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Incubus' ChatGames Thread


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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In b4 you just lost it. I'm over it, so don't post saying it.

Stories and Myth are interesting things. Certain ideas are widespread over every culture, involving spirits and other powerful beings with powers beyond mortal comprehension. Yet for all these stories, first hand encounters with them are few, at best, and none at all at worst, depending on the scepticism of the listener. So why is it that these similar stories are so wide spread, if there is little to no proof of them? What is the missing piece of the puzzle that links it all together? That is the true mystery of it all...

The Game

The Game is a chat RP where you play a character who has woken up with no memory of how they arrived in a stone dungeon. They typically cannot recall even going to sleep, it is as though the last 6 or so hours of their memory as a complete blank.

They are met with the following message:

Welcome to the Game,

You have been invited into the game to test your worth.
You'll find that things are different here, and the rules are different to what you are used to. Your previous skills, strength, and knowledge will prove somewhat less useful here. We recommend you seek out some of the local inhabitants that may be willing to aid you. But be warned, not everyone is friendly, in fact, most are quite the opposite.

We look forward to watching how well you do.

And true enough, it seems that without a partner from the local creatures, a player is all but helpless. Players must seek pacts with powerful beings and through them gain power and magic to wield, as they try to survive and unravel the mystery that is this game, whilst being harassed and harried by the entertainment seeking Masters.

Statistical Stuff

Simply put, your stats are given a number between 1 and 5. This is an abstract representation of how well you perform in each area. At creation, you have 1s in every stat, and as you take various creatures as your pact partner, your stats will be altered based on their influence.

You cannot bind to more than one, so new pacts overwrite old ones. Different creatures have different strengths and weaknesses, so you might find a new pact dropping a stat that was previously high.

The stats are as follows:


This represents your ability to strike your opponents. For simplicity of system, all physical attacks deal the same damage so this only really represents your accuracy.


Defence is the opposite of the above, obviously enough, and represents your evasive ability. A high defence makes you difficult to hit and you can prevent damage.


Your health affects how many hits you can take. There is no HP system, rather a more abstract health status system, but a high health will boost the likelihood of you resisting a physical attack, taking noticeably less damage from it.

Health Status

This tracks your current condition. With something like 'Fine', you're in pretty good shape, but as you take hits, it will be downgraded to statuses sush as 'bruised', 'bloodied', 'injured', 'crippled' etc. I will inform players when their statuses change.


Your magic stat does to mana what health does to your endurance. The higher it is, the more spells you can cast before you run out of juice. As with health, mana is tracked in an abstract system and each time you cast a spell, your magic stat is rolled to determine if you suffer a noticeable drain in mana. For low magic characters, you might have one or two spells at most before you're exhausted, but high magic characters can throw spells around a lot before they start to run dry.

Mana Status

Tracks mana in a similar method as health. See health status and magic for more information.


Charm is how persuasive and likeable you are. It affects how well some NPCs react to you, but not everyone cares for charm, so do remember this. At times it may seem like a fairly useless characteristic, but there are occurrences where it pays off a lot.


Luck is an interesting stat. You can at almost any time, attempt to alter the course of events by 'pushing your luck'. It can be anything, from a missed attack of yours, to trying to resist an enemy magic attack (as there is no other way to stop magic) to trying to stop that enemy there from getting a successful hit on your ally.

Of course, as the name would imply, it's also risky to use. If you succeed, you'll turn events dramatically in your favour, but likewise failure will make them all the worse, more severe than if you'd just let them run their natural course.

In addition to this risk, each time you successfully push your luck, you get a penalty to the next luck roll. These penalties continue to stack on until you fail, where your stat returns to normal. However, unlike everything else, I will not be informing you how many of these you have. You can only push your luck so are, so I recommend using it sparingly and keeping track of how many times you have.


The last thing you need to know are how spells work. Once you have a partner, you will have a short list of spells, each with a very basic description of what it does. To cast, simply declare you're casting the spell and it will happen, there is no chance of failing spellcasting.

For spells that boost other stats, they last for one combat, or for an abstract amount of time if cast out of combat (basically when I say it stops working, it stops working).


I have no particular rules about characters, except that they be fairly normal people. As noted in the brief, previous skills are useless to them and characters appear with only the clothing they were wearing, so there'll be no smuggling in of weaponry.

As a note, this is a roleplaying game that may contain erotic elements. Enemies will attack to hurt, and survival, not avoiding rape, is the main thing on the characters minds. That said, ero elements are certainly possible. Just keep in mind this is a game with sex, not a game about sex.
Re: Incubus' ChatGames Thread


Pun-Pun the Infinite
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: All domains
Favoured Weapon: Irrelevant.

Worshipped by: Kobolds, Optimisers.

