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BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Likin bein tough, so Ima grow some Maria stones
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Bliind has decided to step aside so Alk is in as Reiko.

So that means we have our PC crew. And since no one is playing as Captain Laura, a random "Captain" will be selected amongst the PCs by me. Certain cards require the Captain to make important decisions, and also every turn the Captain is forced to ask one PC to discard a card due to the Bad Blood task.

So... doing a random d5 roll and...

Dr. Marlisse (Takimaru) is the starting Captain. Perhaps all that tender care the doctor is showering Captain Laura with is paying dividends...

I'll be sending starting hands out sometime either today or tomorrow. A beginning RP post will be sent sometime over the weekend, depending on Xmas chaos allowing me to get free time. Game should be up and running after that.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)


Good luck.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Altered above: Taking the Cook, Halley Nawls instead.

I'd prefer a separate thread than the interest thread for play.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Small request: If there are no objections, and Tass doesn't block the flamethrower, I would like to make a post of Mako using the flamethrower, or one slightly after (ie: don't scene skip :c)

I will be home in... 9 hours from this post.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'm not blocking the flamethrower, and have no objections to waiting.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Go for it LDF.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Okay, seriously, guys, the lack of posts and communication is getting stupid. So I'm going to ask here, is there anything anyone wants to mention that they have that they can play to counter the current event? Because I don't feel like waiting for another 3 days of no one posting anything and then blueslime going, "k, w/e, 15 NPCs die".
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

In defense, I have no idea what "stuff that can be played" means. Are you actually PLAYING something or dropping cards, because I have plenty of cards I'd like to drop, but I wanted to see if anyone had something to counter. I was actually about to reveal my hand the first time before you put down the flamethrower.
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

In defense, I have no idea what "stuff that can be played" means. Are you actually PLAYING something or dropping cards, because I have plenty of cards I'd like to drop, but I wanted to see if anyone had something to counter. I was actually about to reveal my hand the first time before you put down the flamethrower.

What? No, don't reveal your hand, you don't want Tass to know what's in your hand since if he ever gets an exposure PC, he'll target that one that's most harmful to him or most beneficial to him (ie: cards that counter for the first, and cards that add successes to override the computer or alien ship). I mean, I don't even understand what you mean by that, I mean, we've been playing cards this entire time, what's not to get?

You play a card by discarding, and in tentacle attack can only play cards that says "effect during tentacle attack", otherwise, just use your head on when you can play cards, if the card says roll an additional 3d6, obvious you can only play it in a situation where you have been rolling dice (ie: during final attack, or encounters, etc etc). Blueslime has also mentioend, if you're wandering, that if a card says "requires X", then you only need someone in the current group with X to play it. You don't require the skill yourself.
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Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Okay, seriously, guys, the lack of posts and communication is getting stupid. So I'm going to ask here, is there anything anyone wants to mention that they have that they can play to counter the current event? Because I don't feel like waiting for another 3 days of no one posting anything and then blueslime going, "k, w/e, 15 NPCs die".

Well, a big chunk of that was due to us already discussing moves with Blue in the shoutbox--personally, I just wanted to get to the next phase as there wasn't necessarily a whole lot to say about the autopsy encounter or when it could just be saved for the following post (such as in my case). Not to mention this was relatively close to New Year's, so a lack of responses for such a timeframe can't be that awful...
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Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I think you misread everything I just wrote.

I don't even know where to start.

(I have stuff that can be played, but waiting to see what you guys want to do)

In defense, I have no idea what "stuff that can be played" means.
I was talking to YOU, not in general.

Are you actually PLAYING something or dropping cards, because I have plenty of cards I'd like to drop, but I wanted to see if anyone had something to counter.
No, you DON'T "play" a card by discarding. Discarding is discarding, it is not "playing" it.

I was actually about to reveal my hand the first time before you put down the flamethrower.
I was going to discard my cards, and then you played a card. I was halfway through the discarding that we are supposed to do, when you countered the attack.
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Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I have something that I can play means that I have solution, but it's not a good solution and I would rather not play it if people have alternatives, and also if people would've preferred to discard (as I did when tass played that everyone discard 1 card at the beginning of the round). And I don't even know why you would prepare to discard/reveal your hand before we even decided on whether or not to counter, I mean, I made the flamethrower post almost immediately after blue updated.