alive, it's game-over.

As explained in the tutorial, how one approaches goblins determines how efficiently they are killed as well as any health lost during the encounter. Backstabbing them is an instant-win with no HP lost. Encounters from the side might lose 1HP with the goblin killed.

The real problem is if goblins ambush the player from behind. They will jump onto the player's back and throttle the player. Mash the Z key to pass the QTE before HP is reduced to 0. There are chests with medicinal herbs that will restore 2HP when opened.

Some areas have traps which spring goblin ambushes. Almost certainly leading to a situation where a goblin gets behind the player and the button-mashing is required.

In the goblin orgy floor, players are given a series of choices. Charging in willy-nilly is game-over, so pick the 3rd option and use the clothes lure strategy. After the player realises it's effective, the next series of choices determines how many clothes are used to thin out the goblin horde in the orgy room. Shouldn't matter too much since the room has good visibility and players should be able to clear the room regardless of choice without too much difficulty.

HIGHLY RECOMMED saving before the boss room. It's really obvious where this is. Make a point to find all of the shortcuts leading to loopbacks to higher levels in case more goblin killing is required before confronting the boss. The boss save is also a big help for a second playthrough if trying for the true end as it will save a lot of time blindly exploring dark caves.

Final door:
Not much to this. The combat stats are the same as those in the forest, so revisit that area if the numbers are a bit lacking. I recommend having at least 20MP, as much HP as possible and at least 25 attack before attempting this.

Head to the side corridors and do a series of battles to obtain the required keys. Only thing to watch out for is the scorpion family on the left, do not let your guard down when speaking to the leader scorpion. As for the fight, it's not a big deal. Heal when paralysis stacks are too high and defend when the trio prime a combination attack. Only one battle on the right and it's more straightforward. Watch out for the QTE grab attack, don't attack when the enemy is in counter stance and keep an eye on the paralysis stacks. Neither battle has visible HP, so prepare for a long slog.

The final boss is a right nuisance on normal mode. High HP and has a multitude of attacks which stretch out the fight longer than it should be.
Regular attack: Not much damage; perfect for players to inflict damage in turn.
Hypnosis stare: Pass the QTE, same pattern as the opening classroom one with no time limit.
Summon tentacle: Tentacles need one turn to open their "eyes" which will then damage HP and MP respectively (left to right). Only need one attack to take down.
Charge up then super attack: Summons two tentacles and uses a hypnosis attack which cannot be avoided except by defending. Defend first, then cut down the tentacles. I prefer MP first, then HP.

If players fail the hypnosis QTE, use heal to get rid of it. Don't let it linger, or else the boss will eventually use a super move which will immobilise the player with too many tentacles. Game-over if that sequence cannot be escaped. After the battle is won, end up in "Normal Room End" where the fake classmate will reveal the conditions required to finish the game on the "True End".

True End (Spoilers)
Play the Bunny House first.
After exiting the changing room, head into the corridor to the south which forks left. Go all the way to the end and speak to the raped green-haired bunny girl. This has to be done with corruption at less than 2%
If done right, there's going to be a monologue where Rui tries to do something to help the girl.
In the main area, pick up the vape battery, give it to the smoker in the room to the south of the starting area. Receive the aphrodisiac in return.
Unlock the "Play Area". Look for the man in a room full of post-orgasm bunnies. Speak to him and receive the antidote in exchange for the aphrodisiac.
Return to the changing room and pick up water from the fridge.
The antidote mixed in water can only be given to the green-haired bunny when the rapists have left and she's alone in the corridor. My advice is to pass time, my preferred method is to grind enough points to unlock the VIP area and then speak to the old man surrounded by bodyguards. When that event is done, the green-haired bunny should be alone.
Go back to her and give the antidote mixed with water. Then speak to her again to enter the VR area.
Interact with the locked gate in the VR area. Leave via the crystal.
Beat all four mini-games, return to the VR area. The gate should now be unlocked.
Proceed to the end and watch the cutscene.
After defeating Chuberos in the final battle, select the first option.
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Games Dude

Aug 17, 2009
Reputation score
Well I'm definitely hyped for this one, slave in the red collar has always been one of my all-time favourite combat rape games and the l2d in this looks great so I have high hopes for the full release. Just wish I could check the goblin den in the demo...
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Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
this is going to be a banger when it comes out, hopefully soon


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
There's a also several h-events that can occur in the rogue-like section. There's a tentacle trap where choosing not to sacrifice hp gets you raped. And there's also the option to sleep longer at a campsite which will start a QTE to wake up while hands molest the mc.


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
is there actual penetration during combat? Or is it only on loss or the tentacle event?


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
There's a also several h-events that can occur in the rogue-like section. There's a tentacle trap where choosing not to sacrifice hp gets you raped. And there's also the option to sleep longer at a campsite which will start a QTE to wake up while hands molest the mc.
Should have mentioned those in the guide. Playing as clean as possible means I miss these. Updated guide.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 25, 2012
Reputation score
I feel so called out lmfao. Thanks for creating and writing a detailed thread.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
Reputation score
Hype. Thought I'm confused - is Enokippu working on a sequel to Kunoichi Botan at the same time?

Games Dude

Aug 17, 2009
Reputation score
Hype. Thought I'm confused - is Enokippu working on a sequel to Kunoichi Botan at the same time?
Don't quote me on this as I'm not 100% sure, but as far as I can tell this is a side project he's making while he takes a break from working on Kunoichi Botan 2.



Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Don't quote me on this as I'm not 100% sure, but as far as I can tell this is a side project he's making while he takes a break from working on Kunoichi Botan 2.

This is correct. This game was meant to commemorate the first game he made over a decade ago but has suffered from feature creep.

When it's finished and available to buy, developer intends to return to Botan 2.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Thread moved to the H-Games section.