Alignment: All of them.
Domains: Law, Strength, Protection
Favoured Weapon: Anti-Situation Spray.
Worshipped by: Comic Book Nerds

Minimus Maximus
Alignment: Chaotic Lawful
Domains: War, Luck, Travel
Favoured Weapon: Spiked Chain
Worshipped by: Twinks

Leeroy Jenkins
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Strength, Destruction, Animal
Favoured Weapon: Greataxe
Worshipped by: Barbarians.

Castaline Sparklypants
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Luck
Favoured Weapon: Whip
Worshipped by: Bards

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Sun, Healing, Good.
Favoured Weapon: Mace (heavy or light)
Worshipped by: Good/Healy Clerics

Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Animal, Plant, Earth
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Worshipped by: Druids

Sun Tzu
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Law, War, Protection
Favoured Weapon: Halberd
Worshipped by: Fighters

Chi Tan
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: are an illusion of the mind.
Favoured Weapon: is not truly necessary if one is enlightened
Worshipped by: Monks

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: War, Good, Law
Favoured Weapon: Longsword
Worshipped by: Paladins

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Animal, Travel, Fire
Favoured Weapon: Longbow
Worshipped by: Rangers

Carmen Santiago
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Luck, Trickery, Air
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Worshipped by: Rogues

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Magic, Water, Protection
Favoured Weapon: Awesome Power
Worshipped by: Sorcerers, Dragons, Dragon Sorcerers.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Magic Knowledge, Fire
Favoured Weapon: Even more Awesome Power.
Worshipped by: Wizards.

Don Mafioso
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Trickery, Protection, Evil.
Favoured Weapon: An offer you can't refuse.
Worshipped by: Evil people.

Wolfgang Asmodeus Mozart
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Fire, Law, Destruction
Favoured Weapon: Fiddle
Worshipped by: Devil worshippers. Evil bards.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains; Death, Evil, Knowledge
Favoured Weapon: Scythe
Worshipped by: Necromancers and stuff.

Patrick Bateman
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Destruction, Trickery, Chaos
Favoured Weapon: Handaxe.
Worshipped by: Evil people who like to kill.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Chaos, Magic, War, Animal and -censored out of this game-
Favoured Weapon: Chaos
Worshipped by: Chaos. Also demons.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Fire, Earth, Water
Favoured Weapon: Claws
Worshipped by: Evil Dragons
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Yet to be named game

The Eximius Project

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week One

Human Augmentation. Long has the idea of a super-human been the realms of science-fiction. But now, we have a real chance to change that. Dr. Thorn's theories on human genetics are fascinating, if we can put them into practice properly, we may be able to eliminate genetic diseases entirely. Perhaps even genetically alter the body to be resistant or immune to other deadly diseases.

I am a little concerned about the secrecy involved in the project, but I understand why it was necessary. Many of the things we're trying to do are touchy subjects for certain closed-minded groups. And some of those groups can be quite extremist. I respect their beliefs, until they try to tell me that because they believe in something, I shouldn't be allowed to better mankind. The good we could do with this, they refuse to see. It is tiresome. But I digress...

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week Fifteen

Initial successes have turned sour, sadly. But we didn't think it would be so simple. We were all surprised when we saw visible results so early, but it was simply too unstable, too erratic. The poor man's mind couldn't handle it, and he snapped. He has been transferred to another facility where he'll undergo treatment to try and recover from the mental damage he sustained. His new abilities should fade quickly now that treatments are being discontinued, failing that we do have a failsafe designed to reverse the process. We don't know if it will have any side-effects, however, so would prefer to not use it if we don't have to.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week Twenty-Eight

Two more test subjects have been moved to the recovery facilities this week. Due to our early successes, the team is being pushed to display more results constantly by those in charge. I'm beginning to worry they care more about results than the conditions of the test subjects themselves. This heightened pace is only serving to increase the rate of mental degeneration.

Subject Sixteen is showing signs of severe depression, but because her reaction to the treatments haven't been dangerous to others, the tests continue. I am concerned about her treatment, but have been told not to worry about it, and to distance myself from the test subjects emotionally.

I am beginning to grow uncomfortable with how things are run around here.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week Thirty-Six

Mary, Subject Sixteen, has finally been transferred to the recovery labs at my repeated insistence. The poor girl was suicidal by the end, merely existing was a constant pain for her. For her to have to endure those feelings for so long without receiving treatment is concerning. I am beginning to have doubts about how ethically this program is being run, but my questions are ignored. I don't think they want me asking these kinds of questions.

I'll have to ask Mary when I go and visit her. Hopefully security will be looser at the recovery facilities and I'll be able to do so.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week Fifty-Four

It is beginning to feel like they are trying to prevent me from visiting Mary. Everytime I request the chance to go and visit her, my workload seems to be increased. At first, it could have been co-incidence, but now I'm not so sure.

