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DG3.0 Character Creation Thread

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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Change log:
November 26: Created this thread.
December 5: Added arachne, changed the formula for Stealth and Perception, slightly altered a number of Spirit Powers. Humans now can take an additional Flaw/Talent if they so desire.
December 8: Changed Perception to use whatever the character's main stat is. Rebalanced all of the things that affect Stealth and Perception to make up for their overall reduction.
December 11: Changed Buffs to Mind/6 from Mind/5.
December 15: Changed some Spirit Powers, added the ability to foreplay through armor, reworded venomous attack and added natural attack as a prereq for it. The "Strong of" Talents have been dropped, and were changed to exceptional, which just gives 8 stat points. Slimes have been made immune to rape damage. This changes the following posts: The rules post, the mutations post, and the spirit powers posts. For easy changing of the blog.
December 21: Edited Seal.
January 1, 2012: Added and edited some spells.

Character Sheet:

Name: Your character's name.
Class: Spirit wielder, warrior, mage, or succubus. Some variation of those titles are allowed, of course.
Race: Your character's race, chosen from the race list.
Sex: Is your character male, or female?

Primary Stats:
Body: ##
Mind: ##
Spirit: ##

When displaying any of these, please follow some variation of the following format so that I don't have to constantly check different portions of the character creation thread to make sure you have every correct.
Stat Name: # of points put in + # of points from racial bonuses + # of points from Talents, if any.

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): Body + Mind/2 + Spirit/2
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): Body/2 + Mind + Spirit/2
Spirit Energy (EP): Body/2 + Mind/2 + Spirit
Speed: Square root of (Body * 10)
Dodge: Sum of Body, Mind, and Spirit divided by 2
Armor: Whatever you get from armor and talents.
Resistance: Your character's primary stat as determined by their class divided by 2. If your character is a succubus, you can choose which stat determines their resistance, but the stat can never be re-chosen.
Perception: The square root of your character's primary stat (as decided by their class) stat multiplied by 10, plus any appropriate modifiers. Square Root (10 * Stat)
Stealth: The square root of your character's Body stat multiplied by 10, plus any appropriate modifiers, and minus twice the EV value of the character's equipment. Square Root (10 * Body)
Grapple: Your character's Body stat, plus any appropriate modifiers.

Things you probably don't have to worry about at character creation, but need on your sheet anyway:

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

A list of your character's Talents, preferably with the descriptions included so that I don't have to look them up. You can shorten them if you like, so long as I can understand them. Also, please have any Talents gained from race or class indicated in some way. For example:
Talent 1
Talent 2
*Racial Talent 1
*Class Talent 1

The opposite of Talents, but should be listed using the same guidelines. No Flaw can be taken more than 4 times.

A list of the mutations that the character has acquired. This section may be empty at the start of the game for most characters.

Skills: List your chosen skills below, including their full descriptions so that I don't have to look them up.

Base Casting: Mind/2, the stat used to determine how effect a character is at casting their spells.
Favored Elements: List, taken from what Talents you pick.

Spirit Ceiling: EP/5, the maximum amount of energy that a character can put into a single power without harming themselves. If, at any time, a character pays an amount of EP for a Power greater than this stat, he or she loses additional EP and an amount of HP equal to the difference between the amount of energy desired and the character's Spirit Ceiling.
Powers: A list of powers taken from what Talents you pick. Please include the full descriptions here as well.

Succubus Powers: A list of the character's succubus powers.

The weapons and armor you have, along with any other minor items you gain in your travels. Their stats should more or less be copied from wherever you took them from, with all of the math added in as well. It would be nice if all characters also included their unarmed damage as well.

Fluff. Write whatever you like, and I'll try to work it into the game mythos I have crammed into my head. And don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions at all during any stage of character creation.

The OOC section:
Put what you want out of the RP here. In the intro post, there is a section saying what will and what will not be in the RP. Read that over, and if you didn't see something that you want, or saw something that you didn't want, or anything of the sort, put it here.

Have a general request of something that you want in your thread? Put it here. Have a story idea that you definitely want explored, a side character that you want to meet, or anything like that? Put it here.

Here's a character sheet without all of the information, for easy copy/pasting.


Hit Points (HP):
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):
Spirit Energy (EP):






Base Casting:
Favored Elements:

Spirit Ceiling:

Succubus Powers:



The OOC section:

The Dark Gate 3 Character Creation guide!

1) Firstly, look through the class and race descriptions, and read the story filler so you know the general layout of the game world and such.

2) Then, based on that, come up with a character concept based on what's available. Start by choosing your class and race.

3) Next, assign your stats. Start with the stats given by your race, which by default are Body = Mind = Spirit = 0, and then distribute 50 points among the three primary stats. Body, Mind and Spirit must each be evenly divisible by 2. A character cannot have a 0 or less in any stat. A character with a Body stat less than 10 is considered too weak to do anything more strenuous than walk, a character with less than a Mind stat less than 10 is considered retarded, and a character with a Spirit stat less than 10 will have severe emotional problems. The latter two must be RPed out, but the first also has minor mechanical penalties associated with a low Speed stat and an inability to grapple with things. Also, it is best for a character to have at least a value of 30 in the primary stat for their class, if possible.

3) When you have your primary stats sorted out, choose your Talents and Flaws. At character creation, you can choose 5 Talents and 3 Flaws. For every Flaw you choose, you are allowed to choose another Talent. Talents or Flaws from the character's race DO NOT count toward the number that you're allowed to choose. You may choose additional Flaws if you feel as though they would better flesh out your character, but these do not grant the character any additional Talents. No Flaw can be taken more than 4 times.

4) Based on your character's Flaws, Primary Stats, and Talents, choose all of the mutations, Powers, Succubus Powers, and Skills. On your sheet, include at least some small part of the mechanical description so I don't have to bounce between your sheet and the creation thread.

5) When your character is finished with that, look at the formula's presented in the character sheet section down below, and math out all of your secondary stats. A spreadsheet will be provided that does the math for you (eventually.)

6) Choose your character's equipment from the weapons and armor section, and then add all of the math from that onto your character's stats. Also, math out the attack and damage for all of the attacks that you plan to use on your sheet. A character starts the game with 50 denarii, up to three weapons, one shield and one set of armor. Old characters keep any of their old equipment and items.

7) Finally, fill out your character's name, sex, backstory, and the section regarding what you want out of the RP.

A note about returning characters:
Characters who are being ported from DG2 keep all of their old experience, equipment and mutations.
Characters who are being ported directly from DG1 gain 10 free experience to spend at character creation.

Also, I don't care if you were in Mud Wrestling, or how much work you've done in helping me balance and expand the system. When you remake your character, make sure everything is accurate. Check and recheck everything.

The different bonuses for each of the classes.
Those dedicated to the practice of the martial arts, no matter their specific expertise, are known as warriors. The actual title of a warrior may vary a great deal, but from the masters of the sword from the Amazonian jungles, to the armored knights of the North, to the rogues who dwell in the back alleys of every major city, each and every one possesses their own specific skills and tactics.

The most important primary stat for all Warriors is Body. Their Resistance stat is dependent on it, and it’s the stat that generally determines how effective they are at hitting their target in combat, and determining how much damage they do when they hit.

Characters of the Warrior class are more skilled in combat compared members of other classes. A Warrior can choose a number of Skills at character creation equal to 1 + Body/10. This total always rounds down, so a character with 38 Body would get 1 + 38/10 = 4.8, which would round down to 4 free Skills. If their Body stat later increases so that they would qualify for an additional Skill, they can choose that additional Skill.

Those have been trained to manipulate the energies of the world around them are called mages. They can focus themselves in any number of different ways, but some sort of training is necessary for one to be able to control their magic.

The most important primary stat for all Mages is Mind. Their Resistance stat is dependent on it, as well as the Base Casting stat. A mage with higher Mind also generally deals more damage with their spells, and are more likely to hit their targets with them.

All Mages, no matter their field of specialization or experience, are capable of using a great many different spells. A Mage can cast level 1 and 2 spells of any element.

Spirit Wielders
Those rare individuals that can harness the power inherent within their own soul, and use it to affect the world around them are referred to as Spirit Wielders. There aren't many set rules on how a Spirit Wielder uses their powers specifically, but generally all of the actual powers that have been observed can be classified among a number of different groups of Powers.

The most important primary stat for all Spirit Wielders is Spirit. Their Resistance stat is dependent on it, and a high Spirit will give them the ability to put more EP into their Powers. In addition, Spirit Powers use Spirit to determine whether they hit.

Characters of the Spirit Wielder Class get an additional Talent at character creation. This Talent must be spent on a Talent that grants the character access to Spirit Powers.

Those who, for reasons known by few, have such damage to their souls that they need to feed on the souls of others in order to survive. Some have the blood of the Fey, or demons, or daemons somewhere in their heritage, while others are simply born the way they are without any explanation. Whatever the reason for their condition, most succubi begin exhibiting symptoms of it around puberty, but the full effects of it, including their unnatural hunger, generally don’t appear until the person has reached full sexual maturity. Succubi feed through sex, the intimacy of such contact allowing them to drain the energies of their partner.

Unlike the other three classes, Succubi have no dedicated primary stat. The amount of pleasure dealt, a very important thing for any succubus, is normally based on the Body stat, but succubi can take Talents that change that if they so desire. At character creation, one of the three primary stats is chosen as the stat that determines the character’s Resistance and Perception. This choice cannot be changed later no matter how the character’s stats change.

Every Succubus gets the “Soul Eater” Special Mutation, as well as the “Lustful” Flaw. In addition, Succubi increase in power slightly faster than other classes. Buying Talents take only ¾ as much experience as it does for any other class. At character creation, succubi must choose up to 3 Succubus Powers, which they get for free.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Humans are one of the shortest lived, but most numerous of the races. Their kingdoms stretch across vast portions of the known world, and even though they might not be the strongest, or the fastest, or have the most powerful of magics, they do have the most numbers, and the ability to do almost anything that can be imagined, if they put their mind to it.

Special: All varieties of Human can choose one additional Flaw at character creation and in exchange gain one additional Talent. That brings it up to a maximum of 4 Flaws for 4 additional Talents.

The people of the Anudor desert are a tough, hardy, tribal bunch. They live in small family groups or moderately sized clans, and wander the desolate, sun scorched sands, moving from oasis to oasis. They have little technology of their own, but due to their proximity to the cities of the Su-Ku-Ta, they often have weapons stolen from the cat-folk. They have little time for formal education, and as such, few mages are among the people of the Anudor desert, but some of them do possess potent spiritual powers, particularly the shamans of chiefs of the clans.
Their societies are highly matriarchal, and sexuality is fairly free among them, allowing most women able to choose their partners willingly. They have no concept of marriage or adultery. Physically, the people of Anudor are often fairly lithe, and have tanned or very dark skin, as well as dark hair and eyes.
Stat Adjustments: None.

The citizens of the Badarian empire are an insular, xenophobic bunch. Centuries of living under the thumb of an openly undead king, and war with every other racial group, has left them hateful of all others. Their nation sits in the center of the known world, and as such, they also have a wide range of trading partners. Spirit Wielders are hunted down and either destroyed, or brainwashed by the Inquisition, and the study of magic and supply of weapons are both very tightly controlled by the state. Being one of only two cultures able to create gunpowder weapons, and with centuries of military experience that have instigated many levies over the years, the Badarians have one of the most powerful military forces in the world.
Physically, Badarians are usually fairly pale, but possess a wide range of body types, and eye and hair colors.
Stat Adjustments: None.

The people of the North, a land of snow and ice and wide forests whom they share with the high elves, orcs, and many enclaves of the fey. Their culture is fairly open, peoples of all races and skillsets often being welcomed into many of their larger cities so long as they abide by the laws.
Physically, they tend to be more heavily built than any other humans, and are universally pale of skin, and have light hair and eyes.
Stat Adjustments: None.

The peoples of the amazonian jungles, who live within the most hostile, but also the most fertile, environment in the world. They live alongside the night elves who also originate within the jungle, and their ancient cities, carved of solid stone that's older than the constructions of any other civilization in the world, are some of the oldest settlements in history. Their society is open to all, even demons being able to walk within their cities openly, but their monarchies hold a tight reign on power within their own regions.
Physically, the people of the amazon, are often muscular and thin, with dark hair and eyes, as well as light skin that can turn a slight gold at times.
Stat Adjustments: None.

The longest lived of all mortal races, being able to survive naturally up to 500 years old or more. All elves possess long, pointed ears, and have stronger souls, making them adept at both trained magics and spiritual powers.

High Elves
The pale elves of the North, who live among the woods and mountains in small villages and great fortresses alike. They have been battling against the Badarian invasions of the North for centuries, but their numbers have begun to dwindle, and their culture, which was once peaceful and principled, has become increasingly warlike and insular.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Mind, +4 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Open Soul

Night Elves
The elves of the jungle, who have long wandered the jungles. They were once like their norther cousins, but decades of trafficking with demons mutated them, causing their skin to change colors, becoming a range of blue, to violet, to bright pink, and even, very rarely red. They abandoned their worship of demons long ago, but the after-effects of it have left permanent marks upon their bodies.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +4 Mind
Racial Talents: Perceptive
Racial Flaws: Open Soul, Demon Lover

Inhuman races, but also not members of the elves or the fey, or monstrous enough to be considered targets of persecution by most societies.

Beings with cat-like features who were once, many centuries ago, humans. They are descendents of the Anudorians, but their culture split off. They settled cities along the coast, on the opposite side of the Anudor desert from Badaria, and are the only race with trading contacts beyond the known world. Their society is highly insular and patriarchal, women often being little more than slaves, and non Su-Ku-Ta within their lands are all considered as slaves. Outsiders are not welcome among their kind. They are one of two races possessing the technology to create firearms, but also possess many dedicated and skilled mages.
Physically, they can appear anywhere from completely human, with only a few cat-like features, to almost totally animal-like.
Stat Adjustments: +6 Body, +2 Mind
Racial Talents: Quick.
Racial Flaws: Mutated, Beast Lover
Racial Special Mutations: Natural Attack.
Racial Mutations: Can choose any number of the following: Tail, Funny Ears, Odd Skin, Reverse Jointed Legs, Fearsome Maw, Strange Face, Whip Tongue and Claws. All of the chosen mutations have to be generally cat-like.

The barbaric race of the north, who live among the mountains in small villages or roving, nomadic bands who travel the tundra. Though often considered barbaric, their culture is based upon honor through force of arms and benefit to their communities. Those who do good for their clan, are treated with respect. Other races are welcome among them, but kept at a distance. Many of their clans are also slavers, using members of other races as forced labor, and to increase their own numbers, which has not been good for their reputation.
Orcs are often heavily built and incredibly strong, their incredibly healthy bodies perpetually incredibly fertile. They also often have green-tinted skin, and their hair is usually white, red or black.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body
Racial Flaws: Fertile

A very rare breed of humanoids who's lower bodies are like the body of a snake. They are too rare to have their own culture, and their cold blooded nature means that they avoid the frozen north.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +2 Mind, +2 Spirit
Racial Talent: Grapple Expert
Racial Flaws: Sluggish, Tainted Bloodline
Racial Special Mutations: Serpentine Body, Natural Attack
Racial Mutations: Odd Skin, Tail, Whip Tongue.
Optional Special Mutation: Egg Layer.
Can only be female.

Called the true rulers of the world by some, the faerie are the only race as numerous and widespread as humans. Many of their more powerful members are immortal, and some members of the fey courts are as old as the most ancient of daemons.

The nobility among the fey who can alter their appearance almost at will. Possessed of incredible, nearly superhuman power, the young sidhe are often sent out into the world to learn more of it. Iron is the bane of the pure blooded fey, causing them intense pain if it comes into contact with their skin.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body, +8 Mind, +8 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Sensitive, Open Soul
Racial Special Mutations: Shapeshifter, Ironbane, Supernatural, Faerie

Supernaturally beautiful and perpetually lustful, the nymphs are the lower ranks of the fey who make up the lions share of their female population. They often live among the wild places of the world, and aid travelers who become lost. If they take to a man (or even a woman if such strikes their fancy) who happens to be traveling through their territory, they often appear to them and attempt to seduce them. There are no male nymphs, and they require the seed of others to breed.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body, +4 Mind, +4 Spirit
Racial Special Mutations: Ironbane, Warped, Faerie
Racial Flaws: Fertile, Lustful
Racial Succubus Powers: Charm
Can only be female.

