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Extra stuff (ranger)

Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Wildings lore stuffs
6th June, 237

Today I purchased a strange creature from the market. My first inspection of he specimen was that it appeared humanoid and female. At first I was unimpressed by the creature as it surely was some type of faye. Though as I left the seller told me that the creature, which he called a wildling was found in a cave by some lost mercenaries. Still I found this new info to even less eye catching that is until he claimed the girl could shine in the dark. Bioluminescence was not worthy enough to pay for a demonstration. Expecting some cheap trick I handed over a small sum of gold to see the creature in the dark. Expecting to be robbed I was on high alert my magic ready for my beck and call. I however had no need of it as the merchant was telling the truth. As I entered the stifling and dark tent the girls skin glowed with a faint purple light. Fine blue lines wound their way up her body. They looked like small vines and glowed with a brighter light. The girls hair also seemed to glow with a faint blue color. Needless to say I was breathless and offered the man 200 gold trade coins. This seemed more than enough especially after I reminded him of the law against unknown magical creatures being brought into the city.

7th June, 237

After informing my fellow professors about the new creature many came to inspect her. She of course found this rather disturbing and spoke in a primitive language that none of my fellows could figure out. Still I was socked to find the girl could speak at all and ended the view session. I have decided to due some private research while the semester is adjourned.

22nd June, 237

It has been several exhaustive weeks sense I started my private research. Today the girl asked me my name in broken common. Apparently she picked it up from the random visits and my nightly open air discussion over research. With this development I've decided to call her Anna. It doesn’t seem right to call a subject who can speak thing or it.

24th June, 237

Anna seems to like her name and we talked well into the mid afternoon. Her handle of common has greatly improved. She seems to understand my curiosity and was willing to help as I took measurements. For this I opened my old apprentices room for her use. Tomorrow I plan on hiring a tutor to teach her some basic education.

27th June, 237

Anna's education has gone exceedingly well and she has a gift for numbers. Today we spoke about her people which sadly she was not able to communicate much to me. From what I gather all her tribe are female. When I asked her about children she just looked confused. Perhaps there is no word for it in her language, or maybe much like the Alraune and are born from seeds. Sadly the topic seemed to only confuse poor Anna so for now I let it drop.

1st July 237

I went to visit Anna in her room only to find the whole place covered in a fine dust which glowed. She had also blocked the window with a heavy curtain. When I asked her about it she didn't understand but was able to tell me the sun hurt her bad. She did mention however she liked the lights outside. Taking a sample I later found out that my dear Anna is giving off spores. I doubt much could grow from them given our location but I must take care. I do not want hundreds of little Anna's running around.

17th July 237

I seem to have exhausted all the research options available to me. Anna has told me as much as she knows and I have figured out a great deal about her races's attributes. Still lingering questions about lifespan and reproduction have eluded me. Perhaps if I visit the location where she was found I will have more luck. I will send a request to the dean and see if he will allow me the time to start and expedition. Meanwhile I have sent Anna to boarding school. She is a fully fledged member of the guild now but is still an apprentice and will need further education.

20th July 237

My request for an expedition has been granted though I will have to fund it myself. I expected this anyway and I have little to due with my salary I receive from the college and have built up a substantial bank account. I have made preparations with a local mercenary guild to help keep me safe during the trip, after all the area is a hot bed of banditry after the war. I even finished my last will and testament just in case and left it to Anna.

17th August 237

We have reached the cave and breached the interior. It was a splendid sight large mushrooms soared high into the cavern casting faint pale light around us. Many spores drifted from the large fungi and gave off the effects of snow. Several wildlings where spotted watching us but all attempts to coax them to us failed. Still I will not be daunted in this task. I have set up base-camp near a field of large bioluminescencet flowers. While the camp was set up I asked several of the scouts with us to search for a village or town. They have yet to return.

18th August 237

Strange noises during the night made it hard to sleep. It almost sounded like screaming. Sadly none of the scouts returned last night which made several of the mercenaries uneasy. They have decided to leave forgoing any additional pay. Only a handful of the more boastful and brash of them have decided to stay.

