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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

That sounds really interesting. Hopefully the bosses are not Dark Souls level of overpowered... AKA 1-2 shot you .

I would lean more towards a high amount of HP than higher damage. I think longer fights where you have to manage your HP/MP are more interesting than short "kill or be killed" styled fights. I got sick of stuff like that while playing higher difficulty levels in Diablo 2. :(
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

I would lean more towards a high amount of HP than higher damage. I think longer fights where you have to manage your HP/MP are more interesting than short "kill or be killed" styled fights. I got sick of stuff like that while playing higher difficulty levels in Diablo 2. :(

Ah i see that sounds better. I like hp/mp management too. I dont like getting 2shotted.. Dark Souls is exception
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

Or you get raped by the boss for letting you go?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

Or you get raped by the boss for letting you go?

I was thinking of having some boss fights happen like that, and then have options to retry or exit to menu. I'll try not to have these as difficult, since failure wouldn't be an option.
Actually in these instances where failure isn't an option I could have the turn based fight happen right after you fail. At least this way the recovery items before all boss fights would make sense.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

I was thinking of having some boss fights happen like that, and then have options to retry or exit to menu. I'll try not to have these as difficult, since failure wouldn't be an option.
Actually in these instances where failure isn't an option I could have the turn based fight happen right after you fail. At least this way the recovery items before all boss fights would make sense.

Doesnt the Knight which plays the piano have that "rape" mechanic if you get caught. It was a nice design considering if you failed you have to find all nails again.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

Doesnt the Knight which plays the piano have that "rape" mechanic if you get caught. It was a nice design considering if you failed you have to find all nails again.

I think that boss fight has received more positive feedback than any other, so maybe I should redesign them all in a similar fashion.

Besides, they do know that Jennifer doesn't want her killed.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

I think that boss fight has received more positive feedback than any other, so maybe I should redesign them all in a similar fashion.

Besides, they do know that Jennifer doesn't want her killed.

Tell that do the other bosses lol. I think Jennifer forgot to tell everyone else. Lol
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

Fighting the boss in turn based battle is fine by me. I just cant beat that damn skeleton puzzle.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

I could hardly beat the Fire Wizard boss. it seems a little too hard. :p
By the way have you updated it yet?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

When Sienna goes to her perfume collection, I think you made a miss pronunciation she says It's good to be "the" fairy. I think that should be "a" fairy. Might be right, might be wrong, But that doesn't sound right It's good to be the fairy. Like she's the only one or something.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

I could hardly beat the Fire Wizard boss. it seems a little too hard. :p
By the way have you updated it yet?

Depends on which part you're asking about. All the 1B12 updates are listed in the OP. I uploaded 1B12 a couple days ago.

I have not updated any bosses yet and I might wait a while before doing so. I will likely include a save game with them completed before I manage that.

Edit: I do need to update the upcoming section.

When Sienna goes to her perfume collection, I think you made a miss pronunciation she says It's good to be "the" fairy. I think that should be "a" fairy. Might be right, might be wrong, But that doesn't sound right It's good to be the fairy. Like she's the only one or something.

I occasionally sneak a few references in the dialogue, memes or otherwise.

That one's a reference to "It's good to be the king."

Edit: I know I've got a lot of tweaking to do, stuff to fix, etc.. but it's all so.. uninteresting to me right now.
I'm going to work on the new areas, new monsters, and new bosses for a while.
Maybe it'll help me about fixing the older ones up.
I might also take some time to organize my thoughts about all the new sections I want to add on, the ones I have in mind and on paper.

Edit 2: Monsters are so time consuming. Seriously thinking about re-using monster sprites as placeholders until I have more time to add the new monsters.
I guess I have a lot to think about.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12 (Updated June 15th, 2015)

There was an update a couple days ago. In case anyone missed it:
Latest Version:
Mega (non-zipped) (version 1B12):
4Shared (non-zipped) (version 1B12):

Here's the list of changes:

"1B12 Update:
"Intelligence permanently incresed by 1." Typo fixed and changed to "Intelligence permanently increased by 1." (Please let me know if you find any further typo instances)
Debug NPC removed from Sienna's room (would display hidden clothing levels and change Survivor trait when talked to).
Please be cautious in the future and reload when an NPC only displays information when talked to, as I can be forgetful about removing them and they can really mess up events and your save game.
Special night time events can no longer occur while pregnant, to avoid overwhelming players and event conflicts.
Morning notifications will only display when no night time event occurs and Sienna is not pregnant.
Lantern images are now properly set/removed when leaving the night time event, and entering Dungeon Level 1.
Removed a leftover event from the night time event area that could cause problems if your time is past 1080 minutes.
To avoid the annoying sleepy status effect, time is now reset to 0 before and after the event that occurs after your first fight with The Black Spider.
Craft furniture dialogue corrected. Will now say craft 1 furniture instead of 1 outfit.
Updated Kendra's Facesets.
The Crypts door from level 8 to 9 now places the player in the correct spot on Level 9.
Random battle crashes have been fixed by ???nOBodY???. Thanks so much!
Can no longer get stuck when activating the lower half of Sienna's bed from below it at the start of the game.

