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Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

Your tentacles spring forth from your body, and entangle the spy, slipping into his anus and mouth with ease. As a last ditch attack before he gets utterly raped, the spy threw his knife at you, but you were doing a barrel roll, so you lol'd.

Defeated, filled and covered with cum, the spy laid unconscious on the ground, utterly raped. With your e-peen feeling bigger than ever, you really want to flaunt your epic peen at people you know, but... Who would it be?

1: Flaunt your peen at a member of your choosing.

2: Bounce on your peen over the horizon, in the search for fapping material!

3: Search for more noobs/spies to reap

4: Other

5: Activate the WTF!?! drive, with a label above it that says, "DON'T PRESS THIS BUTTON, FGGT!!!" But, it's a shame you can't read caps.
Re: Last Post Wins

For the purpose of paradox/humor, 1 at RaptorJesus.
Re: Last Post Wins

You stroll over to Raptor Jesus' cave, deciding to flaunt your epic peen to him. When you arrive, to your dismay, you find his peen is somehow actually larger than your own. His flaunting eventually overpowers your own, which was the utter rape of an enemy spy, with his much larger amount of reputation, his managing to marry one of the most adored people on the forums, ToxicShock, and he even plays a game called Killing Floor in front of you, always getting the most kills on his team as an epic Berserker.

Ashamed, and humiliated at your now very small peen, you feel the need to seek revenge on the Dino, and take his peen for your own. You know you need to be creative, as the raptor is quite clever. However, it's time to show him just how much of a 1337 Uber ninja pwner you are!

1: Wait until Raptor makes one of his many suggestions, and no matter how good it may sound, find every fault you possibly can, even if you don't agree with it, and criticize his every word.

2: Open your spy kit, and disguise yourself as Host. Then, find an appropriate post of his to prey upon. Then follow up with everything on choice number 1, except accuse him of your own faults as well, such as your inability to spell, while assuming you are much more awesome than you really are.

3: Open your spy kit, and disguise yourself as Raptor. Then, make a lot of stupid, and embarrassing posts in the forum. It may not make your peen much larger, but it will shrink Raptor's when he logs back on to find that everyone hates him! :)<

4: Do a barrel roll!

5: Other
Re: Last Post Wins

his managing to marry one of the most adored people on the forums, ToxicShock

err... what?

On a side note, but still related. I've found that other forums that I don't frequent as constantly as this one, I've become quite popular for my antics. I was very surprised to find a lot of people like/respect the internet version of myself.

This isn't to flash my e-peen, I am honestly taken back by this, as it seems I'm a lot more attractive in personality over the internet in any fashion compared to myself in real life. I'm like MPD with my lives.
Re: Last Post Wins

oh my god
Re: Last Post Wins

wow i just relized that both toxic and raptor has broke the 50 rep mark
Re: Last Post Wins

He actually does stuff though.

I be me. Like, I don't make posts specifically because "oh, I think people would laugh" that's just how i'd normally respond.
I feel like someone might see my posts and go, "Oh he's making a joke, I think that's funny" No, I'm just being a dick. If this place was full of people I didn't respect or even no one at all, I'd still do everything I'm doing.

Unless you people genuinely find me funny... which is actually quite a depressing thought in and of itself
Re: Last Post Wins

A lot of people find you genuinely awesome, else you wouldn't have an epic rep score. We don't always laugh, sometimes we smile, or wholeheartedly agree with whatever opinion you may have stated.

You also give great head. *wink*
Re: Last Post Wins

You proceed to the now silent dumpster only to find that zero is neck deep in fluids and cum and completely unconscious. cursing yourself for this stroke of bad luck you...

1. Raep toxic
2. Raep raptor
3. Raep yourself
4. Raep Rule 34
5. Raep aika
6. Raep Darkfire
7. Raep Oni
8. Raep garfield
9. Raep nunu
10. Raep lurker
11. Raep plnmko
12. Raep mmk
13. Raep host
14. Raep bartnum
15. Raep momiji
16. Raep XSI
17. Raep ryu
18. Raep gatorbait
19. Raep dematt
20. Go to sleep
21. Item
By lynching him with tentacles.
Re: Last Post Wins

You teleport bartnum in frount of you but fealing too drained to kill him in a creative way you simply bat him in the head repeadly with all your tentacles and the fall asleep in place.

1. Wake up in day
2. Wake up at night
3. Wake up in a glowing pit
4. wake up mid day
Re: Last Post Wins

you wake up in a glowing pit. confused on how you got here you look around. useing your night vision you see your in some sort of space underground. you also see engraveings of elves humans and goblions raeping eachother. you see stairs going up and down. there seems to be some sort of commotion upstairs. and theres a powerful energy force being emmited downstairs.

1. go upstairs
2. go downstairs
3. wait.
4. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

you take out a rubber chicken but find out that instead fo a rubber chicken you pull out a adamantite pickax.

1. dig out of the cavern
2. go up stairs
3. go down stairs
4. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

Ah crap, we're going to be killed by dwarves for sure unless we do something drastic... I know.

4. Put On gloves. Wield Cockatrice corpse.


Read scroll of Genocide. Enter '@'.
Re: Last Post Wins

1, 4(Host), and 4: unequip all other armor except for the gloves.
Re: Last Post Wins

you take out some gloves and put them on and pick up a corpse laying nearby. then you strip off all your clothes which wasnt really much. you then mine through the wall which was unusually tough at first but soon the stone was more easier to mine through and you break through into a room full of workshops. you then...

1. GTFO!!!
2. Hide
3. wait
4. Item