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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva decided she'd rather not linger, as her comrades moved up to attack, and moved up, next to Lily, holding her sword defensively, a little worried, after being clubbed so brutally in their last battle, and wanting very much to avoid that event.

(Shiva moves to F10, and defends with the rest of her AP)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Huzzah for 46 dex~))

Pleased with her first shot, Aegis quickly takes aim at the slaver that had moved into her range, hoping to cripple him with a single shot.

"Like lambs to the slaughter...Gaia weeps for what has become of her children."

Shaking her head sadly in mockery, it was then that Aegis let fly her first arrow, preparing to fire another should the first one fail to do as intended.

(Action: Double attack on the slaver at G9)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Ignoring the battle starting around her, Lilliana readies another arrow and draws it back as far as she possibly can. Her breathing slows, and her eyes squint as they lock onto her target. Her breath stops and her fingers slowly relax, letting the arrow fly loose at full speed heading toward the leader.

(Action: Attack the leader)
(Not sure on the range, so if its to far i am fine with a penalty, if that will not work i will repost.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye moved first, bursting towards the Slaver near Lily, and taking him out with a round-house kick. Before Lily could pounce on her Kaino, Aegis took him out with a quick arrow to the face*. Lilliana decided to take a shot at the Leader, even though the dragonkin was out of her range slightly. She took the shot - but the leader watched the arrow soar past him. The others were left standing around - ready to choose what they would do next...

((I'll put the map up later int he morning.))
Kaye moves forward, using 2 AP. She uses Spinning Kick, trying to knock him out easily:
20 + 20 = 40 vs. 16 + 6 + 2 = 24 = Hit!; Damage: 9. The Slaver at D9 passes out.
Kaye is left with 6 AP.
Aegis shoots the Slaver just before Lily pounces on him, using up 10 AP.
44 + 46 - 8 = 82 (Autohit); Damage: 5 + 1 + 4 = 10. The Slaver at G8 passes out.
Aegis is left with 9 AP.
Lilliana looks at the dragonkin, noting how far away he is... but still knocks an arrow, carefully waiting for the wind to shift his way...
25 + 17 - 4 - 15 = 23 vs. 46 (Autofail);
Lilliana has 4 AP left.

New Actions for the turn (since a few things have changed?)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva sighs, as she was upstaged by her other comrades, "... All I can do is stand around... I feel so useless again..." she said to herself quietly, and stood her ground.

(Shiva stands her ground, using 16 AP to defend, and saving the rest of the 4 to wait, conserving it for next turn, waiting for someway for her to help her friends.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

One more down... Nine more to go.

Choosing to pick off the slavers one by one, Aegis moved forward from her current position so as to give herself a better shot at one of the slavers. Once she had done this, she would then take aim at the slaver and let fly another two arrows. She would return those who had strayed to evil to the earth, and from there they would be sanctified by Gaia and restored to the light. So she believed anyway.

(Action: Move into a space where she can effectively snipe the slaver at H1 if possible, or as close as possible while still being able to fire off two arrows.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily feels Shiva's pain this time, her intended target a pincushion before she could even reach him. With a sigh of disappointment at her apparent uselessness, she curled up a bit, taking a defensive pose in case the enemies had rangers like they did.

(Use 11 AP to defend)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye returns to a defensive stance after the successful attack, breathing out with a, "Whooooo-aaaaahhhh," sound as she refocuses herself.

(defend with 6 ap)
(did the cost of spinning kick increase? it says 6ap...)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"It cant be... a dragonkin slaver, this dimension is a mess" Celestia is upset about that and look directly to the leader and try to attack him, but before that she remember the formation and decide to wait"this really bother me...HEY YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU TO BRING SHAME TO THE DRAGONKIN NOT ONLY FOR BE A SLAVER BUT ALSO A COWARD, COME HERE AND CONFRONT ME, NOW!".

(Move to I 10)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana's focus remains on the leader. The fact that he didn't even flinch when her arrow soared past him makes her mad, and she carelessly starts moving closer to him, trying to get in range.

(Action: Use remaining AP to move Northeast toward leader.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva defends once more, feeling almost lost from the amount of range fighting going on... Maybe Lily would make her feel better... But, as Aegis sneaked past the Naga, the woman was feeling quite the same way as her lover from earlier before. She curled up, just in case the slavers got closer... Kaye, tired from her Round-house, used the last of her energy to defend. Lilliana runs up to a bush, hiding inside of it - sure, it looked kinda goofy... But it must have made it harder for creature to hit her...

Then it happened: Celestia shouted her challenge.

Silence fell on the battle field after that. Without a single noise, the eyes of the remaining Kainos fell upon their leader... Whose own serpentine eyes, wide with surprise, stared at the golden dragoness... Before becoming slits, his blue scales flushing with embarrassment and rage quickly, growling menacingly...

