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Transformers RP interest check.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
So, as you might see, I'm thinking of making a Transformers RP. I intend to use War for Cybertron storyline as background, with the RP taking place shortly after the events described in the game. I do not intend to use any of the characters or phlebotinum from the game, so deal with it - except for regular energon, I guess. The players will be grouped into one crew of transformers - either Decepticons or Autobots, depending on player votes. While I intend to make this a freeform RP, I will put some restrictions to balance things - the number of players allowed to take an aircraft for vehicle mode will be very limited, for example. You'll need to make your own characters, and let me get one thing straight - this is robot only. I'll post a character sheet if this attracts any attention.
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

I made a : D -esque face when I saw this. Much interest. Transform and roll out! :D
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

I guess my face was pretty priceless when i saw this thread...But what the hell,why not?
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

All hail Megatron!

Although I am interested in this, between my schoolwork and the RPs I'm already in, I probably won't have the time. I may be able to play at a later date however, but I don't expect you to hold a place open for me based on that. So basically, good luck and have fun.
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

I might be able to find a way to introduce characters later on, but not in large numbers, I'm afraid... Also, I'd like to people who are expressing their interest to start voting: wanna play as Autobots or Decepticons?
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

Indeed, I do not. Managing something like your RP would be too much for me. However, I suppose that a group of, say, three to four players would be enough to start.
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

As much of a hassle as it is, don't get me wrong, I do love it. I feel like I'm having an orgy with all of your perverted minds as I write for you, and read what you wrote in turn. Thus satisfying my ravenous basic instinct, and allowing my intellectual side to present itself.

I'll get out of your thread now, but not before I leave an Optimus quote,

Optimus Prime: said:
"Amazing, a booby trap that actually catches boobies."
Re: Transformers RP interest check.

Alright, I think I've waited long enough. Those who wish to play, please make a character sheet and PM it to me to get approval. I'll ask for a subforum as soon as they're ready. Considering there are only two users willing to participate so far, I'm granting you full liberty in terms of choosing a vehicle mode (including airborne), as long as it makes sense. Those who come later asking to join will get the chance to fly only if Kenny and Hero decide to stick to ground - if they're still interested, that is. You'll be playing as transformers who have never been on an inhabited alien world, so you get cybertronian alt modes. Also, decide - you wanna play as Autobots, or Decepticons?



Alternate Form:

Class: (Scout, Soldier, Scientist - you can come up with your own specialization, those are examples)

Weapon of choice: (one ranged weapon, one melee weapon - do remember that melee combat between robots tends to be brutal, since a lot of force is needed to punch through armor plating; you can choose a non-lethal weapon though, and you'll get a small energon pistol as a side arm)

Strenght: (including special abilities - game breakers will be vetoed)



Background info: