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Character Sheets


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Character Sheets

Iggy Vulpes (For Tenta's new mansion):
Name: Iggy Vulpes
Age: 19
Maid Type: Pure / Hero

Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 1
Will: 2
Spirit: 20
Favor: 8

Maid Colors:
-Uniform: Green
-Eyes: Green
-Hair: Brown

Special Qualities:
-Actually a Guy

Roots: Childhood friend

Stress Explosion: Shopping

Weapon: Claws

Power: Power of Friendship

Trauma: Runaway

Mental Complex: Loves Sleep

*Need to write up background*
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Also, I made this cuz Termite said I could be a trap as long as I made everything else random.

Hikaru Endoss
Athletics: 4 (2+2)
Affection: 1
Skill: 1 (3-2)
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Maid Types (Why, god? Why?)
Boyish (Athletics +1, Skill -1)
Boyish (Athletics +1, Skill -1)

Special Qualities (I took "Actually a Guy" without rolling for it, because Termite said it would be okay.)
Actually a Guy - You’re actually a guy (cross-dresser?). Or possibly a hermaphrodite. (Cross-dresser)
Princess - You’re actually the daughter of a family of even greater standing than the master. Depending on the setting, you could even be from another country’s royal family. Whether you are in disguise or not is up to you.

Stress Explosion
Rampage - You use anything you can lay your hands on to run around destroying things around the mansion.

Maid Weapon
Internal Weapons - You have some kind of weapons installed in your body.

Maid Colors
Black Hair
Green Eyes
Vermillion Dress

Maid Roots
Admirer of Maids - You have long admired maids, and through much hard work you've finally become one yourself

Maid Power
Weapon from Nowhere - You can pull your weapon out seemingly from nowhere, and get in a surprise attack. If you make a surprise attack, you get to make an attack roll without the target getting fto make an opposed roll.

Six feet tall and looking not at all like a man, Hikaru has a strong face, lean build that was made for speed, and great athleticism. None of those qualities at all hint that he's truly a man. With short cut hair that hangs to his jawline, there is no particular design to his hair at all, as if he had simply woke up from bed, cleaned himself, and let his hair naturally gravitate wherever it wanted to go, which is also not a characteristic that would even hint that he's a man. These traits about him may hinder his ability to appear openly as anything but an extremely obvious crossdressing man, but with the aid of his servants who assisted him indulge in his long lasting dream to become a maid, he was able to make his face look pretty enough so that he could... Possibly pass as a woman. His vermillion maid outfit actually looks a lot like it was made for a construction worker to wear at first, but had a skirt added onto it. This as well does nothing to further insinuate that he is, which you likely haven't guessed already from the manly description and constant use of the male pronoun, a man.

Hikaru loves maids, but as he was born into the life of a prince, and worse yet, a male body, there were serious limitations holding him back. He has quite the determination however, and when things don't go his way, he endures strongly until he snaps, and begins destroying everything in sight, mostly with the solar powered rail gun built into his genitalia to protect him from dirty women, an ironic action that will be explained later. He's unattractive, without talent, and not very clever; however, he has a strong willpower and athletic body, which accomplishes close to nothing in most of the maid duties his own maids attempted to train him in. Three words to describe him best would be, "Failure at Life."

In his busy, previous life as a royal prince, he always saw the maids of his royal castle keeping themselves busy, and getting into all kinds of wacky adventures while he himself was merely an onlooker, another task for the maids to tend to. Eager to inquire, he asked a maid what it was like to be one, and she replied, "Why don't you become one and find out?" Purely as a joke; however, Hikaru took her suggestion seriously, and immediately summoned all of his maids to teach him how to perform a maid's duties. He, of course, did horribly, and only created more work for the maids to clean up his screw-ups. The maids often laughed and commented, "His ditsyness would be cute if he wasn't so unattractive," in a very hurtful manner, but Hikaru wasn't phased. He responded by destroying an entire wing of the castle with the beam installed into his genitals, which earned him temporary exile from his kingdom until he could earn back the cost of the damages by working as a maid.

The history of how he came to have a railgun in his genitals is a bit of a joke, and shame in his past. It was placed into him when he came of age as the king was under the paranoia that his son would be attacked and seduced by dirty women. This was of course ironic, as three princesses in a row commited suicide when they were set up by their parents to be wed with Hikaru, because they had no desire at all to have sex with him, even before they might have found out about the weapon inside of his body.