19th August 237

Found several bits of old tattered cloths and even rusted weapons scattered about. Its probably refuse brought in by wildling scavengers. The scouts still haven't returned and one of the men found a bow that belonged to his best friend. Suspecting foul play the remaining mercenaries have set up watches during the night. I've noticed the spores seem to colonize what ever they touch. If we stay much longer no doubt we will have a healthy glow all our own. I'm not worried however, direct sunlight should kill off the spores that stick to us.

20th August 237

The sentries have gone missing during the night. Its almost as if they where plucked from the ground. No tracks or signs of trouble would indicate what would happen. I've decided to leave this place. I cannot risk the lives of these men who followed me here. They are in agreement as well. We will follow the path the previous group left. Strange though the flowers on that path have all closed up.

13th May 239

I have found the basecamp of Professor Green. Sadly it has fallen into disrepair. No trace of him or any of the mercenaries that accompanied him could be found save for his journal. I found it strangely enough in the center of a dried flower. Most of it is illegible but I shall return it to Anna as a keep sake. I don't think I will stay the night in this cave the air doesn't feel right and and I swear something is watching me.
Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

1a: Start
2a: Custom creation
3a: Same as above but with a test picture
4a: Pictures remvoved finished custimization.


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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Character WIP

Name: Kaiyi Sora
Class: (Warrior)
Race: Human (Eastern Lands)
Sex: Female

Body: 46 (30 + 16t)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 18 (10 + 8t)

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 72 (42 + 30t)
Spirit Energy (EP): 46
Speed: 21
Dodge: 47 (37 + 10t)
Armor: 0
Resistance: 23
Perception: 21
Stealth: 21
Grapple: 46
Spirit Ceiling: 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: 9
Exception x3:
Natural Spirit: (Holy Mage:)
Natural Succubus: (Just getting started)
Hard to Hit:
Skill with The Bow:

Flaws: 4
R) Tainted Bloodline
Fetish Kitsune
Weakness Kitsune

Mutations: 3/12
Strange Hair
Srange Eyes
Pointed Teeth

Skills: 9
Spirited Warrior:
Rapid Shot - The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge until their next turn, but their attacks deal double damage. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Deadly Aim – The character takes careful aim, forsaking all movement for the round. In exchange, they may trade up to 10 points of Dodge for the round in order to take a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each point traded. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Weapon Focus (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Weapon Specialization (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground. With Skill with Primitive Ranged Weapons or Crossbows then this skill allows for crafting Special Arrows/Bolts at half the listed shop price, and it allows the same for Special Rounds with Skill with Rifles or Pistols.

Base Casting: 0
Favored Elements: 0
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes:
Powers: 2
Lay on Hands

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration =
Foreplay =
Succubus Powers:


Emi's sister long thought dead. The truth of her drowning was more kidnap than anything else. Taken in by holy spirits they refind her demonic taint and taught her the beginings of spirit magic. Her first task is to find her Sister Emi and either capture her or convince her to join her cause.

The OOC section:
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Suncult temple lay out


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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Alexandra Winter
Name: Alexandra Winter
Class: Arcane Warrior (mage)
Race: Half Nightelf (human)
Sex: Female

Body: 20 (10+2r+8t)
Mind: 40 (30+8t+2r)
Spirit: 18 (10+8t)

Hit Points (HP): 59 (49+10t)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 69 (59+10t)
Spirit Energy (EP): 58 (48+10t)
Speed: 10 (14-4ev)
Dodge: 39
Armor: 14 (12a+2t)
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20 (20+8r)
Stealth: 6 (14-8ev)
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 9 (11-2ev)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: 9
R) Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.
Exceptional X3: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Natural Warrior (Skilled): The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Experienced Caster: The character can cast up to 3rd level spells in any Element.
Focus in (Light): Cast up to 5th level spells in this Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.
Concentration: The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.
Potent Spells: Whenever a spell cast by the character requires a Resistance check, the caster gets a +12 bonus to their roll.
Mental Fortitude: The character gains +10 HP, PP, and EP.

Flaws: 4
R) Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
R) Fetish (Demons): Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Note: Characters of a race that have Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural as a Racial Mutation cannot take this Flaw.
Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
*Cursed: OOC note!

Mutations: 0

Skills: 3
Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.
Spirited Warrior - The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.
Untethered Mind and Soul (Passive) - The EV of the character’s armor applies only ½ of its penalty to their Base Casting and Spirit Ceiling.