I hope she's okay.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week Eighty-Seven

I fear I am beginning to grow numb, and it concerns me. The number of test subjects we've had to ship off to recover is growing to alarming levels. At least it feels like we're making some progress, however. By altering the treatment, the subjects are developing their new abilities more slowly, giving their minds a chance to adjust and cope better. It is still not easy for them, by any stretch, but we're definitely making progress.

Now that we're getting more able to reliably create new abilities, and do so without driving the subjects mad, we can begin studying exactly how to draw out specific abilities.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week One-Hundred-and-Four

I don't know why I didn't see this from the start.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that our job is not to find a way to cure genetic diseases or disorders. While we are making humans more resilient, the powers behind this project seem more intent on making a human weapon. A super soldier.

I've begun to do more digging on the backrounds of the subjects. They seem to all have been chosen because of their skills, and the treatments they are given augment and support these skills. Some have military backround, sure, but others are more baffling. A journalist, prized for her ability to dig up information on any subject; and not your typically journalistic lies either. A street-kid, whose record seems to note he is exceptionally gifted at talking his way out of trouble. That sort of thing.

I'm still trying to find more information about Mary, but all the relevant files have been deleted. I am concerned for her now, more than ever, and need to learn the location of the recovery facility. I must know she's okay.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Two

It was a lie.

There is no recovery facility. When they leave here, test patients are not given help, to recover from the treatment. They are executed, and all traces of them ever being here removed. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, they simply disappeared one day, and were never found. A sad story, but one that happens often enough not to arouse too much suspicion.

Of course, there are always conspiracy theory nuts who'll connect any patterns they see. Or at least, I used to think they were nuts. Perhaps I'm the one who is nuts for taking part in this project. The subjects are treated terribly. Lab animals are treated better than them, and these are fellow human beings. Or perhaps were, in some cases.

I am afraid, however. And too much a coward to act. If test subjects are eliminated upon leaving, I can't imagine I'd fare much better myself, were I to want out. They seem quite adept at tying up loose ends. For now, the best I can do to help is to try and make things easier for the subjects, and maybe feed what information I can through to the right channels.

I wish I knew what to do. I've never felt so dumbstruck in my life.

Personal Logs
Doctor Snadien Drake
Week One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Three

I suspect they may be onto me.

I've felt watched a lot more closely as of late. I fear they might know I've been leaking information.

If this is true, given the state of the project currently, my usefulness will soon no longer outweigh my transgressions. And so, I take my last resort. Attached to this journal are all the available files I can fit in the transfer. I've prioritised things your group will find most useful and worked my way out from there.

I hope that you can do what I have failed to, and right the wrongs I have committed on this project. Sending this will certainly sign my death warrant, but I'm not afraid any more. Easier to die than to live with the guilt I feel every time I see one of the subjects. The guilt I feel every single day as I work. How many died because of us? Because of me?

I beg of you. Save these poor people.
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Re: Incubus' ChatGames Thread

Fore-note about the system:
The system I'm using is a slightly modified 'World of Darkess' system.
Most of my descriptions below are shortened versions of the full ones as printed, and more information can be obtained on request. The full rulesbook can be requested via PM and I will provide a download link to a PDF copy.

Within this system, all dice rolls are made using ten sided dice (d10s). You roll a number of dice based off your stats, and keep rolls of 8 or higher.
When rolling a 10, you keep the 10 and re-roll the dice, as a bonus dice. All the dice you keep are referred to as successes; and most rolls only require at least one, unless the roll is opposed by another.

Where you see below things mentioning a +1 bonus to the roll or similar, it means that 1 dice is added to the roll. Rolling something at a -3 penalty means remove 3 dice from the roll. When sometimes mentions needing to roll something, such as "Wits+Composure", you take the number of levels (dots) in both wits and composure, and add them together. This number tells you how many dice you can roll.

If you would be able to roll 0 dice, you can still try. This is called a chance die. Unlike other rolls, it has a risk of dramatic failure if you roll a 1. More details on this kind of dice will be explained as it occurs to players during the game.

Experience in this system is handed out in small quantities, and used to purchase new and upgraded skills and stats at the start of a session. You can spend experience points to purchase almost anything, as long as you can justify the decision to the GM.

Character creation.

1. Choose backround. First, create your character's concept.

To help get a handle on your character's identity and motivations, come up with a short, two- or three-word description of him/her. This usually, but not always includes some idea of career: "nightstalking journalist," "stoic mechanic", "lost waif", "petulant yuppie", "angry young man".

Remember that your character was someone before they were selected for the project, and something in that identity was what caused your subject to be chose for the experiments. Maybe they were exceptionally gifted at digging up information, maybe they had a knack for surviving situations that should have killed them. Regardless of the specific reason, they were approached and invited to join the project. Those who would not volunteer were coerced, blackmailed or even abducted; once the person was chosen for the project, the decision was made.

