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Sandra (Kln)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"I... I just... nobody ever comes out this way and to my cave hardly at all anymore," Kyra lamented, looking down at the floor before slithering out behind the girls, with Gina still holding Sandra close.

"Aye, we should arrive sometime tomorrow, probably around noon if nothing bad happens," Petra replied when asked how far from the village they were.

After they exited the cave, Gina remained next to Sandra until they got ready to move on out again, where they followed the river along until nightfall, with Gina calling a rest stop more often and for longer periods of time for Sandra's sake. That night, Gina slept with Sandra, snuggled up close to her and making sure she remained warm and cozy through the cool late hours of the night. When it came for a changing of the watch, as Petra and Gina neither one seemed to fully trust Kyra to not try something with Sandra, the two amazonian women switched roles and Petra snuggled up while Gina took over the watch instead.


The next morning, Sandra woke with, oddly enough, Gina and Petra both snuggled up to her, and Kyra was coiled wide around their bedroll with her breasts squished down to either side of Sandra's head. "A strong wind started to blow about an hour or so ago and you were starting to shiver, so we all agreed that you were more important than any squabbles between one another, and we warmed you up," Petra said softly, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek.

After they had warmed Sandra up, Petra got some breakfast ready and they all ate together before they set out again. After a while of walking, Sandra saw the river flow off the edge of a cliff face into a beautiful waterfall, with the whole thing overlooking a lush green valley. It was really a beautiful sight to Sandra, being the most nature she'd likely ever seen in her life. It looked like something from a fairy tail really, when she thought about it.

"There it is. Pine Grove. Our home," Gina said softly, looking out over the valley and smiling at Sandra before taking Sandra's hand and walking over to the side of the falls and starting down a small path that led in a winding trail down the side of the cliff face. "Since we don't have as many as other tribes, we have plenty of food," she went on to say, with Sandra noticing a couple of farms closer towards the huge waterfall they were coming down next to.

It took them a few more minutes, but they made their way down the cliff face and at the bottom they were met by a duo of amazonian women who brandished their spears until they saw Petra and Gina. They had a little guard hut for shelter and likely switched out with other guards for the watch. "Ah good, you two are back. We were starting to wonder if you'd had to go further. And who are they um... guests?" one of them asked, relaxing and nodding to Sandra and Kyra.

"Well, it's difficult to explain. So we'll explain in the village. If that's alright of course girls," Gina said, to which the guard lady nodded and gestured them on past. Gina smiled again and wrapped an arm protectively around Sandra's waist, with Petra and Kyra both giggling softly at the whole scene as Kyra followed along with Petra.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Tired from the day's adventures, Sandra got quickly asleep. Gina's and Petra's warmths were recomforting. She still had time to think about today's adventure.

That tryst with Kyra was rough, however, she didn't want to admit it, but the orgasm she got back there was one of the most intense and voluminous she ever had. Travelling with the lamia, Sandra realised that she was not really evil or even feral, like she thought at first; just alone. She still had a lot of things to learn about this world, it seemed.

Sandra's dreams were populated with lamias, taking turn at riding he cock and fucking her body in all sorts of positions. She figured herself being filled, again and again with big egg-looking bulges, her belly inflating to comical proportions, like only dreams can provide. At first it was one snake hybrid after the other, and then it felt like a whole party of them piled around her, tag-teaming her pussy, her ass and her cock with their genitals. It was when her tummy popped in a cartoonish manner, like an overinflated balloon, that she woke up suddenly.

Opening her eyes, Sandra's first sight was of Kyra's bosom smothering her head. Everyone coiled against her; litteraly for Kyra. So that's where all these "lamias" came from. This day seemed to start very well. She buried her head inside the reptile hybrid's breasts, enjoying the bounciness of these natural pillows. Her cock was back in action thanks to the night's rest, and formed a visible pitch under the camp bed's sheets, to everyone's enjoyement.
"Well, thanks, everyone. Waking up with three big girls snuggling against me is quite enjoyable, I must say." she thanked her companions.

