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Claire (TWO)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Humans: 3
Male: 5
Female: 3
Pregnancy: 2
Non Consensual Sex: 5
Consensual Sex/Seduction: 1
Coercion(Lust Aura's/Manipulation): 1
BDSM(light): 1
BDSM(moderate): 3
Tentacles: 1
Slime: 2
Beasts: 5
Demons: 5
Angels/Divine: 5
Plants: 2
Magic: 4
Vore(LIGHT?): 2
Undead: 5
Constructions(Robots): 5
Futanari: 5
Faeries: 5
Corruption: 1
Body Modification(Gaining things): 2
Lactation: 3
Intelligent monster like humanoids (such as orcs, goblins, etc...): 5
Slavery: 3
Bugs of any kind: 4
Roughness: 5
Bimbofication: 1

[kind of adventure time"Choice one"]

[Plot Area "Choice one... ]

Adventurer in a world with mostly sentient creatures.- Instead consensual tentacle honorable relationships you have creepy rape of humanoid monsters and plot.

Its almost dawn, the seabirds give some hope to the few crew alive than survive against a terrible storm in the sea, many died just the last night, people than were excited to get some adventures or a peaceful life, from different races, ages and genders it dont matter, their luck has been the same... a sudden end at theirs lives.

Claire had many things to give thanks, even when the few known people than she had in the ship were now food fish, she was tired yet there was not time to see her own needs. There were still others five people in need and seven more could be refer as healty like her.

The young woman know than there was not much to take from the ship and she could just leave and check that small port in the distance, get some food for herself or equipment... that or do what she could to this people in need.
Re: Claire (TWO)

Claire stood up from where she was sitting exhausted, a feeling she was all to used to. Mourning the loss of others, even those she knew, seemed like a waste of time to her. Still, she looked back at the ones in need. Clenching her fists she looked back at the port, at freedom. Even though she wanted to leave on her own something stopped her. She sighed, maybe it'd be better to see what she could do and take a little breather, walking around by herself exhausted didn't seem like the greatest of ideas. She approached the nearest person that seemed like they needed assistance, trying her best to not look too tired, or irritated.

"Hey, uh, think there's anything I could do?"
Re: Claire (TWO)

"We need some help to carry this people" One of the most healty survivors answer her. Just then she look at an almost dead old man raising his hand for call some attention as his other hand hold a paper, for what it look the poor guy was sure than he will not made it to get out the ship.

(carry people or be the last to talk with this man)
Re: Claire (TWO)

Claire looked to the port again. She sighed and wondered again what she was still doing here. Maybe it was just the sudden loss of so much life of those she knew. Closing her eyes tight she took a deep breath and turned back around, "Alright." She went up to the old man raisingh his hand and kneeled on one knee next to him. Clearing her thoughts that he was a goner and this was pointless she said trying not to sound too rough, "I'll help you out. "She offered him her hand.
Re: Claire (TWO)

As Claire get to the man she could see than he was an old half elf, his clothes and papers around him show than he was some kind of research or maybe an scholar than enjoy make trips around the places than he is studing.

"Please... take this to the academy... is of extreme importance than someone check this place...cough... dont lose this...or..." The man get an attack of cough blood start to escape from his mouth and by this incident Claire noticed the dmage on his chest maybe of some part of the ship falling on him yet the magic was not enough to heal him, so who rescue him leave him there to die.

His breath and heart would not endure more than a pair of minutes as the ship get to the port, the woman only will have the enough to take him to the shore where he will certainly pass out.
Re: Claire (TWO)

As it became obvious the half elf was dying Claire reached out to him and wrapped her arm around him. She said to "What do you mean? Why is this important?" She knew she shouldn't have bothered getting involved, now she has to figure out some old man's dying wish. Out of irritation she roughly took the piece of paper, but tucked it somewhere safe. Still holding the dying man she wondered if he had any other surprises to drop on her. She took a deep breath and lifted him up, ignoring the weariness in her muscles. Well, if it was her she wouldn't want to die on this ship.
Re: Claire (TWO)

The old man fight against his lack of break to manage to say something, Claire could notice the death coming to him in his last breaths. "Something...invaluable..."

After these words Claire help him to get out the ship, she got some more of the salty water on her shoes as the man mumble in whispers as he start to faint. [thieves... people in need...the ship] Maybe he was thinking than what happened at the ship was his fault or than or than something important for all was in that place than the map show, there was not more time as the light of his eyes fade without know if this woman would make this favor. At least a little smile in his face show than he was glad to dont pass his last moments alone.
Re: Claire (TWO)

Gently, she lowered the man's body down. Leaning against the nearest rock her exhaustion seemed to hit her harder. Great, now she was involved in something she had no idea about. Still, even if she wouldn't admit it the small smile on the old man at the end made her feel some sort of relief for him, at least he didn't have to die alone on a broken ship. Breaking away her gaze from the dead old man she decided it was about time to look at the piece of paper he had tried so desperately to get someone to notice. It was certainly better then going back on the ship. Processing some of his dying last words she figured this might be something important. Maybe not to her but to whoever the hell he wanted her to take it to.
Re: Claire (TWO)

The map looks to be well made, with names and all, some codes and common things to make the people able to read the best parts get reduced.

