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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

She stands in the intersection of the the hallway looking over the note. Though heavily damaged, it looks like an old fire escape plan. From what she can tell, it appears that the Up stairs are in the north eastern corner of the floor.

Search the Area
Travel N/W/E (backward)
Shine light N/W/E
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, there's a stroke of luck... I guess I go north, then. Unless this map is a trick... but no, even if the map isn't accurate, North is as good a guess as any.

With that, Jamie shines her light north, and starts walking.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues down the hallway. She notices that the hallway forks to the east and west in front of her and then continues north.

(Nothing to see here, move along lol)

Travel North
Travel South
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

It's quiet... too quiet? No, don't be silly, that kind of thinking isn't going to help anyone. Next thing you'll be talking to yourself, and we don't want to end up down that road again, now do we? no, we don't...

Jamie continues North as the feeling of the dark all around her starts feeling increasingly oppressive, the skin on the back of her neck tingling as hairs stand on end everywhere she can't currently see. She hurries up a little bit, slowing down as she reaches the fork, intending to shine her light north if the hallway continues in that direction, then east.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie approaches a 4 way intersection in the hallway. She shines her light first West and sees that the hallway continues as far as she can see, along with doorways on the north side of the hallway. She next shines to the north and sees a stairwell sign. To her eeast she shines the light and sees that the hallway ends shortly beyond the intersection.

Her excitement in seeing the starwell sign is quickly dashed when she sees a small vine slash the air right in front of her. Spinning quickly to face this threat, she sees a small mass of vines growing out of what appears to be a crack in one of the corners of the walls.

Jamie DEF: 3 + 1(clothes)
Vine HP: 2

Flee N/S/E/W (67% Chance)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ah, just as I thought - the stairs. Well that wasn't so bad...

The sudden movement in the otherwise lifeless building draws her eye and she sees.... vines?

Vines don't move, they're plants! No muscles. Well, I suppose there are a few plants with moving parts - the Venus fly trap comes to mind - but those are very rare amongst plants, and I can't recall anything like a vine that moves. The reason plants don't move is because they have no senses, or vice versa - what's the point of moving if you can't tell where there's food or danger, and what's the point of knowing where there's food or danger if you can't move to act upon it.

I guess this one could be somehow genetically modified... but that's some pretty serious advances they've made here if that's the case. Hell, what am I thinking? Why do I care what that thing even is, I just need to get up the stairs and I somehow doubt anyone built a man-eating vine - why not just use a tiger?

Jamie, having convinced herself that even if the thing really is some genetically modified super-plant that can see her and move it isn't going to try to eat her, flees North, toward the stairwell sign
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie runs northward toward the stairwell sign. She is surprised by the speed and maneuverability of the vines. Ducking and weaving between vines that are obvious out to get her, she continues her flight north. After about 30 seconds of running the botany gauntlet, she surmises that she is out of their strike zone. Looking around, she sees a stairwell to her East.

Search the area
Travel S/E
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, that was quite the botanical gauntlet... and I think they really might have been trying to get me. Ugh, combine this with that note and what that guy said before I knocked him out and I might actually be in danger. Well, that or this is a psychological experiment as much as whatever the hell else it is.

Whatever, I'm at the stairs now and I can just walk up to the ground floor and get the hell out of here.

Jamie walks toward the stairs.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

As Jamie walks up the stairs she notices a sign pointing upward that reads "B-4." She walks up the dark stairwell as a chill begins to crawl up her spine. She gets to the first landing of the stairwell when she hears a large whooshing sound. Spinning around she sees a heavy metal door close, cutting her off from the floor she just left. Taking a moment to comprehend what she just saw, she hears another whooshing sound, this time at the top of the stairs. Trapped in the stairwell, more vines appear from several cracks in the stairwells. She has little choice; stand and fight or wait to see what the vines will do.

Vines HP: 5

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Hey! This isn't funny! I withdraw my consent! Let me out of here, NOW!"

