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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

... like DeMatt mentioned, Inspired have a much harder time leveling up skills, so what an Inspired starts with, is pretty much what she gets, unless she's a horrible shot, like Emily. :p

So, does that mean the character I concept I drew up is non-functional? Letris thinks of herself as a badass martial artist. To fight the monsters, she would charge in, pound them into pulp, and "inspire" others with her "Aura of Awesome".

As a slow leveler, Letris would stay a weak sauce slapper. But with the blessings power, she's a cheerleader! Not the character concept I was going for...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So, does that mean the character I concept I drew up is non-functional? Letris thinks of herself as a badass martial artist. To fight the monsters, she would charge in, pound them into pulp, and "inspire" others with her "Aura of Awesome".

As a slow leveler, Letris would stay a weak sauce slapper. But with the blessings power, she's a cheerleader! Not the character concept I was going for...

If she's a fighter, that low perception is gonna be nasty, as the enemies are gonna have a severe advantage over her, as far as, "Who can see who" goes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wait, Letris is a self proclaimed martial artist?... Me thinks I should have Fleur teach her a lesson in humility... *cough*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If she's a fighter, that low perception is gonna be nasty, as the enemies are gonna have a severe advantage over her, as far as, "Who can see who" goes.

Wait, Letris is a self proclaimed martial artist?... Me thinks I should have Fleur teach her a lesson in humility... *cough*

Woot! Free XP!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And yes, like DeMatt mentioned, Inspired have a much harder time leveling up skills, so what an Inspired starts with, is pretty much what she gets, unless she's a horrible shot, like Emily. :p

Wooo I'm different!

And should I be happy or insulted at this comment...

Yeah happy!

*goes back to mowing...*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Woot! Free XP!

Speaking of free XP, I've also come up with ideas in regards to how Fleur managed to "capture" Luna... (The two have a "fight", with the stakes being whoever won would obey the other for the course of the next hour or so... Fleur wins naturally since Luna isn't using her gun, and using the back of her blade...Yeah.) But that aside, I need ideas on how to create a "dominatrix personality" for Fleur. Since for some reason, every time I try to picture that, I start shaking rather uncomfortably... >_>;;
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But that aside, I need ideas on how to create a "dominatrix personality" for Fleur. Since for some reason, every time I try to picture that, I start shaking rather uncomfortably... >_>;;

Maybe that's your brain trying to tell you that its a bad idea. Really I never liked the idea of Fleur becoming a mini Jesse and fucking Luna. The idea seemed kinda forced and rushed. No offense to anyone.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe that's your brain trying to tell you that its a bad idea. Really I never liked the idea of Fleur becoming a mini Jesse and fucking Luna. The idea seemed kinda forced and rushed. No offense to anyone.

Yeah, plus the dominatrix thing doesn't fit Fleur in a sense :p...She's not a sadist. Luna on the other hand, would probably make a better one if she ever stopped treating the impulses of her body as a defect. Ho-hum... I guess I'll work something out. I have until Saturday anyway.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, plus the dominatrix thing doesn't fit Fleur in a sense :p...She's not a sadist. Luna on the other hand, would probably make a better one if she ever stopped treating the impulses of her body as a defect. Ho-hum... I guess I'll work something out. I have until Saturday anyway.

Think of some new ideas for your characters, some things that fit them better. Fleur and Luna fucking and falling in love just seems dumb to me. I mean really, Luna killed Fleur's family, took everything from her, and beat the hell out of her. Fleur should only feel hot rage for Luna.

If you want someone to bounce ideas off of let me know.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No one will ever be able to beat Jesse at that *cough*. Now my real question is, how do I get out of this predicament that Fleur is in? :x;;, seems like the only way is to test what she's learned on Jesse.

@BurntToast: Hot rage? Perhaps, although Fleur has a relatively strong hatred for Luna, she's not as extreme in a sense. For one, she's afraid of killing. Even if Luna basically handed her a gun and told her to shoot, she'd be a tad too fearful to. (One reason why Luna mocked her to that extent the last time they met, she knows Fleur is unable to actually kill her. Thus why she also let her go.) The "fucking" might just be out of boredom, although honestly the love bit I doubt will ever happen. Mainly as Luna holds any romantic feelings for Fleur, or anyone really for that matter. Perhaps fighting/traveling companions (should it ever come to that) at the best. Although for the context of the roleplay, I'm avoiding pairing Luna and Fleur together, since they counteract each other's weaknesses a tad too well.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How 'bout Fleur captures Luna, rapes her, and then they individually and collectively decide they didn't like it and jump Jesse?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey RJ I'm gonna edit my post later on... I forgot Emily could use traps <.<

*Goes back to mowing...*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How 'bout Fleur captures Luna, rapes her, and then they individually and collectively decide they didn't like it and jump Jesse?

That'd require them teaming up ;P, and Luna honestly doesn't care enough at this point to bother. She's disillusioned with many things.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You do realize that they are living in a monster polluted city?
So Fleur would've lost everything anyways, so instead of still mulling over revenge why would she still want to kill Luna when (if possible)a chance for them to get along pops up? Fleur isn't stupid, and Luna if returned to normal would probably feel bad about killing random people and screwing over Fleur's life earlier than expected, so rather than crossing out the chance of Fleur and Luna getting along we should at least give them a chance to branch off to that direction.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You do realize that they are living in a monster polluted city?
So Fleur would've lost everything anyways, so instead of still mulling over revenge why would she still want to kill Luna when (if possible)a chance for them to get along pops up? Fleur isn't stupid, and Luna if returned to normal would probably feel bad about killing random people and screwing over Fleur's life earlier than expected, so rather than crossing out the chance of Fleur and Luna getting along we should at least give them a chance to branch off to that direction.

Here's the thing, as far as I'm concerned, Luna will NEVER get back her original memories. She'll return to being a more normal person at best, but normal refers to as normal you can get in a apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic world. Which means she won't have too many qualms about killing still. Now if Shrike goes through with being the third leg, we can have Fleur stop mulling on revenge on the context that: Her father was a royal bastard and had been deceiving even her for most of her life. But as for Luna? She feels no regret for killing the people she did, as the people she's killed are mainly corrupt pigs/the trash of society that deserved to die in the first place.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uh huh, I guess I understand what you mean.
But how will Fleur react when she hears that her father is a royal bastard and was lying to her half her live and maybe was going to sell her to this other politican or w.e horrible things he planned? And I am pretty sure Luna won't be going back to normal if things were done in Jesse's way, in fact I think she might even go worst. Because in her mind, that would be a 'weakness' and she will neither train herself not to so weak to it or wrap up her emotions even tighter.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Fleur will likely disbelieve it at first, then perhaps track down Luna to confirm it. (Although Luna would likely just restate what she had said before: "She has only killed the sinful and corrupt." But that would be enough really.) After that, cue some depression, someone stepping in to snap her out of it, then we get rid of that little unwanted hatred.

Regarding Luna, well... that's partially true. Although she's mostly unaffected by rape mentally at this point, as she forces herself into a "nil" state, where her mind essentially stops all activity/secludes itself far away from what's happening to her body. So anyone who raped her would essentially be raping a corpse/doll almost, since "Luna" herself wouldn't be there. Think what happens when you break someone's spirit completely, and they become emotionless/unresponsive. Although, it's probably been stated that she's "afraid" of people being genuinely kind to her, since she has no idea regarding how to respond. (She can tell if people are trying to trick her/faking it.) That's also probably the only exception to her "blanking her mind" when it comes to sex/torture/etc. But those usually don't involve genuine kindness in the first place :p.
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