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A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

As the woman continues to sing while stroking the small girl gently, her hand begins radiating a warm soft light. This light, as strange and fearful as it was, seemed to sap away at any physical and mental fatigue Jen may have accumulated, making her body feel much more relaxed and less tense...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

As the woman relaxes Jen more and more, she looks up. Wha...? Why are you helping me? What do you want? She asks slightly more calm as her body relaxes.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

The woman continued stroking the girl's hair for a bit as her song concluded, leaving Jenn feeling extremely refreshed before responding to the inquiries.

"I don't want anything but to offer you protection...and a home..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen sniffles a few times as she thinks back to a few of the entries in her diary. They mention other people saying similar things, and, in the end, they all just wanted her as a cheap toy. Everyone who says that always just wants my body. Jen says timidly.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"I don't want you for your body...I just want to help you because its the right thing to do...In a world ruled by monsters, who can we turn to for help if we can't even help one another?..."

Her voice remaining passive and soft, the white-haired woman did not cease to gently stroke Jen's hair in the manner that a mother might. Eyes sorrowful in light of the girl who had lost so much of her ability to trust...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Monsters would be a good way to describe some of the cops I've met... Jen says quietly, shivering as she remembers a few of the diary entries. In part, she's glad she doesn't remember much of her past right now.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"The old world is gone now...no one who can call themselves a human wants to hurt you anymore..."

(Yech, one liner.)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen shakes her head vigorously. But cops are supposed to be the good people and if their like... She trails off, unable to finish her own sentence. She sits like that for a short while before looking up. What do you mean: gone?
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"You haven't seen have you?..."

Offering a hand to help Jen to the window in the back of the vehicle, Reina's voice seemed to hold some unspeakable melancholy.

"Here...it's best if you see it with your own eyes."

Should Jen accept the offer and look outside, she'd notice several strange things. For one, the city outside seemed to be a mix and match of multiple cities, with buildings and even landmarks from completely different countries in the old world having been mixed together. Next, the street behind them was strangely empty, devoid of other vehicles or humans. And lastly, a thick fog seemed to blot out the sun almost completely, limiting the range of sight severely...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Wha... Wha...?... Jen starts to say before trailing off. Speaking again, albeit very quietly, I died didn't I? So this is Hell?
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(...Oh wow :x...)

The woman became silent at this statement, as if she knew more than she let on, but was unable to find proper words to express this. It was only after a moment of silence, that she began to speak again, her voice tinged with the same melancholy while trying to sound comforting.

"...Sanctuary can be found even in hell...which is what I would like to grant to you...if you would allow me to..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Shivering, but sure that there are worse things out there given what she's seen and the fact that she believes this is Hell, Jen replies, What do I have to do to get sanctuary?
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"Come with us...to a place we can call 'home' in this curel world... and I will protect you...I swear it upon my name..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

What's in a name?... Besides, you haven't even mentioned yours. Jen asks before mumbling the last part. From what she can remember, she believes that people's words only stand as long as it's profitable.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"A name is a symbol of who you are...that which identifies you in a world which has stripped you of your memories...As for mine?...Please call me Reina...simply Reina."

(Bleh, need to type more...but I keep getting harassed so I'll state what's important x_x)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

...I don't think I really want my memories, though. Jen says. The few entries from her diary that she remembered reading, well, simply put, she doesn't want to remember the actual events.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"Memories help to shape who you are...even the painful ones...and here, they'll become your strength...of course, that's not to say you can't try making happier ones...even here."

Even while struggling to break free of the Lady's game, it certainly was important to try making happy memories...for that would eventually become the only thing to motivate one to continue fighting against overwhelming odds over and over again...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Where are you taking me? Jen asks, despairing at being trapped in Hell draining her of her normal desire to escape to some place safe, because in Hell, such a place probably doesn't really exist.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

"Limbo...depending on how you look at it...One of the last fortress for mortals to defend themselves against a witch and her demons..."

Reina mused to herself how ironic the apartment's name was in deference to their situation. "Heaven's Terrace", something that 'should not exist' in a world controlled by the forces of hell...but did either way. Most likely another cruel prank of the Lady's...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Now a combination of dipressed and scared, Jen falls silent again before speaking up one last time, How much longer?