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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 17, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 22)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 16. = 28. Lycoris succeeds by 9)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 2 = 2. Lycoris fails by 20)
(Lycoris suffers 20 Willpower Loss)

Lycoris found herself now easily able to defend herself from the mental control of the damn incubus and lets loose with a spell of her own in the form of a stone skewer trying to impale the incubus through however he managed to dodge that. She did however let loose another spell that allowed her to strike him from a distance with a left hook right to the stomach that makes him keel over. She was about to go for him with whatever she could find that could run him through when suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind. She felt the Queen's hands upon her small breasts along with her daughters taking hold of her hands and legs and pulling her down to the ground atop lush pillows.

Despite her great strength she could not outmuscle three possessed women. Indeed they were possessed, she could tell by the look in their eyes as they were blank. She made a critical mistake to be sure and as she lied there struggling she saw the incubus rise back to his feet. The princesses began to lick slowly along her soft abdomen and her nipples sucking slowly upon her. One princess held one arm and one leg each and she found her legs being spread open for the incubus who knelt down to have a look at the find. The Queen kneads slowly what little mounds she could call breasts in her hands as she licks at her earlobes. As she arched her back trying to get free she knew quickly that her virginity... if it still existed would be stolen by this demon. She felt the tip slide past her folds and every dildo like bump along the length of his engorged dick rubbed over her inner walls in some of the best places. She felt him go halfway in before he thrusts into her and her eyes shrank slightly as she felt him take her completely.

She gave a shrill scream as she felt the intensity of what happened better then she could feel a dagger through the stomach. He chuckled as he began his rhythm, that thick erection thrusting deeply within her. It was so tight and snug it felt like a sword sliding within a sheath. The princesses let go of her legs now that the incubus had a hold of them and reach down rubbing at her abdomen and her clitoris to increase her physical arousal and make it easier for their master to take his newest acquisition. She bit her lower lips trying to think it wasn't pleasant in the slightest however her body was clearly unable to care about what her mind felt. Her mouth hung open moaning loudly from the union as the three ladies began to lick and nibble upon her neck and shoulders.

Her body began to arch as any trace of pain began to fade from her being and she felt a heavy lump inside her body and knew her release was close. The incubus thrusts faster and faster within her making her body rock back and forth. She felt it swell up inside of her and her eyes glanced downwards trying to get something done to stop this as she knew he was going to come inside of her. She shook her head wanting to believe this wasn't happening and that she was elsewhere but once he plowed into her that final time and she began to scream out in orgasm she realized it was indeed very real. She then suddenly feel a second rush as the incubus moans triumphantly as she press his cock to her back walls the pointed tip shooting an abundances of his hot seed into her womb and out of it. One of the princesses grabbed hold of a skull chalice and lets it fill up with the mixture of her honey and his cream as some kind of lewd drink.

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 11/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 9/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

As soon as she was free she set about attacking with her magic, trying to soften him up in time for when she got to him. It seemed to be working as well, at least until she felt the other arms grab her. In the commotion of being violated she'd completely forgotten about the captive queen and princesses. A mistake she was about to regret immensely.

Struggle as she might the Incubus had already weakened her, against three possessed woman she had little chance of breaking herself free. Being caught by surprise certainly didn't help any either. She quickly found herself spread before the incubus, feeling the other woman playing with her body. There was nothing she could do but mentally brace herself for what was coming, hoping only to be able to outlast this next assault.

She continued to struggle even as she felt him press inside her body, knowing what was coming but not wanting to think on the implication that she was going to taken by a filthy demon. Her worries quickly became a reality as she felt him thrust his way completely inside her, her body letting out a sharp cry as her once virgin body was impaled by his cock. She could hardly believe what she was feeling, he felt so large inside her. The intricacy of his shaft made a lot more sense as her body felt them rubbing inside her. She hated what was happening yet her body was soon arching and moaning back, the physical pleasure unable to be denied even with how it was being given to her.

