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ACT Enty Loli [ApplePopsicle] BIOSE

This game has still been updating btw. It's currently on, which was posted on the 1st of this month.

I would post a link, but I can't due to this containing loli
If anyone's still interested on this project,the creator recently mentioned it's changing into full-time development for a while.Basically,it'll get previews more often,this may also mean more paid demos,i think?.

Anyways,the game looks pretty different to how it did around 4 years ago and the current focus right now is on the first boss:some kind of slimey,rabbit-like,creature.Llooks pretty exciting!

If this catches anyone's attention,I recommend checking on the fanbox,it has some animations showcases.
On kemono we have update. A and B don't update yet. My opinion you need to try this.
So I tried the latest update and I have much to say.

First off, the animation and graphics are by far the best this game offers. If this keeps up, this game can be amazing.
The second, very promising thing is the sheer amount of possibilities and inspiration I took from what is available. I will give some thoughts on that later below.

However, as it is currently available, I am considerably worried about the bugs or consistency of the game. Several times I got stuck in a weird buggy loop. Seems to me like some programming issues and I hope he gets them in order before progressing further and not carrying these 'weights' further along. As it would probably only get harder to fix and keep consistent development unfeasible.

As I said, the animations, the theme and the available enemy interactions are very good and open to many possibilities. Even though I know the DEV will probably not read this, I will leave my thoughts still:

- After a defeat, there is a doll resembling you at your last death. I'm not sure if there is intent to do something with it, but if it was me, there would be. Since the theme seems to be absorbtion and synthesis, I could actually see a scenario where these dolls are not just cosmetic. For example, the first enemies could leave behind this doll of yours - which could also turn against you (if it was my game). But it would also open up the possibility that later enemies would not leave behind, but actually absorb part of the player character. This would lead to an evolved state (slower, but other animation) of that enemy until you defeat it and gain your 'self' back. One could even imagine that the first H-attack would give you part of your 'soul' back and re-strenghten your character. Many, many possibilities...

- The just mentioned, most interesting Idea to me would be, to actually empower your character with the first H-attack. I.e. gain jumping power as you get 'bounciness' through the bunny boss for example. The second H-attack would still get you to redo all of it, but there might be a possibility to create fights where the first H-attack is beneficial - at the cost of risking just one more hit.

- The last thing I was thinking about are the slimy jumping platforms. While I do like platformers, the current level before changing 'flow' is not intuitive enough. There is foreground and background platforms and I just didn't see which one was actually usable. I got it eventually, but I would prefer it to be a little more straight forward. Instead, I would add difficulty by using the slime on the platform. I.e. if you stay on the same platform or jump x times without leaving, bind the character and get one H-attack from the slimed platform. (which could even also be a temporary enhancement of your character.

All in all, I see great potential. I see a solid graphic and animation basis. I see a very interesting scenario and theme. If the dev speeds up a bit (as I understand he would like to) and fixes some things (please fix programming issues), I think this may become a very, very promising project to follow.