Base Casting: 26 (20+8t-2ev)
Favored Elements: Light bc:36 (20+8t+10t-2ev)
Magic Feats: 3
Enchant Weapon - The character may pay 4 EP and make a casting check of DC 20 in order to add Mind/2 damage to their weapon attacks for the round, and gain a Mind/2 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon. Using this feat does not use any actions for the round. You must choose an element type for this added damage. If it would be beneficial, weapon attacks are treated as spells instead, and Resistance checks made to negate an attack gain a +8 bonus. This affect may be kept up by paying 1 EP, but it counts as one of your active buffs.
Martial Magician – Attack rolls for weapons and unarmed strikes are modified by Mind instead of Body. The penalty to base casting from taking HP damage is halved.
Channel Spell - The character may channel Spells with the Touch shape through melee attacks, adding their damage to whatever would be dealt by the attack. This feat costs 2 EP to activate in addition to the casting cost of the spell, and if a character gets multiple attacks per round they must make separate casting rolls (at a cumulative -5 penalty to casting for the whole round for each attack beyond the first) and pay separate casting costs for each attack, though they may choose how many times they use this. IE: A character may attack multiple times, but only add a spell to a selected number of attacks. Other Feats may not be used to alter the spells cast by the use of this Feat. In order to activate this Feat, the character must first make a DC 20 casting check at the start of the round, failure indicating that all of the attempted spells fail while costing no EP.

Wielder Aptitudes: 0
Powers: None

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+6
Foreplay = 2d4+5
Succubus Powers:

Armor: Crolian Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
Shield: none
Longsword: 2d6 + Body/2
Longbow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3, 50 foot range
50 denari

Alexandra has Bright rose colored eyes, silver shoulder length hair, and fair skin. Other notable features include her long elven ears and strange black lips. Averaging in at 5'5 thanks to her human blood. She wears a steel breastplate of crolian origin which hides some of her curvy body from on lookers. Though her exotic elven features tend to negate this effect to a degree. She carries a elven style longsword on hip as well as quiver of arrows that can be seen just peaking out form the small of her back. Its matching bow is usually spotted resting on top of the quiver unstrung.

Alexandra's life started out calm enough. As a young woman gifted in magic she was soon apprenticed off to a fellow mage who was paid handsomely to teach such a young student. Sadly this would be the last time she would see her parents as the mage named Fenvian lived in the cold and distant lands of Crolia. Though far from her home in the Amazon Alexandra was a quick study and made great progress in her studies. As the seasons and years passed the young mage learned her fist specialty of magic and would soon graduate from apprentice to journeyman. Fate however had other things in mind. While studying in her room one night a massive explosion rocked the tower that Fenvian had taken for his own. Running to see what happened Alex came across a daemon that had targeted the tower. Using her magic Alex tried to fend the beast off only to be subdued. The daemon amused perhaps by Alex's efforts leaned in and kissed her on the lips biting them and drawing blood. Into the found foul bits of the spirit creature seeped into her body turning her lips as black as the creature. Thus she was cursed and soon blamed for the death of Fenvian. On the run and with her training incomplete Alex soon adapted to the hostile lands she found herself in learning to mix her magic with steel. However while she had managed to escape unharmed she was far from unnoticed. Unseen eyes watched her and sought to claim her as their own.

The OOC section:
The curse: Alexandra is cursed in a parcular way. When ever she kisses another being on the lips (it has to be the lips) She gains access to one of their spells, Talents, or powers for the duration of the combat. However she immediately gains 8 corruption (12 thanks to her tainted bloodline) In addition if she uses said power or spell the energy cost is spent as if she had cast it herself and converted corruption. Se also gains weakened after the power leaves her. Obviously this is up to GM discretion.
Content mostly Rp with some fighting and adventure to spice it up. Please no gore,vore, and watersports.
Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Blade Parasite

Version 1
Blade Parasites
Inspiration: Witchblade and Claymore
Origin: Magically altered parasitic organism

