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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Like I said, I'm fixing your damn leg whether you like it..." Melissa stops speaking as the wall panel slides open, her shotgun immediately flying into her hands. As she looks at the man, she calls back to Michael, "I'll finish giving you orders in a second, sir."

Carefully moving over to the man in the chair, Melissa looks him over. Finally deciding he probably wasn't some kind of disguised Fallen, she puts her shotgun away, and taps away at the buttons on the panel, calling up whatever information was available. "Some kind of experimental soldier," she says to Michael. "Would have come in handy back on the bridge. Should I wake him up?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"If it keeps you away from my pants, then sure. Wake him up." Michael says as he limps over to the door from the medlab and looks at the person in the chair "Looks like he's asleep." he says, his right eye not visibly open, but barely cracked to look at the soldier "He could very well be one of the only original crew members."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria in the mean time had set the ship on course to make the moon base, and within minutes they were there, the mighty sub-light engines of their new ship getting them there quickly.

She was about to relax when the sensors on the chair beeped. Looking at them she noted activation of some kind of stasis unit in one of the medical bays, one that happened to have people in it. Not liking it, she keyed her radio.

"Med bay three, this is bridge, I'm registering some kind of tank stasis deactivation in your immediate area, what's the situation there?"

Even though it had deactivated, there was no life-sign blip on the scanner.
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa grumbled at Michael's comment, then barked out angrily, "Do NOT leave this room. You are getting treated and that's that." While speaking, she busily starts to punch keys on the panel, beginning the sequence to awaken the soldier. With a hiss, chemicals start pumping through the tubes, and the activation process begins.

Putting a hand to her ear, Melissa radios "The is Dietrich. We found some kind of experimental soldier in stasis. We're waking him up now."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Unlike what the medic expected...There were no chemicals pumping through the tubes. In fact, by all appearances, they were decorative. There was, however, some movement. The man's eyes, however, had opened at the radio call from the bridge, and two dark violet eyes scanned around. The man's head didn't move, and he seemed to be held in place by a metal band with an Ω symbol in the middle. The band looked like in could be released, but there were no controls or computer commands for it.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael slowly raises his right hand to reach out of the room and extend three tendrils towards the band on the mans forehead, looking at it from afar and noticing the symbol "That's the Greek symbol for 'Omega'. Why would that be there?" he says, the tips of the tendrils splitting into five, almost like miniature hands, feeling and examining the band, Michael's own eyes closed as he did so
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Copy that, do you want me down there just in case of anything?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

After a bit...The symbol popped forward slightly, then spun like a combination lock. The band separated, and folded back away. The man's head rose, but no more moved beyond that.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well, if you want to come down here and use those fancy mind tricks to get the Commander to let me treat him, sure, but the info panel says everything is fine with this soldier," she said, looking over the man. "Hey there, you awake?" she asks him gently. "Have a name?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Looks like he's awake." Michael says, retracting the tendrils and then coughing twice "Soldier. State your designation and rank." he says very formally
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

There was no verbal response from the man, who had started to look around. His left hand did open, revealing a partially encrypted data disk. Dietrich would notice something she'd missed about the man, something that Adria had already noticed...The medical sensors weren't registering the man as an active life-sign.
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I'm on my way down there, but don't bet on the mind tricks working on Michael, they don't exactly work that way anyway. Five minutes, I'll be there."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Following the commotion after most of the Fallen had been flushed off the ship, Ava had opted to make herself as scarce as possible, hiding from the rest of the crew as she attempted to straighten out her disorganized mind. The mental assaults on her mind earlier had done far more to her than it would seem, having caused her original self to emerge far more than it ever had before. Once they had stopped, the conditioning has begun to take effect again, however this time, it was not sufficient to completely suppress neither the individual thought that had begun to creep back into her nor the immense hatred she felt. This resulted in her clutching her head in a corner, and fighting an internal battle against herself as one side struggled to control the other.

"Why are you helping them still? They're the ones who did this to you. You should be killing them! Not helping them!"

"That... is not... a valid order..."

"Order? Why should you be subject to the orders of ruthless pigs? They won't care if you die. All they care about is their own asses. Hell, it's the same for the people on this ship."


"Soldiers, scientists, politicians, what difference is there? They're still using you as a tool for their convenience. Nothing changes that.

"That...is necessary... to further... the human race..."

"The human race? Do you honestly believe you're still human? Take a look at yourself in the mirror why don't you? You've become a monster thanks to your precious "humans". Hell, you'd probably be better off helping the Fallen. At least then you share a common enemy."

"Stop... no more... get out..."

"I can't get out if you haven't noticed. Know why? That's because... I am you."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

In the depths of the ship, the Cager continued it's frantic, almost jerky run, the creature's now tangled limbs holding the insectlike Xerberus in it's coils. Slowly though, the creature in it's coils began stiring, making the Cager wonder if it should try and extract escape information from the creature...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael looks over the man, his right eye still barely open as he inspects him "State your name and rank." he says, the three tendrils wrapping around the man's throat "Or I will consider you as a threat."
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The man appears to get slightly confused, then slowly points with his right hand towards the disk, before making slowly gestures that seem to indicate that he can't speak.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael releases the man from his grasp, then moves one tendril over to grasp the edge of the disk and draw it back across the hallway into his right hand "I do believe everything is on this disk." he says, looking at it and then back at the man "Melissa. Leave him to his own devices until you can fix my arm." he says, turning and walking back into the room
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa sighs, then waves to the silent man before following Michael back into the main area of Medlab. "I can't believe you're serious about not fixing your leg. Alright fine, I'll set the Medtank to ignore everything below the waist. You can keep your pants on in there, but they'll be soaked when you come out." She moves back over to the Medtank computer and begins hitting the keys, still irritated at Michael, but no longer angry. "There, it's set to take care of your face and your arm. You'll still need to go under for it, though," she says as she walks over to the now opening Medtank, a large tube, with robotic devices sticking out from the sides. A facemask with multiple tubes strung to it hangs from the ceiling of the tank that would provide oxygen and sedatives during the procedure. She holds her arm up to gesture him in, and says, "You chariot awaits, your Highness. I hope this private doctor of yours is good."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Does having four arms count?" Michael says, setting the disk down on a table and walking into the medtank and grasping the mask in his right hand "Don't let anyone touch my goggles." he says, then attaches the mask to his face and crosses his arms as the tendrils recede away from his arms and legs, now pointing back against the wall of the tank "Make it snappy."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria arrived moments after Michael went into the tank. "What's our status here?"

She gives a glance to the newcomer who was in the tank, obviously curious but saying nothing for the moment.