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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Perhaps it was a mix of both? If Enhuvin was willing to wait for another ten minutes or so, Mehuia would begin to wander towards wakefulness, shifting and yawning and taking her time.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He stuck around, but only barely -- he was sitting up and pulling on his pants as she began to shift, having just started getting ready to get up and do some exploring about this cavern. However, seeing her begin to awaken he paused, sitting on the edge of the bed and grinning a bit.

"Good morning," he greeted when he deigned her awake enough -- somewhat ironically, considering it was nowhere near morning. "Did I wake you up?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Morning...?" Mehuia asked, blinking blearily before knuckling the sand from her eyes. "Mm, Enhuvin. No, you didn't wake me... bed just felt empty." Pushing herself to sitting, her hands supporting her weight, she cast him a big, lazy smile. "Planning on taking off? Can I come with you?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

His grin widened. "I'd love it if you did. I certainly could use a guide."

He bent for a moment and retrieved his shirt; grabbed her clothes too while he was down there, bringing them up onto the bed for her to get whenever she wanted to get clothed. "Sleep well?" he asked, starting to pull on his shirt again. Hmm, he was sticky. Could probably use a bath.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Like the dead," she told him, accepting her clothing gratefully. Slipping her clothing on, and probably coming to the same conclusion, she never the less cast him a minx-like grin. "You really know how to run a girl down."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He laughed and shook his head, "you wore me down plenty good. I haven't been up long."

Boosting himself up off the bed, he peeked outside the curtain that concealed them (more or less) from the outside cavern. It was dark enough that he couldn't see much, not details anyways. He looked back at Mehulia. "All that wearing down, it's left me kind of sticky, too," he explained, "would there happen to be anywhere to bathe, here?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As Enhuvin pulled the curtain back to look about the cavern, he could see that it wasn't quite as dark as he'd originally expected. The tapestries hung from the ceiling showed gently rolling, post-dusk clouds, while the wide room was lit in a muted fashion. He could see that most of the people that inhabited this cavern had settled down for the evening, some eating together, some simply sharing one another's company by firelight.

"Oh, you." He hadn't spotted Hammer at first, the daemon's black fur and feathers making good camouflage. The creature's gold eyes reflected oddly in this muted light as he turned his raptorine face towards Enhuvin. Apparently the creature had been lounging to one side of the nook -- if the human glanced the other way, it looked like Plover was resting at the other side. Whatever the case, Hammer didn't seem any more enthralled by Enhuvin's presence now than he had when the four of them entered the cavern... at least he didn't make any snide comments!

"The lake's nice and warm," Mehuia was saying, unaware of the fact that her bodyguards were standing watch outside the nook. "There aren't a lot of people using it at this time of the day!" She was perched at the end of the pallet, buttoning up her trousers.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He'd been startled by the daemons and, on second thought, amused by their sudden presence; they really did seem to want to look out for Mehuia! "That sounds nice," he responded to her a bit distractedly, and peeked outside again.

Then he stepped out into the cave, pulling the curtain aside to do so but letting it drop again after. He'd wait for her a moment out here... anyways, he wouldn't mind making a good impression on the two daemons who watched over her! "Don't worry, she's in one piece," he said to Hammer, grinning to cover up brief nervousness. Those two were the epitome of predatory-looking! "And happy, I think. Have you guys been waiting out here long?" He looked between the two daemons.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Long enough," Hammer growled, still unimpressed. Perhaps it was just that the daemon was always like this, though Plover, at least, seemed genial enough.

She rose to her feet, her clawed forepaws scraping the earth as she bent forward to stretch hugely. "We were asked to bring Mehuia to Agape at her nearest convenience," she explained to the human as she came upright again. Hammer was rising to his feet as well, as the elemental peeked out from behind the curtain.

"I thought I heard you two," she smiled brightly, emerging fully from the nook. Resting her hands on Hammer's head, scratching the daemon behind his ears and eliciting a purr from the predatory daemon, Mehuia pleaded her case: "can we at least go for a wash, first? I don't think Agape would like if I showed up the way I'm feeling just now."

Plover had wandered over, brushing a wing against Enhuvin before butting up against the woman. "I'm sorry, Mehuia, he sounded like he'd rather see you right away."

Torn, the elemental cast a glance at her recent partner. "Would you like to come along? I can introduce you, and you can ask about staying here." Thinking about what she'd said, she added, "can he come along?" to the daemons.

