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The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

"That's why I am here. It should not be a thing that someone of his stature would do, and he has always been regarded as a good and just king. Why he has gone this way... it puzzles the mind." Rin stated her lack of finding a real motivation for the king's actions, if they were even the truth. With a quick look, the group could find a small back room behind the altar area which had a door going to the back alleys. This path could be used as an escape route as it looked to be fairly safe and devoid of any potential hostiles.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

"Alright... First we have to get out of here" Deborah said, heading towards the little room at the back of the chapel, towards the door and hopefully and unmolested exit. There didn't seem to be anything lying in wait, but... The mage say enemies everywhere and in everything, just at the edge of her vision, making her blood freeze in her veins. There was going to be no safety in the whole city, and already it was wearing on her fragile nerves.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

The group headed out from the back door, just in time as there were some scratches to be heard from the main entrance. Something was probably looking for any living beings, though it was not certain if they knew of the threesome and their presence inside. Leaving the chapel, the trio moved as quickly and silently as they could, making progress through the back alleys to find their way to another main street.

Rin stopped them some distance away, gesturing behind a corner that she had just looked behind. As she looked in there, Debbie could see a monstrous boar down the alley, a fair distance away from them. The animal was large enough to almost fill the alley, especially as it was clad in a full suit of customized animal armor made from overlapping metal plates. It was obviously coming to their direction as it could not really turn in the middle of the alley due to it's size.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

There seemed, thankfully, to be no enemies in the immediate vicinity as Deborah and the little group made their way through the empty back alleys and actually made pretty good progress. Of course, at some point Rin held them up, bidding them look around a corner carefully. The older mage peeked around the corner and quickly scooted away; it was a boar, an enormous boar, all decked out in heavy metal armor. She had heard of creatures of this size, but she'd never seen one before now... It took up the entire alleyway! "I guess we need to hide and wait for it to pass by us. That armor looks... far too heavy to fight it head on. We can use its size against it."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

Should be a simple encounter. I'll distract it, attack it from the rear once I take it past this corner." Lautrec spoke up after the girls had taken a gander at the monster boar. Boldly throwing himself into the middle of the street, pulling out a Brown round object, quickly chucking it down the alley and hitting the boar on the back, where the thrown object burst into flames, not seriously hurting the boar but easily catching it's attention. The animal came charging then, chasing the knight who agitated it, going past the ladies without noticing them as Ran applied some sort of golden resin onto her weapon, the application causing the blade to start emitting showers of sparks.
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

Deborah nodded silently at the plan, steeling herself for the combat. It helped that she had probably the least dangerous role to play in it. Lautrec jumped out into the middle of the street then, bringing out some kind of... well, it was probably a firebomb of some kind. The mage's thoughts were confirmed when he tossed it at the boar and it exploded into flames. All went according to his plan as he turned tail and ran, the boar in hot pursuit. Once it was past them Ran put some sort of magical substance on her blades, causing them to spark, but that wasn't of much concern to Deborah; she took a deep breath, stepped out into the alley, and focused the energy of her soul into a small blue bolt to launch at the creature's hindquarters, ready to follow up unless something spooked her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

Each of the party members had their own idea about the fight and how to approach it, Ran going for the rear as well now that the not particularly armored bum of the boar was presented to the girls. She kept to one side, allowing Debbie's bolt to pass by before swinging her chain blades at the boar but, hitting good and practically at the same time as the spell did. Lautrec did not fare quite as good though, the attempted attacks with the tips of his sickle-swords going wide from the intended target, which apparently to be the eye slots in the helmet of the boar. For his trouble, he got knocked around with a headbutt, avoiding the tusks at least. The boar did try to donkey kick backwards at Ran as well, but she was not quite within reach as the chain on her weapon allowing her to remain a safe distract away.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

Deborah's attack landed just as she had wanted it to, but whether or not it really did any decent damage to the huge boar she couldn't say. Her companions attacked with varying degrees of success, Ran's chained blades slashing into its rear but Lautrec's attacks bouncing off its armor as he felt the weight of the creature bear down on him, almost tossing him to the ground. The older mage could only launch another bolt of magic at their enemy, hoping to kill it before it could do much damage to the others.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark (Deborah/Tiffania)

The girls got to have free reign on the backside of the trapped boar thanks to Lautrec's distraction, both of them starting to make a mess out of the exposed animal with their respective weapons. Despite this, the creature was as tenacious as the reputation of it's kind told, attempting to get some relief despite being wounded by trashing about some more. Lautrec himself made some progress on his efforts as he swung his weapon at the boar, managing to lodge the sickle blade into the boar's eye through the thin eyehole on the helmet. Holding onto the sword, he lodged himself on harder by anchoring his feet onto the boar's tusks as he aimed another blow at the second eye with his other sickle.