2. Select Attributes, your character's innate capabilities.

There are three categories, Mental, Physical and Social, each with three attributes within them. You also start with one dot in each attribute automatically.

Firstly, you prioritise the categories, choosing 5 points to spend on your primary, 4 points in your secondary, and 3 points in your tertiary. Purchasing the 5th dot in any attribute costs 2 points.

Mental Attributes

Intelligence - The raw power of the mind and cognitive capacity.
Wits - The ability to think on one's feet, under pressure or duress.
Resolve - Your focus and determination to see your will done.

Physical Attributes

Strength - Physical Might. Sheer bodily power.
Dexterity - Quickness. Response time. A delicate touch.
Stamina - Sturdiness. Steadfastness. Sheer physical resilience..

Social Attributes

Presence - Bearing. Stature. Assertiveness.
Manipulation - Charm. Persuasiveness. Charisma.
Composure - Poise. Dignity. The capacity to remain calm.

3. Select Skills, your characters learned capabilities.

Much like Attributes, there are three categories being physical, mental and social. Also much like Attributes, you prioritise them (although it doesn't have to be the same priorities as attributes), with primary gaining 11 points to spend, secondary getting 7, and tertiary getting 4. Unlike Attributes, you do not start with one dot in each skill, however the 5th dot again costs 2 points.

Mental Skills

Academics - Broad skill that represents higher education and a degree of knowledge in the Arts and Humanities - everything from English to history, economics to law.
Specialisations: Anthropology, Art, English, History, Law, Religion, Research

Computer - Represents your ability to use and operate computers. At 3+ dots, you can program.
Specialisations: Artificial Intelligence, Data Retrieval, Graphics, Hacking, Internet.

Crafts - Represents your training or experience in creating works of physical art or construction with your hands; from paintings to car engines to classical sculpture.
Specialisations: Automobiles, Aircraft, Forging, Jury-Rigging, Sculpting, Sewing

Investigation - The art and science of solving mysteries, examining seemingly
disparate evidence to find a connection, answering riddles and overcoming paradoxes.
Specialisations: Artifacts, Body Language, Crime Scenes, Cryptgraphy, Dreams, Autopsy Diagnoses, Puzzles, Riddles, Scientific Experiments

Medicine - Training and expertise in human physiology and how to treat injuries and illness.
Specialisations: Emergency Care, Pathology, Pharmaceuticals, Physical Therapy, Surgery.

Occult - Knowledge and experience with the world's various legends and lore about the supernatural
Specialisations: Cultural Beliefs, Ghosts, Magic, Monsters, Superstitions, Witchcraft

Politics - Characters possessing this not only understand the political process,
but who is in power and are experienced with how to get things done within the system.
Specialisations: Bribery, Elections, Federal, Local, State, Scandals.

Science - Represents your character's understanding of the physical and natural sciences, biology, chemistry, geology, meterorlogy, physics.
Specialisations: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Metallurgy, Physics.

Physical Skills

Athletics - Broad category of physical training, from rock climbing to kayaking to professional sports such as football or hockey.
Specialisations: Acrobatics, Climbing, Kayaking, Long-Distance Running, Sprinting, Swimming, Throwing.

Brawl - Hand to hand combat ability.
Specialisations: Blocking, Boxing, Dirty Tricks, Grappling, Kung Fu, Throws.

Drive - Ability to operate a vehicle under difficult conditions. You don't require this skill simply to drive, this is for driving in difficult conditions or at high speeds etc
Specialisations: High Performance Cars, Motorcycles, Off-road, Pursuit, Shaking tails, Stunts.

Firearms - Ability to identify, operate and maintain most firearms.
Specialisations: Autofire, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Sniping, Trick Shot.

Larceny - Everything from picking locks to concealing stolen goods to bypassing security systems
Specialisations: Concealing Stolen Goods, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Security Systems, Safecracking.

Stealth - Your experience or training in avoiding notice, whether moving silently or blending into a crowd.
Specialisations: Camouflage, Crowds, Moving in Darkness, Moving in Woods.

Survival - Your experience or training "living off the land"
Specialisations: Foraging, Navigation, Meteorology, Shelter.

Weaponry - Represents your experience or training in fighting with everything from beer bottles to pipers, knives to swords. Most melee weaponry falls under here.
Specialisations: Improvised Weapons, Knives, Swords.

Social Skills

Animal Ken - Your knowledge or experience dealing ith animals, knowing how they react and how to read their moods.
Specialisations: Animal Needs, Imminent Attack, Specific Kind of Animal, Training.

Empathy - Your intuition for reading people's emotions, views and perspectives.
Specialisations: Emotion, Lies, Motives, Personalities.

Expression - Your training or ecperience in the art of communication, both to entertain and inform. Includes written and spoken word, but also poetry, acting and music.
Specialisations: Classical Dance, Drama, Exposes, Musical Instrument, Newspaper Articles, Speeches

Intimidation - The art and technique of persuading through fear.
Specialisations: Bluster, Physical Threats, Stare-Downs, Torture, Veiled Threats.