The port have some few buildings, the small rustic inn, a pub mixed with a brothel, many ships mostly of wood, others houses far away and a small market.
Re: Claire (TWO)

Studying the map Claire could tell, at least from the creators perspective, that it did seem like something important. The amount of detail made it hard to take everything in at a quick glance as well and she decided to study the map more carefully later. Tucking the map back into her pants she made sure it wasn't easily visible. Standing straight up again she looked back at the dead man. Well she'll do her best for his last wish.

Walking away she decided it'd be best to get some equipment at the small market before taking a break.
Re: Claire (TWO)

Claire noticed than the ship has caused the lost of her money and baggage, fortunately foor her the old man have some coins on him when she found him. 100 coins what was not much, looking at the market she could get 3 rations each enough for a full day. a change of clothes was 25, meanwhile the weapons goes from a knife of 50 to a good spear or sword of 800.

The armors were more expensive, from 150 to 3000 or more.

The port town have many jobs, as any building looks to demand help. (small rustic inn, a pub mixed with a brothel, many ships mostly of wood, others houses far away and small market.)
Re: Claire (TWO)

When she saw how meager her supplies had become Claire realized if she didn't want to end up on the streets she'd need to find work. At least work wouldn't be hard to find. She sighed, no rest for her today, would have been nice after everything that has happened. Not really liking not having a method to defend herself, she got a knife. Seeing as how she'd been through a lot lately she got a new change of clothes.

(Buy Knife and clothes)

Setting out for work she decided to look into the pub mixed with a brothel. She was no stranger to these type of places and knows that money can flow freely easily.
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Re: Claire (TWO)

Having in mind what kind of job she could get in the building choiced, Claire take what seh can and think would help her, her new clothes werent the best but it was mostly what she have in mind.

The was not so late, the sun was still high, so most of the clients of the brothel were away in theirs daily issues, the pub of course dont have too much work yet so the owner of both places would be with time to talk with her.

About the one in charge of the brothel was for the moment a fox girl, dressed in a night red dress, she looks to be reading some cards, between the chat in the pub Claire heard than she was in charge for some days, as the real owner was out loving some vacations.

The bartender was an half illithidorc maybe, certainly a nice guy than use even his tendrils to wash the cups.

About the wanted jobs there was a sign of require a waitress and there other at the brothel... they require more sluts and also a person in charge to clean the rooms, maybe Claire could get two checks in the brothel.
Re: Claire (TWO)

When she walked in she wasn't surprised that it would be quiet at this time of day. She figured she could use a bit of a break anyway, but she did need to start building up her funds, she didn't even have food at this point. Leaning against a wall, she took her time studying the people and the building itself. She felt she could certainly do worst then this place, it even felt a little peaceful to her. After a short amount of time, she found out who was in charge and decided she had enough standing around. Walking up to the fox girl she put on a friendly smile, "Hi, I'm Claire, I'd be interested in working here."
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Re: Claire (TWO)

The foxgirl soon stop what she was doing as Claire get close to her, pretty much never expecting to find a woman like her request some work here "Please take seat, dear. My name is Gina and im in charge of this place" She said as share some tea and some coockies to the newcomer as she can notice the need on the human.

Certainly your help is more than welcome, we are short in personal this season and soon more ships will come, we need to clean and prepare the place for ours clients this night... but before i continue... what kind of job are you looking for?" Gina told to Claire, she maybe see potential on the human or need... but also inexperience to serve a man in the bed.

In a paper she placed what Claire could get in a night as whore, pretty much a night of work will be a little more than what she could earn as concierge in a week... if she is lucky and do right er work serving theirs clients. Of course being a concierge was easy yet she will have many things to do in the morning and before get night.
Re: Claire (TWO)

She took a seat, thankfully, sighing with relief. The smell of cookies and tea being offered to her made Claire want to uncontrollably start stuffing them in her mouth. Even when she had food she tended to eat stale tasting rations out on a journey, especially lately when she was on the ship, so this was like a small feast to her. Controlling herself, she ate the cookies and tea while listening to Gina, if a bit too fast. Claire wasn't really surprised at the huge difference a whore can make compared to other jobs here. While understandable, she got the feeling that Gina was reading her wrong. She couldn't know the hardships Claire had faced in her life, and what she had to do to survive at certain points. Washing down some cookies with tea, she replied to Gina smiling confidently "I'm looking to be a whore, Gina."
Re: Claire (TWO)

"Oh my most deep apologize, never expected such young and cute girl..." Gina answer really ashame, blushing softly as she let the human eat as much as she wish the *cockies*

"Then let me help you the best whore than you can be, young one" She add later, after write a hand made contract for Claire to sign. With time to read it Claire could see than the house will get paid and then a part will be given to Claire when the night end, as part of the contract she will have three modest meals and the use of the room for herself at the day to rest and prepare herself for the job.

About the number of clients they could increase if she does a good job, the room have all the needed to have a medieval bath and a confortable bed, if Claire does her best she could earn a better room or get her name shared to others brothels.