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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Check to see if it's human food too.

Akahana stared at veritable frenzy of tentacles before her. They looked like they were eating, which suddenly brought her own hunger out. Reasoning that there was no way for her too know long long it would take to get out of these caves, and if she'd be able to find food at all, she decided to grab a morsel. She was curious as to what it tasted like as well, but satisfying that curiosity had no bearing on her decision at all.

She slowly stepped forward, excusing herself as she got in amongst the creatures. Aside from slithering out the way of her feet, they ignore her as she loomed over the vastly shrinking pile of near white orbs. She leaned over and pluckec one off the pile, and was able to note it's rubbery texture, before one of the small tentacles at her feet leap up and snacthed it out between her fingers. "Hey!" Akahana exclaimed. She reached for another, and just as she grabbed it, another tentacle leap up and swallowed it from right between her fingers.

Not one to be dettered, Akahana jab at the pile of orbs with both her hands, quickly snatching an orb only to have it taken from her by one of the tentacles. Quickly, she jabbed at the pile, hoping the physical training her parents had insisted she did would account for something, when she got an idea. She grabbed two of the orbs in each hand, and before the tentacles could react, she tossed then up into the air. Over a dozen a orange tentacles leap into the air feebly to no avail. Akahana jumped back and caught them befor they hit the ground.

"Ha!" she exclaimed, holding her prizes in the air. The small tentacles had lost interest and had gone back to the pile. Akahana look at the two orbs in her hands, satisfied with overcoming the wriggling masses. She was about to chow down when suddenly an ornage tentacle dived in from over shoulder and snatched one from her. Akahana realized that the main mass of tentacles in the room had done it, and quickly inhaled the last one.

She hummed in disapointment as she turned to face the core tentacle of the room, to catch its next move. The orb didn't like much of anything she had before, salty, coppery, sweet and bitter, but otherwise bland. It was at once too rubbery to chew, and too tough to tear with her teeth.

Her flexes failed her as a large oranged tentacle from the main mass slapped her hard across the side of her head. Out of reflex, Akahana spat the white orb out, and whine as she fell to the floor. Apparently these things weren't for eating, according to the orange creatures...

That was eventful. What next?
  • GTFO. That blue cavern looks nice.
  • Or how about that green one?
  • Akahan should back track to the room that filled with Orange Tentacles she was in earlier.
  • Let's stay here and observe the orange creature somemore.
  • Akahana shouldn't put up with tha kind of abuse! There's still some orbs. Akahana could grab a whole bunch and make a run for it. (Random Direction)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

well lets go to the green tentacles i wanna know how they're like
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

B. Let's try green. And hope they have..... better.... tasting...... balls......? lol
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2


The only thing we've learned is that the orbs are apparently not food. More observation is required if we want to learn more about them or their behavior. Maybe see if we can communicate with the orange creatures in some way...FOR SCIENCE!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2


Ehehehe kleiptomania! Plus, we can then observe what happens to these mysterious orbs over time.

What's the worst that could happen?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

B. I liek green.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

B a pity thread just died. This could become a massive story full of traps, chases, tentacle rape/sex/love(?) and with tons of tentacle cum being pumped into her ass, pussy throat and maybe other orifices. Finished with a huge sucking cup, that would give her a dick..