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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She may be bound by magic to you, but I freed her from the Master, Vivi." Rikke looked to the girl "As well as her being an invalueable ally, when attacking the Master himself. She should not be treated like a servant..." the heroine frowned finishing her statement before Joldra left the room.

Still with that said the trio could discuss Ella disappearance "She mentions bringing Yenna back..." the rogue looked to Amber "I imagine such a ritual would require the body." as always Rikke was no expert, but this time she had heard of necromancy... even if they were only myths and folk tales.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber sat and thought a moment. "There are ways that don't resort to the darker magics. A sufficantly skilled healer can do it but from what I recall its only once." Finding someone that skilled however would send Ella into a dangerous situation all its own." Amber got up and looked about a moment. "Ill need to start immidatly if we are to catch her in time."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see. There was something else I wanted to discuss with you girls, but that will wait until after Ella is back safe and sound." Rikke smiled to Vivi and Amber "If there's anything we can do to help, don't be strangers. I'm certain Jess will want to find Ella as quickly as possible too."

"However, it's around time we took our leave. My friends beyond the tower might do something unneccesary if I don't come back. Amber, before you start the search can you provide us a mean to return to this place, whenever we wished?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber looked to Vivi and frowned. "We all know Jess is going to leave with you and we had hoped to convince you to stay with us. But I see that I would have to force you and honestly Im done fighting for awhile. Jess can teleport you to us if need be." Amber sat down clearly unhappy about this. "Amber we cannot let that stand. She is our sister and belongs with us not this street whore who just wandered by one day." Rikke felt a sudden heat behind her as a brief flash of light passed by her. This caused Vivi to look very very frightened. Turning her head to see what had occured Rikke met the eyes of her lover. Jess it seemed had heard what Vivi had called her. Her firey red wings where well on fire as her hair tossed in an unseen wind. Her eyes had lost their soft glow and where instead the color of molten metal. "What did you call her....." Amber was quick on her feet chanting. This brought Jessica's fire attention to her sister who looked worried. Extending her hand Rikke saw the magic build up only to be cut off as Jess cried out and fell to her knees her body returing to normal. Behind her stood Eli yawning with a giant bat in her hands. Looking down she picked up Jess and held her close. "Sorry Sis but you left me know choice." The sleepy lazy girl looked up at Amber and frowned. "I thought you had that power sealed away." Amber looked dissapointed. "So did I."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"There's nothing to fight about, we had an agreement. It's not like we're disappearing off the face off--" as Rikke tried to make friendly chatter Vivi bursted out, the rogue heard her all too loudly and all too clearly, though didn't seem particulary phased by the insult "So much for "savior" and 'pleasure to see you again' talk I see." the heroine crossed her hands and looked to the girl defiantly before Jessica make her entrance.

Rikke herself got scared of the sight before "Jess! It's alright!" she'd call out with clear worry and perhaps even a dash of fear, before Eli found other means to calm her sister down. Rikke stood in silence for some time, before turning to Amber "What did you all do to her?!" she frowned at the sisters darkly, this was above all else not normal.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber seemed rather instuled by the acusation. "WE didn't do anything to her. This was the masters handy work. He said something about unlocking her potential and even berated himself for missing it the first time. What HE did to her is why we rebelled." It was the most passionate and truest emotions that Rikke had sene from Amber to this point. Heading over she quickly kneeled down and pulled Jess's blouse down. "The warding marks are still in place and their magic intact they should have kept it at bay." Amber cast an eye up at Rikke. "Vivi I would refrane from insulting our quest here ever again or at lest until Jessica can control this power the master has unlocked in her." Bringing up a hand Amber chanted as a soft white glow eveloped Jess's injuries. "She should be fine in about an hour. Ill have winter cloths brought to her room for you and your friends."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While Rikke clearly looked almost enraged, hearing Amber out she visibly relaxed. The anger from her eyes dissipating as she'd join them and kneel next to Jess inspect her alongside her sisters "I've never seen her like that, sure she could get scary when angry, but nothing like this." she'd look sadly to her lover and follow Ambers lead for now "These runes, they're what hold 'that' back?"

Be it with help or not, Rikke would return Jessica to her room and call over her companions, waiting out until Jessica came back to her senses.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber nodded to Rikke indicating thats what the runes would do but nothing else was said on the matter. Indeed Rikke got help from Elizibeth who moved right back to the body pillow after dropping Jess off and went to sleep. Upon seeing Jess both Janet and Mika came over to investicate. "Pretty lady hurt?" Janet looked to Mika and nodded before carrying Jess over to the bed. Joldra meanwhile was still no where to be found and undoubtly moaping after her inccident.

As promised about half an hour later a servent brougth Rikke a set of winter cloths. Five fur coats of qustionable quality as well as boots which where better off. Jess still hadn't stirred but looked like she was resting peacfully.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused at Mikas words, where most demons she considered stinky. Jess, was just a pretty lady to her... the heroine smiled kindly to the wildling "No she's just very tired. Lets not wake her, okay?" with Jessica resting Rikke turned to Janet "Our winter clothes will be here shortly, until the sisters resolve their inner-circle troubles, there's nothing left for us here."

