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[Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

No, rather there are no longer sergeants that summon tanks at all anymore. On any skill level. The ones that used to have that skill now have the skill to increase you war funds instead. (E.g. Wanda used to summon max ranked light or medium tanks on lv5, now she gives 1250 war funds, which is just shit.).

wait a second, Wanda isn't a sergeant. shes a PFC!
Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

The fuck are you talking about?

Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

I know it says sergeant but shes not really a sergeant, they got the ranks completely wrong!

You got to go by the rank insignia!

As you can clearly see here, what they are calling a "Sergeant" is actually a PFC or private first class. They have one chevron.

what there calling a Lieutenant, aint a lieutenant at all, thats a Corporal. They have two chevrons.

what there calling captains are the real Sergeants! Sergeants have 3 chevrons in their insignia.

Lieutenant and captain are officer ranks that have their own insignias.

As for Amber, shes a Brigadier General.
Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

I know it says sergeant but shes not really a sergeant, they got the ranks completely wrong!

You got to go by the rank insignia!

I would like to note that those rang insignia differ from country to country. For my country insignia with chevrons dont even exist.

So if the game says "in this FICTIONAL army group" one chevron is sergeant thats it. If they would call the players army "USA army" you would be right though.