Persuasion - The art of inspiring or changing minds through logic, charm or sheer glib fast-talking.
Specialisations: Fast-talking, Inspiring Troops, Motivational Speeches, Sales Pitches, Seduction.

Socialise - Reflects your ability to interact with others in a variety of situations. Covers sensitivity, etiquette, and customs.
Specialisations: Bar Hopping, Dress Balls, Formal Events, Frat Parties, State Dinners.

Streetwise - Knowing how life on the street works. Gathering info, making contacts, buying or selling on the black market are all covered by this.
Specialisations: Black Market, Gangs, Rumours, Undercover Operations.

Subterfuge - Art the deception. How to lie convincingly, as well as how to spot lies.
Specialisations: Con jobs, Hiding Emotions, Lying, Misdirection, Spotting Lies.

4. Select Skill Specialities, your character's focused areas of expertise.

You get three specialities to choose, which can be spent on any skills you have. See above for example specialisations, or ask the GM for permission to use something other than those. There is no limit to how many specialisations can be assigned to a single skill. A speciality gives a +1 bonus to any roll in which it is relevant. For example, a player with a speciality in pistols gains a +1 bonus to firearms rolls when using a pistol, but doesn't get this bonus using a different type of firearm.

5. Determine Advantages, traits derived from your character's attributes.

Size - Most adult humans are size 5.

This represents how large your character is. Generally, your size will not change.

Morality - Starting morality is 7.

Morality reflects a charatcer's sense of compassion for his fellow human being and basic respect for the rule of law. Morality begins at 7, a basic respect for the law and a realistic sense of compassion for other people. A character can be more virtuous or can become more selfish.

As a character commits certain acts, the risk losing morality as their mentality shifts and they are able to rationalise what they've done to themselves. A character may become accustomed to stealing in order to survive and no longer concern themselves that they are robbing from someone, because they need to do this. Certain acts, however, can only drop a character's morality so far, and it requires worse acts to drop further. Petty theft will only drop a character so low.

As a character commits acts that risk their morality, the GM asks them to roll morality. They get a number of dice based of the act they are committing, and may get a bonus or a penalty based on the circumstances of the act. Shooting someone in self-defence as they lunge at you warrants a bonus, murdering a sick orphan living on the street in cold blood for no reason other than it's funny warrants a penalty.

As a character's morality drops, they risk developing derangements. These are psychological effects on the mind that provide penalties in specific situations when triggered.

Increasing morality requires a great deal of effort. One must actively try to better themselves and change their ways, and after a sufficient period of time doing so the GM may allow them to spend exp to increase their morality. Particularly redeeming acts may warrant a free boost in morality but these are rare and almost certainly cost the character a lot.

Defence - The lower of dexterity or wits.

Your ability to defend yourself in close quarters. It applies to brawl, melee weaponry and thrown weaponry, but not to firearms unless the person firing is within 2 yards from you. Defence does not apply if you're caught by surprise, and the more attacks you face in a turn, the more penalty you take to defence as you struggle to fight off multiple attacks.

Health - Stamina + size

Health is your body's capacity to copy with injury and remain functional. As your character takes damage, each point of damage lowers his Health by one. When a character has three points of health left, they begin to take penalties on all rolls as they begin to be overcome by shock and physical trauma. This penalty increases as they take further damage.

There are three kinds of damage: Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated. Bashing damage is dealt by punches, and blunt objects. When you've taken all your health in bashing damage, you must make successful stamina rolls to remain conscious. Any further bashing damage beyond this point causes lethal damage instead. Characters heal bashing damage at a rate of 1 every
15 minutes.

Lethal damage is inflicted by blades, firearms, crushing damage etc. It is by nature more severe than bashing damage. When a character has taken full lethal damage, the next blow against them will cause them to pass out, and they'll begin bleeding out. Characters heal a point of lethal damage after a night's rest, and a day of rest will heal an additional point.

Aggravated damage is severe damage that requires proper treatment to recover from. A character takes a point of aggravated damage when they have full lethal, and will then take another every minute until they receive treatment, or reach full aggravated damage, killing them. It takes proper treatment and a week's rest to heal a point of aggravated damage.

Initiative - Dexterity + Composure

Your initiative reflects your action time and ability to think on your feet in a crisis. When you need to roll initiative, you roll one die and add the result to your character's initiative trait.

Initiative is rolled each turn, and resolved in "reverse declaration order". This may seem unusual to many used to system games because in this, the person who rolled lowest goes first. However, anyone with a higher initiative can elect to "interrupt" a lower character's turn and act before them if they like. You can also interrupt interruptions.

