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Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Despite concentrating on hitting the boar Tsubaki again lets her arrow fly wide of the target, the arrow landing not far from the first. Simon tries to hit the boar but it had already begun it's charge towards Tsubaki, trying to dive out of the way she moves too early and the boar tracks her dive, connecting with her in mid-aid. Landing on the ground with a thump Tsubaki winces at the pain in her stomach where she had taken the brunt of the blow.

Tsubaki 3/5FP 0/10AP (16 ammo)
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Wild Boar 3/5FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Cursing her aim, Tsubaki readies herself to evade the charging piggy once more. But it seems the boar is wise on her moves now, skirting to the side with her. Knocked down, Tsubaki ignores the pain from the blow and readies another arrow. She wasn't done quite this easily
"Curse you boar...."
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki tries for a third time to hit the boar, she pulls the bowstring tight, determined to hit the boar only to hear a loud "twang", she yelps slightly as the taut sring whips her fingers as it snaps, her arrow falling uselessly to the ground. Simon jumps forward to get between the boar and Tsubaki, lunging at the boar which drops back from him, making him stumble and fall. The boar however manages to step back into a hole in the road with another loud squeal, it seems to be limping now, limiting it's movement. Swinging it's tusks at Simon again it misses wildly as Simon recovers and moves back out of it's way.

(With her bowstring snapped Tsubaki will need to either repair it at the cost of two combat turns or resort to using her dagger and negate any combat bonuses from her traits)

Tsubaki 3/5FP 0/10AP (15 ammo)
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Wild Boar 3/5FP - Crippled

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Witnessing the sudden mess happening, Tsubaki discards her snapped bow on the road.
"Can't spend time on that now..." she thinks, drawing the long dagger from it's sheath. Turning it to a reverse grip, she too charges forward, intent on finishing this fight one way or another.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki darts forward and makes a quick slash at the boar before moving back out of it's range. The crippled beast seems to be struggling now but it still manages to evade Simons efforts as it dodges his swipe, trying to charge at him it's weak leg falls from under it and sends the beast clattering to the ground, scrambling back up it catches Simon unawares and manages to slash his leg with one of it's tusks.

Tsubaki 3/5FP 0/10AP (15 ammo)
Simon 3/4FP 0/10AP

Wild Boar 2/5FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Feeling somewhat more confident after her slash at the boar actually produces results, Tsubaki goes for another stab at the thing.
"Get your act together, Simon..." she muses at the fledgling warrior's antics
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki again succeeds in tearing the flesh of the boar, causing it to turn to her in anger, before it can do anything though Simon runs it through with his blade, finishing the beast off for good.

"I call that two fights, two kills for me." Simon says with his cheeky smile as he wipes the blood from his sword. Tsubaki collects her bow and her arrows form the ground, she still has 18 arrows.

Simon gains +1 FP
Tsubaki gains Bow Mastery Level 1

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

With a concentrated effort, the pair manage to finish the rampaging boar.

Wiping her dagger clean, Tsubaki listens to Simon prattle on about the kills.
"If you feel that way, be my guest. It's not a competition anyway." she tells him, getting back to collect the arrows from the road and re-string her bow back to working condition.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki deftly re-strings her bow while Simon draws a small knife from his belt and starts to cut some meat from the boar, storing it in his pack. "Just trying to keep the mood light..." Simon mutters with a sigh. "We're almost there, let's keep moving" he says, turning back towards Willowbank.

The pair continue on down the road for another hour or so before they can see the edge of the forest. As they get closer they can see that fields now line either side of the road, several pieces of farming equipment lie abandoned and the nearby farm buildings seem to all be empty. The town walls can be seen in the distance, a small light visible at the gates, as they get closer they find the source of the light is a guard bearing a torch. "Who goes there!?" He barks, peering into the darkness.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Coming towards the town, Tsubaki witnesses the seemingly abandoned farms around the the road.
"This looks pretty bad.. If they can't farm, there will troubles once the supplies start to thin..."

Approaching the gate, she can see light ahead of them. The shouted question reveals it to be a guard.
"Adventurer sent by Lord Ashcroft, Tsubaki is my name" she replies, keeping her bow on her back, not wanting to cause any unnecessary suspicion with something like that.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

The guard seems to relax slightly as Tsubaki answers "Another one eh? Well, come into the light and let me get a look at yer." he says, beckoning to her to come closer.

As she approaches him Tsubaki sees that where the gates used to stand there is now only a makeshift barricade consisting of various wooden items, from carts to tables to chairs. A small space at one end obviously acting as the only way into the town from this side.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"They seem to be having shortages of equipment, that's really not how you'd make a proper barricade.." Tsubaki ponders, slowly making way towards the guard and their use-what-you-can walls. "Let's hope the town isn't a wreck on the inside" she continues her pondering as the guard's torch draws closer to them.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

The guard eyes Tsubaki and Simon as they approach, he doesn't look particularly impressed with the adventurers but manages to hold his tongue on the matter. "You'll be looking for Elder Willow." he nods towards the entrance to the town "She's at the Inn organising the militia for the night watch, it's the big building past the fountain, you can't miss it." He steps aside as he finished allowing the travellers to pass.

As the duo enter the town they spy a large cart which is mainly intact by the entrance, presumably this is what they have been using as a gate for thier makeshift blockade. The nearest building has a fire burning outside, three men sit around it with weapons close at hand. The other buildings in the town all seem to be in various states of disrepair, no doubt robbed for materials, only the forge and the Inn appear to be relatively untouched.

Continuing towards the Inn Tsubaki finally gets a good look at the building, it seems to be fairly large with three floors and a stable attached to its south side. Another guard stands by the door, he makes no move to stop the pair and simply watches as they walk through the entrance. The main room of the Inn has been cleared of almost all furniture, rows of makeshift bedding line what once would have been a bustling tavern, one large table remains in the far corner of the room where several men and women sit speaking in hushed tones, a couple of them look up as Tsubaki and Simon enter but quickly return to the discussion.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"We'll go meet her then, thank you for your assistance." Tsubaki says to the guard, giving the man a small bow as she skips past him and heads into the town beyond.

"I knew it, the place is in a rather bad shape... Might be bandits or something similar.. she thinks as she goes along the streets with Simon, noticing the trashed state of the nearby buildings. She gives the Inn guard no heed as the man is passive towards them, stepping into the Inn to meet their contact

As they enter the ex-tavern, Tsubaki goes to the group of people who were just giving them brief glances. "We are here to see Elder Willow, on behalf of Lord Ashcroft" she tells them, keeping herself as polite as possible.