Distraught about being unable to perform the functions of a man, and from being kicked out of his home, he made one last desperate attempt to become a maid, and by some miracle, got the job.


Favor: 2
Stress: 0/30


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Character Sheets

Gabby, of Maid Try #2
Name: Gabrielė Mei Zhen
Age: 18. Eeyup. (8+2d6 [4,4])

Stress: 0/20
Spirit: 20
Stress Explosion: Shopping
You go crazy spending your money on shopping. [5,1]

Eyes: Beige [5,3]
Hair: Silver [6,4]

Master Type: Layman
The Master is an ordinary person who came into wealth by chance.
Favorite Maid Type: Lolita [1]

1 Athletics [1,4]/4
1 Affection [1,4]/4
1 Skill [4,1]/4
2 Cunning [5,4]/4
2 Luck [6,5]/4
2 Will [2,1]

Special Qualities:
[1,1] Glasses
You wear glasses, and can’t use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want, and this can include a monocle.

[4,6] Kidnapped
You were once kidnapped and held for 4 days. Even today it remains a scar in your heart.

[4,2] Sadist
You’re excited by causing pain and suffering to others.

Power Sources:
[6,6] Popularity
You have something that people find irresistible, something worthy of a king. That is why the maids serve you.

[1,3] Magical Power
Power. Magic. Something beyond the pale. You possess this, and through it your very existence demands special treatment.

[3,3] - Targeted by a stalker

Physical Complexes
Even though you don’t try to work out, your body is extremely muscular (or well-defined, if you are smaller). You feel that this is pretty baller.


Gabby lives in San Fran's Chinatown, renting an affordable little 1 bed/1 bath apartment in some apartments above a musty old antique shop. She's fresh out of high school (having been 17 when she graduated) and is attending her first semester at a local community college in a few days.

Unusually, she has an amazingly well-defined musculature. Combined with her perky, trim body, this has allowed her to land a modelling gig that greatly supplements the money she gets from mom and dad, along with what she expects to receive in financial aid. She's been wildly popular - despite having really only started a few months ago, she's already been spotlighted in a few national magazines.

Unfortunately, due to a certain incident with a wherein she was kidnapped, put into skimpy, fetishy outfits, and then raped a bunch, with photos taken for the classic blackmail bit, she has moved out, and is trying to lay low, only leaving the house to do shopping, and always wearing a disguise, in order to attempt to avoid similarly creepy fanboys, along with the paparazzi (who are always annoying).

(Incidentally, unfortunately for her rapist, he discovered she A) was tricky, B) she was patient, and C) really liked hurting things. After breaking both his camera and pretty much everything in his nether region, she squeezed him into a black thong with cat ears, a collar and nipple clamps, dumped the petfood bowl of his semen over his head, took and posted pictures to the internets, and then fucked off outta there with his wallet's cashmonies and his laptop.

Mystically getting away with theft and beating the shit out of some guy, she went back to life as usual... until she turned 18! She received a present from her grandparents - several presents, actually...

She fukken loevs cats. They're so fluffy! She feeds the strays around her building, and consequently she has swarms of 'em just chillin' outside her door and on her car like all the time.

This will be filled out more in-depth later, but the basic idea is that she lives in San Francisco in a moderately sized, 1 bed/bath apartment, in Chinatown. Upon turning 18 (which is where the game will start, pretty much), she got a gift from her crazy mystical grandparents that is baaasically the Chinese Necronomicon or something.

About half a year before this, she was also 'discovered' while at the beach by a (n actually legitimate and totally not a creepy naked-girl-trawling) photographer for [insert popular magazine here], and she sorta has a gig as a model. She has creepy rapist stalker(s) and everything!
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Character Sheets

Athletics 2
Affection 4
Skill 3
Cunning 1
Luck 3
Will 2

Maid Type:
Pure Lolita

Favor: 8
Spirit: 20
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Navy
Eyes - Vermillion
Hair - Beige

Special Qualities: Hairstyle (Curly)
Perversion (Sadist)

Maid Roots: Self-punishment

Stress Explosion: Complaining

Maid Weapon: Kung-Fu Weapon (Slightly bigger than average kama/sickle)

Maid Power (Affection): Cooked with Love

Complexes: Big Butt (Dat ass)
Body Odor (Leather)

