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Need help finding a porn video

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Jan 10, 2009
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I remember one with a Laura Croft lookalike where she was ambushed and forced to strip. It was a point of view porn.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Re: Need help finding a porn video

I sence a disturbence in the force...
Re: Need help finding a porn video

gb2 /r/
Re: Need help finding a porn video

your all a bunch of tools, you know that right. instead of bashing him/her/it just let it slide.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Damn right. It's hard enough joining a forum without people talking shit.

Sorry, abc, no idea where one could find it.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Check the gnutella network (Limewire, for instance). That's where I saw it last, back when I used that for prons.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

I'm sorry, but the way he said it... it sounds like it's.... *shudder*




Ok, I'm good now...
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Hi, you're welcome to join our forum, but having your first post as a request for something this board doesn't even specialise in, well that's a bit too much take and not enough give.

Of course if someone happens to know where you can stream this vid I'm sure they'll tell you, but we aren't your personal internet searchers. Also this board focuses on hentai more than real porn. Sorry.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Hi, you're welcome to join our forum, but having your first post as a request for something this board doesn't even specialise in, well that's a bit too much take and not enough give.

Of course if someone happens to know where you can stream this vid I'm sure they'll tell you, but we aren't your personal internet searchers. Also this board focuses on hentai more than real porn. Sorry.

You should be admin-
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Also this board focuses on hentai more than real porn. Sorry.

Are you implying Hentai isn't realy porn? In the same manner that pinochio isn't a real boy?

Re: Need help finding a porn video

Check the gnutella network (Limewire, for instance). That's where I saw it last, back when I used that for prons.

Because everyone buried the only response that was an actual answer.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Woah woah woah woah woah! Back the FUCK up.

#1: First post was a request. Not sure if it says so in the rules, but please, at least make an introductory post within the first login, to at least show you joined for the community.

#2: This is 'EVERYTHING ELSE'. We have a section called 'HENTAI'. While the vid itself may not be hentai, it is still porn - which is what hentai falls under, therefore the request should have gone in the 'HENTAI' section.

#3: The name is 'abc'. If there's a meaning to it, w/e, but it seems too obvious.....

#4: Although someone DID suggest somewhere to find it, this community is not /r, /s, /... w/e. If you're interested in the community, that's fine; if not, gtfo, we are NOT a giant search engine - I'm surprised nobody said to Google it yet.

That being said, Welcome to the fucking forum. Please do not feed the members, as it results in tentacles and orgies.
( Actually... go ahead, feed 'em :) )
Re: Need help finding a porn video

yeah, its rude, however its not your guys jobs to do anything about that.

the only times your allowed to bash people is the douchbag game.
Re: Need help finding a porn video

#4: Although someone DID suggest somewhere to find it, this community is not /r, /s, /... w/e. If you're interested in the community, that's fine; if not, gtfo, we are NOT a giant search engine - I'm surprised nobody said to Google it yet.

That being said, Welcome to the fucking forum. Please do not feed the members, as it results in tentacles and orgies.
( Actually... go ahead, feed 'em :) )

(Objective complete!)

Although the "do not feed" rule only applies after midnight. Of course, it never says how far *after* midnight is safe, so you're pretty much S.O.L. Oh, and don't ever, ever get them wet...

((Sorry, Nu, Aika. Couldn't resist...))
Re: Need help finding a porn video

Thread locked, it didn't really need to be bumped.
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