For example, Mary rolled an initiative of 3. Using the knife in her hand, she tries to stab at John. John rolled an initiative of 7, and doesn't like the idea of being stabbed, so he chooses to interrupt Mary and try and disarm her of the knife before she can do so.

Speed - Strength + Dexterity + 5

Your character's speed is how many yards they can move in a turn. Your character can move up to this distance and still perform an action. Your character can also run, moving double this distance, but cannot perform any other action in a turn.

Willpower - Resolve + Composure

Willpower is your self-confidence, determination and emotional resilience.
Willpower is rated from 1 to 10, and has both permanent dots, and temporary dots. Permanent dots is your characters maximum willpower, while temporary ones are your current willpower.

You can only spend 1 point of willpower each turn.

Willpower can be spent on a variety of things. You can spend a point of willpower to gain a +3 modifying on a roll during a turn. The GM may determine that some rolls cannot be modified in this way. You can not spend a point of willpower to gain a bonus on morality rolls.

A willpower point can also be spent to add two to your character's stamina, resolve, composure or defence to resist mental, social/emotional pressures asserted on him, or made a concerted effort to avoid being harmed. Basically, to add to your defence against a specific attack.

Lastly, many superhuman powers and abilities require willpower in order to use.

6. Determine your character's Virtue and Vice

Each character starts play with one defining virtue and one defining vice. These are defining parts of the character, which often reflect their background or character concept. A character who is a priest may have a virtue of faith, and the vice of pride. He is a man of conviction and belief, but sometimes his beliefs lend themselves to self-righteousness.

When a character's actions in a situation reflect their particular virtue or vice, they reinforce the character's sense of self. At the GMs discretions, the character may regain one point of willpower per scene by acting according to their vice. and the character may regain all of their willpower once per session by acting according to their virtue.

Note that these actions must be made in situations where the character stands to lose something by doing so. Everyday expressions of faith and pride are not enough, it needs to be a difficult decision where the character stays true to their nature.


Charity - Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever they help another at the risk of loss or harm to themselves. It isn't enough to share what your character has in abundance, they must make a real sacrifice in terms of time, possessions or energy, or risk life and limb to help another.

Faith - Characters with Faith know the universe is not random, meaningless chaos, but ordered by a higher power. They do not necessarily believe in a personified deity, or even a religion, formal or otherwise; they may believe in a Grand Unified Theory hereby the seeming randomness of the universe is ultimately an expression of mathematical precision. Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever he is able to forge meaning from chaos and tragedy.

Fortitude - Fortitude is about standing up for one's beliefs and holding the course no matter how tempting it may be to relent or give up. Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever he withstands overwhelming or tempting pressure to alter his goals. This does not include temporary distractions from his course of action, only pressure that might cause him to abandon or change his goals altogether.

Hope - Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever they refuse to let others give in to despair, even though doing so risks harming her own goals or wellbeing This is similar to Fortitude, above, except your character tries to prevent others from losing hope in their goals. They need not share the goals themselves or even be successful in upholding them, but there must be a risk involved.

Justice - Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever he does the right thing at risk of personal loss or setback. The "right thing" can be defined by the letter or spirit of a particular code of conduct.

Prudence - The virtue of prudence places wisdom and restraint above rash action and thoughtless behaviour. One maintains integrity and principles by moderating actions and avoiding unnecessary risk. Your character regains all spent willpower points whenever he refuses a tempting course of action by which he could gain significantly. The "temptation" must involve some reward that, by refusing it, might cost them later on.

Temperance - Moderation in all things is the key to happiness, so says the doctrine of Temperance. Your character regains all spent willpower when he resists temptation to indulge in an excess of any behaviour, whether good or bad, despite the obvious rewards it might offer.


Envy - An envious person is never satisfied with what they have. No matter their wealth, status or accomplishments, there is always someone else who seems to have more. Your character regains one Willpower point whenever she gains something important from a rival or has a hand in harming that rival's well-being.

Gluttony - Gluttony is about indulging appetites to the exclusion of everything else. Your character regains one spent willpower point whenever he indulges in his addition or appetites at some risk to themselves or a loved one.

Greed - Like the envious, the greedy are never satisfied with what they have.
Your character gains one willpower point whenever he acquires something at the expense of another. Gaining it must come at some potential risk (of assault, arrest or simple loss of peer respect.)

Lust - The vice of lust is that of uncontrolled desires. A lusty individual is driven by a passion for something (usually sex, but it can be a craving for virtually any experience or activity.) that he acts upon without consideration for the needs or feelings of others. Your character regains a point of willpower whenever they satisfy their love or compulsion in a way that victimises others.

Pride - Pride is the vice of self-confidence run amok. It is the belief that one's
every action is inherently right, even when it should be obvious that it is anything but. Your character regains one point of willpower whenever they exert their own wants (not needs) over others at some potential risk for themselves. This is most commonly the desire for adulation, but it could be the desire to make others do as they command.