Bio derp:
A former gang member who used to star in illegal S&M porn movies. Trying to break out from her old life, she has become a maid for one of the victims of her former gang that she actually helped capture. Soft-spoken and elegant, she can hide her inner sadist pretty convincingly in her small form when need arises.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Character Sheets

, maid for Blargs new game.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Hey look, I did a thing

Timothy/Tammy Cheung
Age: 21

3 Athletics (2+1)
2 Affection (3-1)
1 Skill (1+1-1)
3 Cunning
2 Luck
3 Will

Favor: 4
Will: 0/30

Maid Types
Boyish [Athletics +1; Skill -1]
Cool [Skill +1 Affection -1]

Special Qualities
Actually a Guy
★ Injury - Blind
★ Womanizer

Pet - Bird

Stress Explosion
Running Away

Maid Weapon
Vase/Bottle/Pot - Weapon of opportunity

Maid Colors
Uniform: Vermillion
Eye: Gold
Hair: Orange

Maid Roots
Who knows?

Different Physiology - Bending gender aka Ranma syndrome

Maid Power
Iron Wall - Can protect two other characters with Athletics

People are kinda put off when they first spot Tim. Sure, orange isn't exactly a normal color for your hair, and golden eyes may tend to make people nervous, and he sorta only has a very slight Asian flair to match his last name, but overall those can be excused. No, it has to be that damned dress. It's rather off-putting to see him running around in a bright red dress, even more so since his hugs him so well. You may think that he must be a rather effeminate thing to pull off that kind of look, but though he may be slender there's no mistaken athletic frame that says he's quite decidedly male. The fact that he actually likes to wear the thing makes men keep their distance, and when he gets it into his head to run around and jump those same men cringe and run.

Of course nobody complains when they see Tammy strutting around like that. All they see are the tight lines, the delicate yet strong contours of an athlete, and the quote "delicious curves of that foine ass" that more than makes up for her more modest chest. It's even enough to make most people completely forget that Tim and Tammy are the same person.

But no matter which version they see there's one question that people can't help but ask. What is up with that owl? Why is it always sitting on his/her shoulder? How can it sit there even when he nearly flips through the air? And why the hell was it so goddamned CUTE?! <3

Both of Tim's parents were overjoyed when they learned that they were expecting. His dad was finally going to have a son! And his mom was finally going to have the daughter she always wished for! And they both decided they would do whatever it took to get the son/daughter they wanted. Husband snuck certain hormones and homeopathic medicines into his wife's meals, not knowing that she was doing the same thing behind his back. Chants, rituals, it didn't matter what, if it led to a specific gender for their child then they did it.

And it worked. For both of them. Of course when Timothy was first born he looked like nothing more than a healthy baby boy. Father was so proud that he couldn't stop bragging for three days straight. But one day when he was trying to play with the baby he caught little Timmy by surprise and scared him. And then he was looking at baby Tammy. Both parents immediately panicked and tried to find an answer, but no matter what it just couldn't be explained. Sometimes the world just does some strange shit.

Life ended up being strange for Timmy/Tammy, but after a few years he/she started getting the hang of their rather fickle body. Overt stress proved to be the trigger, so they simply learned to stay a little more calm. A little more collected. Try to let things simply slide off their back. And it seemed to work. It left him free to spend most of his time as a male, what he felt was his true gender, and that should have been the end of that.

But life didn't simply stop there. Nobody really know how or why it happened, but one day little Timmy simply found himself putting on a maid's dress. There was absolutely no rhyme or reason to it, but once that thing was one he simply couldn't bring himself to take it off. It just felt... right... Thankfully that was the only dress he ever really chose to wear, and his dad was thankful for that, but seeing your son walk around like that without any sort of concern was nearly enough to give him a heart attack.

As Timmy grew he led a relatively normal life, a miracle considering his condition and the utterly evile intentions of kids these days, but no matter what he simply rolled with whatever fell his way. Suddenly turning into a girl right in front of the entire school? Bound to happen one day. That cute girl in the back who said she was slightly confused? Hey, he was the answer she was looking for. Having both eyes accidentally stabbed and leaving his irises completely closed, thus robbing him of his sight? Big deal. There were other senses, and that Daredevil guy seemed to do just fine without his eyes. Tim would simply do the same. Suddenly needing to find some work? Hey, he had a dress, might as well play the part. And hey, there were bound to be other maids there. Suddenly spending most of the day working beside some lovely women didn't sound all that bad.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Name: is a Secret
Nickname: Isidia
Age: not your business