The most powerful known beings other than greater daemons and only loosely associated with the fey, the angels are a rare race of universally beautiful individuals. Their protective instincts are born into them, and they use their incredible powers to guard those they find worthy against evil. As they grow older, angels develop the dual abilities to see the future, and to simply know things that they need to. The source of these abilities is as yet unknown.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, +12 Mind, +16 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Open Soul, Idealistic, Honorable, Tainted Bloodline, Fertile/Infertile (chosen at character creation)
Racial Special Mutations: Warped, Faerie
Racial Mutations: Greater Wings. They have to be angelic.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Cannot take the Selfish Flaw. An angel who gains the Supernatural Special Mutation is considered fallen, and loses the Idealistic Flaw and gains the Selfish Flaw.

Though they themselves are not faeries, the fey adopted the sentient plants into their ranks. Alraune are the offspring born from a woman who has been impregnated by a shorn weed, and they themselves give birth to pods that eventually grow into more of the weeds if impregnated. Beings that they impregnate give birth to more alraune. They are all born with ancestral memories, giving them the ability to speak from the moment that they hatch, and they grow to full size in a matter of hours. They lack any real society of their own, but they do share a hive mind with other plant-like creatures that are nearby.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, -4 Mind
Racial Special Mutations: Warped, Tentacles, Plant
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Cannot be of the Succubus class. Must be female. Cannot take the Fertile, Infertile or Open Soul Flaws.

Part Breeds

The sons and daughters of a mortal and a dragon. Possessed of incredible power of both the body and the soul, but also extremely rare. Some show more of their supernatural nature than others, but they also favor their mortal halves as well, usually appearing beautiful, if slightly alien.
Stat Adjustments: +10 Body, +4 Mind, +10 Spirit
Racial Talents: Pain Resistant
Racial Flaws: Easy to Hit, Obvious, Open Soul, Mutated
Racial Mutations: Can choose any number of the following: Wings, Odd Skin, Horns, Tail, Claws, Whip Tongue. All of the chosen mutations have to be draconic in appearance.

Half Daemon
The spawn of a daemon and a mortal. Daemons are creatures of the spirit world, and few of them even manifest a body on the mortal plane. Those that do, and then sire children, are rarely daemons of the most powerful echelon. When creating one of these, come up with the basic idea of what both the mortal parent and the daemon would be like, and work with me from there.
Stat Adjustments: PM me during character creation.
Racial Flaws, Mutations, and Talents: Same as above.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed.

Part Demon
Those born from a demon father and a mortal mother. Many of them can fit into mortal societies, or the demonic ones, with relative ease. Their appearance varies greatly, but those who swing too closely toward their demonic side are often persecuted if on the mortal world, and those who seem too human generally suffer the same in Hell.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +6 Mind, +6 Spirit
Racial special Mutation: Demon
Racial Flaw: Tainted Bloodline, Mutated.

Half Breed
For Half breed stats, add the stats for both races and then divide the results by 2, rounding up to the nearest even number.
Half Breeds get the Racial Mutations, Mutations, Talents and Flaws from both base races. If one race would get the "Supernatural" Special Mutation, while the other would not, the character instead gets the "Warped" Special Mutation.

The rare child of one of the sidhe, and a member of demonkind. Normally they would be raised among demons as one of them, born of captured fey. Those would never know the marks of their kinder heritage, but as more and more demons have been accepted in the mortal world after the fall of the Devourer, these have been recognized as a breed apart from either of their progenitors.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body, +8 Mind, +8 Spirit
Racial Flaws: One of Lustful or Sensitive, and one of Mutated or Open Soul.
Racial Special Mutations: Shapeshifter, Supernatural, Discordant Fertility, Demon, Faerie
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed.


The powerful, blood sucking undead, created when a spirit wielder bonds their soul to that of one of the dead. This process leaves them alive, but their body can no longer support their spirits, meaning that they have to feed on the life essences of others. Their appearances can vary, depending on the race of the original person, but they are universally beautiful, cunning, and ruthless predators. Many of them cannot even be distinguished as inhuman by sight, but every culture in the mortal world has legends of these creatures. The result of their reputation, however, is that once a vampire is identified, it's almost guaranteed to be universally reviled.
Stat Adjustments: +10 Body, +4 Mind, +2 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Healthy, Any One of the following: Shadowmancer, Demonologist, or Necromancer.
Racial Flaws: Selfish, Open Soul
Racial Special Mutations: Vampire, Supernatural, Daylight Weakness
Note: When used to create a half-breed, the character doesn't get the Daylight Weakness Special Mutation or the Selfish Flaw, but also doesn't get the free Spirit Wielder Talent.

Gemini Empowered
The former victims of the invaders who still live. After having their souls torn from their bodies, they were left as mindless, empty shells, driven purely by whatever base instincts that the invaders chose to leave them. Eventually, however, they began to develop minds of their own once more, but without any of the memories of their former lives.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body
Racial Flaws: Bloodthirsty (if male) or Lustful (if female)
Racial Special Mutations: Warped, Tentacles, Alien, Soul Eater.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Cannot be of the Mage class or take any Mage Talents through any means.

Full Blood Demon
The immortal, immoral denizens of Hell itself. Like the fey, their closest counterpart in the mortal world, they are possessed of incredible power, and their appearances vary greatly from one individual to the next.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body, +8 Mind, + 8 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Lustful, Mutated, Fertile/Infertile (chosen at character creation.)
Racial Mutation: Corrupting Venom and any tree up to another mutation that allows it. These mutations cannot be removed or hidden with shapeshifting.
Racial Special Mutations: Supernatural, Demon, Shapeshifter
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed.

Living Slime
A creature formed of liquid, rather than solid matter. Only recently have any of them begun to develop true intelligence, and as such they have little to no knowledge of they world that they haven't acquired from their own direct experiences. Unlike most races, their bodies are malleable, and constantly shifting. Disrupting that body is extremely difficult through purely physical means, and a slime cannot lose consciousness.
Slimes are highly different from a character of any other race. For more information, see the Malleable Form Special Mutation.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, -4 Mind, +8 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Grapple Expert
Racial Flaws: Weak, Open Soul.
Racial Special Mutations: Malleable Form, Supernatural, Soul Eater, Tentacles.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Must be Female. Cannot take the Fertile, Infertile or Mutated Flaws. Cannot wear armor.

Long ago, an ancient city inhabited by the night elves was lost in the jungles of the Amazon following an earthquake. The citizens of that lost city were not all killed, however. That earthquake was caused by the escape of a long sealed daemon, and it took the survivors as its servants. They were warped and twisted in that being's image, and began to worship it like a god even as they adopted its features. Two legs became eight, and eventually the beings resembled spiders as much as the elves they had once been. Their lower bodies were those of spiders, but jutting from the tops of their bodies are the torsos of the night elves that they had once been. Recently they have been sighted in the jungles, attacking man and beast alike. Few have returned alive from an encounter with them, but some have escaped from their clutches and reported of the fate of their captives. Both sexes were raped, the men milked for their seed and the women used to hold their eggs while being held in a massive underground city, covered in webs.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, +6 Mind, +6 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Sneaky.
Racial Flaws: Selfish, Honorable, Lustful, Fertile.
Racial Special Mutations: Spider, Egg Layer, Supernatural.
Racial Mutations: Fertile Mouth, 2x Clawed Feet, Razor Fingers, Fearsome Maw + Venomous Attack.
Must be female. Cannot be used as part of a half breed. Cannot take the Mutated Flaw.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

The Rules

Combat, Grappling, AoE, and you!

Combat happens. When it does, you need to know what's going on, and more importantly, what your can do so as to not be raped, enslaved or murdered. Firstly, here is a list of the basic things that a character can do on their turn.
-Make an attack using a weapon held in the character's hand.
-Make a grapple action against a creature that the character is currently grappling.
-Attempt to start a grapple against a creature they are within range of.
-Cast a Spell.
-Use a Power.
-Move in any unblocked direction up to 2x the character's Speed stat.
-Run in a straight line up to 4x the character's Speed stat.
-Defend yourself, giving up all other actions in exchange for a +30 bonus to Dodge for that round.
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.
-Sit there looking silly.

A few additional things:
-A character taking any of the above actions other than Full Defense, Charging and Double Movement can move up to their Speed stat.
-Whenever a character would make any attack that requires an attack roll, they can fight defensively. Effectively, the character can sacrifice up to 20 points from their attack roll, gaining a bonus to Dodge for that turn equal to the number of points sacrificed.
So, a character attacking an enemy can give up 10 points from their attack, and in exchange will have an additional 10 points in Dodge for when the enemy responds.

In addition, characters with Skills can use as many as they desire and meet the requirements for, so long as those Skills do not contradict one another in some way, to alter the way that their attacks resolve.

Almost every attack, spell and power requires an attack roll. Those that don't have it indicated in their description in some way. Attack rolls use the d20, and then add or subtract any appropriate modifiers. If the final number from the dice and all of the modifiers is equal to or greater than the Dodge value of the target, then the attack hits successfully.

Area of effect attacks, mostly spirit powers and spells, also require attack rolls. The character makes an attack roll against all creatures within the area of whatever power or spell that they are using, and the attack does no damage to creatures that are not successfully hit.


Attempting to start a grapple works slightly differently, however. When a character who attempts to start a grapple, the GM rolls a d20 and adds the character's Grapple stat. This is treated as an attack, allowing the character to use Defensive Fighting, and the character gains any bonuses applied to attack rolls to this roll, even if they do not increase the character's grapple stat. If that total is equal to or greater than the target creature's Dodge stat, the grapple attempt is successful and both creature and character get the Grappled status. Whatever action the creature who became grappled was going to can still be attempted if it's allowed by the grapple rules. If it isn't, then the action is lost.

Things work differently for characters in a grapple. When in a grapple, the character can attempt any of the following. When 2 characters are in a grapple, both declare their actions and then I roll a d20 for both, and then add their Grapple stat. Whichever has the higher total gets to make their action, while the other character can take no action for that turn.

A list of options while in a grapple that require that the character win their grapple check:
-Penetrate (or be penetrated by) a creature.
-Perform foreplay on an opposing creature. If that creature is wearing armor, the amount of pleasure dealt is decreased by the armor's DU.
-Attack a creature that you are grappling with.
-Attack a creature that is not in the grapple. Taking this action also requires that the character make an attack roll as well assuming they win the grapple check, and they take a -10 penalty to their attack roll.
-Shift aside the armor of one opposing character.
-Remove the armor of one opposing character. Characters attempting this action take a -4 penalty to their grapple check.
-Tear an opponents armor. If the character wins the grapple check, the opponents armor takes TP damage equal to the difference between the rolls. This damage ignores the armor's DU. What those are is discussed in detail in the armor section.
-Escape the grapple.
-Force a creature into a Submission Hold.

In addition, the following actions can be done without a check or using a turn while in a grapple.
-Shift your own armor.
-Remove your own armor. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.
-Release a creature that you are grappling with. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.

Also, the following can be done without making a grapple check, but if so, the character can take no other actions and takes a -4 penalty to their grapple check to prevent whatever the enemy is attempting to do.
-Cast a spell. Direct spells like Bolt and Touch spells require that the character win a grapple check in order to hit, and AoE spells require an attack roll.
-Use a power that isn't a direct attack. Direct attacks and AoE attacks work just like spells as above.
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.

A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status.

Group Grapples

When multiple creatures are in a grapple, generally it will be multiple weaker creatures trying to grapple one stronger one (r multiple monsters trying to grab the same PC.)
In this case, each "side" is treated as a single monster capable of multiple actions. Each monster gets a single d20 roll, but they also get a bonus to that grapple roll equal to 1/2 the grapple modifier of the creature(s) grappling the same target.
If multiple monsters attempt the same thing for that turn, then the roll becomes 1d20 + the total grapple modifier of each of the creatures.
Finally, if multiple creatures that are not allied attempts to do something, each only rolls a grapple check against the target of their action for that round.
Creatures attempting to join a grapple make their attack roll against whichever creature has the lowest Dodge value.

The mechanics of sex in Dark Gate are generally only called upon when your character is being raped, or attempting to rape something else. In that instance, the following rules apply:

Foreplay, including the use of hands, mouth, ect; Deals 2d4 + Body/4 PP damage. Foreplay against creatures wearing armor take a penalty to damage equal to the armor's DU.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + Body/3 PP damage.
These are both subject to a number of potential bonuses that can be applied, some of which are circumstantial.

In addition, whenever a character takes PP damage due to another creature and attempts to resist it, that PP damage is decreased by an amount equal to their Resistance stat divided by 2. However, resisting in this manner is exhausting, and deals 1d6 + 2 HP damage to the character which ignores armor.

If, at any time, a character would take PP damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they orgasm, and their PP is reset to 0. Characters that have orgasmed are Stunned for their next action.

A female character who allows another creature to orgasm inside of them receives a pregnancy roll unless they are Infertile or already pregnant.
The GM rolls 1d4, and the character becomes pregnant on a roll of 4.

If two creatures are penetrating the same character, each penetration is treated separately. This includes pleasure damage for all three, pleasure resistance, and the damage for resisting pleasure.
If one creature is somehow penetrating the same character multiple times, both the creature and the character simply have double the number of dice applied to them for all associated effects.

Perception Checks, Resistance Checks, and Stealth Checks, oh my!

Perception checks are made to find things, whether they be the monsters trying to sneak up on your and conk you on the head, or the hidden doors leading to treasure, or the tripwire that sets off a landmine lying nearby.

Perception Checks made to detect a creature trying to sneak up on you are:
d20 + Perception (character) vs D20 + Stealth (creature).

Perception checks made to detect a hidden object, like some treasure or a trap, or to notice something about a particular creature or character are:
d20 + Perception vs DC, where the DC is set by the GM.

The Perception stat can also have a number of conditional modifiers, and these will be figured out when they come up. Still, reminding your GM of them OOC couldn't hurt.

In addition, a stealth check works exactly like a normal Perception check to detect a creature only in reverse.

A character's Perception stat is normally determined by their Mind stat, but Spirit Wielders can substitute their Spirit stat in place of Mind, whichever is higher.
A character's Stealth stat is always dependent on Body.

A Resistance check made between two creatures is decided by:
d20 + Resistance of A vs d20 + Resistance of B
If the Resistance check is made against a DC, then the check is:
d20 + Resistance of target vs DC

Corruption and Mutations!
Corruption is the exposure of a character to supernatural forces that cause them to change in some way.

Usually, corruption in Dark Gate is acquired through sex with creatures that have been exposed to magic, or that are naturally magical themselves.
Any PP damage that the character receives from a Supernatural creature they also take as corruption. In addition, any time that they or the creature they are having sex with orgasms, the character takes an additional 5 corruption.

Experience and bringing back old characters
Throughout their adventures, a character will gain experience. This experience can be used to increase the character's stats and grant them additional abilities.

Experience points can only be spent when the character rests, which should be indicated by the GM. When you do spend experience, please leave a note at the bottom of your post so we know to change your stats.

EXP can be spent in the following ways:
2 exp can be traded for a +2 bonus to any one of the character's three main stats. (Body, Mind or Spirit)
8 exp can be traded to grant the character a General Talent or any Talent from their class list.
16 exp can be traded for any Talent from a list other than the list of General Talents or the character's main Talent list.

Characters that were active in Dark Gate 2 retain all of their old equipment, experience and mutations. If some things didn't make the transfer from DG2 to DG3, then they can be reassigned, and if the character would acquire more, then they can choose that as well. Custom stuff that some characters got will be reexamined and handled in a case by case basis.
Minor alterations can be made to already existing characters.

Powers, Spells, and Skills
Using a Power or casting a Spell each take a turn. Unless they say otherwise, the only thing that a character using one of these can do once the Spell/Power has resolved is move up to their Speed. Most Skills, however, are only optional modifiers that can be applied to attack rolls. Unless they say otherwise, using a Skill does not take up the character's turn, and a character can use any number of skills per round.

Summoned Creatures
Summoned creatures of any type do not act on the turn that they are summoned. They always arrive at full health and without any status conditions.

