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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ell excuse e ih I don't hahe liss. The man fires back with annoyance at the woman. Of course, his smile stays on his face the entire time and the man doesn't even seem to be moving his mouth.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Letting out another sigh as Rashar spoke again, the girl put her hand to her forehead and massaged it in frustration as she worked out what the deformed vampire had said. Excuse me if I don't have lips is it now?... Reaching into one of the pockets of her coat, the girl rummaged it carefully, as if making sure not to accidentally set off some trap or explosive, before pulling out a black pen, and a small notepad.

"...As you don't have lips and still possess hands, care to continue our discussion with writing?... Thy speech is giving me a headache."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The man stays back, as though avoiding the woman. Hao do I kno you aren't trying to trick e, and that that isn't a trat you're setting ut on ehah uh Then. He says.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Irritated at the man's behavior, Luna shot a rather annoyed glare at Rashar. Her next words reflecting upon this clearly.

"If I desired thy death thou would have been lit aflame already. Now shut thy trap, and take the paper and pen before they become stuffed down thy throat.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve's eyes widened at Rashar's face, or lack thereof, and said, "You're uglier than homemade sin, what pit of hell did the one who embraced you crawl out of?" She was no longer afraid, but rather disgusted by his appearance, "Pull your hood back up."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Using the opportunity to avoid responding to the red eyed agent, Rashar instead replies to Eve, But I look so happy. Look, I can't help but smile. He says in an odd tone, teeth still shut and smiling.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Smiling yes, happy no." she wrinkled her nose in distaste, "Pull your hood back up you odious beast."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch puts two fingers into his mouth and whistles loudly. He can't believe HE has to calm this down. "Hey, is everybody gonna lay off that guy? 's not his fault he looks the way he does." He is somewhat disappointed at Eve as well. Seemed to be such a nice gal, if a bit short.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Time to catch up, pardon the slight backtracking.))

As the other Kindred finally lowers his hood, Isabella lets out a noise that's half-startled, half-strangled, clearly not expecting that to be under the hood, her chair making a bit of a scraping sound against the floor as she reflexively tries to scoot back and closer to Raven than she already is. From that moment after, her eyes stay directed at the floor or the other Kindred, glancing no further up Rashar's body than his shoulders, at best.

The Sabbat did that to him? She has to resist the urge to shudder as Ronell pieces together what the other Kindred was saying.

Very slowly, she started to let her eyes creep further up, trying to make herself look at...Rashar? Hopefully that was what he meant. It's what it sounded like, anyway. The fact that he was getting angry with Luna didn't make things any easier, but he had a point. She was slamming him for the way he was talking when he had a reason for it. People didn't 'thee' and 'thou' unless they were in Shakespearean Criticism 201.

And then things fell apart faster than a house of cards with Eve adding to the badgering and Luna actually threatening the newcomer. It wasn't until Fletch's whistle cut through the room that things quieted for a second.

"Hey, is everybody gonna lay off that guy? 's not his fault he looks the way he does."

Point taken. Consider her own self humbled. Now the question was whether to speak up or not. Oh, hell. She was probably going to regret this.

"Fletch is right. I'm not trying to be a saint here, but maybe if Rashar were asked to put his hood back up and not threatened for the way he talks," yeah, okay, so she couldn't help glaring at Luna for that one, "there wouldn't be this shouting match going on. You said you can't help it," she was staring at Rashar's chest again. "We've been doing all right figuring out what you've been saying. You don't have to write it down unless we really don't get it. The hood...would be nice." She glances up and her gaze quickly flicks back down. There's a pause for a good second or so before she thinks to add on, "Please."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rashar raises an eyebrow at Isabella... or that part of his skin happens to squirm upwards in unison, it's not exactly easy to tell. Next tine maye hehul should think ehore they de-and that su-one reheal thensells. He says pulling his hood back up to hide in the shade all but the odd skin color and the unceasing grin.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny finally sits back down in his seat, "Nice job there, Fletch. Fletch and Izzy're right leave him alone he can't help speaking like that without lips or the way he looks. I don't care if you wear the hood or not, I've seen worse things in my life. So how did they get you Rashar?"
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve looks highly ashamed of herself. "I have no idea where that came from." she said honestly, "Sorry for being rude about it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

There certainly isn't any mistaking the fact that she looks less unsettled as he pulls the hood back up, but she's still having a hard time even trying to meet his gaze, her own almost immediately dropping to somewhere lower whenever she talks to him.

"Gotta be careful what you wish for, they say," she says to his remark, though that's all for the time being, curious to see if he'll answer Ronell's question.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Backing down similarly to the others, Luna put the pen and notebook back into her coat, assuming a rather bored and annoyed look before becoming relatively expressionless once again. This however, did not hide the obvious monotony in her voice as she spoke.

"In that event... shall we discuss something to keep boredom at bay?...Unless of course, someone volunteers to keep one amused with various experiments such as...whether or not vampires can feed off of one another. I am a bit thirsty after all...

Oddly enough, despite the overall monotony and jest in what she had just spoken, the final part of the statement did not seem to have been spoken in the same manner as the rest of what she had said. It was as if there truly was blood lust laden beneath the surface of that final portion...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy couldn't stop that snooty voice in her head that echoed Luna's words in a perfect "Queen Mum" accent.

"Oh, yeah, highness, that's a brilliant idea. Nothing says 'parlour game' like 'Hi, I don't know you from Adam, can I sink my fangs into your neck?' The only one that's ever gonna get that close to me is not you, all right? Curiosity be damned."

((It was the "keep one amused," Keylo. I had to run with it on the whole "Royal we."))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch once more crosses his arms in front of his chest. Good, everybody seems to calm down somewhat. . . Damn, there's a catfight in the air and I'm not getting the least bit excited, he thinks to himself. If this undead thing has killed my boner I'm gonna sue.
"I'd suggest poker", he speaks out. "But I don't have any cards on me, and I don't see any chips or beer. . . Oh fuck, this Friday is Poker Night. How the hell am I going to explain THAT?" He throws his arms up at the last part. Up to now, unlife really hasn't treated him well.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Have it anyway. Maybe they won't notice." Izzy winced, immediately regretting that quip. Her face softened some. "Sorry, Fletch. But you're right. I mean, we all probably have jobs and friends and family. Maybe figuring out what we're going to tell them would be a little more productive."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch shakes his head. "There's a grave-ish hole in my car lot, and I'm nowhere to be found. This is gonna raise some questions, unless these Caramel-Os have some kind of clean-up team. . . Maybe I should keep a low profile for a while." He reaches up to scratch his beard as he thinks. "Avoid where I normally go, not going into my apartment, that kind of stuff."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna simply shrugged at the suggestion, as if the topic held little interest or value to her.

"Having just moved here...disappearing isn't a problem for one such as I. That said, this is probably made easier in that everyone who knew me have already vanished..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Okay, if that statement wasn't creepy.

Rather than reply to that, Izzy focused more on Fletch. "Maybe they do. I mean, they found us and sent us all here, right? Like the woman at the Vat. She knew what Raven and I were almost as soon as we walked in. And obviously if we all didn't believe vampires were real before tonight, they're probably good at hiding."