0 Athletics
3 Affection
3 Skill
3 Cunning
4 Luck
1 Will
[1,1, 5,5, 4,5, 3,3, 5,6, 2,5]

Maid Types! Pick two:
2 Sexy
Cunning +1 Will -1
Charming, coquettish, womanly body, glamorous

1 Lolita*
Luck +1 Athletics -1
Childish, young, innocent, cute, sweet

(lolita is different than loli)

Special Qualities! Pick two or three:
- [4,1] Uniform ★
You’ve managed to make a special modification to your uniform. → To the Uniform Table
---- [3] Armor
Your maid uniform is actually a stylized suit of metal armor.

- [4,1] Uniform ★
You’ve managed to make a special modification to your uniform. → To the Uniform Table
--- [5] Miniskirt
Your skirt is very short, to the point where one can almost see its contents.

- [3,6] Angel/Devil
You are a being from another world charged with judging good and evil. The design and the details of your origins are up to you.

Stress Explosion:
[2,6] Teasing
You start persistently tormenting the other maids.

Maid Weapon

[4,6] Exotic Weapon
A boomerang, qatar, African throwing irons, etc.

Maid Colors! Distribute amongst your uniform, eye, and hair colors as you like.
Red hair
Blue eyes
Metallic skimpy bikini armor uniform

Maid Roots:

[2,1] Revenge
The master is your hated enemy, and you are infiltrating his mansion in order to extract revenge.

Insecurities: Aka Complexes.

-[1,5] Short
As far as you’re concerned, you’re not nearly tall enough. You have difficulty reaching high places.

-[3,1] Loves Sleep
You have trouble waking up in the morning, and you love to sleep. On top of that, you doze off easily, and you’re always sleepy. Everyone else is waking up on time and doing their work though.

-[2,4] Lousy Name
You hate your own name. You might resent the parents who gave you it.

Your maid power depends on what the highest stat you have is. (Luck)

Your Favor starts at Affection x2= 6
Threshhold 10.

[Maid notes]

Description/pic: Can i be half demon angel?
this but less demonic, maybe, can you reroll brown color? to give her green, red or pink eye color?

Isidia as she decide to name her because her big and hard to say name, come to Earth to make some works, however her fate changed and soon her mission turned into serve a mortal, for what she manage to get from her mission she must get all the info of this person, as also take control of it and the whole place where that creature live. Isidia have racial trails of demon and angel, as her mother was pregnant against her will by her father and even when she dont want to talk about them, mamy times had to say lies to cover that part. She have a nice sexy body than really make her a sex bomb in that small body of her, she loves herself so much than even a little scar on it make her cover it, however she can denny the world to see her naughty body and at her own world cover that would be a sin, so her uniform is really more skimpy than it should be and of course she cant just cover her divine body with just clothes, so she decided to use a black metalic armor like uniform bikini instead.

Even when she loves her body, she could be a little small for the others persons, this cause her a little trauma and even today is a Tabu talking of hight sizes at her side. Fortunately for the world, Isidia's mortal body is not athletic at all, unnused to the strange atmosphere and lack of magic has making her a sissy weak creature unable to even lift smaller things than her and of course she pass a lot of the time sleeping as she get tired easily by the lack of power, but fortunately her holy part still bless her and many good things happen around her, if she could endure a little at the street maybe she could even get rich in a day, but her mind cant resist the way thant the humans think and make mistakes, she easily get angry and start punish anyone around her to give them a part of the hell than they deserve or just eat until get sattled in an attempt to calm herself.
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Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Yumiko Komori
Age: 25

Sheet Proper:
4 Athletics
3 Affection
3 Skill
2 Cunning
2 Luck
2 Will


Maid Types:

Uniform: Silver
Hair: Gray

Special Qualities:
Elf Ears

Maid Roots:

Stress Explosion:

Maid Weapon:
Rifle: Type to be decided later

Maid Power:
Trespass You can take 1d6 Stress to intrude
on a battle, love scene, etc. You can
also butt in after the action has
ended, and this can even work when
someone is using World For Two.

-Physical: Looks Older.

Not sure what else to add. Hopefully this is fine
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

I also stole Termite's format. I'm sorry.

