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Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quara cast a deep sigh as she looked back to find Solaira gone. Truly, this was a lonesome world she had found her way into.
When the dragon flew in and burned away the hollow men on the bridge, Quara gasped as she was knocked on her behind. "Great, just great," she muttered as she got back up and dusted herself off. "I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER," she called out towards the beast. "Revel in your base existence for as long as you can." The Outworlder eyed the bridge with some suspicion. We may not make it across in one piece if it comes swooping down. - WE DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN ONE PIECE! - Seriously, why does the loud, stupid part always have the best ideas? That's not how this is supposed to work!
Nodding to herself, Quara remembered the way she escaped the hollows back in Firelink Shrine. With a dramatic gesture, she threw her arms out to her sides. Once more her flesh started to writhe and fall to the floor in green chunks, uncurling into a multitude of snakes. Guided by one mind, the mass of reptiles slithered down the bridge, crawling over and underneath itself in an effort to get to the staircase as quickly as possible.

[Cast Form Of The Swarm for 5 EP, move towards the staircase]
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

HP=40/40, PP=55, EP=45/45, Status=Fine

Dragon uses it's fire breath the moment Quara comes within range. Quara is burned for 136 reduced fire damage.

Quara Died... But she's already undead, so she gets the wonderful experience of bringing the memory of her agonizing fiery death with her.

As Quara turns into a swarm and attempts to rush over the bridge, the dragon rears it's head back, and releases it's fire from where it sits, torching all of the snakes directly on the bridge, but not all of them...

Still, Quara felt the dragon's fury, and when her snakes coiled down the stairs, leaving the rest to the flames, Quara would feel half of her existence burn in the fire. Her humanoid shape would reform beyond her will, and she'd quickly find that there was a rather large chunk missing from her body...

When she'd next awake, she was laying in the same room she fell in. Her body was whole again, though she'd have the rather distinct memory of her death. There was no corpse nor obvious signs of her demise where she collapsed prior, mind for a rather mysterious and animate blood stain. The stain seemed rather spiritual in nature, and should she interact with it, a distinct memory of her death would rush through her mind.

Another stain was in the room, and if she was feeling adventurous, she could touch that as well. Otherwise, there were two other ways to go now that she was under the bridge. She could continue down, or take the side path, which mysteriously led back to where she woke up after being raped by the demoness and her hollows.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quara's eyes snapped open, and a curse in an unfamiliar language escaped her lips before her consciousness fully snapped back into place. ". . . That will teach me to listen to the id," she groaned to herself as she got up from the ground, checking if all her fingers and toes are still there. After finding herself complete, she disregarded her own bloodstain and instead went for the other one.

After observing the - no doubt - gruesome fate of the other adventurer, she would wander down the side patch. Giving a certain ladder a dismissive punt, she grunted in satisfaction. This would make it easier to get back to the bonfire.

[Actions: Touch foreign bloodstain, open shortcut]
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Kicking down the ladder, she'd also see the fate of the owner of the bloodstain. Touching it would cause a white spectral ghost of a person. A woman with long hair was idly reading a book, relaxing in this room, before looking up in shock only to immediately hold her stomach in agony, a small slit appearing in her abdomen, just thin and wide enough to be a sword going through her body. As if violently shoved, the girl was thrown backwards, only to lay on the ground as her specter slowly faded away.