While taking her breakfast, she talked with them. She asked if there were more creatures like Kyra around, and if most laid eggs like her. "I must admit that, yesterday, I was still all shaken by that riding you gave me, and panicked, but if there are girls willing to mate with Lamias, like Petra said yesterday, that would be interesting to watch. Or even experiment. Just promise you won't coerce anyone into doing it anymore, and I may have a word with the villagers and see if you can move in nearby."

After some walk, the aformentioned village was finally in sight. "Pine Grove, huh?" Sandra repeated, in awe in front of the beautiful sight in front of her. During the remaining leg of the journey she spent her time looking all around her, until they met the two guards. Hopefully, Petra and Gina were there. Otherwise, going through these female warriors would have been at the very least difficult.
Sandra giggled too at Gina's protectiveness. "Thanks, Gina. I must say that, even though trekking through this place is beautiful, and camping with you is fun, it wouldn't be bad to settle in a town. I can't wait to see what Pine Grove looks like." she said, with some excitation when saying the last sentence.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

When they saw her morning wood, the girls all giggled at Sandra, though none of them tried to take advantage of her, like the looks on their faces said they wanted to. "Well, lamias aren't the only... well, there's no other way of saying it really, monstrous girls. And I'm sure that we can find some way of getting her a nearby place, in exchange for some eggs, unfertilized of course," Petra said, looking to Kyra who nodded a little.

"Sure, I would be willing to part with some of them. So long as I would be allowed to lay a few fertilized ones, like this batch I got now. I know that lamia eggs are considered a delicacy to some tribes," Kyra said with a shrug, sounding willing to go along with that in exchange for being able to lay some of her eggs. "I mean, we produce a decent sized batch at least twice a season assuming we've managed to lay the previous batch," she added.


After they arrived and got past the guards, the village itself came into sight. It looked more like a small town rather than the small village that they were talking about. There were more houses than she could count on both hands and feet at least, and there were other buildings too. One that they passed by was clearly a blacksmith, with a large black haired and quite muscled amazon woman hammering away on a blade of some sort that looked much like a sword. To her left down the little street of sorts, she saw a woodcutter where there were three different women chopping firewood, obviously in preparation for winter.

A little ways into the little town, she saw a little market of sorts, with plenty of vegetables for sale. There was a little general store building, and even an inn, just like in a fantasy video game or something. After a couple of more minutes, they arrived at a large longhouse, which had one of the only stone foundations in town. "This is the Chieftain's longhouse. She'll want to meet you for sure. Stay out here a minute or two and I'll get her," Gina said, motioning for Sandra to stay outside for now.

After only a minute, Gina returned, with another woman, one that was a little taller than Gina, but simply stunningly beautiful, and very mature looking. She was a true Milf if Sandra had ever seen one. She had beautiful blonde hair, and oddly had pointed ears like that of an elf, and she had very large breasts that Sandra could get lost in for days. The Chieftainess looked around at Sandra and motioned for everyone around to come in, forming a circle around Sandra and her. "Hello there matriarch, Gina here told me all about you. Please, be welcome in our home. And please, let me be the first to do so," the chieftainess said with a happy smile as she walked over and pulled Sandra into her arms in a loving embrace as she kissed her right on the lips.

OOC: ( )


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

From Gina and Petra's looks, Sandra expected Pine Grove to be a small village with a few longhouses, or even huts, but she arrived in a real little town, with shops and artisans, and countless individual houses. "Wow. I didn't expect it to be so big from the way you described it yesterday." Sandra said.
She took her time walking with her three travelling mates. Citizens looked to them, albeit she was not sure if they were looking at her in particular, and some of them saluted Gina, Petra or both. Sandra expected as much, but she noticed there was no male in the whole town.