Plover nodded, though Hammer snorted. "If you think that's a good idea..." he didn't seem to!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin listened and considered, noticing with some amusement Hammer's change in demeanor when it came to the elemental. He did smile at Plover when she came his way, finding her easier to get along with! When the question was posed, he thought about it, and shrugged. It wasn't like Agape wouldn't know what was going on in his caverns, honestly, not in a place like this... En' was more eager, really, right now to secure a place to stay, than to worry too much about the impression he was going to make on the patron of a cavern that seemed in some ways designed for lots of sex!

"I'd like to come along, then," he agreed, adding a nod. "Make my case to your patron." The man smiled at Mehuia. "While I still have the endorsement of a lovely lady." Charmer!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Mehuia ducked her head to hide a pleased grin, then took the lead, leaving the two daemons and Enhuvin to follow her. "This way, then. He lives across the lake."

The 'lake' was not quite as extensive as its name suggested: most of it seemed to be fairly shallow, and only the portion that extended out to the back of the cavern looked as though it got at all deep... though it had grown dark, so it was hard to tell. They crossed over the mote-like lake via a low, wooden bridge, and found themselves on springy grass that was actually sheltered by real trees... it was as good as being outdoors... sort of. It was definitely better than what most slaves got to see before they were sold off to individual owners!

Mehuia, self-conscious about her tangled hair, attempted to smooth it out with her long fingers as they approached a low building -- the only building in the cavern. Not bothering to knock, the elemental pushed the wooden door open, revealing a room lit by firelight. "Agape?" she called, allowing the daemons and Enhuvin to enter as she cast about and didn't immediately see the patron.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As they moved through the extensive cavern, Enhuvin marveled progressively more at the effort that had obviously been put into making this place hospitable, comfortable even. The lake looked lovely; he peered down at it as they passed over. But he was truly enchanted by the trees, the little forest... well, not really, but he was grinning like a kid as, in a flight of fancy, he imagined it so. "This place is gorgeous," he told the three he was walking with, though really, it was an offhand comment rather than an attempt at conversation! He wiggled his toes in grass as he walked, and enjoyed the quiet dusky dark of the trees they passed under. He was smitten by this place.

He pulled his distracted self back in only once they reached the door, jolted by seeing his lady companion try and make herself more presentable. He smiled at her but said nothing, following her into the building in turn. As his eyes adjusted to the warm light of the indoors, he looked about himself, taking in the structure -- and keeping an eye out for anyone who might, well, look patron-ly.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

What Enhuvin expected was probably not what he was going to get. As Hammer and Plover bee-lined for the fireside (there were bits of feathers and fur covering the rug there) and curled up to watch the ensuing events, the human found himself somewhat alone on the threshold of the homey looking room. He could see rows and rows of books lining just about every wall, though a door to the back was closed. Mehuia was just about to open it, when a tall man, possibly even skinnier than Enhuvin (though older -- he looked as though he might be in his late twenties or early thirties) strode out and caught sight of Mehuia. He certainly wasn't human: his skin was even paler than Mehuia's, perhaps with a blueish tint (though it was hard to tell against the warm cast of the firelight here). His short hair was definitely white, not even blonde. The man -- Agape, then -- placed his hands on Mehuia's shoulders, greeting her with a kiss on the forehead. "You've been out all day," he told her, "how have you been?"

Mehuia, giving him a peck on the cheek (though it seemed as though he was looking for a little more,) blushed as she replied, "well, thank you." Without preamble or explanation, she gestured towards Enhuvin. "Agape, this is Enhuvin -- he's a newcomer that I brought down earlier today... I told him that he could apply to you to be able to stay here, if he wanted, and he said he'd like that."

The other man's eyes snapped to Enhuvin, and the human could watch his expression change from cheerful to neutral, to the point where a slight frown crossed his mouth. Agape looked between Mehuia and the human, putting two and two together. Though his cheeks turned an interesting shade of pink (it ran a little towards purple), he only replied, "oh." That single syllable held a decidedly frosty note.

"Here we go," Enhuvin might be able to hear Hammer murmur to his daemon companion -- he got shushed by Plover before he could say anything else.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

It dawned on Enhuvin in steps that he might have made a bad mistake. At first he'd thought maybe this Agape guy was a nice guy, maybe he treated all his favoured underlings to a forehead-kiss now and then. But as Agape gave him that look, and he really realized his misstep, he felt a sinking feeling. Maybe it would have been better if he had come here without the endorsement of a lovely lady after all.

