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Futa Quest development news #52
We were very surprised by the results of the last poll. Frankly, we expected people to choose the first option. Anyway, everyone voted, so you can see the results in the third part of the game.

Now to the main thing.
Just so you understand, the number of symbols will be 37800! (From now on, we will try to remember and always write the total amount of text in the final version to give you an idea of the numbers).
We know that the amount of text is not always an indicator of its quality or the content of the version, but for us all character interactions without exception have a very big meaning.

And now perhaps the most important thing of all.
We promised a release date for the test version and we are ready to announce it.
1.85 will see the light of day on November 28th.
Due to my illness, this is a week longer than we originally planned for a perfect release, but the wait is worth it, believe me.

P.S. We will do our best to brighten your wait for the upcoming release.
Last post before the release

The release is just around the corner, and as usual we are doing the last preparations, which are going well.

We are very happy that our vision of the upcoming update coincided with the winning voting point.
And for those of you who voted differently, I would like to reassure you that you will not be disappointed in any way.
Futa Quest 1.85 test version is now available on Patreon!
Since no one leaked the test version at my request, it becomes available to all after one week, according to the well established rules.

Acting persons of the update:
Kate, Rey, Maiko, Lilith + a bit Connie

What's new

- 12 full-fledged scenes with all kinds of changes inside (emotions, position of hands, different liquids at the end).

- one new costume for the character and a completely new approach to dialog interaction for her.

- now there is the ability to add a lot more emotion and change hand positions in conversation.

- as usual, animation for us has gone to a new level and gives the opportunity to look at several different speeds (slow and fast with changes).

- a record number of dialog choices for us for a single version. In one scene there will be three of them at once.

And a lot of other little things you will discover already in the game.


3- save for the end of version 1.65
4- the end of version 1.75

for those who want to see all NTR scenes in the new version, you will have to use your saves, in which you have also seen all the scenes with NTR, author's saves will not work.

Added to the public version

Since the walkthrough was available from the test version, we only need to complete the actual memory room.


Error in consequence of which the game did not allow you to go to the location with a medical room and continue the story.

Bug where the game would not allow you to go to the location with the medical room and continue the story.

Special thanks to the player known as czarnynight who found it and described it in detail. This allowed us to find it quickly and fix it.

P. S. After completing all the quests, you will end the play day and thus the second part of the Futa Quest will be finished.

The third part will come with a lot of fundamental changes and improvements.

Have a good game!
A question, if I play version 1.85 by clicking on new game I can get all the scenes
Futa Quest development news #55

Greetings to all of you my dear friends.

It's time for another development news. We have quite ambitious plans for the new version, and the final changes and improvements should unlock even more of the game's potential. It's the cornerstone of why we do what we do. Of course, to all of this, we don't forget to develop the sexual content in such a way that it doesn't move too slowly and the girls get their well-deserved attention from Roxy.

So in version 1.95, progress will be made in this area as well.

In addition to the new dialog system, the resolution of the game, new opportunities for dialogue characters and locations, we also want to add backgrounds where the action takes place not only in scenes but also in important conversational episodes (so far there are not too many planned, but with the development in this direction they will only become more).

In the new version, in addition to a full-fledged complex animation with action options, we want to add another small one as a gift for the beginning of the third part. We would like to do this more often, but given our limited resources, it will probably be too much of a luxury.

Also in 1.95 there will be more scenes than in previous parts due to the plot and its importance. We could have shortened it to speed up development, but we felt that it would be cruel and unfair to cut the game short at the most interesting plot point.

Well, probably the most important and interesting question for everyone is how long should you wait for this miracle to happen. It's been a while, and unlike other developers, we don't like to keep our customers in the dark until the very end. The most optimistic plans are to release the test game by the end of March (as we originally wanted two weeks more than our standard development process). However, since there is a lot more work to be done than usual, we do not want to work in defiance and overwork ourselves so much that we burn out from the strain. It's that extreme that we try to avoid at all costs and that will do no good to anyone. Unfortunately, all improvements and innovations take time, and as much as we would like to release everything as soon as possible, we can't get away from it.

So the date is not final and can still change, but believe me, the changes you will see in version 1.95 part 3 will be worth the wait.

Thank you very much for believing in us and continuing to support us.
Long awaited public release of the third part is finally here for us and you.

All the changes that await you in version 1.95
For the sake of clarity, let us compare everything that has been done now with the last version 1.85

1.95 Updated logo before the game starts and new animated menu (1.85 was not planned)
Especially for the third part we made three animations, one complicated with choices and two simpler. (1.85 only one animation)

1.95 redrawn absolutely all 14 + Rosa characters, three of them are new (1.85 no new character)

1.95 Only Roxy\Rosa has 28 emotions + 8 hand positions, besides all other characters (1.85 no new emotions were added)

1.95 15 scenes with two of them animated (1.85 12 scenes with one animated scene)

1.95 The right wing of the camp + another sublocation and all the rooms there are open.
The Princess Palace has also been expanded with two new locations (1.85 no new locations were planned)

1.95 Three separate backgrounds for important dialog scenes (1.85 had no such thing planned)

1.95 New better resolution 1440x900 and changes to locations that we managed to make (1.85 resolution remained 1024x768 )

And a whole bunch of other minor changes that aren't as important as all of the above.

Differences from the test version.

Fixed all the bugs we were able to find with the help of concerned players (there were even more of them than we initially thought).
Added actual memory room.
Added walkthrough.

P.S. Thanks for your support and enjoy the game.