The party arrived at a longhouse, which Sandra correctly guessed as some kind of town hall or chief house. After a short wait, the current leader of Pine Grove appeared in front of her. She was very pretty; her physique was slightly different from a human's, with her long ears and her hair so blonde they looked platinum. The Chieftainess summoned everyone present, and Sandra was soon feeling uncomfortable from being around all this audience until the elvan-looking woman began to speak.
"Thank you, miss, I.. Mmm..." The new matriarch tried to reply but the Chieftainess was already hugging her, planting a firm kiss on her lips while pressing her generous breasts against Sandra's. The herm's cheek flushed red. Instinctively, she returned the Elf's hug.
"Huf.. Haha... As I was saying, I'm very pleased to be here. I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Well, compared to other villages or towns, ours is relatively small. Most of the others nearby are a bit bigger, at least twice the size. For the permanent settlements anyway. For the nomadic like tribes, their villages are much smaller," Gina said about the size of the place, remaining close to Sandra until they arrived at the longhouse.


"Oh I'm positive you shall enjoy your stay young Sandra. Until we get you some living accommodations, you shall live in the longhouse in the guest room. But for now, be welcome to Pine Grove. You may explore the village and the surrounding lands as you see fit, but try and stay within the borders. Basically just don't go beyond the guard points on the outskirts is all, without a guard of course. Other than that, you may go wherever you like," the chieftainess told Sandra before gasping softly and bowing in apology. "I almost forgot. I am Hera, chieftainess of Pine Grove. And also, I invite you to dine with me tonight so that I may learn more about you, for Gina tells me that you are not from our world. For now though, be at ease and if you wish, join me for some afternoon tea to rest after your journey here," she went on to say, introducing herself.

After a few moments she looked to Kyra and nodded to her. "Gina has also told me of your request miss Kyra, and if you can mind yourself and everything, then we would be more than happy to accommodate you as well. There are a few empty caves over near the cliff side that we use sometimes for storing things in, but right now they are empty. Of course, if you wish to live closer to the village, then you may, but we would have to make a larger structure more fit to your... size," Hera said to Kyra. "As for the rest, I shall speak to everyone else and see who all would be willing to bear your eggs," she added

"No no the cave is fine. I wouldn't mind though if you could have someone help me gather some bedding to use though. And... please don't take too long about the egg bearer. They are ready to come out, and it kind of aches," Kyra replied, bowing politely and heading off with Petra, who agreed to show Kyra to the caves as Hera nodded at her request.

With that, Sandra had the option of joining Hera for some tea, or she could explore some more, which Gina would more than happily accompany her to show her around.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"I accept your invitation to dinner with pleasure. Not that I miss Gina and Petra's cooking of course." Sandra answered politely. She was happy to see everyone gave her a warm welcome, and that Kyra's situation was bound to get better. She was still curious about how her egg-laying would work, but she had to work up the courage to ask yet.

For now, Sandra decided to take a tour of her new home. "Thanks for your invitation, but I'd like to take a tour of Pine Grove, as I'm sure I will stay there for a short while. We will drink tea later with pleasure any other time." she said. After this, the young new matriarch took Gina's arm and invited her to give her a visit of the town. "This city seems to have a lot of things." she said to the warrior, as they started their tour.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Hmhm, well I would hope that you would remain for more than just a short while. But, we aren't like some of the other tribes that wouldn't allow their matriarchs to even set foot outside of the village without an escort and a collar and leash to ensure that they don't get away from them," Hera said with a giggle, bowing her head a bit to Sandra before heading back inside while Gina slipped an arm around one of Sandra's and led her off.

"Oh it's far from a city. But, I hope that one day Pine Grove shall become one. A grand city with a hundred matriarchs or more," Gina said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

As she led Sandra around town after that, Sandra saw all of the buildings and everything, and she even took Sandra over to the cave that Kyra would be staying in to show her where it was. One of the places she took Sandra after showing her the main town was a little to the west, just on the edge of the borders where one of the farms were. This place had a little garden with beautiful plants all around it, and the river which ran from the waterfall had a small stream branch off from it to run through the garden into a little pond. As Gina sat down with Sandra on a log that had obviously been set there purposely, she offered Sandra a fruit that looked very much like an apple.