Name: Taki Maemi
Nick: Taktak
Age: 18

3 Athletics
2 Affection
4 Skill
2 Cunning
0 Luck
3 Will

Favor: 4
Will: 0/30

Maid Types
Heroine [Will +1 Luck -1]
Cool [Skill +1 Affection -1]

Special Qualities
★ Symbol - Bat (Headdress)

Stress Explosion

Maid Weapon

Maid Colors
Uniform: Metallic
Eye: Green
Hair: Beige

Maid Roots
Bridal Training

Looks Older
Big Breasts

Maid Power
Instant Cleaning - +1 Skill for doing cleaning


"Why is that woman who looks roughly in her thirties trying to look young?"
"What kind of cream do you use to maintain that youthful look?"
"I would date you, but I'm sure a mature woman like you is already married!"
"I'm inexperienced compared to you... You must have had lots of sex!"

Taki Maemi is a woman in her thirties who has had sex with a hundred men and given birth to a hundred children, resulting in her large breasts. She dresses, ties her hair into thick braids, and acts like a hip and attractive youngster to draw in male victims to have sex with. She is a sexual predator on the prowl, and is married.

"Nooo! I'm eighteen years old, I'm a virgin, and I've never been married!"

She is an old woman in denial about her wrinkles to come.

"I'M NOT!"

Eighteen years old, Taki Maemi is treated like a woman about to become middle aged. The more she has tried to make herself look youthful, observers only see her as trying hard to look young. "Oh! I almost thought you were eighteen years old! How do you do it?"

"I AM Eighteen years old!" Taki would reply with anger.

"O-oi! Don't shout, it's bad for your heart, granny."

Exchanges like that are the cause of many police investigations for assault in public. Even her freckles are treated as fake. She ties her hair into thick braids to try and acquire a youthful appearance, but like all of her attempts, it ends in vain. Her breasts are said to be so large because she mothered many children, and she often wears latest youthful fashion which is often made with many disturbed glances. "Nothing wrong with trying to stay hip..." a passerby would say.

Taki Maemi was a girl who grew to be quite mature for her age. By ten years of age, she was already being mistaken by others as a teenager about to come of age. She was asked to babysit children much older than herself. When she was twelve, her parents asked her when she was thinking about moving out and getting a job. "I'm twelve..." she would reply. "Oh?" her parents would reply, before going as far as checking her birth certificate. "Did a criminal replace our child with a much older fake?" they'd wonder. "You're horrible..." Taki would cry. Such was the poor girl's life. One of the only highlights of her life being when an elderly man called her young. However, her joy was ruined when the old man gave her a thumbs up and said, "You'll be getting wrinkles in about ten years, enjoy youth!"


She was shunned for looking like a girl who had to repeat grades in school. The fact that her intelligence was average at best did not assist her. She wanted to have a thrilling highschool life with friends, but all of the other girls called her a big breasted old hag. First was a scene of Taki ready to cry, a scene of tragic misfortune. Next, was the ruins of the school. "Someone" had blown up the entire school and the houses of those who called her old hag and shunned her. Eventually after demolishing every school in her district, Taki took to homeschooling herself. By the time she was finished with her schooling, Taki came to a dreadful realization. "Am I going to be alone my whole life!?"

She dreamed of living a happy life as a wife to a kind man, but because everyone thought of her as an old woman, the chances of her getting a man her own age was slim. When hope seemed thin, she saw her fortune in the paper. "Your lucky item is a maid's outfit!" Without hesitation, she fetched a maid's outfit from a local otaku shop, and donned the outfit of a maid, hoping it would undo her curse.

"Why is that middle aged woman wearing a maid's outfit? No one wants to her old sagging ti-"

The otaku shop was blown up that day. As Taki stormed out from the rubble, suddenly, a woman from a maid cafe stopped her. "Excuse me, young miss!"

That address made Maemi dance to the other maid with sparkles in her eyes. "Young! That's me!" she announced.

"I can see you're trying to look young by donning the maid outfit, but the mystical powers of a maid can only be unlocked by becoming a maid in one's heart." the girl revealed.

"... Come again?" Taki inquired.

"Here," the girl answered by providing a flier. "Once you learn to become a proper maid, you will know how to make people see you as young!"

Skeptical, Taki stared at the flier that offered maid training. This wasn't what she was truly aiming for, but then she saw a particular part of the flier. "You're sure to be a desirable bride as well! By people your own age!"


"Thank you so much...?" Taki blinked, the girl who gave her the flier was gone! All that was left behind was a headdress with a bat symbol on it, and a note: "Become the maid this city deserves."

