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[Complete - Partial] [RJ297120/RE297120] 魔法少女セレスフォニア / Magical Girl Celesphonia 1.10

Should've done an translation for this instead polished it a little a couple of days wouldn't be bad
There's 52k lines that have to be translated, I started on a translation early in 2021 and got to around 30% done. That was me doing it on average of 4h every 2-3 days, there's a LOT to translate. OmegaT helps a bit, makes it faster but it's still a lot to do. If you're doing it by hand, you can clear about 3k entries every 4-5hr.

i cant use that mtool. is there the other ways?
Nope not really. You could use Libellule's translator RPGMV_hook, if internet is the problem either bandwidth or due to censorship. You could also use a live translator service via Textractor(bing/google/yandex/etc), or use a local-loopback using Sugioi+Textactor for on-the-fly translations.
There's 52k lines that have to be translated, I started on a translation early in 2021 and got to around 30% done. That was me doing it on average of 4h every 2-3 days, there's a LOT to translate. OmegaT helps a bit, makes it faster but it's still a lot to do. If you're doing it by hand, you can clear about 3k entries every 4-5hr.

Nope not really. You could use Libellule's translator RPGMV_hook, if internet is the problem either bandwidth or due to censorship. You could also use a live translator service via Textractor(bing/google/yandex/etc), or use a local-loopback using Sugioi+Textactor for on-the-fly translations.
I thought you said you've done it on a MTL program tho? And besides You don't need to do it everyday take a break from it then come back
The original ticker message script uses spaces to separate arguments and since Japanese doesn't have spaces, it only uses one argument for the text. I had to edit the script to check for every other argument and add spaces in. If you look at the OriginalCommands.js file and find the TMng command you'll see what I added in, right above the commented out section. If you happen to use this, you'll need to only use one backslash instead of two when using variables in ticker messages.

I did have to use special space characters for the map menu's names, however.
Hello You're the translator for this game right?