Sloth - The vice of sloth is about avoiding work until someone else has to step in to get the job done. Your character regains a willpower point whenever he successfully avoids a difficult task but achieves the same goal nonetheless.

Wrath - Your character regains one spent willpower point whenever they unleash their anger in a situation where doing so is dangerous. If the fight has already begun, no willpower points are regained. It must take place in a situation where anger is unwarranted or inappropriate.

7. Select Merits, representing character enhancements and background elements

You have 7 dots to spend on merits. As with everything else, the 5th dot costs 2. There are a ridiculous number of merits spread over many books, so I will not list them all here. Rather, I will give examples of what is covered by merits. When creating a character, the final step will be discussion with the GM over what merits are appropriate.

Like almost everything, Merits can be purchased with exp after the game is under way, so if there's something you want for your character and think it might fall under a merit, discuss it with the GM.

Examples of things covered by merits include:
Training in a specific fighting style, Speaking languages other than English, getting a "gut feeling" about things, photographic memory, being uncommonly large, ambidexterity, being able to stomach eating almost anything, striking looks, having a certain amount of disposable assets, having a mentor you're close with, having some dependable allies who will do what they can to aid you, having a degree of fame.

8. Select Disciplines, representing your character's new "gifts".

As a result of the Eximius Project, your character has certain gifts and abilities beyond those possessed by normal humans. You get 3 dots to spend on disciplines at creation. This can be as much as 3 dots in a single, or 1 dot in 3 separate disciplines.

As noted in the fore-note, you can spend experience to pick up new disciplines after the game has begun, providing you can offer an explanation as to how your gain this new power. Certain powers, for example, cannot simply begin to occur unexpectedly, although many powers can justified simply on the experiments performed on the characters. Justifying growth in a discipline is easier if you have someone more skilled at it able and willing to assist you in mastering control over the power.

See the post following the character sheet for a list of disciplines and descriptions of their powers.

Spending Experience

After your character has seen some play, they will earn experience points that can be spent on almost anything (providing you can justify it to the GM). The list of experience point costs are as follows:

Trait/Exp Cost
Attributes: New dots x 5 exp
Skill: New dots x 3 exp
Skill Speciality: 3 exp
Merit: New dots x 2 exp
Morality: New dots x 3 exp
Discipline: New dots x 5 exp.
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Character Sheet

Character Sheet

(o is an unfilled dot. x is a filled dot. When tracking damage taken, mark bashing damage as a /, lethal as an x, and aggravated as an *)

Name:                            Flaw:                              
True Name:         
Player:                        Concept:


Intelligence       xoooo|Strength             xoooo|Presense     xoooo
Wits               xoooo|Dexterity            xoooo|Manipulation xoooo
Resolve            xoooo|Stamina              xoooo|Composure    xoooo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       |                 ooooo|Max oooooooooooo
Academics          ooooo|                 ooooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             ooooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  oooooooooo
Politics           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        |                 ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Authority
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl (Style)      ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ o
Firearms           ooooo| Size:                | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            ooooo| Speed:               | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            ooooo| Defence:             | 4 _______________ o
Survival           ooooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           ooooo| Initiative:          | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ x
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intim.   (torture) ooooo|
Pers. (seduction)  ooooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Streetwise         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age:                  Height:
 ______________________ | Hair:                 Weight:
 ______________________ | Eyes:                 Race:
 ______________________ | Sex:                  Nationality:
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
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These are but some of the disciplines available for selection. Others may be available on request, as most of these are ones requested by prospective players. Other powers not listed here but area easily made include things such as: Mind Control, Power over Animals, etc. If you would like a power not listed, please ask the GM and he will discuss it with you. Note however, that all new disciplines are subject to GM approval and creation; they may not be exactly what you wanted.


* Influence Heat
Roll: Int + Science + Pyrokinesis
Guide the direction or flow of existing heat. Can, for example, keep warm in cold weather by puling ambient warmth shed by other humans into himself. Cannot create heat, or increase the temperature.

** Influence Fire.
Roll: Str+Athetics+Pyrokinesis-Defence
Influence the direction or flow of an existing flame. Can cause a camp-fire to leap from its place and onto a person or direct the flame from a zippo lighter in an arc to the pool of liquor on the counter-top. Cannot make the flames hotter or larger by ones self.

Range: 3 yards per dot.

More successes = additional adjacent targets

2 successes = 2 targets
3 successes = 4 targets.
4 successes = 8 targets
5 successes = 16 targets.

Size of fire caps the max targets.

Torch = 2
Bonfire = 4
Inferno = 16

*** Control fire.
Roll: Presence + Science + Pyrokinisis
Duration: 1 turn or lasting
Can increase or decrease the heat and intensity of an existing flame. Each success can be allocated to add to the heat damage of the fire or double its size. Or they can be used to dampen a fire, subtracting from its damage. When it reaches 0, it is extinguished. Unless a flame is extinguished, the effects of this power only lasts a turn; extinguished flames do not flare back to life.