"..." Taki wondered if she had a conversation with someone not in their right mind, and believed them because she simply called her young.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

2 Athletics
4 Affection
3 Skill
2 Cunning
4 Luck
2 Will


Android/Gynoid, Accent (Meow)

Stress Explosion: Sleep

Vermillion uniform
Red Eye Color
Gold Hair

Maid Weapon: Chain/Rope

Hereditary Maid

Insecurity: Mental/Loves sleep

Power: Power of Friendship

Placeholder for now until I'm not busy from work x_x


Sex Demon
Mar 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Kagami Ritsuko
Age: 18

Athletics 2
Affection 0
Skill 4
Cunning 3
Luck 3
Will 3

Favor: 0
Stress: 30

Maid types
Cool x2 (+1 skill, -1 affection)

Uniform: Navy
Hair: Vermillion
Eyes: Pink

Suicide attempts.
Injury: Whip scars.

Maid root:
Returning a favor.

Stress explosion:

Psychic powers.

Maid Power:
Lie detector. By taking 1 stress you can make other players or the master admit if they’ve lied.

Cat tongue.

For some people, life is simply death incarnate. But for Ritsuko wished it could have been just that.
From the beginning, way back to her very first memories, she had no luck in life. She was one of the daughters of a sex slave, and hence, her destiny was not much better.

That’s, however, a part of her life she seldomly reminisces about. She much prefers to think of the time when she was set free, when the place was torn down, much unbeknown to her, because of a fighting between clans. She was free but with not much in the way of knowledge of the world, besides cocks and how those hurt when they went inside her, she didn’t have much of a chance in a free world.

The girl became a street child, trying her hardest to survive, and she managed to, keeping herself alive as best she could on the unforgiving alleyways.

However, as with many children of the streets, she was eventually kidnapped, and put into service into what could only amount to a sleazy bar. Her young body immediately attracted attention, but her already cold demeanor left her being tormented even more than usual. She became aware of her own powers around this time, and at first would retaliate, but as time passed and mistreatment got worse, she stopped using her powers for other thing that wasn't her actual 'job'

Considering her depressing life, she tried on more than one occasion to kill herself, such attempts were met with bounding, caging and restricting movement for the girl, as her new owner had taken an unhealthy liking to her. The owner tried to educate her, to make her understand she would not be let die if he could help it. The whip scars still imprinted in her body being testament to the brutal method.

She was kept there, unable to escape her life, simply serving in such place, she would live there until her 18th birthday, when an aristocrat of some sort came into the establishment, and wrestled with words, the property out of the owner’s hands, and along with it, the girls that lived there.

All were released and told they had their lives back. But to Ritsuko, who had no life to return, stayed there where the aristocrat gave her an offer, and left with that, giving the girl the choice of accepting it or not whenever she felt like it.

She accepted.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Kommatiázo (a.k.a. Comma, Kat, etc)
Age: 20

Favour: 2
Spirit: 20


Ath 2
Aff 1
Sk 4
Cu 2
Luc 4
Wil 2


Lolita +1 luc, -1 ath; Cool +1 sk, -1 Aff

Uniform: gold
hair: vermilion
Eyes: sky blue

Injury: patch work; devil; gynoid


Stress Explosion



Maid Power:
4-D Dress,

Forged in the pits of hell as an attempt to create a being that could sow sin and destruction throughout the human world, Kommatiázo was to be an ultimate tool for the forces of Hell. Sadly they contracted the actual production of her body out to the cheapest imp builders and the resulting patchwork look, incredible ability to say exactly the wrong thing in a given situation, and preference for cleaning and cooking over actually fighting, proved to be a massive disappointment. Still in some attempt to salvage his career the manager of the whole project sent the girl to Earth anyways, and then promptly 'lost' all the paperwork ever involved in her creation. Now orphaned from her creators she found herself dumped right outside the place that would, quite shortly after, become her new home. Still remembering her mission she still occasionally causes mischief and other oddities but in general likes her new line of work to much to cause significant problems or leave.
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets


  1. Athletics 1
  2. Affection 4
  3. Skill 3
  4. Cunning 2
  5. Luck 2
  6. Will 4

Maid Types


[*]Uniform: Gold- Hair: Gold - Eyes: Orange

Special Qualities

  1. Elf Ears
  2. Membership: Shadow Clan
  3. Membership: Evil Secret Society
  4. *Neat Freak or Secret Job: Pro Creator