After your fight with The Black Spider and you enter the long tunnel, there are additional triggers set in place that will trigger the storyline event (1080 time and running out of lantern fuel).
This was done to avoid prematurely frustrating the player with issues they have no control over at this time.

Updated stats loss. You will now see a brief image when losing significant stats. I erroneously have images saying you lose health when it is actually other stats you are losing.
Will try to fix this at some point in the future.

Reworked Nadie's Preparations quest. You can now go inside her room before completing the quest.
Merchant will now give Sienna the outfit and gem bag right after The Black Spider rapes her (like intended).
Purple will (after day 1) start to give daily hints about how to get all 6 children and what you should be trying to do next."
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

Slight update.

oratorio111 @ Hongfire said:
Entering the room for the plant child, you go into the correct room, but the graphic shows the door for Clarinda's room opening instead. I am not getting the prompt to fix this room (lower left bedroom).

This is fixed now with 1B12P1. Please see the OP for the new download links.

If you had Charlene first then you might not even notice the problem until you have Clarinda. Not sure though.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

I've started working on some sex scenes and I'm actually finding out new ways of doing them. I can actually have Sienn's portrait display, and change, while she's having sex.

Just thought I'd mention what I've been working on.

It would be nice if I could make a very advanced sex system and then apply it to most of the sexual encounters in the game. It would be a lot of work but also save me a lot of time later on..

so much work to do. xP
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

I've started working on some sex scenes and I'm actually finding out new ways of doing them. I can actually have Sienn's portrait display, and change, while she's having sex.

Just thought I'd mention what I've been working on.

It would be nice if I could make a very advanced sex system and then apply it to most of the sexual encounters in the game. It would be a lot of work but also save me a lot of time later on..

so much work to do. xP

Yeah i understand what you mean. I have a few games that won't see the light of day because of how much work I have to do.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

I've been working on the new dynamic sex system. It will take into account Sienna's personality type, spirit, and a bunch of other stuff. It's been really, REALLY complicated to figure it all out.

Once I'm finished building it, it should be easy to apply to NPCs, new and old alike. This should mean that you'll be able to further build up a relationship with many NPCs through sex. Of course if you make certain choices during the game then Sienna could be fairly cold when it comes to building a relationship through sex.

Ultimately what I want to accomplish with this is a very random game where an NPC might be civil to Sienna when she's got friends with her, but then if she returns to that same NPC later, alone, then he might attempt to force himself on her. Sienna might also do the same to an NPC if she gets horny enough. Libido, temptation, and intoxication (which are all hidden) will contribute to the chaos. :)

I'll probably have players pick some of Sienna's preferences, likes, and dislikes at the start of the game at some point, as I'd really prefer Sienna to, for the most part, react to situations based on choices you make throughout the game.

Sienna's relationship with the NPC and what she is known for will also, in turn, determine how they treat her. Not only the chance of rape, but also how rough (or gentle) they are during sex.

Anyway that's what I've been brainstorming and trying to get done. Should probably get some sleep now. xD

Edit: Wow it's way more complicated than I thought it would be. xP
I've decided not to go with completely vacant expressions for when Sienna's spirit is low. It will just be a factor when considering how Sienna will react during sex.
There are so many other factors to consider that I thought it would be the only sensible thing to do.
Again, if Sienna's spirit gets below -100 then it will basically be game over, but for now it won't really affect the game much. I won't be implementing that game over yet.

Edit 2: Haven't felt like working on the new sex system so I worked on finding new monster sprites. I felt like I wasn't really accomplishing much, so I added the clothing for Marissa.
Of course you still can't get it in game. That's a whole other box of noodles. xP

Speaking of the children, Rosevynne is the only one that I haven't redone the sprite for. I'll have to try to do that sometime. Her dress could complicate things...
Though I could just give her a new one.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

Hey dude hows your project going?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

Still working on it. Hopefully I can have a new area done for the next update but I don't know.

Edit: Finally starting work on a boss room that I've had rattling around in my head for the last one to two years.
Then again.. the rest of the game has been rattling around in there as well. xD
I guess you could say that this one is very important for the storyline. I hope I can do my idea justice.

The boss will be named Dr. Geminakes, though I'm not sure if that name will ever actually be mentioned during the game.
Someday I'd like to feature him in a mini-intro that happens before you take control of Sienna. It would add a little foreshadowing.

And yes.. yes I'm weird about combining two different names to describe a character. xD
So you can probably figure out what he.. it.. "they" are from the name.

Need to sleep now. >.>
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

downloaded the game.

Is there any Save system ??!

nvm but beeing unable to save anywhere is a pain ;]
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B12P1 (Updated June 20th, 2015)

downloaded the game.

Is there any Save system ??!

nvm but beeing unable to save anywhere is a pain ;]

After the tutorial area you get a spell that lets you teleport home almost any time, and the save is very close. The only time Safety can't be cast is during important events and boss fights. Saving in the middle of a boss fight could lead to serious complications. Imagine overwriting your only save when you're about to die and there's no way to fix it.. you keep dying.

Of course it's still possible to do that if you save with 1 Health but who would do that? xD
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