Falling Damage: A character who falls more than 10 feet takes 4 damage that ignores armor. For every 10 feet beyond the first 10 feet, the damage that the character takes doubles. This damage can be modified depending on what the character lands on at the GM's discretion.

Rounding: Unless it explicitly states otherwise, always round naturally.

The short version for quick reference:
Attacks are d20 + Main stat + Modifiers, if any, vs Dodge.

The main stat for physical attacks is Body. The main stat for spells is Mind. the main stat for Powers is Spirit.

Grapple actions are opposed grapple checks, and grapple checks are d20 + Grapple vs d20 + Grapple.

Perception Checks made to detect a creature trying to sneak up on you are:
d20 + Perception (character) vs D20 + Stealth (creature). Stealth checks are the same, but in reverse order.

Foreplay deals 2d4 + Body/4 PP damage.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + Body/3 PP damage.
Resistance/2 can be subtracted from PP taken, but doing so also causes the character to take 1d6 + 2 HP damage that ignores AV.

Status Effects
Charmed: The character temporarily believes that the creature that used this ability is their friend. They cannot take any action that would result in harm to that creature, and must protect them against harm for as long as this effect remains present. They must go along with whatever the creature asks of them, but actions that are strictly against the character's normal interests will cause them to make another Resistance check to throw off the effect. This lasts for 8 hours or until dispelled or successfully resisted, but if the same creature attempts to charm the character again in that time, they automatically lose the Resistance check.

Stunned: The character is knocked senseless.Characters affected by this lose their next turn, during which they take a -10 penalty to Dodge and Grapple. If a creature gains the Stunned status before they act in a turn, they lose both their current turn and their next one.

Prone: The character has been knocked to the ground. Creatures that gain this status who have not acted yet this turn lose their action for this turn, and must spend their next turn getting up. Creatures that gain this status after having acted only lose their next turn.

Blinded: The character can no longer see, any attacks they make take a -16 penalty, their Dodge takes a -10 penalty, and they take a -12 penalty to their Perception.

Penetrated: Self explanatory. The character has to escape penetration before they can escape from a grapple. They can, however, take any other actions (like attacking) without additional penalties.

Grappled: The character is in a grapple with an enemy. All attacks or actions between two characters in a grapple are made as grapple checks instead of attack rolls. More detailed rules for grappling will be present elsewhere. Characters in a grapple cannot dodge Area of Effect attacks, and take a -10 penalty to Dodge against creatures who aren't in a grapple with them.

Submission Hold: The character is held in such a way that they are unable to move, and have to free themselves before they can take any other action. All actions besides Escape are disabled. This includes all Powers, Spells, Attacks, Skills and Special abilities. Characters in a Submission Hold or that have other creatures in a Submission Hold cannot dodge Area of Effect attacks.

Unconscious/Helpless: The character is disabled, and can take no actions.

Paralyzed: The character is unable to take any action during their turn unless they succeed at a Resistance vs 30 check. All actions attempted by the character take a -4 penalty to non-damage, non Resistance rolls. A character can have multiple instances of this status, and every instance increases the DC of the check to resist losing their action by 10. When this check becomes impossible for the character to win, they are considered defeated, but not knocked unconscious.

Horny: The character needs to get laid. They cannot do anything that would prevent them from being satisfied, which includes killing or crippling any potential "partners." They cannot attack in a way that would deal damage, cast Spells or use Powers. All of their previously active effects remain active unless they require concentration of any kind, however. Wears off after 20 rounds of rest, 5 consistent rounds of sex, or they pass out for any reason. And, no, masturbation is not enough.

Pregnant: The character is pregnant. The length of the pregnancy depends on the parentage, with monsters taking only 6 hours to develop, supernatural beings taking between 12 hours and 3 days, and with normal creatures taking the full 9 months.

Bound: The character has their limbs bound so that they cannot move or fight. No actions except escape are possible, and any actions against the character automatically succeed. The check made to escape is a Grapple roll, and the target number is determined by the GM. Attacks and grapple actions against Bound characters automatically succeed.

Weakened: The character is harmed in some way that results in a reduction in their ability to fight, and takes a -10 penalty to all non-damaged rolls. A character can have multiple instances of this status. They stack. When the penalty exceeds the character's Body stat, they cannot move. When the penalty exceeds the character's Mind stat, they cannot speak or think coherently. When the penalty exceeds the character's Spirit stat, they cannot use Powers or Cast spells.

Aroused: The character takes a -10 penalty on non-damage, non-Resistance rolls as they are distracted by their lust.

Dominated: The character's mind has been taken over by another creature.Their actions are dictated to them by the creature controlling them, but they gain a Resistance check if they are forced to do anything out of the ordinary.

Sealed X: The character has a seal on their soul, preventing them from using any ability that requires the expenditure of EP unless the win a Resistance check with a DC equal to X. This seal can be removed by another creature with an action, but a creature cannot remove the seal themselves.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

The Story

DG3 starts 2 years after DG2 concludes, in early autumn. The entries below include what has changed about the world since then and show possible starting locations for characters. Other possible start locations are quite possible, you just have to tell me what you want.


When the invasion came, the empire was caught completely unawares. Every major city was almost completely devoid of life within 48 hours, save for a handful of survivors at each of them that spread out to tell the tale. Even though the aliens had achieved almost total victory there, however, they generally left only small groups of their servants behind, departing with more than half of the country's population as suddenly as they had arrived. Some of the cities have been retaken and partially repopulated since then, while others remain abandoned and empty save for a few monsters and scavengers. The only exception to this is the necropolis, where a thriving colony of the invading forces yet remains, pushing back any attempts to wipe it out by the fractured groups around it.

With their undead overlord missing and assumed taken with many of his subjects, the remaining nobility of Badaria who hadn't been taken by the invaders quickly fractured and slowly fell to infighting until only a handful of dominant houses remained. These houses precariously control small subsections of the countryside, but none have been able to claim total dominance as yet, nor have they been able to eradicate the remaining forces of the invaders, much less continue the invasions that their former king had attempted against their nearest neighbors. These are not the only threats to the long embattled people of Badaria, however.

In the Southern corner of the empire, in what was once the village of Artmirst, the city of Acheron has risen. Controlled and populated by demons who had repaired and re-purposed the factories there, the demons have created a surprisingly peaceful and welcoming community. Any may stay in Acheron... For the proper price. A city of rampant debauchery of all kinds imaginable, the demons there trade not only in coin and weapons, but in souls, and many have flocked there to join them despite their reputations, for the demon's have created the one thing that no other group has: Order. Despite its inhabitants, Acheron is the only place that the invaders do not attack, even going so far as to outright avoid it lest they come to fact the wrath of Acheron's Queen.

Between the constant skirmishes between the ruling houses, the rise of bandit groups formed from groups of former imperial soldiers, the rise of Acheron and the ever-present threat of the cultists that serve the invaders, the fallen empire has never been a more dangerous place.


Of all the nations in the world, Crolia handled the invasion the best. Though many of its cities were emptied by the sudden attack, the Academy, the greatest center of magical learning in the known world, managed to destroy the invaders completely with minimal casualties. The flying fortress that had been sent to Therion was destroyed following the intervention of the thunder god Doraleous, and one above the elven city of Gods-Reach was destroyed by a flight of angels summoned by a mysterious stranger that had arrived a day before the aliens arrived.

Still, the city states of Crolia were devastated, and even though all of the invaders fled the frozen Northlands following their numerous defeats, there was a new threat brewing. A warlord had risen amongst the orc tribes, who had been almost completely unbothered by the invaders. While the countryside was still reeling from the attacks by the invaders, the tribes unified and swept across the country, taking more than half of the remaining cities. Gods-Reach was one of the last to fall before the combined forces of Therion, the Academy and the Badarian city state of Lockacre halted the orc horde's advance. The beastmen have enslaved all they have conquered, and have since solidified their holdings and begun to replenish their numbers. All attempts to discern the identity of this warlord have failed, and he has held an iron grip upon his budding empire ever since the short period of peace began.

Skirmishes between the orcs and the now unified remains of the humans of Crolia have been a constant threat, even spilling into the Pass of Ghosts and adding to the corpses already piled high there. Though many attempts have been made, no negotiations have been successful between the two sides, and the already few in number high elves of Gods-Reach have remained enslaved to their captors.

The Amazon

The ancient magical cities and temples of the amazon, long held against the incredibly hostile native environment, were no match for the power of the invaders. The once mighty empire of the people of the Amazon has fallen to nothing, the cities emptied of life and many of the temples desecrated and destroyed. Their defenses annihilated, many of the smaller communities within the jungle were destroyed, either by lack of resources due to so many refugees fleeing the cities, attacks by the invading monsters, or by the lack of protection against the dangers native to the Amazon.

Their culture falling apart as large parts of it simply ceased to exist, many of the peoples of the Amazon have reverted to tribalistic state even as those few left who truly understood their old ways attempt to reassert order. With the emergence of even more monsters into the jungle as the arachne make themselves known and the shadow demons begin to spread, and the continued threat from colonies of invaders, the eradication of the Amazonian civilization seems certain unless someone can do something to stop it.

The Anudor Desert

The largely clustered and xenophobic Su-Ku-Ta were swiftly overwhelmed by the invaders, their cities taken over almost without a fight despite the technology and magical prowess possessed by the cat-folk. Unlike most other places, however, the invaders remained in the cities that they conquered. The Su-Ku-Ta culture was almost completely wiped out and replaced in under a week, the aliens setting up permanent settlements that quickly began to spread across the barren desert, slowly creeping toward the former Badarian empire.

A guerrilla resistance by the few remaining unturned Su-Ku-Tu and the Anudorian tribes has slowed, but not stopped their advance. Fighting desperately with no aid save what little support that the people in Western Badaria could offer, the people of the desert were fighting a losing battle against an enemy with nearly unlimited numbers and power rivaled only by the highest lords of the fey or the demons. Those that fall join their foes, only swelling their numbers and power as their very souls were torn from them.

Potential Starting Locations

-The demon city of vice

The Necropolis
-The seat of power for the aliens that remain in Badaria

-The largest city remaining in Badaria that is controlled and populated by humans. Despite being on the Eastern Border of Badaria, it has risen to prominence due to the river linking it both to Acheron and to Crolia.



The Academy

The Pass of Ghosts

-The conquered fortress-city of Gods-Reach is now home to a regiment of orcish soldiers, human mercenaries, and elven slaves.

-A city built by orcs high in the Eastern mountains, and the seat of power of the bestial race's empire.

The Amazon

-The ruined city still crawls with the remains of the invading force, a small enclave having been set up within the palace district.

The Pfitherean Jungle

-A large (by Amazonian standards) community on the edge of the jungle, Glassmoor has held against the invaders and the monsters of the hostile world around it, and even begun to spread. The seeds of reestablishing Amazonian culture are there, but whether they will germinate, or be killed before they can sprout, only time will tell.

The Ironrose Monastery
-The largest remaining monastery, and holder of many of the arcane secrets discovered by the peoples of the amazon over the years. Unlike many of its kind, it has thrived following the invasion, a small community steadily growing around it.

The Anudor Desert

Xidior (formerly Shry-Kuth-Lus)
-The coastal city has become the invaders strongest fortress, a flying fortress remaining above the city of the pyramids even after the rest had left.

The Expanse

-Now a constant battleground between the forces of the aliens who try to press westwards and the guerrilla resistance fighting against them, this small town on the doorstep of an ancient fortress has turned into a veritable fortress in itself, with the ancient structure that it had formed around their last line of defense against the invaders, as well as where they keep their ammunition and weapons stores.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.


Melee Weapons
One Handed Swords
Examples: Longswords, daggers, machetes, scimitars, wakizashi.
2d6 + Body/2

Two Handed Swords
Examples: Greatswords, claymores, nodachi.
2d12 + 1 + Body/2

Bastard Swords
Examples: Broadswords, katana.
1d12 + 1 + Body/2, deals +6 damage if used in two hands. Takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls.

One Handed Blunt Weapons
Examples: Truncheons, clubs, maces, sticks.
2d4 + 2 + Body/2

Two Handed Blunt Weapons
Examples: Staffs, greatclubs, heavy maces, flails.
2d8 + 5 + Body/2

Shortened Polearms (One Handed)
Examples: Hand axes, short spears.
4d5 - 4 + Body/2

Examples: Scythes, halberds, spears, pikes, greataxes.
2d10 + 3 + Body/2

Base Damage: 2d4 + Body/4
Improved Damage: 1d8 + 2 + Body/2
Note: Unarmed can be used as the secondary attack for the purposes of two weapon fighting. It does not, however, count as the primary weapon, nor does it qualify for Dueling.

Ranged Weapons
Badarian Handcannon
4d10, 30 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload, ignores 8 AV

Badarian Revolver
2d8 + 4, 50 foot range, 5 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV

Su-Ku-Ta Wargun
3d6 + 4, 60 foot range, 3 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 AV

Su-Ku-Ta Hand Repeater
2d8, 30 foot range, 6 shots, 1 round reload, ignores 4 AV

Badarian Breach Loader
3d8 + 5, 60 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload, ignores 8 AV

Badarian Lever Action Rifle
2d12 + 5, 50 foot range, 6 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 8 AV

Badarian Shotgun
3d12 + 8, 30 foot range, 2 shots, 2 round reload

Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle
4d10 + 1, 100 foot range, 1 shot, 3 round reload, ignores 16 AV

Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle
4d6 + 6, 60 foot range, 5 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 12 AV

Su-Ku-Ta Assault Rifle
2d8 + 4, 30 foot range, 10 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 EV

Hand Crossbow
4d6 + 3, 40 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload

Light Crossbow
3d6 + 10, 50 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload

Heavy Crossbow
3d8 + 9, 80 foot range, 1 shot, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV

Repeating Crossbow
3d6 + 7, 40 foot range, 8 shots, 2 round reload

Primitive Ranged Weapons
The Bow
2d8 + 6 + Body/3, 100 foot range

The Sling
3d8 + Body/3, 40 foot range

Throwing Weapons
4d6 + Body/4, 60 foot range, come in packs of 4, gives a -4 penalty to the target's Speed if hit

Throwing Knives
2d12 + Body/4, 20 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack

Throwing Axes
3d10 + Body/4, 30 foot range, come in packs of 3

Armor protects your character's body from harm, both magical and mundane. Until it falls apart, at least. Increases your Armor stat by some amount when worn, but takes damage even as it protects you from harm, and weighs you down slightly decreasing your Speed stat and ability to make the gestures and motions necessary for casting Spells and using Powers.
AV = Armor Value. How much this armor adds to your Armor stat.
EV = Encumbrance Value. How much this armor decreases your character's Speed, Base Casting and Spirit Ceiling when worn. In addition, a character takes a penalty equal to twice this value to their Stealth stat. Note: EV cannot decrease Speed below 1, and also cannot decrease Base Casting or Spirit Ceiling below 3.
TP = Tearing points. How much damage a piece of armor can take before it falls apart. Any armor other than basic clothing reduced to 0 TP can be repaired, but not worn.
DU = Durability. Whenever your character takes any amount of damage, the amount prior to subtracting AV gets divided by this number and then subtracted from the armor's TP.

Armor can be weaker or stronger against certain types of physical damage. If a particular piece of armor has one or both, it will be indicated after the stats of that armor.
Armor has its AV bonus halved against attacks of the type they are weak to, and its AV doubled against attacks of the type they are strong to.

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

Elven Bramble Armor: AV = 8, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing.

Elven Warplate: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 4. Weak against Bludgeoning. Strong against Piercing.

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.

Chainmail: AV = 10, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 5. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Slashing.

Scale Mail: AV = 13, EV = 5, TP = 40, DU = 5.

Orcish Battle Armor: AV = 14, EV = 4, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing.

Splint Mail: AV = 16, EV = 8, TP = 50, DU = 6.

Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.

Shields are items held in one hand and used to protect the character holding it against attacks. Increases a character's Dodge stat by some amount when equipped, but cause the wielder to be slowed slightly due to the added weight. They can also be used offensively in the form of a Shield Bash.
DB = Dodge Bonus. How much your character gets added to their Dodge stat while using the shield.
EV = Encumbrance Value. Just like armor.
All shields deal 3d6 + Body/3 damage when used to shield bash.

Buckler: DB = 6. EV = 0.

Round Light Shield: DB = 8. EV = 1.

