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  1. R

    [Help] H-code Hook text Suika2 hook finding help

    Hi, I'm talking about this engine: suika2 I need to extract text from games alike https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/30802 AGTH, textractor, ITH, you name it pls could you please find it for me? I'm a noob at using CE so you might able to find it🙏
  2. Libellule

    RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

    Yop ^^, i get a lot of question and ask for help about my pacher, so i decided to make my own thread about it, where i will be able to regroup and update all info :D will be more easy for me so, let start =) i want to hook a RPG Maker MV game with my VNR and/or chiitrans lite, but i cant...