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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

"Velvet Room... It's what he mentioned..." Anthony just seemed to be staring, but not really seeing. "Guy that lives there...Knows a bunch about stuff."
Re: Orchrios

Jack had remained silent, realizing he'd come close to attacking a potential ally. "My apologies, I didn't think you would be here Mr.... er, I don't think I caught your name."

He was obviously too full of questions, but the look on his face suggested later he'd be appearing at Shirashi's door step with them, rather than asking them here.
Re: Orchrios

Re: Orchrios

Jack nodded before speaking again. "Ah, well then Anthony Cross, I'm Jack O'Neill, though you probably knew that already. That Philemon guy said something about giving us 'gifts', and spoke of personae. Any idea what that was supposed to mean?"
Re: Orchrios

"Personas...Already have that. Masks...Weird guy knows more...Can't remember where the door is right now." It's getting pretty obvious just how drained Anthony is by the fight he'd apparently been in while the pair was out.
Re: Orchrios

Jack could see it in the other mans eyes, the tiredness and spaciness that accompanied one after a massive battle. "Why don't we close up for the day and get you back to Shirashi's residence now then? I'll talk with him myself and see what comes up, but from the looks of it Cross, you need to rest, and soon. Bell I don't suppose you have a car or something?"
Re: Orchrios

"Its alright Anthony, take a breather, we'll keep watch." She says softly, motioning to Jack that they should try and get him to sleep.
Re: Orchrios

Anthony doesn't exactly respond to that...Unless you count face-planting as a response.
Re: Orchrios

"Or we can just wait here, that works too."

After a moment he says to Bell, "er, maybe we should move him to my shop instead of here. Someone is bound to investigate this and we probably shouldn't be here when they do. Help me move him?"
Re: Orchrios

Bell looks from the rather large man on the ground to the rather large man standing. "So long as you plan on doing most of the work, I'm all for it." She says with a laugh.
Re: Orchrios

As an answer, Jack lifts Anthony up, the muscle in his arms flexing for just a moment in doing so. "Perhaps then you could get the doors?"

He clips off the key for the shop to her and hands it to her with the other arm before placing it back to carry the other guy.

Re: Orchrios

Bell smiles and nods. "That I can do." She says, taking the keys and leading the way, holding doors and moving boxes as they traced their path back to Jack's Shop. She fumbles with the key a bit, but gets it open finally and holds it open for him. "Sir..." She says in a haughty voice, flourishing as she stepped aside to let him through, and stifles a giggle shortly thereafter.
Re: Orchrios

Jack shook his head, then moved for the stairs. "I'll let him use the second bed up there for now, come."

He led them upstairs, and into a second bedroom that was surprisingly clean and bare of much in the way of possessions.
Re: Orchrios

"'Kay, just one second." She says, returning the tonfa she borrowed back to their spot before following him upstairs. She opened the bedroom door for him and helped get Anthony into bed properly, then led Jack out and closed the door behind him. "So, what now?" She asked.
Re: Orchrios

"Now we wait and see how long it will be before he's back on his feet. Other than that, I don't know."
Re: Orchrios

About early evening, Anthony woke...seeming to be in much better shape.
Re: Orchrios

Jack had gone in to check on their guest and nodded to him. "Hey, feeling any better?"
Re: Orchrios

"I'm somewhat coherent now. Using that ability always drains me...Of course, usually I don't get one that powerful."
Re: Orchrios

Jack shook his head, clearly not truly understanding but taking things at face value here for now. "There's quite a bit I'm not following on here. Mainly this whole thing about personae and gifts. I'm guessing I'll have to talk to Shirashi about that though?"
Re: Orchrios

"Actually, I might know more. Shiraishi hasn't really used his in years. Of course, the best place for knowledge would be the Velvet Room...But I don't know of any doors to it in this area, yet."
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