She quickly felt the pleasure building into the familiar knot in her body, trying again to get free as she knew what the ending to this would be. As much as she might try to struggle and deny it though she was soon pushed over the edge, her body climaxing around the demon inside of her. The felling of the demon then shooting his hot, foul seed into her body made her cringe. If she had a weaker will she would have given up there and then, not knowing what kind of havoc the demon's seed would cause in her body.

When her senses cleared from the second climax she trembled. This was one area she'd never trained in but she could feel her body loosing itself to the pleasure. She was running out of time very quickly. In a way, however sickening it was to feel him inside her, he'd left himself open. Maybe he was expecting that to finish her, maybe it had physically. Maybe she wasn't going to walk out of here on her own terms. If that was the case she'd put all she had into destroying him at least.

"I... I hope you weren't thinking of going anywhere..." She managed to get out, finding even speaking hard at this point as her body seemed determined to betray her. "I want to give you all I have. I'm sure you'd like that." She smiled, letting her magic build between them. Every drop of hate for this demon she'd let well up and then just release. Collateral damage was far from a concern for her right now as in fact was her own well being. All she cared about was erasing the incubus' existence before she lost herself to him entirely.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 15, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 20)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 4. = 16. Lycoris succeeds by 1)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 11 = 11. Lycoris fails by 9)
(Lycoris suffers 9 Willpower Loss)

Lycoris found her mana channeling in between the two of them as the incubus suddenly feels her inner walls clench tightly around him holding him in place wondering what the hell she's doing. Her legs coiled around his waist and locked him in place and his eyes widened by the intense mana being accumulated and suddenly with a large eruption of unfocused mana Lycoris unleashed her final assault of magic upon him. Both she and the incubus were flung back towards the walls with Lycoris landing atop the pillows roughly with the incubus crashing into the throne.

Her vision had gone white and her ears rang from the blast as she looked about trying to find out what happened. She rose to her feet looking around seeing the damage caused. The three girls the incubus enslaved looked around wondering what just happened but for the moment unharmed. She saw where the incubus had landed and smashed into the throne. However there was no incubus corpse. her ears still rang which might explain how the incubus managed to get behind her. It wasn't until he was on top of her that she began to struggle.

Under normal circumstances she would have been able to break his arms and every other limb in his body with ease. Unfortunately her first time with sex had worn her strength down considerably. She was being forced back down to her knees as she physically struggled now. Pushing her arms behind her back he began trying to take aim and soon found her rear entrance. She shook her head vigorously trying to fight it off before she felt him succeed in penetrating her down below. His cock was immensely slick with her juices and his cum, as he began to push into her rear end easily enough and it probably was as uncomfortable for a first time as one could imagine. And the bumps and tip of his erection felt especially good inside her there.. indeed perhaps even better then in her womanly core. Her folds quivered softly in pleasure and her body arched slightly in pain. Her bottom lip was being bitten as she couldn't handle this kind of abuse. She just wasn't able to handle physical pleasure of this magnitude and soon her body began to react the only way it knew how.

She found her mind slipping with every second her eyes shifting halfway shut as her determination and willpower began to slowly shut down and her mind turns against her. Her body seemed to immensely enjoy it after a few minutes and longer still she found her hands no longer resisting him. Her cheeks heavily blushed from the abuse as her mind began to curse every god that could hold such a fate for her as she began to scream out in passion as her climax hit her hard once again and felt her ass be filled with more of his demonic seed.. She felt forward onto the pillows clinging to anything that could give her the will to keep fighting him. She needed to survive... she needed to win...

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 2/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 9/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Lycoris was surprised she had the energy to drag herself back to her knees, let alone her feet, after the explosion, only able to hope that had been enough to kill the incubus. When she didn't see him in the broken throne where he must have landed she knew she had to find him first. She was running on empty after that burst of mana if he got the jump on her...

Her train of though was cut short as she felt herself being forced down again, her body unable to resist at all now. She could do little more than shake her head, her body struggling in vain against his assault. Even the cry she gave when he penetrated her again seemed weak in comparison to those she had given before. Even though he was taking her rear she felt her body reacting again, loving every sensation it was getting, weakening itself as he claimed what was left to claim of her body. The constant waves of pleasure were wearing her down mentally as well as physically, her mind struggling to hold onto itself even as she started moaning again.