"Here, they're good," Gina said, handing the reddish fruit to Sandra. "And Sandra, we'll help you find your way home if you want us to help. You may be a matriarch, and we may need one, but we aren't cruel. We just, want a matriarch. Without one, Pine Grove may eventually cease to exist, and our tribe may have to join other tribes just to keep from dying out. So... would you consider staying, j-just for a while at least," Gina went on to say to Sandra, looking at her with a hopeful look in her eyes.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

((sorry, didn't meant "short while" this way. In French, when you say you will be at something for a "short while" this can be used an euphemism, to say that, on the countrary, you think it will be a long while))

"I know." Sandra answered, while taking a bite off the fruit Gina offered. "You've been so nice to me, especially considering what Hera said about how the other villages treat people like me; and this place is just wonderful. Where I come from is a big, very big city. With houses and shops for miles. But there's next to no grin, and people there look so... Sad. This place feels like paradise. The only thing I regret is that I am far away from my family and my other friends." she admitted.
The new matriarch put her hand on her protector's arm in a sign of affection. "Don't worry. I know nothing about politics, or diplomacy with other tribes. I don't even know what my days as a matriarch will be. But I will not let you down."

Looking at the sun, slowly preparing to descend below the horizon, she asked Gina "Should we begin to go back to Hera's place? You could tell me a little more about your tribe's history and this country in general as we walk." she proposed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

(Sorry for the text wall, just kind of started writing and didn't stop until I realized how much I had written. You needn't reply to every single bit of it thought. XD)

"Well, not all the other tribes and villages treat matriarchs badly, though some do. Out of the... seven or eight other tribes within a week's walk from here, only two are more... firm in their treatment of matriarchs," Gina said, stopping and counting on her fingers for a couple of seconds before finishing.

Hearing Sandra out, Gina frowned a little when she mentioned being so far from her family and friends. "I'm sorry Sandra, that you're so far from those you love. But... you may very well save us, our tribe, nay, our world. Every matriarch is helpful, regardless. Also... there is the chance that chieftainess Hera may use you to barter with other tribes, j-just to give you a heads up on it and all. It's a common practice though, one tribe allows a few of another tribe to bed their matriarch or matriarchs, and vice versa. It helps keep inbreeding to a minimum and spreads the matriarchs genes about. And on rare occasions, the matriarchs themselves breed one another, to increase the chances of another matriarch being born. When a tribe has a matriarch born into it, they have a grand celebration for nearly a week straight, and even the more hostile tribes won't dare attack another tribe that's just had a new matriarch be born. It's an unspoken rule, and word about a new matriarch generally travels fast," Gina said after a listening to Sandra, leaning over and hugging her lovingly, kissing her on the cheek affectionately as she pulled Sandra's head down to her breasts to lay it there.

After that, when Sandra mentioned heading on back, Gina smiled and stood up, offering a hand to help Sandra up, and walking hand in hand back to Hera's longhouse. On the way back, Sandra learned that this world had all of the mythological beings that she had heard about in fantasy games and books and whatnot. Elves, both light and dark, gnomes, even cat girls and whatnot.

"There are orcs as well. Their tribes are mostly brutish, and while they don't mistreat their matriarchs as much as say... the Longtooth tribe, but they can be a bit... rough when mating. The nearest orc tribe is the Fire Fist tribe, and they're one of those seven or eight I mentioned before," Gina said, smirking a bit. "They aren't really evil though, but they are probably the strongest tribe around in terms of brute strength. If you ever want the best bodyguard, get an orc woman. Those girls can lift boulders and trees practically. They have six matriarchs, half of whom they conquered and took from other tribes and made their own. But they do allow even the tribes they took them from to breed with them still amazingly. And they even let the matriarch's families should they have them come and visit as often as they like," she went on to say.

