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Re: Hate Thread

What an asshole
Re: Hate Thread

I hate epilepsy. I don't have it but my friend does which means whenever he comes over I have to walk him back home through the cold dark night, which takes roughly 30 minutes. Then I have to walk back on my own adding another 30 mintues of time taken.

He's just helping you stay in shape
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Jesus. He was a long haired, sandal wearing peace activist who hung around with 12 dudes ALL THE TIME then he tells us we should hate hippie faggots?!
Re: Hate Thread

Does the new testament even say anything about gays? And does Jesus? I don't recall hearing anything.
Re: Hate Thread

Does the new testament even say anything about gays? And does Jesus? I don't recall hearing anything.

Far-fetched interpretation for far-fetched interpretation, jesus said to love thy neighbor, so if thy neighbor is male there you get your answer, he was pro gays.:)

No matter what one says, people will always see what they are looking for, such is the power of the human mind.:rolleyes:
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus said shit about faggots? Who the hell?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Jesus. He was a long haired, sandal wearing peace activist who hung around with 12 dudes ALL THE TIME then he tells us we should hate hippie faggots?!

I don't recall Jesus ever telling anybody to hate. Ever. He was a good man who preached love, forgiveness and understanding. The entirety of the bible is not his words.

Does the new testament even say anything about gays? And does Jesus? I don't recall hearing anything.

From what I remember... somewhat. Sodom and Gomorrah were originally from Hebrew, and in the Jewish religion God's wrath was brought down upon the cities not for sexual sins, but rather for their cruelty and inhospitable nature to the 'stranger'. As well as economic crimes, blasphemy and bloodshed. There wasn't really any mention of homosexuality as far as I can tell. Cruelty to the point where they discovered a young girl who was kind to a beggar and burned her before smearing her with honey and hung from a wall until she was eaten by bees.

Hell, even in the Christian version of the story, it is somewhat unclear as to why the cities were destroyed. Many people jump to homosexuality, but the word they think means "sex" (know) was only used 1% of the time before to describe sexual relations. It could have meant that they wanted to interrogate travelers to the city which ties in with the original Jewish version.

"Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire" (Jude 1:1)

This text has been debated to reference bestiality, illicit sex with strangers (and considering the way these folks treat strangers it was more than likely rape), and sex with angels. Of course though, as we all know, it is often interpreted as homosexual relations.

Orthodox Christian views see the main reason of the condemnation of the cities as being the refusal to repent, along with these other sins, as well as forced perverse sex as being one of the larger physical sins.

Interpret it as you will.

Jesus said shit about faggots? Who the hell?

He himself did not say anything about homosexuality.
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Re: Hate Thread

point exactly
Stupidity now ceases

'sides, didn't we just go over "All of us = God's Children. Jesus = God's only son. All of us = daughters. All of us = lesbians"
Re: Hate Thread

toxic... i'm in lesbains with you.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't recall anything about hating any particular group coming from the teachings of Jesus, only the hateful idiots that pretend to talk to him. Here's a better question: Why does it matter what a fictional sun metaphor supposedly said about homosexuality 2000 years ago? Though, to be fair, I generally tend to agree with a good portion of the New Testaments moral views when they're coming from the actual Gospels. The rest of it's a load of worthless bullshit, particularly Revelation and the stuff they carried over from the Old Testament, but the Gospels aren't so bad. They reminded me of the greek myths they were partially based on, only with less pointless violence and incest.
Re: Hate Thread

Having been raised Catholic, the offical position (as much as there can be one) is "hate the sin, not the sinner". IE, they say it's okay to be homosexual, as long as you never engage in any homosexual activities.

It stems from the "don't waste your seed" idea.
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus was often said to kiss guys on the lips...

