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[Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Knowing Nutaku, they fucked epicly and will kneel at us begging for forgiveness while dumping a crapton of jewels/Bugbear(s)
Anyone else noticed the worst memory leak ever playing this game in the recent days ? That thing eats over 2GB and could probably troll more but crashes instead .... Only with this game though, or Google started sucking big time since last week
Anyone else noticed the worst memory leak ever playing this game in the recent days ? That thing eats over 2GB and could probably troll more but crashes instead .... Only with this game though, or Google started sucking big time since last week

That's a problem with google chrome v64. It's buggy. There was an announcement in the tweeter form nutaku. They advise to use the v65 beta as a temporary solution.
i have 2700 jewel only need 300 more and i do the 10 chain one i hope i will get my 5th ssr kamihime! Also hate unions they always kicking me out-
soo if any guild willing me le me tell you ii am weak for lvl 80 + ones i need lvl 40+ one but i will never prtipacate in union event ever -.-
Sorry for necroing, is anyone still playing this game? Got a question, i just play this game couple days ago the dmm ver, i've been wondering i got 2 ssr unit/kamihime(what it's called i think) i try to put the other ssr unit, but the game prevent me doing that by saying/pointing that i should replace the current ssr that are in my deck. Is the game strictly only can put 1 ssr unit in deck or what? Been looking up on wiki and here for some information regarding that but i got nothing.
I still play on Nutaku

Anyway, you can have as many SSRs as you like on your team. I'm not entirely sure about the error message you're getting, but the two things I can think of are....

1. You can only have one version of a named character on the team at a time. for example the dark Amon Unleashed and the fire maid Amon versions
2. You have an unfinished battle somehwere that you used that team; game can get weird about letting you make changes to it if you haven't claimed the rewards of a battle/are still involved in one but not in it (raid battles, for example).

Neither exactly match up to what you're saying, and Nutaku is a year or more behind DMM. A screenshot might be helpful in figuring this out
This. Everytime i try to put the other ssr the game keep highlighting the ssr that are already in my deck, and can't put it anywhere else.

You cant place different versions of the same character in your team. Bassically your two SSR are the same girl and this cant divide herself.

This also happen with Nike. If you place Nike SSR you cant place Nike SR at your team
Huh what you mean?

It mean that Kamihime (KH) sometime got another version during event or boost (like a valentine / Xmas / summer... version).
You can only put a character once. So if you have normal KH alpha, you can't put Summer KH alpha in the party - even when they aren't of the same rarity level.

The game lore put them as either having changed clothes (with variation of power) or having evolved. You can't have the same girl with 3 different clothes at the same time (neither can you have a normal and evolved girl alike).

But it won't really be a problem since they aren't of the same elements in most of the case (except normal / unleashed). here one is thunder the other darkness elements.

To get the best out of your teams you'll want to have them made of only one elements.
Holy shit i feel so dumb, i didn't realize this 2 girl are the same untill i see their name. Thanks for the clarification on that. fuking moon language makes me didn't bother to read even their name..
Oh neat, thought this thread was completely dead. I feel I expended my luck in this game already, I probably have potential for a ridiculous light team since Michael got an awakening. However, aside from main story, is there a replenishable source of F2P jewels in the game ?
Best source is by doing the challenges in Guild Order. Each GO is two weeks long, divided into two parts. Complete at least 8/20 points will give you 800 for the two weeks
Daily missions = 50 jewel /day
Log in bonus = depend on the regular / event bonus, but even the normal one is about 100 jewel a week
1st time = 50 jewel the 1st time you finish a quest
Hime / eidolon = 50 for the encounter (I got her) episode, 50 jewel for every H episode other than the 1st of a hime (when you get a new ability)
GO = well, it's quite hard (for low lv player unless you bought charac with $$), you can earn quite a bit
Event = advent battle / raid battle / Union event. They gave quite a lot (a big lot if your union got a high ranking), but the event are usually time consuming (grind grind). Buying all the advent event jewel yield 3k... but take some grinding time

And last... well, your real life wallet to buy in game money to use for storage increase / potions / gatcha..... (not the best option unless you really mean it)