Targe: DB = 6. EV = 1. Deals Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, plus an additional +6 damage when used to shield bash.

Round Heavy Shield: DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.

Kite Shield: DB = 12. EV = 2.

Tower Shield: DB = 15. EV = 4.

The item shop!

In game, the merchant can be summoned at any time that a character is not in combat or directly threatened with combat, even if the character has never met him before.

Here is the list of item drops for DG 3, by monster followed by the value of each item:
Each item can be purchased for x1.5 the price listed here.
Item Drops
Goblin/Kobold - Monster's Fang
Spider - Venom Sack
Stalker/Hunter - Chameleon's Skin
Sidhe - Faerie's Blood
Shorn Weed - Shorn Nectar
Alruane - Darkheart
Corrupted Beings (wolves, warped, ect) - Darkheart
Gruff/Satyr - Faerie Horn
Full Blooded Demons - Demon's Blood
Hellhound/Warhound - Hound's Tooth
Ogre/Troll - Monster's Horn
Tentacle Horror - Horror Carapace
Plant Hulk - Darkheart
Black Oak - Darkbrain
Slimes - Slime Amber
Due/Trinity - Slime Amber
The Turned - Greyheart
Grabbers - Greyheart
Elder Lord/Elder Lord Spawn - Greybrain
Angel - Angel's Feather
Nightmare - Nightmare's Mane
Nightmare Lord - Fiery Mantle

Greyheart/Darkheart - 25 denarii
Greybrain/Darkbrain - 100 denarii
Slime Amber - 30 denarii
Monster's Fang - 20 denarii
Chameleon's Skin - 15 denarii
Horror Carapace - 10 denarii
Monster's Horn - 50 denarii
Hound's Tooth - 40 denarii
Faerie's Horn - 30 denarii
Venom Sack - 25 denarii
Faerie's Blood/Demon's Blood - 50 denarii
Angel's Feather - 200 denarii
Nightmare's Mane - 60 denarii
Fiery Mantle - 200 denarii

Weapons, Shields and Armor
The merchant sells all weapons for 50 denarii each.
Armor other than basic clothes are 100 denarii.
Shields are 40 denarii.
Clothes are 5 denarii.

The merchant buys any of the above items for half price. In addition, if the item in question is enchanted, the price increases by an amount equal to the enchantment cost. If items have been used to enhance a weapon, shield or piece of armor, then 1/2 the price of the item is added to the selling value of the item.

Enchanting Guide
The merchant can also enchant gear, either weapons, armor or shields. In addition, items gained from monsters can be used to enhance an item in special ways that normal enchantment's could not. The rules for the following are included below.

Unless otherwise noted, the below bonuses can be stacked. Applying a bonus multiple times costs an additional amount of denarii or items equal to 1/2 again the price of the applied bonus times the number of bonuses applied.
For example, if an enhancement costs 50 denarii, applying it again costs another 75 denarii, and adding a third application costs an additional 100 denarii, ect. So, applying this same bonus would cost a total of 225 denarii.
An enhancement that uses 2 of an item would therefore require 3 of an item to enhance again, and then 4, and then 5, ect. So, 9 of the item to apply the same upgrade 3 times.

Enchanting any one item with a total value of 400 denarii or more causes the item to gain a form of limited sentience. The specifics of this are up to the GM.

-A weapon can be enhanced to have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 50 denarii.

-A weapon can be enhanced to deal an additional 1d6 damage of any of the energy types (Heat, Force, Electricity or Cold) for 50 denarii.

-A ranged weapon with a magazine size greater than 2 can be enhanced to grant +1 magazine size for 20 denarii.

-A Shortened Polearm or Polearm can be enhanced to deal an additional +8 damage by trading 2 Monster's Horns.

-A Sword can be enhanced to deal an additional 1d12 damage by trading 2 Faerie's Blood/Demon's Blood. This damage is Cold damage if the items used are Faerie's Blood, Heat if the items used are Demon's Blood, or Electricity if a mix is used.

-A Blunt Weapon can be enhanced to deal an additional +6 damage for 2 Hound's Teeth or 4 Monster's Fangs.

-A Primitive Ranged Weapon can be enhanced to increase it's maximum range by 50 feet by trading 2 Slime Ambers.

-A gun (either a Pistol or a Rifle) or a Thrown Weapon (set) can be enhanced to force those hit by them to make a Resistance check against DC 24 or become Paralyzed for 2 Venom Sacks. Multiple instances of this enhancement do not cause additional checks, but instead increase the DC of the check by 8.

-A weapon can be enhanced to force creatures hit by it to make a Resistance check against DC 20 or gain one of the following statuses, chosen when this enhancement is added to the weapon, for 100 denarii. The status are: Weakened, Blinded, Paralyzed, or Stunned. Multiple instances of this enhancement do not cause additional checks, but instead increase the DC of the check by 8.

-A weapon can be enhanced to ignore the AV of creatures that it hits by trading an Angel's Feather and paying 200 denarii. This bonus can only be applied once.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to increase its DU by 1 for 100 denarii.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to increase its TP by 4 for 20 denarii.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to increase its AV by 1 for 50 denarii.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to have its EV decreased by 1 by trading 2 Slime Ambers and paying 20 denarii.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to increase its AV by 2 by trading 2 Horror Carapaces.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to give its wearer a +6 bonus to Stealth by trading 2 Chameleon Skins.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to give its wearer a +6 bonus to Resistance by trading 2 Faerie's Blood.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to increase its AV by 3 by trading 2 Demon's Bloods.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to give its wearer a +6 bonus to Grapple by trading 2 Faerie's Horns.

-A piece of armor can be enhanced to make the wear immune to Heat damage, increase the armor's AV by 4 and increase its DU by 1 by trading one Fiery Mantle and paying 200 denarii. This bonus can only be added once, and also causes the wearer of an armor with this enhancement to take a -6 penalty to Stealth.

-A shield can be enhanced to grant an additional +1 DB for 40 denarii.

-A shield can be enhanced to deal an additional +3 damage when used to shield bash by trading 2 Monster's Fangs.

-A shield can be enhanced to have its EV decreased by 1 by trading 2 Slime Ambers.

-A Shield can be enhanced to deal an additional 1d12 Heat damage when used to shield bash by trading a Nightmare's Mane. This bonus can only be applied once.

Healing Potion: Restore up to 50 HP.
Costs 10 denarii.

Energy Potion: Restore up to 50 EP.
Costs 10 denarii.

Corruption Cure: Remove up to 50 corruption.
Costs 20 denarii.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.


*Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets.

*Two Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.

*Heavy Weapons Specialist: A character with this Talent deals an additional +10 damage on every attack so long as they are using a two handed weapon.

*Duelist: A character with this Talent gets +10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.

*Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.

*Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.

Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.

Sniper: The character deals +8 damage on all ranged attacks.

Skill with [Weapon]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The weapons that can be chosen are: One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, Bastard Swords, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Polearms, Shortened Polearms, Unarmed, Rifles, Pistols, Crossbows, Primitive Ranged Weapons, or Throwing Weapons.

Focus in [Element]: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element which deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level and round up instead of down, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

*Experienced Caster: The character can cast up to 3rd level spells in any Element.

*Evoker: Whenever the character casts a spell that deals damage, increase the effective spell level of that spell by 1 for the purpose of determining how much damage the spell does. This has no effect if the character casts a spell that can either heal or do damage and the character chooses to heal.

*Conjurer: Whenever the character casts a spell that summons a creature, increase the effective spell level by 1 for the purpose of how high the creature's stats are.

*Healer: Whenever a character casts a spell that restores HP, or casts a Buff spell, increase the effective spell level by 1 for the purpose of how much HP is restored or how powerful the Buff is.

*Blood Alchemy: When a character casts a spell, they can choose to pay half of its EP cost in HP instead of EP. If they do, and that spell deals damage, it deals an additional +2 damage per spell level, and the caster gains a +5 bonus on any Resistance checks made for that spell.

Concentration: The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.

Potent Spells: Whenever a spell cast by the character requires a Resistance check, the caster gets a +12 bonus to their roll.

Magical Accuracy: The character gets a +12 bonus to all attack rolls made with Spells.

*Empower Spell: The character can spend an additional 8 EP on any spell they cast. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were 3 levels higher. This increase in level does not further increase the cost or difficulty to cast the spell, but it does increase any upkeep costs.

*Maximize Spell: The character can spend an additional 3 EP when casting a spell in order to cause any dice rolled for that spell to come up as their maximum value.

Spirit Wielder
*Spirit Warrior: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Spirit Warrior list. They can now use those Powers.

*Necromancer: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Necromancer list. They can now use those Powers.

*Dragonfire Adept: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Dragonfire Adept list. They can now use those Powers.

*Shadowmancer: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Shadowmancer list. They can now use those Powers.

*Demonologist: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Demonologist list. They can now use those Powers.

*Holy Mage: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Holy Magic list. They can now use those Powers.

*Psion: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Psion list. They can now use those Powers.

*Alchemist: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Alchemist list. They can now use those Powers.

Additional Powers: The character chooses 2 Powers from lists that they have already chosen Powers from. They can now use those Powers.

*Massive Energy Pool: The character gets +30 max EP.

*Harmful Spirit: For any Spirit Powers that the character uses that deal damage, rolls on the dice for those Powers that would cause that Power to deal less than half of the maximum amount of damage possible are treated as though they rolled half instead. Effectively, increase the minimum damage for all powers.

Soul Sense: The character gets +12 to attack rolls for Powers.

*Knowledgeable: Instead of using Body as their base stat for determining the amount of pleasure damage they deal, the character uses Mind.

*Spunky: Instead of using Body as their base stat for determining the amount of pleasure damage they deal, the character uses Spirit.

Suck you Dry: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they perform any type of foreplay.

Fuck Me: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they are engaged in penetrative sex.

Succubus Magic: The character chooses two succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.

Greater Draining: Whenever the character drains another character or creatures energy through pleasure, they drain an additional +6 per round.

*Superior Warrior/Mage/Spirit (Talent Chosen): The character gains a Talent that they can only take from either the Warrior, Mage or Spirit Talent list. In order to take a Talent from the Warrior Talent list, they already have to have taken Natural Warrior. In order to take a Talent from the Mage list, they already have to have taken Natural Mage. In order to take a Talent from the Spirit Wielder list, they already have to have taken Natural Spirit Wielder. This Talent can only be chosen once. Cannot be chosen with Natural Succubus.

*Enthrall: A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against her, or be unable to take any further actions against her for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check. Creatures enthralled by the character will follow orders given to them by the character so long as they don't deviate too radically from what the creature would reasonably do.

Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

*Lucky: Grants the character a +3 bonus to all non-damage rolls. Can only be taken once.
Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 4.

Resistant Soul: The character is more resistant to attempts to steal their spiritual energies. Damage dealt to the characters EP is decreased by 4.

*Natural Warrior (Talent Chosen) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Warrior Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Warriors, and can only be take once.

*Natural Mage (Talent Chosen) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Mage Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Mages, and can only be taken once.

*Natural Spirit Wielder (Talent Chosen) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Spirit Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Spirit User, and can only be taken once.

*Natural Succubus (Talent Chosen) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, and can only be take once.

Healthy: Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.

Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.

Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.

Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.

Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.

Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.

*Efficiency: Whenever the character rolls the minimum number on any one damage dice, it is treated as the minimum plus 1. This works for weapon damage, Spells, and Spirit Powers.

Side Skill: The character chooses one skill that they meet the requirements for. They can use that skill.

Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.

*Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

*Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.

Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.

Oblivious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Perception stat.

Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat.

*Unlucky: The character takes a -3 penalty to all of their non-damage rolls.

Easy to Hit: The character takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge stat.

Weak: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Resistance stat.

Sluggish: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Speed stat.

*Fey Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Fey creatures is increased by +8.

*Demon Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Demonic creatures is increased by +8.

*Beast Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Bestial creatures is increased by +8.

*Plant Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Plant creatures is increased by +8.

*Alien Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Alien creatures is increased by +8.

*Bloodthirsty (RP) : The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.

*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

*Cowardly (RP) : The character shies away from confrontation, particularly violent confrontation. They are likely to go along with the plans of others if it means avoiding conflict within a group, and are more likely to surrender or attempt to flee if pressed in combat.

*Selfish (RP) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

*Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

*Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Note: Characters of a race that cannot gain corruption cannot take this Flaw.

Things marked with an * can only be taken once.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.


Duelist Skills
Note: All of these skills can only be used when the character has a single one handed weapon equipped.

Defensive Stance (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.

Lightning Strikes (Activated) – The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack rolls and damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.

Battle Dance (Activated) – The character gains a +10 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round, and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV. Requires Duelist.

Power Attack (Activated) – The character can trade points from their Dodge to make their attacks deal more damage. These are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and no more than 10 points can be subtracted from Dodge. Cannot be used in the same turn that a character is fighting defensively (trading attack for additional Dodge.) Requires Duelist.

Disarm (Activated) – The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist OR Unarmed Fighter.

Shield Skills
Note: All of these skills can only be used while the character has a shield equipped.

Shield Cover (Activated) – The character cannot move or make any attacks, but they and all creatures standing behind them do not take damage from any attacks unless they are coming from directly behind the character using this skill. Requires Shield Fighter.

Defensive Stance (Activated) - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.

Shield Slam (Activated) – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. Requires Shield Fighter.

Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to twice their Speed this round, so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to their attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.

Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Requires Shield Fighter.

Two Weapon Fighter Skills
Note: All of these skills may only be used when the character has two weapons equipped.

Whirlwind (Activated) – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Rend (Activated) – The character takes a -6 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge for the round. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Heavy Weapons Specialist Skills
Note: All of these skills can only be used while the character has a two handed weapon equipped.

Whirlwind (Activated) - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll, and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn. This doubling applies only after all penalties, including those from armor, are taken into account. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Supreme Might (Activated) – The character can trade points from their attack roll for additional damage. These points are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and the character cannot trade more than 20 points per round. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to twice their Speed this round, so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.

Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Ranged Skills
Sudden Shot (Activated) – The character forsakes their normal attacks for the round. Instead, they automatically attack the first creature to attempt to attack them. They may make a Stealth check against that creature, and if they win, the attack counts as a sneak attack. Requires Stealthy AND Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Called Shot (Activated) – The character acts last in the current turn, and takes a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and Dodge until their next turn, but if they hit their attacks deal double damage. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack, if the attack is a sneak attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Rapid Shot (Activated) : The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Bayonet (Passive) The character can use their ranged weapon as a melee weapon in a pinch. The Bow is treated as a Two Handed Club, Pistols are treated as One Handed Clubs, and Rifles and Crossbows are treated as Shortened Polearms. Attacks made with these weapons are made at a -6 penalty to attack rolls and damage, and Skill with (Weapon) Talents do not apply to them. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Stealth Skills
Sudden Shot (Activated) – The character forsakes all other actions for the round. Instead, they automatically attack the first creature to attempt to attack them. They may make a Stealth check against that creature, and if they win, the attack counts as a sneak attack. Requires Stealthy AND Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Sudden Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -5 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win, those attacks count as sneak attacks. Requires Stealthy.

Head Over Heels (Activated) – When the character makes a sneak attack, they can choose not to do damage, and instead knock the creature that they’re attacking on its ass. The creature must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Stealthy.

Blinding Strike (Activated) – The character may trade their bonus damage from making a sneak attack in order to force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they gain the Blinded status until combat ends. Requires Stealthy.

Paralyzing Strike (Activated) - The character may trade their bonus damage from making a sneak attack in order to force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they gain the Paralyzed status until combat ends. Requires Stealthy.

Unarmed Skills
Note: All of these skills can only be used while the character has no weapons equipped.

Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Trip (Activated) – The character can choose not do damage on a successful attack, and instead force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they are knocked prone. Against opponents who are Stunned, an attack made with this skill automatically hits, deals damage as normal, and the target automatically loses the Resistance check. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Shattering Blow (Activated) – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage until their next turn. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Disarm (Activated) – The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist OR Unarmed Fighter.

Grappling Skills
Slam (Activated) - SUPLEX THAT RAPIST. When the character has the target in a submission hold, they may choose to make an attack at 1d12 + Body/2 damage. In addition, they may trade grapple modifier to damage at a 1:2 ratio (IE: for every point of grapple that they sacrifice, they deal an additional 2 damage) with a 10 point cap. Requires Grapple Expert.

Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or perhaps ally, a short distance at another target. When the character has a creature in a submission hold, they may throw that creature at another creature for 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Stranglehold (Activated) - The character chokes a bitch. When the character has something in a submission hold, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a Resistance check vs the target. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When their Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to forsake all other actions and allow a creature that they are grappling to take their turn before them. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled. Requires Grapple Expert.

General Skills
Mage-Hunter (Passive) - Gain +10 Dodge and Resistance checks against Magic based attacks. Requires Mind 14+.

Spirit-Oppressor (Passive) - The character gains +10 to Dodge and Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks. Requires Spirit 14+.

Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Resistance against all succubus powers, including energy draining (read, pleasure damage.)

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.

Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.

Rage (Activated) – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.

Unrelenting Fury (Passive) - When in a rage and hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against the creature that struck the blow. If they win, they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP. If a character uses this ability, they immediately fall unconscious when their rage ends. Requires Rage.

Smite (Activated) – The character can pay EP in order to increase the amount of damage that their melee attacks deal. For every point of EP spent, they deal an additional point of damage on every attack that hits for that round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round.

Focused [Weapon] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Specialized [Weapon] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +3 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Focused with the selected weapon type.

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.

Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.

Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Characters with the Foul aura mutation get a +5 bonus on this check.

Challenge (Activated) - The character chooses a single enemy with 30 feet that they have line of sight to. That enemy must win a Resistance check against the character or be unable to attack any creatures other than the character. The character gets a +4 bonus to damage against creatures they have challenged, but a -8 penalty to Dodge against attacks from all other creatures until their Challenge target is dead. This Skill can only be used when there are at least 3 actors in the combat.

Battlemage: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Mind stat when attacking with spells. Requires: Any Focus in {Element} Talent.

Bladesinger: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Specific Weapon Skills
Pistolero (Passive) – The character can reload two pistols at once without trouble. Whenever they choose to reload their weapons, they reload both at the same time instead of doing so one at a time. Requires Skill with Pistols.

Far Shot (Passive) - The character can fire at extreme range with a rifle, crossbow or bow and still hit. They can attack something at up to twice the weapons maximum range at a -4 penalty to the attack roll. Requires Skill with Rifles, Crossbows, or Primitive Ranged Weapons.

Death from the Draw - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.

Golf Swing (Activated) - The character attacks with an upwards swing at a single opponent, taking a -20 penalty to their attack roll and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next round. If they hit, the target is knocked back 10 feet, and must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. Requires Skill with Two Handed Blunt Weapons

Ground Slam (Activated) - Forsaking damage, the character strikes the ground with all their might, sending a shockwave that knocks any creature within 10 feet of the character prone unless they win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a -4 penalty to their check. Requires Skill with One Handed or Two Handed Blunt Weapons.

Stunning Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and Dodge, but if they hit, their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned. Requires Skill with One Handed or Two Handed Blunt Weapons.

Hurl (Activated) : The character can throw a shortened polearm at any enemy. This attack can strike any creature that is within 40 feet, and takes a -10 penalty to the attack roll, but deals an additional +4 damage. Requires Skill with Shortened Polearms.

Sweep (Activated) : The character can use a polearm to trip multiple foes at once. The character makes a single attack against every creature within range. All creatures hit by this attack take no damage, but must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. For every creature affected by this attack greater than 1, the character takes a -4 penalty to their check.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Magic, a Beginners Guide

Magic in the Dark Gate universe is, in short, the manipulation of the energies in the world around the caster. Mages use those energies to reach some desired effect. Different ways of manipulating energy are divided up into schools or "Elements," and focusing in certain elements can allow a character to use a variety of different abilities that are associated with that particular element. Magic can be used to conjure certain spirits or elementals to serve the caster in combat, to augment their abilities, or, of course, to cause all of those wonderful explosions and special effects and such.

Discussed below are the mechanics of using Magic.

Base Casting: This stat is equal to your character's Mind/2. When you attempt to cast a spell, I roll a d20 and add this number, apply assorted modifiers that are dependent on the situation and the spell that you're casting, and then check it against a pre-determined value. This check is called a Casting check. Succeeding on this check means that the character successfully casts whatever spell they were attempting to cast.

Every time you cast a spell, you must make a Casting check equal to 10 x [spell level - 1], and it also uses up [spell level -1] * 2 EP. Even if the character fails their Casting check, they still use up this energy.

Certain areas might be rife with energy, or not have as much as others. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but when in one, a caster finds working with magic easier, effectively decreasing the effective spell level for the Casting check and the amount of EP required in order to cast a spell. When a character enters such an area, they will be told.

In addition, when attempting to cast a spell the following modifiers affect that character's Base Casting.
-8 if the character has orgasmed in the same encounter. Cumulative.
-8 if the character has taken damage of any kind within the last two rounds. Activates separately if the character takes multiple types of damage.
-12 if the character is in a grapple.
-12 if the character is penetrated. Counts for each hole (including their mouth.)

Base Casting and energy cost for spells:
Level 1: 0 to cast, costs 0 EP.
Level 2: 10 to cast, costs 2 EP.
Level 3: 20 to cast, costs 4 EP.
Level 4: 30 to cast, costs 6 EP.
Level 5: 40 to cast, costs 8 EP.

The different kinds of Spells that a character can cast all follow the same formulas for determining how effective they are. The different types are listed below, with brief descriptions. All spells that deal damage need to make a successful attack roll against their target(s) in order to deal damage, in addition to their Casting check. Attack rolls are discussed in the Rules post.

In addition, some spells may have additional effects. These are listed in their full descriptions, under their entry in their Element.

The format for it is:
Type of Spell (Description of spell) [Mechanics, like damage and such.]

Touch (The caster must touch their target.) [2d6 + Mind/5.]

Bolt (The caster fires a bolt of energy at a creature that is within their line of sight.) [Deals 2d4 + Mind/6 damage.]

Ball (The caster causes an explosion that is within 50 feet of their current position and within line of sight. This explosion deals damage to all creatures within a 5 foot radius of it.) [Deals 1d6 + 1 + Mind/8 damage.]

Cone (The caster causes a wave of energy to wash over all creatures inside of a ninety degree cone in front of them. This cone stretches outwards up to 10 feet.) [Deals 1d6 + 1 + Mind/8 damage.]

Line (A ray shoots our from the caster, striking all creatures that are within 3 feet of an 80 foot line. Generally stops if line of sight is broken by something like a wall.) [Deals 1d8 + Mind/8 damage.]

Emanation (A wave pulsates out from the caster, affecting all creatures within a 10 foot radius of the caster. Spells of this type require no attack roll. A spell of this type can be maintained, effectively casting it again without paying it's EP cost, by paying 1 EP upkeep and making another Casting check.) [Deals 1d8 + Mind/8 damage.]

Buff (The caster augments some ability, either a primary or secondary stat. Increasing primary stats never grant bonuses to HP/PP/EP, but all other stats that are reliant on them are increased as well. The stats that any buff can increase are listed in the spell description. Multiple Buffs stack, but a character can maintain only up to 3 at any one time. In addition to the cost payed at cast time, the character must pay an amount of EP equal to the spell level - 2 per turn in order to upkeep the spell.) [Increases the chosen stat by Mind/6, rounded down to the nearest even number. Costs spell level -2 EP per round upkeep.]

Heal (A descriptor that can be added to any type of spell that deals damage. Spells with this descriptor can be used to either deal damage, or to restore the targets HP, at the casters discretion.) [Dependent on the spell type.]

Trap (A descriptor that can be added to any type of spell. Spells of this type cannot be cast in active combat. A spell of this type is set, and then has some effect when a creature trips it, usually by walking close to it. Spells of this type that deal damage are treated as one level higher for all purposes save for their Casting check and EP cost. A character can only maintain up to 5 active Traps at a time.) [Dependent on spell type.]

Utility (A spell of this type does not fall under any other type. What effect it has is listed under it's full description.) [Listed next to the spell.]

Summon (Summons a creature to aid the caster. This creature cannot have sex, and cannot have it's EP damaged or drained in any way. The creature gets a base Body stat = 10 and the Natural Attack Special Mutation. Other benefits that a summon might have are listed under their full descriptions.) [Summons a creature with Body = 10 and the Natural Attack Special Mutation.]

A quick look up table:
Touch (2d6 + Mind/5)
Bolt (2d4 + Mind/6)
Cone/Ball (1d6 + 1 + Mind/8)
Emanation/Line (1d8 + Mind/8)
Buff (Mind/6, spell level - 2 EP upkeep)
Trap (+1 Level for damage, cannot be used in combat)
Summon (Body = 10)

Spells, no matter their type, have all of their values displayed as numbers multiplied by their spell level.

Spells that deal damage are sometimes labelled with one of the following indicating their damage type. Unlabelled spells deal typeless damage.

{EL} - Electricity/Lightning.
{HF} - Heat/Fire.
{F} - Force.
{C} - Cold.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.


Level 1

Arcane Brilliance (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Resistance or Perception.]
Magic Bolt (Bolt) [Automatically hits but deals -2 damage.]
Missile Storm (Ball) [Automatically hits all enemies within its Area of Effect but deals -2 damage.]
Alarm (Utility, Trap) [Sets off an alarm if any creatures pass by it. Can maintain up to 5 at once.]
Point Me (Utility) [Points the character in the direction of magnetic North.]

Level 2

Dispel (Utility) [Removes a random Spell or Effect from the target if the caster wins a Resistance check against the target.]
Ray of Paralysis (Bolt) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but the target must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Paralyzed.]
Arcane Armor (Buff) [Can increase Dodge, Armor or Resistance.]
Locate (Utility) [Allows the caster to form a link with an object or person they have been in contact with, pointing them in the general direction of it. Does not lead the caster around walls or other barriers, however.]

Level 3

Energy Leach (Bolt) [Deals damage to a targets EP instead of its HP. The caster regains half that much EP.]
Greater Dispel (Utility) [A Dispel, but removes all effects from the target if the caster wins the Resistance check.]
Counterspell (Utility) [If the target of this spell attempts to cast a Spell or activate a Power, the target must win a Resistance check against the caster of the attempt fails. They still spend all costs required to use the Spell of Power.]
Eldritch Blast (Bolt) [Ignores the target's AV.]
Eldritch Lantern (Utility) [A bright light illuminates up to 20 feet around the caster. Creatures may not attempt to make stealth checks while within the radius of this spell, and illusions become transparent so long as the light is near them.]
Find (Utility) [Similar to Locate, only this spell goes around and through objects, effectively leading the caster along the shortest path to their target. If a path seems too dangerous, the caster can instead choose to redirect the path, and the spell will try to find another one if it is available.]

Level 4

Greater Missile Storm (Ball) [Automatically hits all enemies within its Area of Effect, but deals damage as a spell one level lower.]
Exhaustion (Utility) [The target of this spell takes damage equal to twice the result of their Max EP – their Current EP. This also damages their Spirit Ceiling and/or Base Casting by an amount equal to ¼ the damage dealt.]
Greater Counterspell (Utility) [ The next time the target of this Spell casts a Spell or activates a Power, the creature must win a Resistance check against the caster or attempt fails, and deals an amount of damage equal to the EP spent on that Spell or Power to the creature that made the attempt.]

Level 5

Haste (Utility) [ The caster can take 2 actions per round instead of one. These actions take no penalties. Costs 2 EP upkeep.]
Arcane Apotheosis (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Resistant or Perception.]
Mana Leak (Bolt) [The caster regains an amount of EP equal to 1/3 the damage dealt by this spell. This spell deals damage as if it were one level lower.]

Level 1

Eavesdrop (Utility) [Allows the character to hear in detail any sound originating within 200 feet of their position. Does not actually augment Perception.]
Megaphone (Utility) [Amplifies the characters voice, allowing them to be heard at a greater distance.]
Healing Touch, Least (Touch, Healing) [None]
Strength, Least (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception or Speed]

Level 2

Healing Touch, Lesser (Touch, Healing) [None]
Lesser Restoration (Utility) [Removes the Blinded and Stunned status effects from the target.]
Strength, Lesser (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception or Speed]
Healing Bolt (Bolt, Healing) [None]

Level 3

Healing Touch (Touch, Healing) [None]
Strength (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception or Speed]
Restoration (Utility) [Removes the Horny, Paralyzed and Charmed status effects from the target.]
Bone Snap (Bolt) [None]

Level 4

Healing Touch, Greater (Touch, Healing) [None]
Strength, Greater (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception or Speed]
Bone Grinder (Bolt) [None]
Greater Restoration (Utility) [Removes any negative status effects from the target.]

Level 5

Healing Touch, Greatest (Touch, Healing) [None]
Strength, Greatest (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception or Speed]
Regenerative Aura (Emanation, Healing) [None]
Body's Betrayal (Bolt) [None]

Level 1

Touch of Chaos (Utility) [Gives the target a +5 bonus to all non-damage rolls so long as it remains active.]
Pitfall (Utility, Trap) [Summons a trap that causes any creature caught in it to fall into a pit. Creatures in the pit must spend a round of climbing and win a Resistance check against the caster in order to climb out. The fall deals 10 damage, which ignores AV.]

Level 2

Life Steal (Bolt) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but the caster regains an amount of HP equal to half the damage dealt by this spell.]
Power of Chaos (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Dodge or Stealth.]
Hex of Unluck (Utility) [One target creature takes a -10 penalty on all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. This spell can be stacked.]

Level 3
Energy Drain (Bolt) [This spell deals damage as a spell two levels lower, but deals damage to the target’s EP instead of their HP. The caster gains an amount of EP equal to the damage dealt by this spell.]
Wrack (Bolt) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but the target must win a Resistance check against the caster or be Stunned.]
{EL} Blightning (Line) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]
Hex of Blindness (Utility) [One target creature affected by this spell is Blinded.]
Zombify (Utility) [This spell returns a facsimile of life to a single dead creature. Unfortunately, that creature doesn't retain its mind or soul, and it has no biological processes to speak of. The creature's Body stat remains the same, but its Mind and Spirit stats become 0, and it cannot use any Spells, Powers or special abilities that it had in life. Passive abilities like Talents and special effects on attacks are still usable. A corpse can only be zombified once.]

Level 4

Mass Wrack (Ball) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be Stunned for 1 round.]
Hex of Paralysis (Utility) [One target creature affected by this spell is Weakened and Paralyzed.]
Chaos Curse (Emanation) [Targets hit by this spell also receive a Hex of Unluck.]
Agony Warp (Cone) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it lose an amount of EP equal to the damage they take from it.]
{HF} Blackflame Blade (Utility) [The caster selects one target creature within 100 feet of them. That creature is immediately attacked by a weapon formed of black fire which deals 2d12 + Mind/2 damage to that target and uses the character's Mind stat to determine its attack roll. The damage inflicted by this spell is not multiplied by spell level, but it does ignore the armor of the target. In addition, the character can maintain this spell by paying 3 EP upkeep, and it will continue to attack the same creature until that creature dies, at which point it can be moved to any other creature within 100 feet. This attack is always lethal, and cannot be used to knock and opponent unconscious.]

Level 5

Reaper (Summon) [The Reaper has double the stats of a normal summon, but if it isn’t able to kill at least three creatures before the encounter ends, it attacks the caster. The reaper's Dodge stat is only 40, and its Speed stat is only 20.]
Chaos Shard (Bolt) [A target hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or die instantly. The caster takes 10 damage when they cast this spell, even if they fail the casting check.]
{EL} Blightning Strike (Ball) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]

Level 1

{HF} Flaming Hands (Cone) [None]
{HF} Firebolt (Bolt) [None]
Torch (Utility) [Gives off a low flickering light, allowing the caster to see up to 15 feet in any direction even in complete darkness. Can also be used to set flammable things on fire.]

