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Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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This thread is for my upcoming Blood Bowl Let's Play, which will be on medium difficulty, and utterly ridiculous. The actual Let's Play won't be in this Thread, but another one, this is for people who want to have Team Players named after them. The gist of it is, I won't start until all the spaces have been filled. SO COME ONE AND ALL!


If you think you've got what it takes, sign up for the BLOOD BATH OF YOUR TIME. We are going to be a team of mostly dumb, incapable, but brutal Orcs, trying to survive in the harsh world of BLOOD BOWL. So what we need, is a TEAM, of PLAYERS, only three players just won't do.


In this Team, we currently have the following spaces open:

Black Orc: 4/4 (Big Dudes, these are our muscle. A bit slow with the whole running thing) [RandomKnight777] [cross_grave] [El_Duderino] [super_slicer]
Throwers: 2/2 (I dun handle da' ball boss') [Blueslime] [Diagasvesle]
Catchers: 2/2 (Their massive spatula shaped hands help them slap people senseless, as well as catch balls) [Occam's Razor] [Aztlan]
Blitzers: 4/4 (Mini-Muscle, they have the Block ability, which makes them 50% more likely to get a good combat result) [Cappy] [TentanariX] [XSI] [Tassadar]
Goblins: 1/1 (Those damn stupid Orcs, make Hentaispider play stupid game as joke! Hentaispider show them...) [Hentaispider]
Trolls: 1/1 (The Big Man, ten metric tons of stupidity and muscle. As moronic as he is useful) [Obeliskos]
Linemen: 0/0 (We'll keep these as back-up players later on in the game, they are generic and bland)


Ignore the names, I can change those if I don't screw up and accidentally revert them back to their maiden names somehow. And so, come, one and all, to join either the most tragic, or the most successful Blood Bowl team in tournament history, ULMF!
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Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I want to be the goblin.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I'z da biggest an' da meanest dere is. BLACK ORC!

But you already knew that~ ;3
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I want to be the goblin.

Lol, alright. Do realize, that you are the MOST LIKELY to get injured or possibly eaten by Obeliskos. I'll slap your name up there, seeing as you got there first.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Lol, alright. Do realize, that you are the MOST LIKELY to get injured or possibly eaten by Obeliskos. I'll slap your name up there, seeing as you got there first.

I don't care. I just want to be the small guy.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Settles for mediocrity. I call Blitzer.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Settles for mediocrity. I call Blitzer.

Mediocrity? Blitzers are the second best position, not counting Troll and Goblin.
Mediocrity is a Lineman, and we will eventually want some of those. Probably.

Welcome to the team none-the-less.

@cross_grave: I was going to say NO! and FUCK YOU!, But then I saw your location. YOU'RE HIRED! Perfect man for the job!
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Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I can't help but suspect that there's some kind of insult hidden in that last sentence.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

It was mostly a joke. Although the location part was true. It's hard to portray slapstick humour when you're typing it over a keyboard.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Indeed. Well, I'm gonna take it as a compliment, despite what my paranoia is telling me.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Every team needs someone with good hands. I'll be the Thrower.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I'll take a catcher position.

Also, 50 awesome points for your choice of Troll.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Sweet. We only have six positions left before I start actually doing the LP. BUT FRET NOT, there'll still be two back-up positions for those who have been asleep, and thus lost out.

Also, who else but Obe? Nobody I say.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Black Orc all the way, please. I'll try not to roll too many "Both down" dices before I learn block. :p

Fits my dwarven play style too.
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Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Dwarves, huh?

Never underestimate someone who can easily put his fists on the same level as your crotch.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Black Orc all the way, please. I'll try not to roll too many "Both down" dices before I learn block. :p

Fits my dwarven play style too.

A Blood Bowl player? Welcome aboard. We'll play it off as your Black Orc being a bit short, but deadly all the same, due to his unusually massive arms and shoulders.

Also, those Both Down dice are common as all hell, I certainly hope we can avoid them unless it's the enemy hobbits that are rollin' em.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

Sounds fun, I'll take the catcher. I get to smack people with my mighty saptula hand.
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Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I dun rip my balls off so I throw for mah team!

I request to be a thrower so I can willingly rip my balls off, multiple times.
Re: Blood Bowl - Sign Up Thread

I dun rip my balls off so I throw for mah team!

I request to be a thrower so I can willingly rip my balls off, multiple times.

Sure thing, but you'd best realize that footballs aren't the same shape. If you wanna sacrifice something for the team, it'd better be a malformed intestinal organ instead.

Orks grow em' back, nut'n tah worry about.

EDIT: Only two more players needed before we can start. It's only a matter of time before I start forcefully drafting people anyways. (Not to worry though, if you got by late, you can still apply for a Lineman substitute position. We can only fit in four of those though, and we'll need to win the money first before we can even do anything like that.)