Sandra also learned about the succubi and angels that seemed to be real in this world. "The angels, mostly anyway, are matriarchs themselves. Many live in the great White Wing tribe, in the largest city on our continent. And, they're kind of married to the Black Wing tribe of the succubi and lust demonesses, who protect them from any who would dare try and bring harm to the angels. All are welcome in the city though, so long as they follow the rules. The reason the Black Wing tribe has named themselves the White Wing tribe's protectors is because, some years ago, many other tribes banded together to attack the peace loving White Wing tribe, because they have thousands of matriarchs that live throughout their lands. No town is without at least a handful of matriarchs from the White Wing tribe. And each White Wing matriarch has a personal harem of a handful of Black Wing succubi and lust demonesses. Our tribe has had dealings with the White Wing and Black Wing tribes in the past, we had five of our most fertile girls travel to their lands and breed, then return, and one of them gave birth to a matriarch, our previous one. The White Wing matriarchs have the highest chances of siring more matriarchs," Gina told her as they walked, pulling Sandra closer to her and sighing softly.

"I'm sorry Sandra, I was talking of the other tribes. Our tribe, the Strong Arm tribe, used to be one of the greater tribes in this area. Though we never had a whole lot of territory or anything, but we have some of the most fertile lands and whatnot as you can well see. About... seventy years or so ago, we had nine matriarchs, spread over two villages, which at that time was the most of the dozen or so tribes that live within a week or two of here. Most of them didn't have more than two or three, though one of our friendly sister tribes, the Silver Mane tribe, had six themselves. Times... have just been tough on us these past few decades. Hopefully with your arrival, things will change... at least, I hope they will. Thankfully our tribe is on good fertile land, so it's easy to stockpile food, and it allows us to be able to trade with the other tribes, even the Longtooth tribe trades with us for food sometimes," Gina said as they approached Hera's longhouse, where Gina stopped at the door and knocked on it.

Another amazonian guard woman, this one being much bustier than Gina, and bordering on Kyra's large tits if not larger, answered the door. "Ah hello Gina, and welcome matriarch Sandra. Please, be welcome in the chief's home. I'm sure that she will be... very pleased you've come, I know I am, hmhm," the woman said with a giggle. Looking her over, Sandra saw she was a mature dark almond skinned elf woman that looked incredibly experienced.

As she was ushered in, Sandra saw the dark elf woman wink seductively at her and blow her a kiss. "This is Lena. Chief Hera's personal aide and her second in command. Lena is the oldest and wisest of everyone in Pine Grove, and our head shaman. Anything magical you need to know, come talk to her," Gina said, introducing the dark elf, who scooped Sandra up like a princess and carried her inside, leaving Gina there blushing for a few moments before she hurried along.

"Come Sandra, you need some fresh clean clothes, and a bath too. Dinner won't be ready for another half hour at least, so come, to the little hot spring I created for Pine Grove," Lena said in a sultry tone as she carried Sandra through the longhouse and into a bedroom, where she and two other women, one with a pale greenish hue to her skin, and the other with cat ears and a cat tail that swished about happily behind her.

The green skinned girl was young, but not that young, likely in her mid twenties if Sandra had to guess, and she had flaming red hair, a more muscular body than even Gina had, and she had bright green eyes. The cat girl had raven black hair and her tail was the same color, and she looked younger, near about Sandra's age, and she was more slender and less muscular than the green skinned girl, and she had plain white skin. "Matriarch, it's an honor to serve thee," the green skinned girl said, as she, the catgirl, and Lena all three took Sandra's clothes off and ushered her off, with Gina following along, trying to keep up.

They ushered her out the back door and down a small stone path towards a large bathing area, which Sandra had seen in her tour. The had put a towel around Sandra for the sake of modesty, but as soon as they got to the public baths, which were warm and steamy, Sandra felt her towel swiftly pulled away. There were a handful of girls in the baths, some of whom weren't there when Hera welcomed her to the village, and most of them gasped and bowed to Sandra, looking quite happy. Lena and the other two quickly undressed and eased down into the baths, with Lena and the green skinned girl both offering a hand to Sandra to help her down.

"Please matriarch, join us and let us wash you. Gina why don't you help us too, since you've known her longer than us," Lena said, smiling at Gina, who grinned and threw her clothes off and set her spear down before stepping in with the others.