Blade parasites are a magically created organism developed long ago to combat supernatural threats. Originally a painful and disease ridden insect similar to a tick, Its common name was burrow bug, for its nasty habit of burrowing into a victim's skin to feed of its blood. This species was dangerous and difficult to remove due to the hardened shell that grew underneath the skin of the victim making the process of digging the parasite out a painful ordeal. This trait alone is what caught the attention of the mage Okrezar Dreadmore. Taking several specimens the mage altered them with magic twisting and changing them to fit his fancy. No longer a simple pest Dreadmore crafted his Blade Parasites to infest a host and grant them an organic armor. While his first few experiments met with failure and messy deaths of the test subjects he would not give up and soon produced a viable candidate that survived the horrific experiments. After more experimenting and altering Dreadmore soon discovered that only female hosts could handle the infestation. However their were side effects. Increased aggression, lust, and homicidal tendencies in more unstable subjects. Its unknown if Dreadmore ever perfected his experiments as his tower was raided by local peasants who sought his death for kidnapping their wives and daughters. With his death and the destruction of his manor only a brief glimpse of his journal exists. What is known is that woman implanted with the parasite lose the ability to have children as the parasite infests the womb of the victim taking it over and altering it for its needs. Blade Parasites cannot gain any talent, skill, or feat that raises their max EP directly. If they had any before they are unaffected but are bared from gaining any new. Blade parasites gain skills like warriors despite their original Class. Demon, Angels, cannot become infested. Succubi will die if they are infested for too long as their soul cannot take the strain of another feeding on it. Those infected with Blade Parasites look outwardly normal till their life is threatened. When this happens they take on their war form shredding any cloths they had been wearing before. Once the threat is over their body reverts back to its normal state.

Blade Parasite
A magically created organism designed to fight supernatural foes
Stat Adjustments: -20 ep
Racial flaws: Blood thirsty, Lustful, *sterile
Racial Mutation: *Blade Parasite, *Living weapon, Mutated (Blade Parasite mutation's only), Soul Eater
*Sterile: A woman infected with a Blade Parasite can never become pregnant under any circumstances as the Parasite takes over where the womb used to be.
*Blade Parasite: One of the ... benefits of being infested is the ability to resist magical corruption. However there is a price for this. While unable to be mutated from any creature except the most corrupt and vile of beasts, the parasite itself corrupts the person. Having been mutated itself the parasite draws on the magical essence of its victim. Any to weak will expire while any that survive will have an unnatural lust and the ability to drain the spiritual energy of any mate they have. Any Energy gained this way turns into corruption.
*Living Weapon: The following mutations and talents can be taken either as Talents or Mutations.
Battle Hardened
Heavy Hitter
Greater Draining
Pain Resistant
Organic weapon: A bladed sprout from the character arm or hand, causing them to deal 1d12 + 3 + Body/2 damage however they take a -2 penalty grapple.
1) Greater Organic weapon: The character's weapon grow even larger and more dangerous. Increase the damage bonus to 1d12 + 8 + Body/2 , but the penalty to grapple increases to -5.
2) Deadly weapon: The character’s weapon gains +10 damage.
Night Eyes
Odd Skin: Blood colored warpaint
1) Armored Hide
2) Natural Armor

Version 2
Blade Parasites
Inspiration: Witchblade and Claymore
Origin: Magically altered parasitic organism
Base Race: Must be female, Cannot be any form of Warped, Supernatural, or Corrupt

Normal Form:
Stat Adjustments: -20ep
Racial Flaws: Bloodthirsty, Lustful, *sterile
Racial Mutation: *Blade Parasite, Soul Eater, *Living weapon

Blade nymph form:
When someone infected is in combat the parasite forces its mutations to the surface.
Stat Adjustments: +20 body adjust perception and Resistance according to the new stats unless higher unchanged
Talents: Pain Resistant, Battle Hardened
Skills: Skill with Organic weapon
Mutations: Organic weapon, Night Eyes, Odd Skin: natural warpaint
*note cannot use spells or powers while in this form.