"You little bitch!" He roared, shaking loose some debris, "I was content toying with you all! Letting my men be slaughtered to judge your strength! But now, NOW, you deal with me! Kail Al'Thoon of the fire tribe!" Seemingly unperturbed by the announcement they would have all died against the Heroines, the Kainos all rushed forward, as the Dragonkin pulled a large Broadsword from the ground - then a long sword, which shone brighter than any light they had all seen - wielding them both as he crashed through the shrubbery, foaming at the mouth, skidding to a stop in front of Celestia!

((...I'm... surprised... he even got hit by the Charisma check. x.x;...

Also, Xivvix... Round House is 6 AP. But you moved forward in the same turn, adding on another 2 AP.))


New Actions...
Shiva defends, gaining 32 AC. She has 4 AP left over for the next turn.
Aegis moves to H9, losing 8 AP, leaving her with 1.
Lily uses 11 AP to defend, gaining 22 AC; she loses 3 MP from Metal Bones. She has 20 AP lft, and 65 MP left.
Kaye defends with 6 AP, gaining 12 AC. She has no AP left.
Celestia moves to I10, losing 2 AP as she does. She has 29 AP left. She challenges the Dragonkin slaver...
40 + 18 = 58 vs. 25 + 12 = 37. Success. She enrages and provokes the Dragonkin.
((WOW. That's gonna end poorly.))
Lilliana moves 4 AP to F12, hiding in the bushes. She gains an extra 2 AC. Lilliana has no AP.

The man at Y7 moves to U10, using 8 AP. He defends with 1, giving him 2 extra AC - and no AP.
The man at X8 moves to T9, using 8 AP. He gains 2 extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at AB2 moves to AB5, using 8 AP. He gains 2 Extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at X1 moves to X3, using 4 AP. He gains 8 extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at S1 moves to S5, using 8 AP. He gains 2 extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at O1 moves to L5, using 8 AP. He gains 2 extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at I1 moves to F5, using 8 AP. He gains 2 extra AC and has no AP left.
The man at B2 moves to ??, the Heroines suddenly losing track of him...
Dragonkin Slaver goes into a frenzy, losing 1 HP as he barrels to H10. He has 2 AP left, but decides to give Celestia the first shot.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily smiles, seeing a close target, one who looked like he could stand after receiving an arrow or two. "Come, Ssshiva. Looksss like we get sssome action now..." She hisses, slithering closer to the dragonkin slaver, pouncing him when she was close enough, then pummeling his sensitive areas.

(Move 1 space right(2 if needed), then "Pounce!" the head slaver, attacking PP as many times as AP will allow afterward(or just 4 attacks)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

And deal with you we shall...

Turning around and directing her attention to the enraged dragonkin which had so boldly moved into close range of the heroines, the elven woman notched a single arrow to her bow and waited for her opportunity to strike...

(Action: Wait to recover AP)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(I didn't know I only had 20 AP left...)

Shiva blinked at the dragon kin's charge, but then looked to the oncoming troops heading towards them, and started to take some steps towards the oncoming foes...

(Shiva uses her meager 4 AP to get closer to the slaver at F5)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The confrontation of Kail Al'Thoon just increase the desire of start a single battle. Celestia focus all her attention to him and don't pay attention to her comrades or the others slavers"No, you deal with the truth, you don't have a chance to win"

(action: attack with a slash direct to his face then use magma)(i have RIP so you still have a chance silth XD)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye stares at the dragonkin leader, surprised at his sudden charge. Though winded from her last attack, she moves into position to attack the leader after she catches her breath.

(move to G 11)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Derp. Just realized Innocent's character had no AP. Starting to update.x.x; ))
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana pause and blinks at the speed the Dragonkin moved. Surprised and a bit afraid, she ducks into the bush she is hiding in and tries to rest, hoping no one will net her.

(Action: Rest)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The battle progresses slowly yet, with Lily trying to tackle the Slave Leader - only to end up on the other side of him. Kail furthers his dodge, spinning to the side as Celestia slashed at him. However, he didn't anticipate the next blast of Magma... But in his rage, the Dragonkin only seemed to shrug off the pain!

Shiva, seeing as how others were busy with the Leader, she tries to move closer to one of the lesser Slavers. Kaye decides that there needs to be one more helping hand with the Leader, as she steps closer...

******Rolls and shit******

Lily grins wickedly, pouncing at the dragonkin!
14 + 27 = 41 vs. 49 (Automiss).
Lily lands in I10, missing the dragon as he bent backwards to dodge her.
Shiva moves from E12 to E10, using her last 4 AP.
Celestia slashes at Kail's face..
7 + 19 = 26 vs. 35 (Automiss)
...Then immediately covers the area in Magma!
34 + 50 = 84 (Autohit); Damage: 5 ((Ick)) * 1.5 = 8.
The dragon finds himself covered in Magma also!
Kaye moves to G11, losing 6 AP.

With only one player left with AP, a new round begins.

Begin Round 2, Turn 1.

All actions will happen posting order for now; So if you're afraid of hitting your ally while they're grappling an enemy (which can happen now, thanks to some swanky rules I should post by tomorrow), attack someone else.
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Aiee, zere iz no map, doctor! I cannot zee! I cannot zee anything! Ahh!