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Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Rei should have shot Shido right then and there. Blasted his brains all across the courtyard.

Maybe that's what he deserved, certainly, but it's not what she deserved. Her brain would have had to deal with that - that viciousness of the act of killing an unarmed, living person, even if they deserve it.

And now he can deserve his new punishment of both being forced out, and the fact that no doubt his followers will begin to doubt his infallibility.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Rei should have shot Shido right then and there. Blasted his brains all across the courtyard.

Amen to this. Would have been appeasing for the audience if the damned karma houdini got what he deserved at least.
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Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

The FINAL EPISODE of Season 1 of Highschool of the Dead has aired.

Pics here:

Episode here:

No word yet on a season 2, but the end of the episode flashes forwards to the mall, so we'll see.

On a side note, an OAV was announced to be bundled with the next volume to be released in Spring 2011, and the next manga chapter (28) is scheduled to be released in November.