Blade parasites are a magically created organism developed long ago to combat supernatural threats. Originally a painful and disease ridden insect similar to a tick, Its common name was burrow bug, for its nasty habit of burrowing into a victim's skin to feed of its blood. This species was dangerous and difficult to remove due to the hardened shell that grew underneath the skin of the victim making the process of digging the parasite out a painful ordeal. This trait alone is what caught the attention of the mage Okrezar Dreadmore. Taking several specimens the mage altered them with magic twisting and changing them to fit his fancy. No longer a simple pest Dreadmore crafted his Blade Parasites to infest a host and grant them an organic armor. While his first few experiments met with failure and messy deaths of the test subjects he would not give up and soon produced a viable candidate that survived the horrific experiments. After more experimenting and altering Dreadmore soon discovered that only female hosts could handle the infestation. However their were side effects. Increased aggression, lust, and homicidal tendencies in more unstable subjects. Its unknown if Dreadmore ever perfected his experiments as his tower was raided by local peasants who sought his death for kidnapping their wives and daughters. With his death and the destruction of his manor only a brief glimpse of his journal exists. What is known is that woman implanted with the parasite lose the ability to have children as the parasite infests the womb of the victim taking it over and altering it for its needs. Blade Parasites cannot gain any talent, skill, or feat that raises their max EP directly. If they had any before they are unaffected but are bared from gaining any new. Blade parasites gain skills like warriors despite their original Class. Demon, Angels, cannot become infested. Succubi will die if they are infested for too long as their soul cannot take the strain of another feeding on it. Those infected with Blade Parasites look outwardly normal till their life is threatened. When this happens they take on their war form shredding any cloths they had been wearing before. Once the threat is over their body reverts back to its normal state.

*Sterile: A woman infected with a Blade Parasite can never become pregnant under any circumstances as the Parasite takes over where the womb used to be.
*Blade Parasite: One of the ... benefits of being infested is the ability to resist magical corruption. However there is a price for this. While unable to be mutated from any creature except the most corrupt and vile of beasts, the parasite itself corrupts the person. Having been mutated itself the parasite draws on the magical essence of its victim. Any to weak will expire while any that survive will have an unnatural lust and the ability to drain the spiritual energy of any mate they have. Any Energy gained this way turns into corruption.
*Living Weapon: The following mutations and talents can be taken either as Talents or Mutations.
Battle Hardened
Heavy Hitter
Greater Draining
Pain Resistant
^*Organic weapon: A bladed sprout from the character arm or hand, causing them to deal 1d12 + 3 + Body/2 damage however they take a -2 penalty grapple.
1) Greater Organic weapon: The character's weapon grow even larger and more dangerous. Increase the damage bonus to 1d12 + 8 + Body/2 , but the penalty to grapple increases to -5.
2) Deadly weapon: The character’s weapon gains +10 damage.
Night Eyes
^Odd Skin: natural warpaint
1) Armored Hide
2) Natural Armor
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Tower Descent Characters

Name: Zana

Gender: Female
Class: Elementalist
STR: 4
AGI: 2
INT: 8
WIS: 6
Hp: 24
Mana: 40
Will: 30

Armor: 0
Magic armor: 2
Speed: 4
Sneak: 2
Perception: 3
Parry: 8 (2, 3,4,5,6)

Grapple: 12
Grapple break: 8
Grapple escape: 4

(RP) Elemental control: The Elementalist can alter and manipulate their environment in a variety of ways.
Elemental shift (toggle): At the start of each round, the Elementalist can shift between different elements. Does not cost an action or mana.
Tier 1:
Elemental infusion (Passive): Depending on their current element the Elementalist gains additional effects:
⦁ Fiery reflect: On parry, the Elementalist deals INT/2 to the attacker
⦁ Wasters nourishment: Whenever attacked the Elementalist is healed for INT/2.
⦁ Earthen guard: The Elementalist parries INT/3 additional damage.
⦁ Lightning swiftness: On parry, increases the Elementalists speed by INT/2 for their next turn.
Elemental bolt (Instant): The Elementalist lets loose a simple bolt attuned to their current shift.
⦁ (F) Flame spark: Deals 2d6 + INT/2 damage
⦁ (W) Renewal: Heals a friendly target for 1d6 + INT.
⦁ (E) Boulder: Interrupts an enemy unit. Knocks them down if they are below 10 HP.
⦁ (L) Electrocute: Deals 1d6 + INT/2 damage. Stuns targets below 6 HP.
Tier 2:
Elemental control (1 turn): The Elementalist manipulates their magic to great effect:
⦁ (F) Fireball: A true classic. Conjures a powerful fireball dealing 3d6 + INT/2 damage to either all melee opponents or ranged opponents.
⦁ (W) Refreshing pulse: A healing wave that heals all allies for 2d6 + INT.
⦁ (E) Magnetize: Redirects any ranged attacks towards the Elementalist to an enemy unit. Does not work on magic. Last for the current turn.
⦁ (L) Chain Lightning: Deals INT/4 damage to all enemy units. Stuns targets below 6 HP.
Tier 3:
Elemental mastery (1 turn):
⦁ (F) World on Fire: The Elementalist ignites the whole battlefield dealing INT/2 damage to all units and draining INT willpower every turn, except for the Elementalist. Enemies reduced to 0 Willpower will panic. Lasts 4 turns.
⦁ (W) Frost Nova: The Elementalist lets loose an expanding ring around them, freezing enemy movement and dealing 1d6 + INT/2 damage. Reduces enemy speed by 8 for one turn.
⦁ (E) Earthen armor: The Elementalist is surrounded in earthen armor absorbing 4INT damage.
(L) Tornado: The Elementalist conjures a Tornado onto the battlefield characters reduced below 10 HP are swept away for one turn. Characters inside the tornado cannot be attacked. Lasts 3 turns.