Level 2

Summon Salamander (Summon) [This creature gets the Strong of Body Talent.]
{HF} Flaming Mine (Trap, Ball) [Sets off an explosion when tripped.]
{HF} Heat (Touch, Heal) [None]

Level 3

Inner Fire (Utility) [Increase the effective spell level of all damage dealing Fire Spells by 2. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]
{HF} Fireball (Ball) [None]
{HF} Flaming Sphere (Bolt) [None]
{HF} Incinerating Touch (Touch) [None]

Level 4

{HF} Greater Fireball (Ball) [None]
{HF} Cone of Flame (Cone) [None]
{HF} Disintegrate (Touch) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]
Fireheart (Buff) [May increase Body, Mind or Resistance]

Level 5

{HF} Godsfire (Emanation) [None]
Summon Fire Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard to Hit, Pain Resistant and Hard Hitter Talents]
{HF} Explosion (Ball) [None]
{HF} Flare (Bolt) [Creatures struck by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded.]
{HF} Flamethrower (Cone) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures within its AoE must win a Resistance check against the caster or be unable to move toward them. This spell can be maintained by paying 1 EP upkeep and making a casting check, and the direction of it may be shifted by 45 degrees every turn. This spell does not prevent movement in directions other than toward the character.]

Level 1

{F} Vibrating Touch (Touch) [Can be used to deal PP damage instead of HP damage.]
{F} Limp Mine (Bolt, Trap) [Any creature that trips this trap takes a -6 penalty to Speed until the end of the encounter.]
Manipulate (Utility) [Allows the caster to use Telekinesis on small objects. Cannot be used to deal damage.]

Level 2

{F} Force Wave (Cone) [None]
Force Armor (Buff) [Can increase Armor, Dodge or Resistance.]
{F} Force Bolt (Bolt) [None]

Level 3

{F} Greater Force Bolt (Bolt) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone and pushed back 10 feet.]
{F} Repulsion Ball (Ball) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be pushed back to the edge of the spell's radius.]
{F} Push (Cone) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be thrown back to the end of the range of this spell.]

Level 4

Force Barrier (Utility) [The caster puts up a wall or dome, of any reasonable shape and size. This barrier cannot be moved through, and Spells and Powers cannot go through it unless the one making the attempt wins a Resistance check against the caster.]
{F} Repulse (Emanation) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be pushed back to the edge of the radius of the spell.]
{F} Crushing Blow (Touch) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.]
{F} Implosion (Bolt) [This spell deals damage as a spell two levels higher.]

Level 5

{F} Hammer Blast (Bolt) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone. The caster gets a +12 bonus on this check.]
{F} Hammering Waves (Emanation) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be pushed back to the edge of the radius of the spell. The caster gets a +8 bonus on this check.]
{F} Implosion Trap (Touch, Trap) [This spell deals damage as a spell two levels higher.]

Level 1

Light (Utility) [Provides a simple light source, allowing the caster to see up to twenty feet away.]
{HF} Flash Mine (Ball, Trap) [Creatures hit by this trap must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded.]

Level 2

{HF} Flash Grenade (Ball) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower. Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded.]
Radiance (Buff) [Can increase Perception, Resistance or Mind.]
{HF} Blinding Light (Line) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower. Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded.]

Level 3

{HF} Searing Light (Cone) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded. The caster gets a +4 bonus to this check.]
Illusions (Utility) [Allows the caster to create minor illusions, such as making duplicates of themselves that stand close together, creating a soundless image of a single creature, or hiding something from view. Creatures get a Resistance check against the caster to disbelieve an illusion that they try to interact with. If you are unsure if what you intend to do falls under the limits of this spell, PM me.]
Invisibility (Utility) [Makes the caster invisible, giving them a +20 bonus to Stealth and the ability to blend in to their surroundings. Creatures failing to perceive them are open to sneak attacks. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]

Level 4

Greater Illusions (Utility) [Can be used to create more powerful illusions, including large numbers of creatures with sound, create images of oneself that can spread out and seem to attack on their own, ect. Creatures get a Resistance check against the caster to disbelieve an illusion that they try to interact with.]
{HF} Searing Radiance (Emanation) [None]
Alter Self (Utility) [The caster can alter their appearance using an illusion, effectively disguising themselves. They still possess their original dimensions beneath the illusion.]

Level 5

{HF} Laser (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell two levels higher.]
Illusionary Terrain (Utility) [Creates an illusion that reshapes the terrain. All creatures within line of sight get a Resistance check against the caster, and all those that lose will believe the illusion.]
Summon Light Elemental (Summon) [Creatures that strike the light elemental in melee take 3d6 heat damage. Creatures in a grapple with it take 3d8 heat damage. This creature gets the 2x the Pain Resistant and the Hard to Hit Talents.]

Level 1

{EL} Static (Utility) [Creatures touching the caster takes 2d4 damage.]
Energize (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Speed or Dodge.]
{EL} Zap (Line) [None]

Level 2

{EL} Shocking Grasp (Touch) [Deals +2 damage.]
{EL} Bolt Trap (Line, Trap) [None]
{EL} Shock (Bolt) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but the target must win a Resistance check against the caster or be Stunned for 1 round.]

Level 3

Lightning Armor (Utility) [Creatures that touch the caster are automatically hit by a Shock spell. Costs 1 EP upkeep every turn.]
{EL} Lightning Bolt (Line) [Deals +2 damage.]
Power of Lightning (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Speed or Dodge.]

Level 4

Call Lightning Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard to Hit, Quick and Pain Resistant Talents. In addition, this creature is treated as having the Lightning Armor spell active at all times.]
{EL} Lightning Strike (Ball) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures struck by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be Stunned for a round. The caster gets a +4 bonus to this check.]
{EL} Chain Lightning (Line) [Instead of going in a straight line, this spell bounces from creature to creature after hitting the first, until it has either changed direction eight times or reached its maximum range. Can only bounce to any one creature once.]

Level 5

Thunderstorm (Utility) [Summons a thunderstorm that blankets the surrounding several miles in black clouds. Brings down rain and possibly hail, but the real advantage of it is that, so long as the caster control is, they get three Lightning Strike spells per turn for free, which they can direct anywhere they like. This spell requires that the character concentrate on it, making a casting check every turn. Failing this check means that they lose control of the spell. The storm can be calmed so long as the caster controls it.]
Power of the Storm (Buff) [Can increase Speed, Mind or Dodge.]
{EL} Hellblast (Ball) [Deals damage as a spell two levels higher.]

Level 1

Spirit of the Rodent (Summon) [This creatures gets a +20 bonus to its Stealth stat, and a +10 bonus to its Speed stat.]
Natures Breath (Bolt, Heal) [None]

Level 2

Inner Strength (Buff) [Can increase Body, Mind or Spirit.]
Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent.]
Touch of Time (Touch) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]
Eyes of the Cat (Utility) [The target of this spell can see in the dark.]

Level 3

Spirit of the Wolf (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard Hitter and Hard to Hit Talents.]
Spirit of the Cat (Summon) [This creature gets the Stealthy, Sneaky and Quick Talents.]
Natures Lore (Buff) [Can increase Mind, Stealth or Perception.]
Healing Grasp (Touch, Heal) [None.]

Level 4

Spirit of the Bear (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard Hitter Talent and 2x the Pain Resistant Talents.]
Aspect of the Beast (Buff) [Can increase Body, Dodge or Speed.]
Way of Nature (Bolt, Heal) [None]
Regeneration (Utility) [The target of this spell, who must be a creature whom the caster touches, heals 5 HP per round. This spell lasts for 10 rounds, or until the subject reaches its full HP and stays that way for 1 round. The effects of this spell are not multiplied by its level.]
Move Earth (Utility) [Allows the caster to animate a section of rock, dirt, sand, ect. This spell functions exactly like the Animate Power with X = 1 + Mind/10. Cannot be used to animate a creature.]

Level 5

Call Earth Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets 3x the Pain Resistant Talent and the Hard Hitter Talent.]
Natures Power (Buff) [Can increase Body, Mind or Spirit.]
Control Weather (Utility) [Can be used to replicate or counter the effects of any of the following spells: Thunderstorm (Lightning,) Blizzard (Water,) Rain Storm (Water) or Hurricane (Wind.) This spell still counts as a Nature spell to determine how much damage it’s effects cause.]

Level 1

Draw Water (Utility) [This spell draws up a small amount of pure water from beneath the ground. This water can be used however the caster can think to do so.]
{C} Freeze (Ball) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened. The caster takes a -8 penalty to this check.]
Clean (Utility) [Clean stuff.]

Level 2

Roiling Mists (Utility) [Fills an area of up to 200 square feet with mists, causing all creatures within it to take a -20 penalty to their Perception.]
{C} Ice Ray (Line) [None]
Wall of Water (Utility) [Creates a small barrier of water that blocks a creature from passage. Moving through the wall takes a turn unless the creature making the attempt wins a Resistance check against the caster.]
Call Water Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets 2x the Pain Resistant Talent.]

Level 3

Animate Water (Utility) [Animates a section of water, allowing the caster to move it as if using the Telekinesis Power. If this spell is used to deal damage, it’s functional value of X = 4.]
Rain Storm (Utility) [Summons a rain storm that covers the surrounding area. In addition to getting the surrounding area wet, casting the Lightning Strike (Lightning level 4) spell while this spell is active causes it to deal damage as if it were one level higher. The storm lasts for one hour or until countered.]
{C} Freezing Aura (Emanation) [None]

Level 4

Call Ice Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard Hitter, Pain Resistant and Exceptional Talents.]
{C} Icy Cold (Emanation) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened. The caster gets a +4 bonus on this check.]
Drown (Bolt) [Creatures struck by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be Stunned for a round.]
{C} Cone of Cold (Cone) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]

Level 5

Blizzard (Utility) [The caster summons up a powerful storm that blankets the surrounding area in snow and sleet. Creatures other than the caster within the storm take a -20 penalty to Perception, have their Speed halved, and take 10 damage per round that ignores AV so lost as they are not sheltered from the storm. The storm lasts for one day or until countered.]
{C} Sub-Zero Aura (Emanation) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]
Drowning Doom (Ball) [Ignores the target's AV.]
{C} Ice Spike (Bolt) [Ignores the target's AV.]

Level 1

Gliding Winds (Utility) [The caster does not take falling damage so long as this spell is active.]
Buffeting Winds (Utility) [Creatures attempting to attack the caster or their allies while this spell is active take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]

Level 2

{F} Lesser Gust (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.]
Harsh Winds (Utility) [Any hostile creatures within 50 feet of the caster receive a -10 penalty to their Speed and attack rolls.]

Level 3

{F} Gust (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.]
Aspect of the Wind (Buff) [Can increase Speed, Dodge or Mind.]
Wind Armor (Utility) [Creatures attempting to attack the caster must win a Resistance check against them, or their attacks will automatically miss.]

Level 4

{F} Greater Gust (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone. The caster gets a +4 bonus on this check.]
Call Wind Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets 2x the Hard to Hit Talent, the Pain Resistant Talent, and can fly.]
{F} Cyclone (Emanation) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.]
Air Drown (Ball) [Can be maintained in the area where it last effected by paying 3 EP upkeep and making a caster check equal to the DC needed to cast this spell. Creatures cannot leave the area of effect of this spell so long as it is active unless they win a Resistance check against the caster.]

Level 5

Hurricane (Utility) [Summons a storm of extremely powerful winds that wreak havoc upon the surrounding area. Creatures caught within the storm must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone, and failing two of these checks in a row causes the creature to be lifted up and carried by the wind, which will smash them against things until they die. The caster gets a +12 bonus to these checks. The storm lasts for one day or until countered. This spell takes 1 minute to cast.]
Call Storm Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets 3x the Hard to Hit Talent, the Pain Resistant Talent, and can fly.]
{F} Storm Hammer (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone. The caster gets a +8 bonus to this check.]
{F} Tornado (Ball) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.]
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Spirit Powers Part 1

The character consumes some concoction that changes them in some way. Physically, this change can manifest however the caster likes, from practically no change at all from how they would normally look, to full on changing into some sort of hideous monster. The same rules apply to the use of this power in terms of how it affects the character mentally, though the mental affects should make sense given the physical changes. For interesting examples of how this might work, think of Jekyll and Hyde or any sort of lycanthropy
-A character using this ability pays X EP when they activate it. They must also pay X-4 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-A character with this ability active gets a +4X bonus to any either their Body stat, Mind stat, or Spirit stat, and a +X bonus to their Armor. This increase in stats gives the character most of the bonuses appropriate to having a higher stat, including gaining more HP, but they do not gain additional PP or EP when they activate this power.
-The HP gained from using this power lasts only until the character deactivates it.
-This power can be deactivated at any time, but the transformation back to the character's normal form takes a turn to complete, effectively making them skip a turn if you turn this off.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold. If it is used under those circumstances, the character also takes damage equal to X.
-By paying an additional 2 EP, the character may temporarily gain any 2 mutations that they meet the requirements for.

The character assembles and lays a land mine of some sort, preparing a trap. The first creature to come within range of the mine trips it unless the character specifies some more specific function for it. This power cannot be used while engaged in combat, as it requires time and delicate handling in order to properly set it up.
-The character pays X EP. When tripped, the mine deals (3d6 + 1) * X damage to all creatures within a 15 foot radius of it.

Chemical Splash
The character hurls corrosive or toxic chemicals at their foes. Fairly simple, and also fairly damaging, but one can only throw a liquid so far, so this power has a very short range.
-The character pays X EP. They then choose one of the following effects:
1) One creature within 30 feet of the character takes (1d10 * X) + X damage.
2) All creatures within a 120 degree, 15 foot cone originating from the character take 1d10 * X damage.
-By paying an additional 3 EP, the character can force creatures hit by this power to make a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or gain one of the following statuses: Blinded, Paralyzed or Weakened.

Assemble Contraption
The character creates an animate minion from their surroundings or possessions, or possibly some mix of the two. Small primitive clockwork robots, walking scarecrows made of animated wood and straw, and bundles of living rags are just a few examples of what kind of minion this power can create. These creatures are soulless, mindless and (biologically speaking) sexless, and utterly devoted to their creator. They cannot be made to disobey their creator. This one can be a little complicated, so if there's any confusion, just ask me via PM or visitor message or somesuch.
-The character pays 3 + X EP.
-The creature created by this power always appears directly next to the character that summoned it and has the following stats: Body = 8X, Mind = 2X. Melee Attack: 2d6 + Body/2. Ranged Attack: 60 foot range, 3d4 + Mind, using Mind or Body to attack, whichever is higher.
-In additional, the character can pay an additional 1 EP for either of these effects.
1) +6 Mind.
2) The contraption can fly at its Speed.
3) Double the range of the creature's ranged attack.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

The character hurls an object carrying a small portion of their souls energy, which explodes a few seconds after leaving their hand.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character throws the grenade to any one spot within 50 feet of them. It then explodes a second or two after landing, dealing (2d4 + 2) * X damage to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of it.

The character places a Seal on a single creature that it touches. This Seal effectively traps the target's soul within its body, firstly deactivating any magical or spiritual effects that it has active (effects from other sources are not affected,) and secondly preventing it from using any ability that would require that it expend EP.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature, who must be within touching range, has all active effects upon them dispelled and takes X damage. If that creature attempts to activate a Power, cast a Spell, or use any ability that requires EP, no matter what it is, they must win a Resistance check against 3X, or the attempt fails. If the creature that is the target of this power is helpless (has the Bound or Submission Hold status, is unconscious, ect,) the check becomes 4X. This power ends only when the seal is removed by someone other than the targeted creature.

The character alters the shape of any one contiguous solid object that they can touch. They cannot change the actual physical properties of it, nor can they change the type of substance that they're touching. No lead into gold, sadly! But this can be used to build walls, create stairs or openings, make pretty art work, or anything else you can think to do with it. So long as that something doesn't involve violence, as this power cannot be used on living creatures, and works too slowly to be used to harm them effectively.
-The character pays 3X EP. What the character can reshape is dependent on how much they pay, and how large the object is. For an object about the size of an adult human or less, X = 1. For an object three times the size of a human or less, X = 2. For an object up to nine times the size of a human or less, X = 3.

Fell Might
The character's body becomes charged with powerful, but also destructive energies. granting them increased strength but also causing them pain along with the energy required to use this power.
-The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X-2 EP and X - 4 HP upkeep every turn.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls so long as this power is active. They also gain a +X bonus to Perception.

Devils Lightning
Black lightning crackles forth, firing in a line from the casters hand out to 100 feet away, or until it hits some obstruction that it can't pass through.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 2) * X damage.

Vampiric Futanari
The character grows a penis temporarily, if female. If they already have one, they can use this to alter the shape and size of what they already have, or to temporarily grow a 2nd one. A character with this active orgasms and impregnates as normal.
-Costs 2 EP to activate and lasts until deactivated or until the character rests.
-The character also gains the Soul Eater Special Mutation while this is active, if they don't already possess it.
-Note: This power can be used at any time, even when the character is Horny, in a Submission Hold, or Bound.