  1. Infiltrator

Stress Explosion
  1. Crying

  1. Spear or Katana

  1. Different Physiology: Lewd luscious Sexy Body with retractive manlike member

Resistent to pain[/QUOTE]


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

(Insert name here)

2(0), 10(3), 5(1), 7 (2), 8 (2), 10(3)

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill : 3
Cunning : 1
Luck : 0 (-2)
Wilpower : 2 (+2)

Double heroine (+2 will -2 luck)


Blue eyes
Green Hair
Navy uniform


Secret Job - Hacker
Shapeshifter - Raven
Uniform - Miniskirt
Symbol - Bat

Roots -

Explosion -

Weapon -

Powers -

Favor : 6
Spirit: 40


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

New Sheet for Tenta's game. Haven't picked/rolled for Maid Powers yet, but I wanted 4D-dress. Unfortunetely, Akiko's Skill attribute was highest before applying her Maid Types, and now her Athletics and Affection are highest. :(


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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets


Cool (+1 Skill, -1 Affection)/Cool (+1 Skill, -1 Affection)

Athletics 3
Affection 0
Skill 6
Cunning 3
Luck 3
Willpower 3


black dress
gold hair
silver eyes


Brown Skin
Actually a Guy (futa)
perversion: exhibitionist
Absurd: Fairy




Lie Detector

Favor : 0
Spirit: 30


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Imma go ahead and put up Arma and R9K's char sheets here, I've sent a PM to both of them. Arma needs to clarify some things and tidy up his a bit. I'll give them both till next Saturday to take care of things and if 9K isn't able to post fairly regularly I'll kick him, that way this isn't held up any longer than it already has or than it needs to be.

Elli Stresslen


Maid Type: Pure Pure

Ath: 3
Aff: 6
Skil: 1
Cun: 0
Luck 3
Will: 2

Eyes: Red
Uniform: Purple
Hair: Blue

Quality Rolls: 13 Sickly
46 Accessory - 6 - Pet
25 Overactive Imagination
63 - Shapeshifter - 2 - Spider
22 Albino

Maid Orgin: 63 - Bridal Training
Stress Explosion: 54- Sleep

Weapon 21 Revolver

Maid Ability: Passionate Gaze

Favour 12
Spirit 20


Ath: 3
Aff: 2
Skill: 1
Cunning: 3
Luck: 0
Will: 5


3. Double Heroine (+2 Willpower, -2 Luck)


Eyes and hair: Red
Uniform: Navy


Injury: Burns, Sickly, Easygoing, Glasses, Freckles


3. Slave or Hereditary Maid


Running Away



Favor: 4
Spirit: 50

Maid power

Hard Work: Your relentless hard work pays off
in the form of a +3 bonus to the
end result (not the attribute or die
roll) of Skill rolls.
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Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Wild West sheet
Name:Aleksija Galica


Type: Boyish (+1 Athletics;-1 skill)/Heroine(+1 Will;-1 luck)

Colors: Blue

Special Qualities:
Brown Skin
Relationship (3): Mentor
Perversion (6): Exhabitionist

Origin: Orphan
Stress Explosion:prayer

Weapon: Rifle
Maid Power: Weapon from Nowhere



Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Rhys Lynna
Age: 19
Race: Sheepfolk

Reference Pic (NSFW)

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 4
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Favor: 6 + 2 = 8
Spirit: 30

Maid types:
-Lolita (+1Luck, -1 Athletics)
-Heroine (+1 Will, -1 Luck)

Uniform: Beige
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Navy

Qualities: Actually a Guy, Glasses
Accessory: Collar
Uniform: Miniskirt
Monster: Sheep

Maid root: Returning a favor.

Stress explosion: Seclusion

Weapon: Knife

Maid Power:
Ultimate Menu
Add +1 to your Skill for the purposes
of cooking

(I'll edit later)
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Character Sheets



How she looks


Athletics 2
Affection 2
Skill 3
Cunning 4
Luck 2
Willpower 2


Hair: navy
eyes: rainbow

member:government, princess, whip scars, elf ears, Echidna: shapeshiter: snake

Who Knows?

seclusion (to masturbate?)

summoning (baby monsters from dimensional womb >_>)

Maid Power: Punishment

Race Description Tale:

Not all is real