Cheat Sheet:
HP: 24
MP: 40
WP: 30

Speed: 4
Parry: 8

Tier 1: [MP cost 4]
Flame Spark: 2d6 + 4
Renewal: 1d6 + 8
Boulder: Interrupts, knocks down if target at or below 10HP
Electrocute: 1d6 + 4, stuns targets below or at 6 HP
Tier 2: [Takes 1 turn to cast; MP cost 6]
Fireball: 3d6 +4, aoe on mellee or ranged
Refreshing pulse: 2d6 +8
Magnetize: Redirects all ranged attacks, except to a target for 1 turn
Chain lightning: 1d6 +2 aoe, stuns ALL targets below or at 6 HP.

Name: Yuna Rossana
Gender: Female
Class: Brawler

STR: 7
AGI: 6
INT: 3
WIS: 4
Hp: 42
Mana: 15
Will: 16

Armor: 1
Magic armor: 1
Speed: 12
Sneak: 6
Perception: 2
Parry: 5 (3,4,5,6)

Grapple: 21
Grapple break: 19
Grapple escape: 15

Damage bonus:
For Kicks – 1
For Punches - 2
Skills detailed:
⦁ Ying & Yang (passive): The Brawlers can parry attacks based of their DEX or STR depending which is greater.
⦁ Martial arts (passive): The Brawler uses both their fists and legs during combat, their kicks scale off their Dexterity and their punches off their strength.
⦁ Grapple expertise (passive): The Brawler gains +5 to their Grapple break/escape stat.
⦁ Unexpected angles (passive): The Brawler cannot use any skill twice in a row.
⦁ Dragon punch: The Brawler winds up and unleashes and explosive punch for 6x their STR bonus.
⦁ Hurricane kicks: The Brawler unleashes a flurry of kicks each dealing normal dex based damage. Can strike up to 4 times.
⦁ Combination attack: The Brawler lets loose a three strike combination, mixed between punches and kicks. Combination must contain at least one punch or kick.
⦁ Earth-shatter slam: The Brawlers strikes the ground with such immense strength that all enemies lose their footing. Can only be used once per combat.
⦁ Inner vitality: The Brawler meditates to heals for 3x Wisdom.

Cheat sheet:
⦁ HP: 42
⦁ WP: 16
⦁ Parry rating: 5
⦁ Speed: 12
⦁ Sneak: 6

⦁ Dragon punch: Deals 1d6 + 12 damage to a single target.
⦁ Hurricane kicks: Hits for 4 times with each hit being 1d6 +1.
⦁ Combination attack:
⦁ Punch attacks: 1d6 + 2
⦁ Kick attacks: 1d6 +1
⦁ Earth-shatter slam: Apply knockdown for all enemies for one round (interrupts their current turn).
⦁ Inner vitality: Heals for 12 HP.