Form of the Swarm
The character's body dissolves into a legion of tiny creatures of the casters choosing. Be it bees, locusts, rats, ants, bats, spiders, butterflies, or what-have you, the character becomes a swarm of them.
-The character pays 6 EP.
-The character can only move at half their Speed, but can fly, and generally get around things very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. As such, directed attacks against the character have no effect. Only area of effect attacks matter. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn, during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. Creatures would not normally recognize the character as what they really are while in a swarm. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use Powers other than this one, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.

Summon Demon
The character summons a demon to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Soldier, Stalker or Goblin
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. Require that the character make them orgasm at least once as additional payment once their task is complete. Male characters will get female versions, while female characters can choose either or.
2) Succubus or Sorceress
Tier 2 creatures capable of using magic. Require that they be able to feed on the energy of another, though they will prefer the character who summoned them. Can be male or female.
3) Knight
Tier 3 warriors dressed in black plate armor. Require only that the task they are set on be meeting a goal that the demon shares, such as the advancement of their cause, such as the release of another demon or the fall of an angel or a powerful fey. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
4) Great Darkwalker, Nightmare, or Hellhound
Tier 3 monsters of great and terrible power. They require a host for their spawn in exchange for their service, and if the summoner is female, they will prefer her over any other possible bearers.
5) Demon Lord
Tier 4, beings of immense power and unfathomable malevolence and/or insanity. Their price varies and is determined at the time when they are summoned, but it is always high and almost always bad for the character that summons them in the long run. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
6) Nightmare Lord
Tier 4, and one of the most powerful beings in all creation. Only the angels are said to rival them in power. Their price is always the same: A woman to impregnate and a gateway into the mortal world. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.

Gorgons Gaze
The character lets their gaze linger on one creature within line of sight. A brief focusing of their energies, and the targeted creature can be turned to stone and instantly killed.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-The creature must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or be turned to stone. This DC does not get a d20 roll.

Hellfire Blast
Sometimes, regular fire just isn't enough. The character that calls on this ability summons fire that is either dark red, or pitch black. Almost the complete opposite of Holy Fire, this flame destroys all that it touches indiscriminately.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) A directed attack against any one creature within line of sight of the character that deals (1d6 + 5) * X damage.
2) An explosion that deals (1d6 + 3) * X to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight of the character.

Dragonfire Adept
Black Dragon
Some dragons do not manifest physical bodies when called upon. Some simply stretch their power into the mortal plane, and pull whatever they please into the void with them to be eaten. The ones whose use this power call upon such dragons. Doing so is extremely dangerous, but the devastating power of these creatures is not to be taken lightly. A black dragon of fire stretches out from the caster, seeking and destroying whichever of the caster's enemies seems to be the most powerful.
-The character pays 3 + 2X EP. In addition, they take 3X damage themselves. This damage ignores AV.
-One targeted creature takes 12X damage. This damage ignores the targets AV, as well as any special resistances they might have. This power cannot miss, and ignores any obstacles that might appear in its way.
-X cannot be less than 4.

Draconic Transformation
Transforms the character into an imitation of a dragon, granting them claws, scales, and all those other wonderful dragon-esque physical features. The actual specifics of this transformation, like colors, general shape, and how dragon-like they become, is up to the character when they use this.
-The character spends X EP. They must also pay X - 2 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to melee damage, attack rolls, and Grapple. In addition, they get a +X bonus to Armor.

Dragon's Breath
The devastating breath of a dragon is now available. Doesn't have to be fire, necessarily.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6) * X damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion, anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 100 foot long line, originating from the character.
3) A 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character.

Dragon's Pride
Dragons are proud creatures. It only follows suit that those who venerate them begin to manifest much the same sort of invigorating arrogance.
-The character pays X EP. They must also pay X - 3 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +4X bonus to Dodge and Resistance, as well as a +X bonus to Perception.

Summon Dragon
The character calls upon a true dragon for aid. The called dragon manifests itself, and does as the character asks it so long as it isn't demeaning to the creature. These are only manifestations of whichever dragon you call, not their actual bodies, so they aren't at anywhere near their full strength.
-Costs 16 EP.
-Summons one of the following dragons. A character can conjure only one dragon at a time. Regardless of their stats, all dragons have the following attributes: Melee attack: 2d12 + Body/2, Flight at Half Speed. All dragons can use the Dragon's Breath and Roar powers, which they get a +10 bonus to attack rolls with. Resistance = 40, Dodge = 40, Armor = 10.
1) Karthus, the Tyrant. Body = 100, Mind = 10, Spirit = 30. Speed = 30. Has a +10 bonus to Armor.
A massive green scaled dragon who seems to take after the traditional stereotype of his kind, and is so bulky that he can barely fly. That doesn't stop him from smashing anything that gets in his way though. On the rare occasions that cause him to take human form, Karthus generally takes the appearance of a massive, heavily muscled man in dark leather armor.
2) Skytherix, the Blight. Body = 50, Mind = 10, Spirit = 60. Can use all of the Necromancy Powers, and has Focus in Entropy. Speed = 30.
A nearly skeletal black dragon, Skytherix still possesses the ability to fly despite her rotting countenance. She often wanders in the form of a bent, brown robed crone that constantly emits a vile smell, and hides her haggard face under a hood.
3) Intet, the Dreamer: Body = 30, Mind = 70, Spirit = 30. Can cast all spells, and can use all of the Shadowmancer Powers. Speed = 40.
A blue dragon with the horns of an elk sprouting from her head. Intet often takes the form of a beautiful night elven women in order to speak to strangers, whom she tends to treat with a great deal of arrogance.
4) Tarox, the Bladewing: Body = 80, Mind = 10, Spirit = 40. Can use all of the Spirit Warrior Powers. Speed = 60.
A red dragon, and the fastest of his kind. He tends to take the form of a blacksmith, and often lives for long periods among mortals.
5) Kokusho, the Night Bringer: Body = 40, Mind = 50, Spirit = 60. Speed = 40. Can use all Demonology Powers.
A black dragon with a long, snakelike body who flies without the aid of wings. When in mortal form, he generally appears as a very serious man looking man dressed in simple white robes, and generally masquerades as a monk.
6) Numot, the Devastator: Body = 60, Mind = 50, Spirit = 40. Has Focus in Fire. Speed = 40.
A white dragon. She will appear, at times, to those who are lost, or in great danger, or beset by demons in order to offer aid. When she does so, she generally takes the form of an elven woman with white hair and wearing a white dress.

The character emits a deafening roar, a sound both painful and frightening to those who are nearby to hear it.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet take 2d4 * X damage. In addition, all creatures that take damage from this power take a -X penalty to all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. Multiple Roars do not stack, instead the highest penalty is taken.

Dragon's Wings
The character grows dragon-like wings from their back, allowing them to fly.
-The character pays 4 EP. They gain the ability to fly at their Speed until they deactivate this power. They cannot fly in confined spaces, however.

Holy Magic
Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to pass at will.
-The character pays 5 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The wall appears, and any creature not allowed to pass through it must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check.
-The character may pay an additional 5 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to the Resistance check required to pass it. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3.

The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character and all allies within 30 feet gain a +3X bonus to attack rolls, Dodge and Resistance.

Holy Fire
White fire springs forth from the character's hands, and streaks out toward their foes. This flame cannot harm those allied with the one using it.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) One creature within line of sight takes 3d4 * X damage.
2) All creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 100 feet of the character take (2d4 + 1) * X damage.

Fey Servant
The character summons a faerie to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
1) Kobold, Satyr or Gruff
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. If the character is female, they will require only a kiss (though they certainly wouldn't mind going further than that.) If the character is male, will require that they turn over at least one item from the creatures killed, or 20 denarii, per creature summoned.
2) Sorceress or Siren
Tier 2 monsters capable of using magic. Sorcerers can be male or female while Sirens are always female. They require that the character have sex with them once their task is complete.
3) Knight
Tier 3 monster with powerful melee capabilities. Only one can be summoned at a time, but their only price is that the actions they take under the service of the character coincide with those of the fey in some way. Can be male or female.
4) Elder Mage, Troll or Warhound
Tier 3 monsters, one a powerful mage, another a heavy bruiser, and the last an agile creature. If the character is male, they will require that they be able to slay at least 1 demon within the course of their service. If the character is female, they can either fulfill the male cost, or bear the summoned creature's child. Only one can be summoned at a time.
5) Lord or Angel
Extremely powerful tier 4 creature. Only one can be summoned at a time. Both require that the character fulfill some task of the summoned creature's choosing, and generally the task asked by an angel will be far more strenuous than the one asked by a Lord.
6) Sphinx
A powerful but dangerous tier 4 creature. The character must correctly answer a riddle when they are summoned, or the sphinx will attack them instead of fulfilling the desired task.

Cudgel of the Blessed
The character forms a weapon created from pure energy in their hands.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-A blunt weapon appears in the characters hands. This weapon deals (1d12 * X) + Spirit/4 damage. In addition, this power grants the character the ability to use the Ground Slam skill so long as it is active, even if they do not have that skill normally.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands. If the character has the Heavy Weapon Specialist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a one or two handed blunt weapon (depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus from either if the character has the Skill with X Talent.

The character conjures astral chains to bind a creature, holding them in place and preventing them from moving or fighting.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within line of sight must win a Resistance check equal to 5X or gain the Bound Status. In addition, Powers and Spells that could normally be used even with the bound status cannot be used while the creature is bound with this power. All active Powers and Spells on a creature that fails this check are instantly deactivated. The creature bound in this way can attempt a new Resistance check every round in order to escape at the same DC so long as they are not knocked unconscious and the character pays the upkeep cost.

Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) One touched creature regains 6X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Spirit Powers part 2

The character forces energy into a nearby inanimate object, be it a corpse, a chunk of rock, a door, a large section of sand, a weapon, or whatever else you can think of.
-There are a number of different things that this power can do, and each of them has different costs associated with it.
-If animating a corpse, the character pays 6 EP. That corpse retains its previous Body stat, but its Mind and Spirit drop to 0, and it loses all spells, powers and special abilities that it had in life.
-If animating an object that has never moved on its own, then one of two things can be done:
1) The object can be animated to bind the target temporarily. If used in this way, the character pays X EP. Unless the targeted creature wins a Grapple check against a DC equal to 6X (this DC does get a d20 roll,) they gain the Bound status. Multiple creatures can be targeted by increasing X by 1 without affecting the DC for each creature beyond the first. Creatures bound in this way can continue to make checks every round, and once the creature beats one of these checks, they are free to go. The material is animated only enough to hold them, not enough to grab for them again.
2) The object can be animated into a creature that will fight by the characters side. If so, this power functions exactly like the power Call Spirit, only with the following differences: the creature gains 8 AV and none of the special additions can be used on this creature. The costs for this power are the same as those for Call Spirit.
3) The object can be reshaped to a size more useful to the character. If used as such, this ability functions exactly like the Reshape power from the Alchemist list, but costs 4X EP instead of 3X.

Nightmarish Image
The character conjures an illusion of pure horror around themselves, making all others hesitant to get near them.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a 3X bonus to Dodge, melee damage and Resistance.
-In addition, any creature attempting to attack the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4X or have their action automatically fail. This DC does not get a d20 roll. Creatures that lose this roll by 20 or more will attempt to flee. This effect does not work on mindless creatures.

Life Leech
The character steals the life essence of all creatures nearby, using it to regain some of their own strength.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 20 feet of the character take (1d8 + 1) * X damage. The character also regains 2X HP for every creature hit by this power.

Call Spirit
The character offers a portion of their soul to a spirit for aid. The more power that they offer to the spirit in question, the more powerful the spirit is liable to be.
-The character pays 3 + X EP.
-In any space that is not yet occupied within 50 feet of the character, a creature with a Body stat equal to 10X appears. This creature automatically has the Natural Attack Special mutation. In addition, the character may pay additional EP in order to add any of the following abilities to this creature:
1) For an additional 1 EP, the creature gains the ability to fly at its Speed.
2) For an additional 2 EP, the creature either gains the Juggernaut Special Mutation or the Unarmed Fighter Talent.
3) For an additional 1 EP, the creature gains a ranged attack that deals an amount of damage equal to 3d6 + Body/3 and has a range of 50 feet. They may also pay an additional 1 EP to do any of the following: Remove the range limit against direct targets, make the attack ignore the AV of affected creatures, or automatically hit all targets. In addition, they may pay an additional 2 EP to cause the creature's ranged attack to affect any one of the following areas: a 100 foot long, 5 foot wide line; a 10 foot radius area within 100 feet; or a 120 degree 30 foot long cone.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

The character forces tendrils of power into another living creature, forcibly controlling their actions.
-The character pays 4 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within 30 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or be controlled by the character. Any action taken by the controlled creature costs them X HP.
-The creature effectively becomes a summoned creature with a +6X bonus to Body, and gains a new HP stat equal to this upgraded Body stat. Any damage against the creature goes against both their normal HP and their Puppet HP. If their normal HP drops to 0, they fall unconscious but continue to fight so long as the character animating them is still conscious. When their puppet HP drops to 0, the effect ends.
-In addition, the character can use this power on themselves, in which case they need to make no Resistance check, but they must still spend at least 2 EP.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold, but only on themselves.
-While this power is active, the caster can take no other actions save to control their "puppet," and if used on oneself, the character cannot use any other Powers, spells, ect.

Devour Magic
The character selects a single target, and as they attempt to make a working using their energy, the character steals that energy.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-The next time the targeted creature attempts to cast a spell or use a power, one of the following happens.
1) If the targeted creature attempts to cast a spell, that creature must win a Resistance check against the character or the spell fails, that creature takes damage equal to 2 * the spell level, and the character regains an amount of EP equal to the amount payed for the spell. The character gets a +X bonus on this check.
2) If the targeted creature attempts to use a power, it must win a Resistance check against the character or that power has no effect, and the character regains however much EP that creature paid for that power. The character gets a +X bonus on this check.
-Alternatively, the targeted creature has one currently active effect on it deactivated, suffering no further harm. The character can choose the effect to disable.

Aspect of Spirit
The character conjures a spirit, but then temporarily bonds with it rather than causing it to manifest, increasing their physical strength.
-The character pays 2 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains any 2 of the following: +4X bonus to attack rolls, +4X Dodge, +3X to melee damage, flight at their Speed, +4X Resistance, +2X Armor, or +4X to Grapple.

Shadows Made Manifest
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 3 + X EP.
-The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. In addition, paying additional EP can grant the shadow creature any of the following mutations for 2 EP each: Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis) or Greater Wings.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

Dark Armor
Armor formed of living, moving shadow coats the character, not weighing them down in the slightest but protecting them from harm.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The characters gets a bonus to their Armor, melee damage and Grapple equal to 3X. The character also gains a +X bonus to Stealth.
-The character may pay an additional 3 EP to grow wings formed of shadow. They can fly at their Speed. This increases the upkeep of this power by 1.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or held in a Submission Hold.

The character hurls shards of shadow at their enemies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they can pay 1 EP to target one additional creature with this power. This additional cost can be payed as many times as the character likes, but each creature can only be targeted once.
-One target creature within 60 feet of the character takes (1d12 + 2) * X damage.

The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it unless the character appears in plain view of another creature.

Death Whip
The character conjures a whip formed of shadow, and uses it to attack their foes.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-A whip formed of pure shadow appears attached to their arm. This whip uses their Spirit or Body stat to attack, whichever is higher. It deals (2d8 * X) + Spirit/4 damage whenever it hits. It has a range of 15 feet, and can be used to Grapple creatures at that range at a +3X bonus, and creatures grappled by it do not gain any benefits due to group grappling rules. It can also be used to attack up to 3 creatures per round, but each attack beyond the first takes a -8 penalty to damage.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack.

Rupturing Shadows
The character makes the shadows within a creature's body solidify, and then attempt to tear their way free of the creatures body.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-One target creature within 30 feet takes 8X damage that ignores Armor.

Spirit Warrior
Energy Blast
The character uses their energy directly to attack an enemy.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature within line of sight of the character takes (3d4 + 1) * X damage.

