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Neo Vista Interests? (Sonic Hentai)



I am thinking about using a freeform RP as a certain land. It'd have some areas in the city. The hotel, the housing, and the hangout. Sub-areas can be there as well like Pizza place in the hangout area, etc.

The city will be predominately Hedgehogs and Echidnas. You can be a hedgehog, echidna, or a human. Beware that they are not too used to humans starting to populate the city.

And despite their similar appearances, they all have different personalities and alignments.

Some NPCS of mine include Sheer 90, a yellow Echidna with glasses that is in charge of booking rooms in the hotel. She also takes care of Pool and Spa admissions.

Andy 45, is an old yet healthy gray Echidna with a mustache. He works at the cafe, which holds pizza, ice cream, anything you could snack on.

More may be used later.

(Some Vistanians use numbers for their last names.)
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Re: Neo Vista Interests? (Sonic Hentai)

It's been ages since I was involved in any manner of roleplay. Minus our latest Savage Worlds campaign. I will think about joining in if people also join in. I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'd make in a sonic setting, but it seems new and original for the most part, unlike most RPs I've seen, so I'll give it a try.
Re: Neo Vista Interests? (Sonic Hentai)

I don't know, in mobius I remember a lot more creatures and such than hedgehogs and echidnas. And further more, humans were fairly rare as well, the only notable one being Eggman in my memory.
Re: Neo Vista Interests? (Sonic Hentai)

I don't know, in mobius I remember a lot more creatures and such than hedgehogs and echidnas. And further more, humans were fairly rare as well, the only notable one being Eggman in my memory.

This isn't Mobius. This isn'r Knothole. This is a completely different area.

I chose hedgehogs and echidnas because they have no fur. Well to this story. I say this because of the shiny texture that is more appealing to the eye in Sonic Adventure/DX.
Re: Neo Vista Interests? (Sonic Hentai)

Interest Checkers.