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Re: More survivors?

Azure returned the graceful bow, smiling softly to the rather ... she actually couldn't come up with a single word that properly described this woman.


"Azure. From A to Z News. And the pleasure is all mine. I don't want to be a bother if you're busy... but I would like to take some time to speak with you, if you don't mind."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia nodded happily, drawing a nearby seat close to her stool wear she painted, gesturing Azure to sit, "Of course! I love talking with new people, especially when they're cute, like you!" she said with glee as she sat on her stool, awaiting Azure to take her own stool and speak with the woman.
Re: More survivors?

Azure bowed to Rosemary.


"Thank you for bringing me here."

She turned away from the girl and grabbed one of the stools sitting around, bringing it closer and taking a seat beside the artistic leader.


"I guess... I just want to know how this all started. I want to hear everything. I've been trying so hard to figure out what's going on and I keep being rejected... it'd just be nice to have someone who can tell me everything once and for all. And maybe... pass the information on to others..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia cast a regretful look to Azure, "Oh... I don't think I know the answer to that question, Miss Azure... You probably know more than I do, I can't even remember anything before the attack, I think I must have been hit on the head, or something..." then, she jerked up, her smile returning, "Oh! But I think I know who might have the answers, does this picture mean anything to you?" she says, reaching into her pocket, and giving the thin photo to Azure,


Emilia goes on as Azure looks at the photo, "If anyone knows what's happened, it must be him. Some women told me that they feel like his... Something, I forget what they called it, is really powerful, and that he held up at a mall for several days after the attack, somehow managing to defend it all by himself!" Emilia shook her head, shrugging, "I meant to send a crew to find him, but... He vanished yesterday... No reports were made on whether he was alive, or dead." she stated regretfully.
Re: More survivors?

Azure shakes her head.


"Never seen him before. But if he's really this important then I'd bet good money on where he's at... The director has him."

She sighed softly.


"Miss... I... regret to inform you... but I don't think I can stay... at least... not yet. But... I'm going to come back. I want to come back..."

Azure's smile grew as she said it, this was the first peaceful place she'd discovered since this entire mess began, and she wanted to stay here with all her heart, which only strengthened her resolve.
Re: More survivors?

Lin tired of being dragged around by Daisy, spoke.

"So what do you usually do for fun around here?"
Re: More survivors?

Emilia leaned over, placing her hand on Azure's lap, "Azure, you're more than welcome here anytime, I look forward to seeing you again, be sure to visit me?" she asks, her face not losing any happiness.


Daisy planted her hands on her hips, "Well, I was gonna have fun with you!" she claims, and begins pushing Lin more until they reach Daisy's small room, a simple bed, next to a TV and a countless amount of games...

Daisy quickly pushes Lin inside, shutting the metal door behind her as she turns with a mischievous grin to her playmate, "Are you ready to have fun?" she asks with a slightly devilish tone?
Re: More survivors?

Azure felt a wave of happiness wash over her.


"th.. thank you..."

It felt like she'd been dealing with this new, horrifying world for so long that she forgot what real gratitude felt like. It couldn't have been more than a few days, yet it felt like a lifetime.

Azure leapt up and threw her arms around the woman, almost crying in joy.


"thank you so much..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia squeaked in surprise as Azure wrapped her arms around her, returning her hug after taking in the situation, "Oh, goodness! You surprised me there!" she laughed as she cuddled With Azure.
Re: More survivors?


"I'm sorry... it's just such a relief to be here... safe... with people who are reasonable..."

She gently released Emilia and moved back to her seat slowly, blushing and looking down uncertainly.


"I guess... it's time to tell you why I came here... But before I do. What can you tell me about your place here... the people... why you came here... anything you can. I... I know I'm making the right decision. But I just want to be absolutely sure."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia glances to Rosemary, who shrugs, unable to answer her unasked question, then looks back to Azure, "Right decision?" Emilia asks, baffled, "I'm sorry... I don't quite understand... Is something the matter?" Emilia asks with a concerned voice for her guest.
Re: More survivors?