Energy Wave
Like energy blast, but less direct.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character deals (1d6 + 3) * X damage to all creatures within 1 of the possible ranges:
1) All creatures with a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight.
2) All creatures within a 30 foot, 120 degree cone.

Battle Aura
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them great strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

The character uses their energy to make themselves weightless.
-The character pays 5 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at twice their Speed so long as this power is active.

Instant Transmission
The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP, and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and visible to them.

Energy Blade
The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal (2d4 * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a sword (any of the three kinds depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.

The character causes their energy to explode outwards.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet of the character take 5X damage.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature, across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP, and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, and the character can control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Psychic Shield
The character forms a barrier around themselves using their will.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets +3X bonus to Dodge, Resistance and Grapple, as well as a +X bonus to Armor.

The character moves objects using their mind. Can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet, and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 5 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per turn. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Mind Cutter
The character severs matter at a molecular level with their mind, causing cuts that no mortal or even supernatural blade could hope to replicate.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature within 50 feet of them takes (2d8 + 1) * X damage that only counts 1/2 of the target's EV.

The character controls fire with their mind.
-The character can do any one of the following. Note that all costs increase by 2 if the character has to conjure fire of their own, rather than manipulate flame that is already present.
1) Pay X EP. The character then can choose to target either all creatures within a 10 foot radius explosion that starts anywhere within the character's line of sight, or all creatures within a 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character. Those creatures take 2d6 damage.
2) Use it to conjure a fire elemental. This summon behaves exactly like the Spell Summon Fire Elemental, including its EP cost and the stats of the summon. For the purpose of this power, assume that the character has the Focus in Fire Talent.

Mind Worm
The character invades another creature's mind. This can be used in any number of ways, either to gather information, transfer information without speaking, erase part of the target's memory, or completely wipe a creature's mind out and reduce them to a vegetable.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This information must all be of the same subject: it cannot be used to grant someone else the entirety of the character's memories.

The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Succubus Powers

Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

Sexual Healing: When draining the energies of another, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain.

*Charm: The character pays 10 EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, or gain the Charmed status.

*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 5 + 5X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature, it is increased by +6.

Pull Out: The character can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls from creatures that orgasm while penetrating them, if they so desire.

Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10

Shapeshifting (Passive) : The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.

Desperate Avoidance: The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge by 2X until their next turn.

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also deal 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, and regain that much EP. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining.

Self Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.

Unnatural Resilience (Passive) : The character only takes half as much HP damage while being raped.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread.

Mutations are changes made upon the character through over-exposure to magic. A character gains a mutation whenever they gain 100 or more corruption. A mutation may be a normal mutation, which represents a fairly minor change, or a physical mutation, which represent drastic changes to your character's body. In addition, certain special mutations are available to certain races.

Characters can never choose to gain a Special Mutation. They can very rarely be acquired, but most are given at character creation due to race or class.

The main difference between normal and physical mutations is that physical mutations only take effect after the character rests next, while normal ones take effect immediately. Once a character gains 6 mutations of either the normal or physical variety not including ones they chose for their race, they gain the Warped Special Mutation. Once they have 12 such mutations, they gain the Supernatural Special Mutation.

Note, any mutation with a - before its name requires all of the mutations above it until the first mutation without a - in order to be taken.

Normal Mutations
In addition to those on this list, a character may choose the Lustful, Sensitive, Open Soul or any of the "Lover" Flaws to take as mutations. These flaws cannot be chosen if the character is taking these mutations through the Mutated Flaw.

Tight/Large: The character deals +2 pleasure to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times. (thetwo)

Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 pleasure damage during oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 pleasure during non-oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

Foul Aura: The character has an aura about them that causes others to know to distrust them. Non-hostile NPCs are less willing to work with the character due to them being seemingly corrupted. (LoliDefenseForce)

*Masochist: when a character takes health damage, d4+1 of total taken is taken as pleasure damage as well. This is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure. (xivvix)

*Sadist: character takes d4+1 pleasure damage each time she inflicts health damage to something. This is not affected by Resistance. (xivvix)

Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. (BurningGold) Can only be taken by female characters.

Fetish () : The character gains a particular favorite thing that sets them off when they're in bed. That fetish has to be simple and within my ability to facilitate in game without horrifying people (so, no guro, golden shower, scat, ect.) Whenever the character comes on the receiving end of their fetish, they start taking +10 to all pleasure rolls. Examples include anal, creampies, tentacles, nipple play, being impregnated, double penetration, triple penetration, gang bangs, oral (receiving or giving,) and bondage. All fetishes require approval. This mutation can be taken as many times as the player desires, but it must be for something different every time.

*Skyclad - You feel uncomfortable when wearing any sort of clothing or armor and take a -2 penalty to all non-damage rolls when not nude (save for belts or other gear). (maikochan)

Night Eyes - You see very well in the dark, but not so well in the light. The character receives a -2 to Perception in very well lit areas, and a +2 to Perception in darkened areas.

Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets +2 to Perception, but a -2 to Stealth.

Shadowy - Your character is naturally one to stay in the dark, making them less visible but also blocking their own vision. The character gets -2 to Perception, but a +2 to Stealth.

Giving Soul: Whenever the character receives pleasure, they involuntarily leak spirit energy, bestowing it upon their partner (if any). The character takes 4 Energy damage, but their partner regains 4 EP. (UnknownSquid)

*Multy-Orgasmic: Whenever the character orgasms, they reset their PP level to their max PP - 10.

Physical Mutations
Odd Hair: The character's hair changes color or adopts an odd texture.

Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.

Battery: The character ceases to naturally regenerate EP, but they gain half of whatever pleasure they take as EP. Cannot be taken by characters with the Soul Eater special mutation.

Fertile Mouth: If a character swallows a creatures cum, they get a pregnancy roll (even if that monster normally wouldn't need one.) Can only be taken by female characters.

Connection: Same as "Fertile Mouth" except for the characters ass. Can only be taken by female characters.

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex (xivvix)

Vestigial Wings: The character has grown vestigial wings. Not very useful, but can look however the character likes.
-Wings: The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
-Greater Wings: The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their speed.

Horn: The character gets a horn or horns, usually located somewhere on their head.
-Venomous Attack: The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. This mutation requires that the character have the Natural Attack Mutation, in addition to all of the mutations above it.
-Corrupting Venom: Whenever the character would deal an attack that injects venom, in addition to the effects of the venom, the creature takes corruption equal to the amount of damage they would have taken without any penalties from the attack, including those from armor. In addition, the character can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to their recipients when using this ability.

Tail: The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.
-Tail Cock: The character's tail also functions as their penis. They must have the Tail mutation, and the Futanari mutation if they are female.
-Dangerous Tail: The character's tail can be used to deal unarmed attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but has a -3 penalty to the attack roll. Using their tail to attack is optional. The character does not require Tail Cock in order to take this mutation. This mutation does NOT require Tail Cock.
-Venomous Attack: The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. This mutation requires that the character have the Natural Attack Mutation, in addition to all of the mutations above it.
-Corrupting Venom: Whenever the character would deal an attack that injects venom, in addition to the effects of the venom, the creature takes corruption equal to the amount of damage they would have taken without any penalties from the attack, including those from armor. In addition, the character can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to their recipients when using this ability.

Reverse Jointed Legs: The character's legs are reverse jointed rather than forward jointed.

Funny Ears: The character has odd ears for their race.

Futanari: If selected by a female character, they grow a penis. If selected by a male character, they grow a vagina and boobs. Generally, futa's will be more feminine than masculine regardless of their original sex.
-Doublecock: The character grows a second penis. This can also be selected by male characters even if they don't have the Futanari mutation.

Odd Skin: The character has unusual skin in some way, whether that be by just having an odd skin color, or by having fur or scales.
-Armored Hide: The character's skin has become strong enough to resist damage. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales, or porcelain skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character takes a -1 penalty to Speed, but they also get a +2 bonus to Armor. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

Claws: Claws sprout from the character's fingers, causing them to deal +2 damage with unarmed attacks but to take a -2 penalty on any attack rolls made for Weapons and Spells.
-Greater Claws: The character's claws grow even larger. Increase the unarmed damage to +5, but the penalty to attack rolls with Weapons and Spells increase to -4.
-Razor Fingers: The character can no longer use weapons at all, and any attack rolls made with Spells are at a -6 penalty. The bonus to unarmed damage increases to +10.

Strange Face: The character has a very unusual face, somehow. The specifics of that are up to you to come up with.

Fearsome Maw: The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage.
-Venomous Attack: The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. This mutation requires that the character have the Natural Attack Mutation, in addition to all of the mutations above it.
-Corrupting Venom: Whenever the character would deal an attack that injects venom, in addition to the effects of the venom, the creature takes corruption equal to the amount of damage they would have taken without any penalties from the attack, including those from armor. In addition, the character can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to their recipients when using this ability.

Clawed Feet: The character has claws on their feet. They cannot wear shoes, which doesn't really matter all that much mechanically. They get a +2 bonus to Resistance checks made to resist being knocked Prone, but also take a -1 penalty to Speed.

Natural Attack: The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

Special Mutations
Discordant Fertility: It acts like regular Fertility, but rather, any child they give birth to or sire has a 50% chance to be either a half-demon or half-fey (using the half-breed with the Sidhe race) unless the other parent is either a demon or fey, then it produces either another Karkasta or a pureblood of the other race. (So a Full Blood Demon or Fey of whatever type)

Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.

Plant: The character is a plant. Their skin is naturally green and leaf-like, though additional specifics about their biology are up to you to decide. They are also immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Plants also automatically become pregnant whenever they would receive a pregnancy roll, but unless the creature is an egg layer, they give birth to seeds that eventually sprout into shorn weeds. Creatures that they themselves impregnate give birth to alraune seeds.
Characters with this mutation also gain the Pollen Shot special ability.
Pollen Shot: The character chooses one target creature within 10 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or become Horny. The character takes a -4 penalty on this check.

Alien: The character is one of the invaders, or has been corrupted into one of them. Any effects that would damage or drain their EP is reduced by 5, and any creatures that they are in a grapple with that do not have this Special mutation take 1d6 Resistance damage. Character reduced to 0 Resistance by this slime become Aroused, and their Resistance resets. Dropping to 0 Resistance a second time makes the creature Horny.

Faerie: The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.

Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.

Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.

Malleable Form: The character's body is made of a liquid instead of a solid. They can change their shape at will, but generally have some sort of normal form that they usually keep. This form is almost always feminine in nature. The character cannot become pregnant, and can only impregnate others through magical means. Instead, they reproduce by splitting once they have absorbed enough energy.
All damage against characters with this mutation is reduced by 1/2. In addition, purely physical attacks are reduced by an additional 1/2, meaning that they only deal 1/4 as much damage. This division occurs after AV has been subtracted, not before, and attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction.
Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their starting EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase, even if it would exceed their normal maximum EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches 3 x their maximum EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience, and split in half, producing another slime with their memories and personality. The two generally diverge from there, not wanting to stay too near one another as they compete for food.
A character with this mutation that is reduced to 0 EP is permanently destroyed.
Character's with this mutation do not take damage from resisting pleasure, and are never stunned by orgasm.

Vampire: The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. All damage against the character is reduced to 1/4. Av is subtracted from damage before this division, not after, and attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation, they can also inject venom while feeding. This can either be extremely painful, or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the players choice. If the player chooses pleasurable, the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to no greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP. The character can see perfectly in non-supernatural darkness, and takes no penalties to Perception due to darkness.

Daylight Weakness: The character cannot stay in direct sunlight. Doing so causes them to take 10 damage per round, which ignores all armor and damage resistances no matter the source. Clothing or an umbrella are insufficient to protect them. While taking damage in this way, the character cannot take any action except movement. If a character would be reduced to 0 or less HP by this damage, they are killed.

Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP, they can willingly suppress this effect.

Egg Layer: The character has an ovipositor that they can use to lay eggs in other beings.

Serpentine Body: The character's lower body is that of a snake. They cannot take any mutations altering the way that their legs look or function. They cannot wear full body armor.

Spider: The character's lower body is that of a spider. They can climb walls, and gain the ability to use the Web Shot special ability. The character also gains a +8 bonus to armor, but takes a -10 racial penalty to their max HP.
Web Shot: The character makes an attack roll against a single target creature within 30 feet. If this attack hits, it deals no damage, but the creature takes a -10 penalty to all non-damage rolls, Dodge and Speed. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds the character's Body stat, they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. These webs can be removed by spending the character's turn

Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Ironbane: The character cannot wield weapons that can only be made out of metal, but this only restricts them from using guns. In addition, they take a +8 damage from any weapons made from iron or steel.

Juggernaut: The creature has a great deal of strength, but they are also very bulky and clumsy. Increase the creature's Body stat by +50, but they also have 1/2 as much Resistance, their Speed and Perception cap at 25, and whenever they would roll a grapple check or an attack that's reliant on their Body stat they switch their bonus and their dice. In other words, their attack bonus drops down to 20, and they roll d(Body stat.) They also cannot attempt to be stealthy at any time.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread

A blog containing the rules for easy reference. Special thanks to Aurani and Hentaispider for putting so much work into it.

When I finally get around to it, the spreadsheet and the monster sheets should go here.

The Map!
Drawn by Ryu Doppler.

Also, the template for making monsters that I'm using:


Hit Points (HP):
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):
Spirit Energy (EP):


Monster Name:
Monster Type:
Monster Class:
Differences from Base Creature:





Base Casting:
Favored Elements:

Spirit Ceiling:

Succubus Powers:


Feel free to fuck around with it to your hearts content!

A list of things to add the next time I feel like changing the rules:
1) Include Spider's suggestion, allow the Spirit Talents to let one pick a number of powers equal to 2 + Spirit/20 rather than just 3. Also, change Additional Powers to just give 2 Powers of any tree, and maybe change the title.
2) For Magic, take out the Talents like Empower and Maximize, and create a list of metamagic abilities that mages get some of for free, sort of like Skills for Warriors. Current list off the top of my head: Empower, Maximize, Merciful (doesn't hurt allies,) Quickened (can only be used once per round but lets you cast a spell without taking up your turn, effectively 2 spells per turn,) Intensified (roll double the number of dice for damage,) Widened (double the area of effect,) and Heightened (pay extra EP to increase the Resistance check to resist the additional effects of the spell.)
3) Add a race that isn't half demon that allows people to make whatever they want. Mutant, or something like that.
4) Separate Damage Reduction out from Vampire and Malleable Form.
5) Rework corruption and mutations in general.
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Re: DG3.0 Character Creation Thread

The changelog is going here now due to the errors that seem to constantly crop up whenever I try to edit any large posts.

-November 26, 2011: Created this thread.
-December 5, 2011: Added arachne, changed the formula for Stealth and Perception, slightly altered a number of Spirit Powers. Humans now can take an additional Flaw/Talent if they so desire.
-December 8, 2011: Changed Perception to use whatever the character's main stat is. Rebalanced all of the things that affect Stealth and Perception to make up for their overall reduction.
-December 11, 2011: Changed Buffs to Mind/6 from Mind/5.
-December 15, 2011: Changed some Spirit Powers, added the ability to foreplay through armor, reworded venomous attack and added natural attack as a prereq for it. The "Strong of" Talents have been dropped, and were changed to exceptional, which just gives 8 stat points. Slimes have been made immune to rape damage. This changes the following posts: The rules post, the mutations post, and the spirit powers posts. For easy changing of the blog.
-December 21, 2011: Edited Seal.
-January 1, 2012: Added and edited some spells.
-January 12, 2012: Added Odd Hair to physical mutations post. Added options to the Shadows Made Manifest power, increased the power of the Lay on Hands power, and combined Mind Break and Memory Plunder into Mind Worm in order to add Empathy to the Psion powers list. Also, this changelog is now the actual changelog. Oh! And the penalties for casting have finally been copied into DG3. They're the same as the ones from DG2, just with a few added clarifications.
-February 3, 2012: Changed some spells under Wind, Water and Force. Also fixed the error with Flamethrower, where it didn't have a shape. Changed Drain through pain so that it only drains 2d6, as opposed to some ratio, and that it only activates on melee attacks.
-February 7, 2012: Changed statuses a little bit. Added Dominate and Seal so that people stop harassing me about it. :p
-February 13, 2012: Changed countering abilities to require a Resistance check.
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