There was little doubt in her mind that someone was watching all this - they closed the doors and stuck something in here with her, and they wanted to see what she did. There was big doubt in her mind, now, that she had ever given consent to withdraw, but screaming in terror never hurt anyone. Well, unless it drew in the monsters...

I don't see any eyes... it must hear me or feel vibrations or something. Maybe if I stay very, very quiet it won't be able to 'see' me anymore. Shit, I just yelled, didn't I? Of course, staying hidden doesn't help with that door, but first things first...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Her logic that it could only feel her through vibrations was a false one. Only a few moments went by with her standing still before the first vine took a swing at her. Catching her on the small of her back, she felt a big sting. Even with her lab coat, it still felt as though she had been struck by a whip. She let out a quick cry of pain and noticed that even more vines wer approaching her.

Jamie DEF: 2 + 1(clothes)
Vines HP: 5

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well there goes that idea. Well, lets see, how can I make this thing stop attacking me: I'm in a stairwell, so nothing obvious to pick up; I have an odd feeling that punching a vine as it moves through the air won't hurt it very much... I guess I could try to step on one? Or biting, biting could work. Oh! My flashlight, I could whack one with that. A few extra ounces of weight can make a fist do real damage, if you know how to throw a punch. Which I don't. Crap.

Note to self: get some self-defense lessons.

Jamie continues cogitating at high speed while she puts her first idea into practice - try to stomp on any vine simple enough to put itself near a hard surface within a few feet of her feet.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie watches asd the vines on the ground creep closer. After an agonizingly slow period of time, one finally gets within striking range. Stepping down with all her might she lands on one of the thicker vines. Immediately, every vine that she can see seems to recoil in pain and the thick vine retreats with surprising speed.

(Crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 2 + 1(clothes)
Vines HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Ha! Take that!"

Jamie, seeing that her strategy was surprisingly effective, kept it up, hoping the vines wouldn't learn from their mistakes.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jaime backs closer to a wall, giving her more time to react for her next assault. Again the vines on the ground close their distance. This time however, more vines approach from behind on the ceiling. As Jamie lifts her leg up to strike again, a vine shoots from the ceiling, wrapping itself around her thigh, throwing her off-balance and into the wall. Disoriented and with a leg trapped, she quickly assesses her next course of action.


Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)
Jamie CONST: 4
Vines HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Shit! I mean crap!"

Jamie, taken by surprise, reflexively strikes at the vine wrapped around her leg, trying to make it let go.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

She swings a fist at the vine wrapped around her leg. Unfortunately, she loses her balance midswing and falls backward into the stairs below her. Landing hard on her back, she gasps for air, trying to regain her wits about her. When she can focus again, she is shocked to see the vine holding her leg high in the air, causing her entire lower body to be off the ground.

(Counter again)

Jamie DEF: 0 + 1(clothes)
Jamie CONST: 4
Vines HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ugh, this is not good.

Jamie tries her best to pull her restrained leg downward while kicking at the vine with her other leg, hoping that it's taut enough to actually do damage. Lying on the ground, Jamie is also suddenly reminded that under the lab coat she's wearing nothing but her a pair of cotton panties.

(Well, there goes my "every roll a success" streak...)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie flings her free leg as hard as she can into the vine holding her leg. She connects and feels the vine shudder though her ensnared leg. The vine releases her and she is dropped to the floor. Rolling onto her stomach to right herself, she sees a large number of vines creeping toward her rapidly down the stairs. Feeling the onsets of fatigue from her struggle, she also feels a bit of something else, something warm, that she quick can't grasp...

Jamie DEF: 0 + 1(clothes)
Jamie CONST: 4
Vines HP: 2

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

So many of them... I have to keep trying. And watch for things above me this time.

Jamie felt that the odd warmth she was suddenly experiencing felt out of place in the cold dark of the stairwell, but there were more urgent things on her mind.

It won't be so easy this time, apparently these things can learn, at least a little...

This time, Jamie decides to go on the attack, figuring that if this thing can learn, then it can fail to expect things! She lunges forward, trying to grab one of the ones that's already off the ground, hold it against a wall, and smash it with the butt of her flashlight before running back.
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