Surrounded by the beautiful women on all sides, Sandra felt her cock instinctively swelling up and her balls engorging a bit with seed, her body telling her mind that it was more than ready for some action. Before she could think about anything though, she felt Gina gently place her hands on Sandra's shoulders, sitting down on the steps built into the side of the baths and gently pulling Sandra with her to sit in her lap. As she did this, Lena and the other two both moved closer with sponges and soap and began cleansing Sandra's body of all the accumulated dirt and grime over the last few days since coming here. "Oh matriarch, you have such soft smooth skin," the catgirl said, her soft slender hands gliding over Sandra's breasts as her palms gently brushed across Sandra's nipples, not in a sexual manner though.

"Oh goodness, forgive us matriarch, we have such poor manners. My name is Aria, and this is Misa," the green skinned girl said, introducing herself and bowing quickly in apology for not having done so sooner, while the catgirl did the same.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra listened attentively to Gina's explanations before joining back the chief's house and meeting Lena.

She blushed as the dark elf looked gorgeous as well, and she always had a taste for dark skins. "Thank you, Lena, this is a pleasure as weeeell...!" Sandra tried to answer before the big-chested guard swooped her from her feet. What was wrong with these people who never let her finish a sentence, she thought jokingly.
"That feels a little weird, being carried like that. But I DO need a good batch" said Sandra. Noticing the two women joining her, she wondered if the pale-green one was an Orc, from the way Gina described them. In any case, she was buff! And the neko walking alongside them was rather pretty herself. She retained with difficulty her starting erection.

As soon as Sandra touched the water of the bath, she was taken care of by her new friends and Gina. Their hands were very soft, and their scrubbing rather expert. She tried to stiffle her moans, but she couldn't hide her cock rapidly growing to full mast ,from the four naked women surrounding them.
"Nice to meet you both. I guess you must be an... An orc, Aria?" Sandra tried to say, but the women's hands and sponges were everywhere. "D... Damn... It feels so good. A little too good even, though I don't mind." she commented, while caressing Gina's thigh with one hand, and the green-skinned young girl with the other. She now felt horny, she wanted more "Say... How about you wash a little more in this area? I feel really dirty there." Sandra asked, blushing, as she passed her right hand by her groin, pulling up the hard shaft in front of her washers.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"I'm sorry dear, I just got so used to carrying our last matriarch like that because it made her so happy to have us dote on her like that," Lena said as she set Sandra down, kissing her on the forehead as she did.

After they'd entered the bath and Sandra's erection began growing, and she tried and failed to stifle her moans, Lena and the others giggled at her. "Matriarch Sandra, my dear, you needn't worry about holding your voice back. You are among friends, and likely soon to be lovers," Lena told Sandra, kissing her on the cheek as they scrubbed her clean.

"Aye I am... well, I'm a half orc anyway. I was born from a joining of our tribe and the Fire Fist tribe. Matriarch Nala, our last matriarch, had five of theirs, and two of their matriarchs had ten of ours. We gave them a bit of food too to help make up for it, but they didn't mind sharing their matriarchs with us and said the food wasn't necessary, though they graciously accepted it anyway, hmhm," Aria said with a giggle.

When Sandra asked any of them to wash a little lower around her penis, they all looked at her with a happy smile. Gina bit her bottom lip and obviously wanted to do it herself, yet she refrained, mumbling something about letting the others have their chance too. Misa knelt down in front of Sandra and ran her rough catlike tongue up from the base to tip of Sandra's shaft. Lena knelt down after a few moments, after Misa had licked Sandra's cock a couple of more times, and did the same thing, with Misa letting her do so. Then Aria knelt down and took her turn at it, while Gina held Sandra lovingly from behind, maneuvering around to sit on the side of the bath instead of down in it on the steps.

"Oh matriarch Sandra, please allow us to make you feel good. Don't hold back your voice either, let us... all of us here in the baths hear our new beloved matriarch," Lena said with a giggle, kissing the tip of Sandra's cock.

