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What do you like in those ?


This is incredibly stupid, and neither of you are helping matters in the slightest. So I'm making this public. Stop, or I start abusing my powers.
I know right? But stupidity is good to laugh at so that's what I am doing :D
Also... helping? There is nothing to discuss on the matter, it's mainly rambling about wanting sun to be blue and I am just enjoying myself (as I said few times) xD
Do what you must if you must, duh. Hardly an abuse of "power".

This is incredibly stupid, and neither of you are helping matters in the slightest. So I'm making this public. Stop, or I start abusing my powers.

Yeah... that might work if we didn't know that you're not a real mod.

So if you're gonna get anyone to respond to your authority you'll need to make a display of power first.

Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Kekeke, so wait, he is one of the subforum mods? So without any actual power to "abuse"?
Well then, I guess doing what you must in this case is... nothing? Sorry Termite, but if that's the case then that intervention turned from "Yup, fine, mods have to stop some things" to "pathetic", and I am just pointing it out. In both cases, my statement stays.
Slicer, you get no points for new ms paint avatar xD
Better, you loose points for plebbit spacing xP
Check the discord. Apparently, Slicer is legit banned for... sassing a non-mod.
Well, he did ask for display of power. But I don't agree, show him that "power", wait five minutes, unban him. While he may be dumb, it's a really weak thing to do. Then again, it's just discord and I myself don't even check it often as there is nothing much going on.
Still, if it's "friend of a friend thing" of sassing a non-mod, apply same rules to every person and ban a huge chunk of forum. Otherwise it's exact same "got your back" that politicians do, good job.
Other option - add different display rank to subforum mods, as it's confusing as fuck.
I am still going to get a laugh out of it though

EDIT: It worked, he is free. No need to thank me xD (Also, Bob, you lying piece of shit xD)
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EDIT: It worked, he is free. No need to thank me xD (Also, Bob, you lying piece of shit xD)

. reading comprehension.jpg

But, seriously, Termite is a fucking rp mod. Dude shouldn't have any authority outside the rp section, let alone be able to ban someone. If anything, Termite should be terminated for trying to moderate outside his section.
.View attachment 16097

But, seriously, Termite is a fucking rp mod. Dude shouldn't have any authority outside the rp section, let alone be able to ban someone. If anything, Termite should be terminated for trying to moderate outside his section.
Trying to moderate - fine. Anyone can do it.
Ban? Only if he cries to actual mod, so not really. Other than that it's like a guy with fake badge thinking he can. I am not going to laugh because he wants to deal with issues, only of the way he does that, kekeke.
But now serious talk, it creates confusion as to who is and isn't a mod. Since that tag is not an image, just change color and add: RP-mod or something like that.
Doing it won't take long and should be done, because :
4) When a moderator steps in to say something about a topic (in an official capacity obviously) you are not to help. Thats why they are moderators and you are not. This is because we can end an argument faster if only two people are talking instead of 23.
And what happened now? Complete opposite and undermines rest of moderators since it's hard to tell who is and isn't.
This thread has been derailed so much it's already in the ditch and burning, so it would be expected that at some point a mod would step in, even if it's in "whatever-kinda-not-always" section. I know one of you is responsible for this mess, but I won't point fingers, we all have eyes. Now I will be a fake mod for a second and will tell you all to stop! It's enough, come on!
And to give an example, I will start with myself and will gtfo.
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