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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

WELCOME YOU!!! Remember to bring your diving suit and a big stick so you can go poking the bears in the caves...

Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Michael.
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: Australia.
Current Country of Residence: Australia.
Occupation: Course at Southbank.


Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Hazel.


Zodiac: Taurus
My Fears: Can't think of any off the top of my head...
Common Utterances: If it doesn't work...do it harder.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty.
Bad Habits:

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Sports.
2) Bigots/Racists.
3) People who think EVERYTHING is racist in some way.


TV Show: Better off Ted/Red Dwarf.
Drink: Spring Water/Lemonade.
Shoe: Ones that cover your feet.
Hat: Non-existent ones.
Color: Blue
Music Genre: Anything that doesn't suck. (Example: Rap. Blech.)
Internet Meme: The cake is a lie.

Do I...

Smoke: I dislike killing myself.
Swear: Why the fuck would you wanna know?
Flip out and kill people: Of course not. Now if you will excuse me, I must take the garbage out before it starts to smell.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Does a plastic guitar count?
Knit scarves for orphans: Fuck them, they can make their own scarves. Or buy them. They're parent-less, not penniless!


Can you see into it?
If I could, I wouldn't tell you.

Should Marty have gone back to it?
Sure, why not?

Where you'll be in 5 years?
Hopefully on the same planet, in the same country. I like it here.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Host ordered/blackmailed/bribed me into it. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!
Other random trivia: Smilies suck.
Re: Introduce yourself


You've already done that, minion. I told you to announce your return in the member anouncment thread, remember?
Re: Introduce yourself

They are newbies you are THE Newbie, see the capital N? ^_^
Re: Introduce yourself

3 Things You Dislike:...
...2) Bees..

...My Fears: I really don't like bees...

So it seems I have recently developed an allergy to bees. I found this out after having stumbled across a hive made by those fucking annoying termite like bees that burrow underground or in wood. Before, I could get stung and shrug it off, but now I actually react to it.

It's bad enough I already hate the shit out of bees with all my heart, now I have to be scared of them? (and all you people who like honey can screw yourselves, I hate that shit too and wouldn't miss it if it meant bees died) There are insects better at pollinating and there are bugs better at keeping other insect numbers low. Fuck bees, they are one track mind bastards. Ants have hive minds too, but if they're scurrying around, they usually avoid stuff while staying in a basic line, unlike the chaotic fucktard bees who just fly angrily at everything yelling "PROTECT ZE HIVE! PROTECT ZE HIVE!"

Do you ever see someone running for their lives from ants? No you fucking don't. If something's running from ants, they've learned their lesson, the ants leave them alone and get back to their busy ass schedule. Ants have an agenda, and if they ever kill something, it's one large thing for food, another colony of ants, or enemies that they take back and enslave. Bees are willing to kill themselves to mildly hurt something, taking tons of their own sacrifices to take down a larger creature.

For these reasons, it is my belief that not all ants are evil, but the ones that are: the nazis of the insect world, scary and organized. While bees, on the other hand, are the extremist suicide terrorists of the insect world.

In conclusion: I really fucking hate bees.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Interesting concept of bees and ants... I like it!
Re: Introduce yourself

Well I like ants and I hate bees, Idk.

ERRR... That's not to say I liked the nazis... i just haha host, get the car started I just meant that.. haha its actually funny when I explain it.. RUN!
Re: Introduce yourself

So Ants are nazi Germans and Bees are extremist suicidal Middle Easterners?
Re: Introduce yourself

Bees are fucking spazzes. The way they just sit there and hump the air all the time? Makes me sick.
Re: Introduce yourself

After 13 pages, I decide to give up and post this, then go to sleep for now.

The Basics

Name: Rin Umiko (Umiko is supposed to be the first name)
Age: 17 (an obvious lie)
Gender: supposedly female, but fail horribly
Birth Place: it should be somewhere on the map
Current Country of Residence: same as above
Occupation: NEET, will attend a university soon.


Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black too, I think


Zodiac: Pisces - Your personality is everchanging, one minute you're a docile, submissive person and the next one, you go out slaughtering everyone in sight. In short, your life is as much a mess as a bunch of tentacles
My Fears: bugs, and death without knowing the feeling of being tentacle-raped
Common Utterances: "I don't know"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: what glass?
Bad Habits: crash under pressure, randomly lose interest in works and go into lazy mode

3 Things You Dislike:
1) guro
2) stupid people
3) being free


TV Show: never watch 'em
Drink: coffee (black or with sugar)
Shoe: couldn't care less
Hat: doesn't wear enough to care
Color: dark blue, as dark as it can be and still be blue
Music Genre: lots
Internet Meme: I don't know

Do I...

Smoke: want to, but can't due to health condition
Swear: when no one else can hear it, or read it.
Flip out and kill people: Why would I- *grab the Desert Eagle and blow the next-door guy's head off because he has sex to loudly*
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Guitar? What's that?
Knit scarves for orphans: They will be put out of misery sooner without them. Poor kids.


Can you see into it? -Yes, I can see my doom, when it's inevitable.
Should Marty have gone back to it? -I don't know
Where you'll be in 5 years? -A trash mountain, dead due to being tentacle-raped in all orifices, hopefully.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: it's been so long, I've forgot it (I'm getting old)
Other random trivia: it's trivial, you don't need to care
Re: Introduce yourself

i welcome you our new friend. Enjoy and be raped...

wait... That did not come out right... CRAP.... *head explodes*
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome... kinda.

I mean a week ago.
But still

..Not to say you're not still welcome... I just mean.... God I'm such an idiot
Re: Introduce yourself

Because I only noticed that topic now and am really bored, here it is:

The Basics

Name: Gianni Carrea
Age: 20
Gender: Mââââââle
Birth Place: Belgium
Current Country of Residence: Belgium
Occupation: Recently graduated analyst/programmer.


Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black


Zodiac: Sagitarius.
My Fears: Sun burns (Belgium and its shitty weather be praised)
Common Utterances: "Ham rocks !"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Need to drink first, then i'll tell you.
Bad Habits: Hanging out in creepy forums.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) French men...
2) Vegans !
3) French vegans !!!!!!


TV Show: The big bang theory / How I met your mother.
Drink: Liquids
Shoe: On my feets.
Hat: Hair.
Color: plain white
Music Genre: Blue-eyed soul / New Jazz.
Internet Meme: Don't even know what that means...

Do I...

Smoke: Well not by myself...
Swear: Fuck no !
Flip out and kill people: On my to do list.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: As I always say: "Ridicule doesn't kill... enough..."
Knit scarves for orphans: I KNIT FOR NOBODY !


Can you see into it?
Yeah, I'm a fucking Miss Irma...
Should Marty have gone back to it?
Don't know who the fuck is Marty but i'm definately kicking his ass.
Where you'll be in 5 years?
Somewhere in yurop... (but not in god damn france :mad: !!!)

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: needed porn...
Other random trivia: black belt karaté practitionners, that Marty guy is so gonna get it...
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Rin Umiko and Dr. Maricon, I do hope you both enjoy your stay here in our wonderful halls.
Re: Introduce yourself

Right, it was a week ago, but I somehow missed this introduction thread. I've just noticed it yesterday.
Sorry for being slow.
Re: Introduce yourself


Welcome to the forums.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Now that's a fucking welcome.
Re: Introduce yourself


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