The rogue paused looking both ways "Where's Joldra?" ofcourse the demoness was still missing and Rikke had a very good guess where she was. Her eyes driven, the rogue got in full armor and even took Beauty with her "I'll be right back. Make sure Jessica is calm and alright till I get back, kay you two?" with those parting words Rikke left the room and went onwards straight to find Vivi's chambers... asking one of the servants if need be for directions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finding Vivi's chambers was no difficult task as Rikke nearly spotted them as a servent pointed them out. Her door was set with carvings of various things most involving scenes of bondage and out of all the doors it was the only one decorated as such. Getting close Rikke heard the crak of a whip and a man's voice cry out followed by shouting. "HOW DARE AMBER TAKE HER SIDE! HOW DARE SHE ORDER VIVI TO RELEASE HER SLAVE!" There was a groan and another crack of the whip. "DID VIVI SAY YOU COULD SPEAK WORM! HA VIVI SHALL KEEP THE ENCHANT ON THAT BITCH SUCCUBUS." It sounded like Vivi was pissed but it also sounded like Joldra wasn't there. "She's only that way because she is trying to be like her older sister Victoria. It will never be of course shes only pretending to be dominate. In her heart she is the slave trying to full fill her need for such treatment. Its a cruel fate that Master put on her. She will never be what she craves and so this plays out." Turning her head Rikke saw Joldra sit on a nearby bench her back raw from a whipping. Seeing Rikke's eyes peak at the injury she simply smiled. "What ever her sister told her sure pissed her off. Im glad that this is the worst I got. That poor captured demon knight on the other hand...." Joldra shuddered.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Joldra explained the situation Rikke kept her eyes on the room, a clear purple surrounding her eyes as the rogue considered something unknown. Still a blink and a deep breath later they returned to their gentle light purple "Hum... I'm starting to really like Amber. Glad you're okay, Joldra." the heroine smiled to Joldra gently and lead her back, even offering some of her clothing if need be for the demoness.

Vivi... perhaps the most troublesome of the sisters for the heroine. In due time Rikke may have to settle a few things with her, but for the time being the rogue would move on. Knowing the elite demons, he deserved every single whip he was getting anyway...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra refused the offer of cloths and instead walked with the best dignified grace she could manage given her attire and sore injuries. Entering the room again they found Mika starring at Jess seemingly in awe or some such. Janet was busy getting the meager gear they had orginised while they waited. Joldra in the mean time went over to a cloaset and sorted threw some cloths simply stripping right in the open.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would only casually shrug casually and look to her "Well~ If you like the outfit just say so." she'd smirk teasingly to her, though her tone clearly hinted a no ill-will at the choice "But I'm not taking you out to the public in that."

The rogue would silently enter the room and peek inside, seemed Jess was still out. After Joldra entered RIkke silently entered the room as well and smiled to her friends "How is she?"

Joldra choice to strip there and now, absolutely didn't phase Rikke in the least. In fact, the rogue didn't even bother the demoness during her picks until after she was done "Find anything?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra of course didn't bite at the barb but Rikke swore she saw a slight smirk on ehr lips. Still soon they where in the room again. Janet looked up and smiled at Rikke before averting her gaze as Joldra stripped. Rikke suspected that was mostly out of politness than actual embarrisment after all Janet had worked in a brothel for a number of years. "Pretty lady is gonna be fine." Mika sounded absolute in her statment but continued to stare at Jess. "She so shiny like Rikke."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue snickered warmly and smiled to the girl "Rikke not shiny, Mika." unless the wildling meant Rikkes eyes, which kept a constant, but subtle alluring glow about them.

For the time being, the group have to mainly wait for the winter clothes and Jessica to wake. Seemed at least for the time being their business in the tower was done.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika just shook her head. "Mama shiny, Rikke shiny, Pretty Lady really really shiny." Mika just kept looking at Jess letting Rikke ponder what she would. Moving over to Janet she could see that the knight was doing a rough patch job on the winter cloths. "I wish Jess was awake she would have this done in no time." Looking it over the patches where rough but servicible and probably what was to be expected of a knight making repairs in the field.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't possibly understand what Mika meant, but it certainly sounded fairly cute "Can Mika show where shiny?" the rogue smiled gently, perhaps finding out more on what the wildling girl meant.

"Are those the new clothes? Amber said we'd get some brought to us shortly." with those words Rikke would sit down on the bed near Jessica and look to her lover with a gentle smile, meanwhile Mika had a chance to explain or at least point out what she meant.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika just looked at Rikke a moment. "Rikke not see?" Looking confused for a moment the girl sat in silence her lips pursed as she thought. "Shiny on the inside." Leaving the wildling alone for now Rikke instead turned her attention to Janet. "These are the cloths she sent us. It looks like they where what was left of someones old wardrobe. For being surrounded my such decadaence you would think Amber could spare cloths that where decent at lest."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed lightly "Well, the clothes will be for you and Mika mostly. So feel free to cut the ones sent to me and Jessica." the rogue smiled as she kept her legs crossed while sitting on her lovers bed, her hand moving to the amulet she wore "These are enchanted to keep us warm through most temperatures, so it should be fine." the heroine looked to the demoness "How about you, Jol? Got some magic to protect you from the cold?"

By now Rikke hardly considered herself a friend of the sisters, she seemed to be an accomplice at best... or perhaps that one distant relative the sisters just don't really like. Whatever the case, while she was worried about Ella, if only due to their shared closeness to Yenna, there was only one sister Rikke truly cared for. She'd look to Jessica in a loving manner, as the activities all around continued... shiny on the inside... that sounded so lovely.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im a demon I can resist most sever weather..... but I will take one of these coats and cloaks if you don't mind." Walking over the demoness took the ones that where in the best condition for herself much to Janets annoyance. Thankfully her knight kept harsh words to herself. "Still Rikke magic or not you should at lest wear one of the cloaks after all you never know how magic can be effected by demonic taint." Okay maybe Janet couldn't keep them all in but at lest she kept them tame. Turning her attention to Jessica Rikke smiled at her lover. She looked so peacful like this but it couldn't last forever. Even now Rikke could see the telltale movments of Jess starting to rouse herself.