Name: Lilian Daleru
Gender: Female
Class: Knight

STR: 8
AGI: 4
INT: 3
WIS: 5
Hp: 48
Mana: 15
Will: 20

Armor: 2
Magic armor: 1
Speed: 8
Sneak: 4
Perception: 2
Parry: 9 (3,4,5,6)

Grapple: 24
Grapple break: 16
Grapple escape: 8

Damage bonus: 5

⦁ Shield block (passive): Knights parry at 3+ rolls and gain additional damage blocked based off their attack bonus.
⦁ Mocking slash: The Knight strikes an opponent at regular damage and forces them to focus them.
⦁ Savior: The Knight rushes to a KNOCKDOWNED ally, breaking the grapple and dealing standard attack damage.
⦁ Provoke: The Knight bashes their shield to provoke enemy targets, forcing them to attack them instead. Has no effect on the same targets twice.
⦁ Shield Slam: The Knight slams their shield into an enemy target STUNNING them for one round. Effective only once per target.
⦁ Retaliation (buff): The Knights enters a counter-attack stance, striking any enemies that attack them for normal damage. Lasts 2 turns.
⦁ Intervention(Passive): Once per combat, the knight can intercept an attack aimed at their ally. This ability can be used out of turn to prevent ALLY KO damage and parries the attack.

Cheat sheet:
Hp: 48
Mana: 15
Will: 20
Speed: 8
Armor: 2
Parry: 9 (Parry at 3,4,5,6)

Mocking slash: 1d6 + 5, taunts.
Provoke: Aoe taunt
Shield slam: Apply stun to target
Retaliation: Counterattacks every attack with a 1d6 +5 blow. Lasts 2 turns.
Intervention (passive): Prevents ally KO, takes damage instead AUTO-PARRIES.

Name: Lina Frey
Gender: Female
Class: Demonogist

Hp: 28 (18+10)
Mp: 30
Will: 28

STR: 3
AGI: 4
INT: 6
WIS: 7

Armor: 0
Magic armor: 2
Speed: 8
Sneak: 4
Perception: 3
Parry: 1

Grapple: 9
Grapple break: 6
Grapple escape: 6

(RP) Shapeshift: The Demonologist can shapeshift to a limited degree.
Demonic resilience (passive): Demonologists gain +10 HP to their basic stats
Lurking Darkness (passive): Demonologists always tread the line of being overwhelmed by their dark powers. Dark Arts (DA) spells cost an additional 4 Willpower to cast. If a Demonologist is reduced to 0 Willpower by their own spells they become possessed.
Tier 1:
Shadow lash (Instant): The Demonologist summons a weapon of shadow for a single strike on the enemy, dealing 1d6 + 2INT damage. Counts as a physical attack.
Hellfire (Instant): The Demonologist can conjure hellfire to burn away their enemies, deals (INT/2)d6 damage. Counts as a magic attack.
Shadow mimick (Dodge): The Demonologist can create shadowy afterimages where they once stood, while avoiding damage entirely. Requires Parry rolls of 4,5 or 6.

Tier 2:
(DA) Succubus kiss (Instant): The Demonologist may use the Sisters of Lust technique. Shadowstep to an enemy and wrap them into a kiss. The kiss drains 2INT Willpower from the enemy and heals the caster for half of Willpower drained. If an enemy is reduced to 0 Willpower, they become Charmed for 3 rounds.
(DA) From the Depths (Instant): The Demonologist may conjure forth a Maw of Darkness, which devours an enemy unit. Deals INT damage per turn and removes enemy from combat while maintained. Maintaining the spell costs 4 willpower per turn. Does not work against Elite or Large monsters. Only one Maw can be summoned at a time.
(DA) Shadow mend (Instant): The Demonologist uses the shadows to heal a friendly unit for 5d6. Upon use the Demonologist rolls a 1d6, if the score is below WIS/2 the healing succeeds.

HP: 28
MP: 30
WP: 28
Parry: -NA-; Dodges damage at rolls 3,4,5 and 6.
Speed: 8
Tier 1: [Cost 4 MP]
Shadow Lash: 1d6 + 12 damage slash
Hellfire: 3d6 damage nuke
Tier 2: [Cost 6MP; 4 WP]
Maw: Disables one unit. Deals 6 per round, 4 Will upkeep.
Mend: Heals for 5d6, roll 1d6 succeed at 3+
Succubus kiss: 12Willpower drain, 6 HP heal. Charm.
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