She was only thankful that her body seemed unable to endure for any length of time now, feeling herself soon overcome with bliss again, slumping forward. The feeling of the demon climaxing inside her barely registered as she tried to fight back some measure of control. She was exhausted physically and mentally from the incubus' assaults. As her hands gripped the pillows she'd fallen onto she felt a wave of fear wash over her. Was this it? Was this really it? Was she going to become a simple sex toy for this demon?

"I'm... I'm... Lycoris... Nifalim..." She whimpered, trying to focus, trying to remind herself why she couldn't loose here. It wasn't much but there was still a spark. A tiny flicker of her normally indomitable will fighting off the darkness threatening to engulf all she was. If this was to be her fate then she'd fight it every step of the way. Finding whatever strength she could grabbed onto one of the pillows, using it as a focus since it was all she had to hand. Magic, strength, will, it no longer mattered what she put into this. She was going to hit him with her whole being, every slither of whatever she had left.

"I'm nobodies whore!" She screamed with everything she had left, twisting and swinging at the incubus with the pillow, with her fist, she didn't know. All she knew was that she was fighting this fate as long as any flicker of her spirit resided in her mind.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 13, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 18)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 3. = 15. Lycoris succeeds by 2)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 1 = 1. Lycoris fails by 17)
(Lycoris suffers 17 Willpower Loss)

She struggled and managed a hard punch to the jaw sending the incubus off him however she had to literally crawl over to him to try and finish him off. She prayed that the Queen and the Princesses were not ordered to interfere. She knew she didn't have the strength to handle them now and her mind had nearly slipped into pure lust and submission. Her body physically ached from her first time and had found herself straddling him once again though this time for a different reason. Her hand raised high into the air to try and bring it back down to cave his face in.

However her body refused to move. At first she though it might be because of the spell but she knew she could hold that off. She didn't feel her body anymore as everything felt like lead. She had hit her limit it seems. But the truth was far more sinister. Her soul had become slightly tainted by the incubus from the amount of intimacy shared and because she had been deflowered it was all the more potent. She had no mental defense against such an impure being and since she was not pure of heart as well her spirit suffered. She fell forward fainting and unable to move as she just needed rest now.


When she awoke she found all her gear and clothes and armor were now gone and she was dressed in a similar fashion to the fallen princesses. Her distinct beauty absolutely revealed and heightened by the revealing clothes that strategically left nothing inaccessible. She looked over herself and found she had been cleaned in her sleep. She wanted to believe it was some kind of nightmare but she realized quickly she wouldn't wake up. The incubus chuckled. "I see that you have finally awakened. A new Rapture is upon us my dear and as the newest slave, just like the Queen and the Princesses before you.. you shall be one of the main attractions. Look around." She turned her head noticing several other heroes had fallen during her slumber. One in particular was a Succubus who looked to have at one point been a mage due to unique yet altered clothing. She seemed to be anxious to begin unlike her though that was probably because of her demonic curse. "Be thankful your fate is kind enough that your body hasn't been altered..."

He chuckled as the slaves were brought out to the pedestals under heavy guard but she no longer had any will to fight back. Her heart broke at such a horrible end to such a legendary tale. She was anchored to the center and she realized she was to be the main event this time. A priestess with raven hair stood beside her as the incubus gave his speech to the audience. She dreaded the final sentence within it now as it seemed to signal her resign to her new life. "Ladies and Gentlemen... Enjoy them to your hearts content"


Suddenly the wave of men and woman began to strip nude and soon she found herself to be the center of attention as men and women, demon and human began to constantly ravage her and usually never one at a time. Her body was heated and her body seemed to be able to take it better now that she had been exposed to such vice. As this went on her tears of sadness flowed down her face knowing that she would never be free unless the incubus was defeated. During the final moments of the orgy the incubus himself would claim her but now she had become completely different willing to accept anything for this bliss. As she felt her womb be filled with his seed once again and the smell of sperm upon her body premating everything she knew this sensation... this intense feeling was the peak of her existence and all she could hope for. Might makes right in her world... and now she knew exactly what that meant.



~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 0/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 9/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
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