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(Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

Sword of recovery becomes Sword of complete recovery. Both are light skills. It's a bit like Satans drain except A) physical and B) only 10k instead of 20k. So even maxed it remains a low tier card.
Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

I just started this up. It it not as popular as the other games?
Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

I started as well after hearing that its actually #1 ranked but I can't get into it. Interface is.... deep, hardly any sound and the fights are.... almost non-existent. I just click, skip, lvl up, see random raid boss appear, I kill it, I see no hp, and I don't really know what I'm doing lol

There is a story and some of the girls seem to have animated H scenes which is nice but they are horribly neglecting the lower ranked girls as some of the art are just unacceptable.

It just feels like I'm clicking to get stronger pretty much. The girls I collect have no story time, just scenes. sort/organization for enhancements are aweful, I just want to put the same cards together, not list from newest or highest cost, etc.

I dunno, not feeling it. And where is the music?
Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

I started as well after hearing that its actually #1 ranked but I can't get into it. Interface is.... deep, hardly any sound and the fights are.... almost non-existent. I just click, skip, lvl up, see random raid boss appear, I kill it, I see no hp, and I don't really know what I'm doing lol

There is a story and some of the girls seem to have animated H scenes which is nice but they are horribly neglecting the lower ranked girls as some of the art are just unacceptable.

It just feels like I'm clicking to get stronger pretty much. The girls I collect have no story time, just scenes. sort/organization for enhancements are aweful, I just want to put the same cards together, not list from newest or highest cost, etc.

I dunno, not feeling it. And where is the music?

Click home while you're at home and music should turn on. Other than that, nothing.

Maybe the gaming experience is better for mobile uses since I think that's what the game was actually designed for.
Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

Almost all the "meat" of the game is in the conquest battles. If you don't join an active guild and participate in those you're really not going to see what the game is about. Raids/questing are just there as a means to power your cards up for the conquest battles themselves.
Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

Nutaku confirmed unable to tell the difference between one of their most popular games and a game that's shutting down.

Re: (Nutaku) Dragon Providence (English)

Nutaku confirmed unable to tell the difference between one of their most popular games and a game that's shutting down.


"Look, they both have something to do with dragons, alright? What do you want from us? This is hard!"
To all players that are still around in this game and are also in this forum. Currently the game is at the special 2 years event and to the players who bypass 1000 votes, they will give 3 tickets. 2 With chance to get 2 random cards from the top 10 and 1 choice, however, i've seen lots of players voting wrongly or simple throwing away slots to bullshit. The ranking atm is something akin to:
1st Twins
2nd LR AD
3rd ...

Most of these cards are insanely "old" and not even that useful. After the card pool for f2p have been updated twice, this event is a chance to get cards that are "outside" the free pool and also good cards with skills that are able to evolve. To all players avaliable around, heed and if you're able to take part of the event, help us fix the rankings with stuff that are actually useful instead. Vote for newer stuff such as Hera, Takemikazuchi, Therion, No Ah, Jeanne, etc. Avoid old stuff... and also, to all players from this forum that still play the game, we have a non-official discord chat avaliable that we ask "all" active players to join and follow if want to help with collective events such as this one. Please come and talk with us if you're still an active player of this game to avoid doing bullshit like what's happening now.

Anyone here still playing? I tried the game a long time ago, liked it but at the time seemed like a lot to get into with the time I had. Currently I want something like this to play on my phone, and well... the guild I joined back then is now pretty much dead (Freak Show). So yeah... basically looking for a guild that it's still active on Conquests. (Though seeing how much the rank of the guild improved by winning a couple of conquests by myself against dead guilds, I don't have much hope for active guilds with slots open :/)
I'm still playing. Sorry I didn't see your message, I don't usually pop in around here that often these days.

It kinda' depends on which times for CB you're available. There's a lot more active guilds at 9:00 than in 13:00, for example.
You can usually find someone recruiting for their Guild on the DP Discord Server.
Thanks! I was about to give up on the game. I'll check that discord channel later :)