But this topic is a good segue for my personal hatred... I hate the US government. A US man went to war to fight for Democracy. This man was gay. He got killed. His dad had a funeral for him. At his funeral, a bunch of Christians started protesting the funeral, saying that God killed him.
"Thank God for dead soldiers!"
"Thank God for 9/11!"
"You should be ashamed of yourself for raising your son gay!"
The father went to the Supreme Court, due to emotional distress. 8 out of 9 Justices ALLOWED the Christians to do it. Freedom of speech. Yeah, fine, whatever. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO TORMENT A MAN WHO JUST LOST HIS SON AT HIS FUNERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus was often said to kiss guys on the lips...

But this topic is a good segue for my personal hatred... I hate the US government. A US man went to war to fight for Democracy. This man was gay. He got killed. His dad had a funeral for him. At his funeral, a bunch of Christians started protesting the funeral, saying that God killed him.
"Thank God for dead soldiers!"
"Thank God for 9/11!"
"You should be ashamed of yourself for raising your son gay!"
The father went to the Supreme Court, due to emotional distress. 8 out of 9 Justices ALLOWED the Christians to do it. Freedom of speech. Yeah, fine, whatever. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO TORMENT A MAN WHO JUST LOST HIS SON AT HIS FUNERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with your reasoning, though I think that's a rather poor reason to hate the US government. Freedom of speech and of expression are important enough to allow a bunch of sociopaths to go around screaming at people, so long as they don't physically harm them.

No, you should hate the US government for engaging in such a pointless war in the first place. Now that's something worth hating them for.

Edit: And a man kissing a man, or a woman kissing a woman for that matter, wouldn't have been strange at all in those times. It wasn't until relatively recently that homosexuality became an issue.
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus was often said to kiss guys on the lips...

But this topic is a good segue for my personal hatred... I hate the US government. A US man went to war to fight for Democracy. This man was gay. He got killed. His dad had a funeral for him. At his funeral, a bunch of Christians started protesting the funeral, saying that God killed him.
"Thank God for dead soldiers!"
"Thank God for 9/11!"
"You should be ashamed of yourself for raising your son gay!"
The father went to the Supreme Court, due to emotional distress. 8 out of 9 Justices ALLOWED the Christians to do it. Freedom of speech. Yeah, fine, whatever. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO TORMENT A MAN WHO JUST LOST HIS SON AT HIS FUNERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those aren't Christians. D< Those are morons that preach faggotry for just one reason. They can. Fred Phelps fought for civil rights in the 70s and made millions just to turn and do this.

And don't knock free speech. "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it."

Ah, i hate the Westboro Baptist Church, their "beliefs" and how people automatically assume most Christians are like that. Fuck you people. I'm a pansexual Christian and fucking proud of it!

Re: Hate Thread

Hey... Ouch... I never said ALL Christians. Just the Westboro idiots. I know most Christians are not like that, just like not all Muslims want to kill us. And there's nothing wrong with free speech, but they didn't need to go the guy's son's funeral and do it. They could have just as easily waited until AFTER the funeral.

EDIT CUZ I DIDN'T LOOK: Yes, Tass, that isn't a reason alone to hate them, but it's just the latest reason to believe in American stupidity.
Re: Hate Thread

They could have, but they're jackasses. So they won't.

It's just what they do and if you give them the satisfaction of knowing they bothered you, then they've won.

TROLLS. They work the same way off the computer.
Re: Hate Thread

I know I've posted this before but:

Re: Hate Thread

Sigh. I suppose you're right. They're just trolls. Oh, and to the person who negrepped me for not saying Westboro in my first post (Yes, it was in the second one, after Chibi said it) That would be because I couldn't remember its name. So sorry I couldn't remember its name. I said a "bunch of Christians", which was taken the wrong way. I use 'bunch' interchangeably with 'group'. I meant a GROUP of Christians, not just multiple random Christians.
Re: Hate Thread

Edit: And a man kissing a man, or a woman kissing a woman for that matter, wouldn't have been strange at all in those times. It wasn't until relatively recently that homosexuality became an issue.

Spartans often took male lovers, and were put into the same fighting unit together. The reasoning was that the two lovers would fight harder to impress the other, or try and outfight the other.

Homosexuality was seen in many many cultures, and not in a negative light either. It's a relatively new phenomenon to be against it.
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