And how was I supposed to know she belonged to someone else? he protested to himself. I mean, I just got here! And it's not like she told me. He offered Agape a smile to counter that icy look, while sighing inwardly. Well, there's no way this can be the only good cave in this place. But I'll miss Mehuia. And the trees.

Deciding to give it the best shot he could, he bowed to the man, not averse to using a bit of theatre to butter him up! "May I make my case?" he asked, what he hoped was humbly but firmly.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The strange elemental tilted his head to one side, replying, "you may," as if he didn't really expect Enhuvin to do a good job of it.

Mehuia, the last to realize that there was potentially a big problem here, looked between the men as she pulled her lower lip in frowning thought. She didn't say anything yet, but she did her best to cast an encouraging look to the human.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

So maybe, he thought, having a patron who dislikes me isn't a great idea... but Enhuvin figured, better to secure a place to stay for now and see how it goes. So he offered the male elemental a genial smile.

"I just arrived at the Burrows earlier today, and was found first by Mehuia, Plover and Hammer. I'm told most aren't fortunate enough to be picked up by such decent folks. They were kind enough to explain to me how things work here, generally, and to guide me to your cavern.

"Now, I haven't seen very much of the Burrows at all, but I do know that I like what I see here," he told Agape, making sure not to look at Mehuia, not to drive that particular point home! "Your people seem like decent folks; your lake is lovely; and those trees!" He grinned then, his truthful enthusiasm about the greenery hopefully shining through! "I've never seen anything like that indoors. Or outdoors, or really at all. The fact that you've got plants growing in here... it's amazing." He smiled. "So if you would deign to let me stay here, I would be honored. And I would do my best to fit in and follow all the rules... provided I'm let know what they are before I transgress." Was that a subtle point he was making about not knowing that Mehuia was the patron's special friend? In any case, he seemed to mean it in good faith!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Agape listened through Enhuvin's speech, leaning on one of the bookcases as he did so. His scowl was not so fierce as it first had been, though he still did not look impressed. "The rules are relatively simple," the elemental hybrid told the newcomer. "Don't hurt anyone while you're here, contribute to the cavern while you live here, and ask before you take." If Enhuvin could make subtle hints, so could Agape!

Mehuia, feeling the need to step in, told the patron, "he didn't know, Agape. I asked him." She was flushed bright pink, embarrassed.

"I figured as much," the elemental snapped, without turning his attention away from the human. "You have a week's leave here, Enhuvin, and I'll be keeping an eye on you. If you haven't brought a contribution to the cavern from Falia by the end of the week, consider yourself banished." He had drawn a line across his neck as he said that last bit, though he couldn't be serious if he used such mild words!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

And how do I do that? the man wondered. But at least, he supposed, he had a week to find out. Besides, he couldn't imagine he'd find a place that wouldn't require him to bring something in, make himself useful. "Thank you," he said simply, not adding another bow -- that might be overdoing it.

He looked between Agape and Mehuia and didn't quite frown. He didn't want to wait to be dismissed, or maybe stay here as they forgot about him. "Should I go?" he asked uncertainly.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Yes," Agape told him, at the same time as Mehuia said, "no!" After an awkward pause, in which Agape cast a frown at the other elemental and Mehuia simply looked a little miserable, Agape bit his lip and took a breath in to calm himself. "Mehuia, go help Enhuvin get started, and explain anything to him that he doesn't understand. Come back to me later tonight." Looking at the both of them, with their bed-head and wrinkled clothes, he amended, "after a wash. I'll have one of the daemons fetch you if you take too long."

That said, the hybrid made an effort to nod civilly at Enhuvin before disappearing into his back-room again, perhaps slamming the door louder than he needed to.

Mehuia slipped over to Enhuvin the moment that there was a door between her and the patron, wide eyed and shaking a little as she slipped an arm around his and hurried them out the door. "I'm sorry!" she apologized as they reached the grassy path, "I'm really sorry!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Civil nod, door slam -- Enhuvin tried his best to take it all in stride but still ended up feeling conflicted and a bit annoyed. He couldn't even make an informed decision right now about whether this was a bad idea, or whether going out into the Burrows to find a new place to stay would be an even worse one. He let Mehuia lead him from the cabin, and even mustered up a smile for the woman... one that gentled when he looked at her. She really did seem distressed about the situation.

As they walked, he shrugged. "I don't regret what we did," he told her (once they were definitely out of the cabin!), framing it in a positive light. "Just that it complicated things. Would you happen to have any tips about your patron that might help out a fellow under scrutiny?" he asked, his humor there but a bit strained.
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