After a few more kisses from each of the girls, Misa was allowed to go first, and dipped her head down, sliding Sandra's cock into her mouth until the head of it bumped against the back of her throat and she gagged a bit. It was obvious that she had never done this on a real cock before, but she didn't stop and tried to force herself to deep throat Sandra as tears formed in her eyes. "Now Misa, don't force yourself. You're still young, so you'll learn soon enough. Just take it slow for now and let Aria take over," Lena told Misa lovingly, petting her head where her cat ears twitched cutely as she pulled up and off, panting softly.

Aria then took her turn and she was able to deep throat Sandra on the first stroke, yet she still gagged a bit herself. She went until she literally had to come up for air, at which point Sandra was close... oh so very close to reaching her climax. "Allow me to give you your sweet release matriarch Sandra," Lena said softly, deep throating Sandra with ease and much experience in using her mouth.

Her tongue expertly licked all over Sandra's shaft while she bobbed her head up and down, tipping Sandra over the edge within only a minute and swallowing every last drop Sandra had to offer while Misa and Aria both sucked hard on her balls and helped coax out more for Lena. Lena moaned and if Sandra looked down she could see all three of them had been masturbating themselves while they did this. "Please Matriarch, tonight... take us. We shall come to your bed, and we shall not stop you if you wish to take advantage of us," Aria panted softly before all three of them kissed Sandra on the lips one by one, followed by a deep kiss from Gina as well as the obviously horny trio began finishing with the bath and scrubbing Sandra again.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

For a few days, there were a lot of things Sandra would have described as "Best. Ever.". Right now, it would be the best bath ever. The girls' tongues ran over and around her cock, and soon, Sandra purred of pleasure under their efforts, cuddling herself against Gina's generous chest.

Each tongue had its own texture, its own way to pleasure her. Misa's was rough like a cat's. Each time it passed on her dickhead, it sent tingles of pleasure down her spine. Aria's was energic and rough, but with a hint sensuality, a pleasurable metaphor of her half-orc nature. Finally Lena, experienced and precise. The trio switched regularly, and eventually Mira was the first to try to take all of Sandra down. The new matriarch gasped loudly as she felt the tight throat massage her rock hard member. The neko was quickly followed by Aria, who went even deeper onto her thick length. Sandra's body trembled and she tilted her head back as she abandoned herself to the two girls' efforts.

After Aria popped her dick out of her mouth, she looked down, only to see the Orc and her cat friend swallow her balls and massage them, sending a big drop of pre out of her shaft. The liquid was quickly swallowed by Lena, who went to town on the Matriarch. Sandra's moans turned into a long, loud mewl of pleasure. Her hands reached for Lena's head. First, they tried to slow her down, to stop the inexorable pleasure that came too fast, too strong. But then stars filled her eyes and her hands tensed, pushing on the woman's head as Sandra launched her hips forwards several times, throwing litteraly her cum into the dark-skinned Amazon.

Searching for breath, Sandra made out with Aria, Misa and Lena, and Gina behind her. "Oh, dear God. Yes! Fuck yes! I don't care if I can't walk by tomorrow morning. I want all of you. I want to fill the four of you until I can't cum anymore." she almost shouted in the throes of horniness.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Don't you worry matriarch, you may do that to us tonight after dinner. We will not stop you," Lena cooed to Sandra after they finished kissing her, their hands gently caressing her body as she cooled down from the amazing orgasm.

After that, the four of them gently washed her body some more to finish cleaning her up, making certain that she was completely clean before they left the baths. However if she wished to take things a little further, then they wouldn't stop her in the least bit. Though if she decided to wait, then Lena would lead the way back to the chieftainess's longhouse, where dinner was about to be served.

Hera was already sitting at the dinner table, and Lena took her seat next to her on her left, while Hera motioned for Sandra to sit directly to her right in the seat next to her. "Please Sandra, come and sit with me. Tell me about your home if you don't mind doing so. I would like to learn about it," Hera said, scooting the chair meant for Sandra closer to her.