Azure nodded slowly.


"I'll explain everything in a bit... just... I want to hear your side of it all first. I don't want to jump into something foolishly again."
Re: More survivors?

Lin didn't even catch Daisy as she begins looking through the games she got.

"Whoa, this game is really fun. And I always wanted to try this game. And what is this game about? It looks really interesting!"
Re: More survivors?

Emilia put a hand to her chin, "My side of it? Hmm..." she thinks for a minute, "I don't know, exactly, I suppose I just want all of the monsters to go away, and for everyone to live happily."

Rosemary speaks up, "I think what she's trying to ask is, what happened after you woke up, and how was this place founded...? Maybe, I can't say I know exactly what she's asking."

Emilia looked down for a second, then answered, "Well, it's all fussy, what exactly did you want to know? I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what you're asking..."
Re: More survivors?


"How you survived. How you got here. How you're dealing with the monsters. What you're doing to help put an end to the monsters... I just need someone to reassure me... to show me that there's still some good left in this horrible place..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia closed her eyes, trying to remember...

"I woke up, this was my first memory, in the middle of a warehouse. I think I saw a woman with pure white hair as I phased in and out, looking over me.

"After some time, I woke up, as did several other women around me. We all realized that none of us retained our memories, and I suppose that's what made us bond together the most.

"We were desperate to find sanctuary, the whole city was dark, until we eventually found this prison. There were people already inside who let us in, and took care of us, helping us try to understand what happened, as we all remembered nothing, and still don't.

"The next day, I brought up the subject of other women out there that might still be trapped, like us, and we quickly ended up using the weapons from the guards to shoot our way into breeding dens, making round trips until we got them all out.

"People said that because I suggested that we save them, that I should be their leader, although I wouldn't know anything about being in charge...

Emilia took a deep breath, "After that, everyone just had me stay here, telling them what they should do, although they take care of it fine without me..."

"We realized that the monsters will only continue to come until we kill off their breeding line, by rescuing captive women, so that's what we've been doing since then, and the attacks have lessened greatly."

Emilia said shyly after finishing her story, "I hope I answered you questions, I not very good at story telling..." she said with a blush.
Re: More survivors?

Azure could only beam with excitement.


"You've answered everything I need to know... and... now as promised..."

She looked down, suddenly frowning sharply.


"I must tell you what I know... Apple Inn. The place that I am sure this man has been taken to. The place where ... It's hard to explain... There is a woman there who seems to know everything about what is going on. She hides it from the people there. She doesn't want us to figure out why this is all happening. And she put a mission up to have women come here and steal your resources.

This woman calls herself 'The Director'. And she's dangerous. She's the one who put out the mission that led to the breeding den with so many innocent girls being blown up...

She's so focused on hiding the truth and killing these creatures, no matter how many of us she kills... that she killed one of the very women she seemed to hold in high regard... as almost a friend even, if such a woman even knows the meaning of the word. She sent the woman to her death... and if she does that with her close companions... she'll have no hesitation in killing all of us."

Azure looked pale and worried for her new home, so eager to stay here and never return to that cursed place called Apple Inn... but at the same time, the full weight of what she just said hit her as well like a ton of bricks, tears forming in her eyes.


"I finally find someplace to call home in this horrible city... and it's already at risk of being destroyed..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia quickly leans over to Azure, cooing her with a soft voice as she embraces the girl, "Shh..." she whispered, rocking back and forth in an attempt to comfort her, "It's alright, don't cry, don't cry." she repeated, rocking Azure back and forth, her hand stroking the girl's hair.
Re: More survivors?

Azure threw her arms around Emilia again, pressing her head against the woman's shoulder.


"I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything there... nothing I said did anything... nothing I tried helped anything... the people there... it's like they're all being hypnotized by her. Even... even... the guy who called me out here... he's just... completely under her power now. I didn't even stand a chance against her."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia only continued to try and soothe her, rocking back and forth, cooing her with a soft voice.