**** Fiery Transformation.
Roll: Stamina + Intimidation + Pyrokinisis
Cost: 1 WP
Duration: A scene
Concentrate for a round to turn into a creature of living
flame. Successes = number of lethal damage against anything that comes into contact with you that isn't fire-proofed. This includes anything worn or equipped by you.

***** Sentient Fire.
Roll: Presence + Persuasion + Pyrokinisis
Cost: 1WP
Duration: Turns per successes
Allows you to create a creature of living flame under your command. Much like Fiery Transformation, it deals damage to anything it comes into contact with that isn't somehow fire-proofed.



* Tune In.
Roll: Wits + Science
This power enables a character to listen in on a free-floating data transmission (like that of a cellular modem) and translate the electromagnetic "noise" into intelligible information. The will-worker cannot, however, understand information that was originally transmitted in a language they do not understand. With this, a character could listen in on a radio broadcast without the need for any kind of receiver. This would enable them to spy on closed frequency radio channels, or get free satellite pay-per-view. They can even access wireless communications at a wi-fi "hot spot athough they can only listen to, not read, such transcriptions.

Encrypted signals levy a penalty on perception rolls equal to the successes initially accrued in encrypting the signal.

** Influence Electricity.
Roll: Dex+Atheltics+Electrokinesis
Can influence the flow or direction of electricity. Can cause an existing electrical current to flash or arc out and strike a target. Can not amplify the current.

Range: 5 yards per dot.

More successes can arc energy to an adjacent target to another struck.

1 success = 1 target.
2 successes = 2 targets
3 successes = 4 targets.
4 successes = 8 targets
5 successes = 16 targets.

Source of energy caps the max targets.

Wall Socket = 2
Industrial Socket = 4
Junction Box = 8
Main line feed = 16

*** Control Electricity.
Roll: Wits + Science + Electrokinesis
Can diminish an electrical current or alter its flow. Could cut the power of a certain outlet, redirect all power to a single one, or direct the power from one to multiple, as long as there is something to conduct it along. Cannot increase power.

Each success can send a single line of power in a new direction, or divert it elsewhere. If attempting to diminish power, each success reduces it by one degree, using the scale listed in the above power.

**** Thunderbolt
Roll: Stamina+Athletics+Electrokinesis
Create and throw lightning at someone. Each success deals 1 point of lethal damage.

***** Electromagnetic Pulse
Roll: Resolve+Science+Electrokinesis
Cost: 1 WP
One success is enough to ruin every electrical device within the range. A single success affects a one yard radius.

2 successes = 2 yards
3 successes = 4 yards
4 successes = 8 yards
5 successes = 16 yards.


Primal Fury

About Lunacy: Lunacy is what someone suffers when they notice the unnatural features bestowed by primal fury. A Lunacy check is made by comparing the individual's modified willpower to a chart that explains how fearful they'll react. Even the most minor changes granted by this power are unsettling and awaken a natural fear instinct in humans; the ultimate primal form causes all but the strongest of willed to flee from it.

Long-time associates of someone possessing Primal Fury can build up some level of resistance to it, but only strong-willed individuals will be able to shake off the more dramatic effects. Companions who have grown used to someone with Primal Fury get a bonus +2 to their effective Willpower, in addition to bonuses from minor forms/changes.

* Partial Change.
Roll: Stamina + Survival + Primal Fury
Allows you to grow claws, fangs or other features of a more predatory nature
capable of giving you a +2 bonus on relevant perception checks. You can spend a willpower point to make the change instantly. On an exceptional success, you change instantly without spending a willpower point. If your features are noticed by a human, they must make a Lunacy check at willpower +5 to determine how they react.

** Beastial Form
Roll: Stamina + Survival + Primal Fury
You can transform into a more beast-like form. Gain around 4-6 inches in height and 25-50 bs muscle mass. Body hair thickens, facial features become angular and predatory, and exhibits some beast-like behaviour (Such as barring teeth when threatened). You grow claws and fangs, capable of dealing lethal damage (fangs require you to be in a grapple to attack with). In poor light, can pass as a large person with unusually angular features, but in plain sight, the form inspires Lunacy check with willpower at +4.

This form can speak in human languages, but with a slight growl in the voice that cannot be removed.
Gain +1 strength, +1 stamina, -1 manipulation, +1 size, +2 health, +1 speed, +2 to perception rolls.
Note that these attribute changes can increase an attribute above 5 or below 1.

Once one has obtained Primal Fury 2, they are at risk of going into a Frenzy. In combat, this may occur when they are growing close to death, or they take a point of aggravated damage or an exceptional amount of damage in a single turn. It may also be triggered by certain out of combat events, such as betrayal by a close friend or loved one, or a loved one in mortal danger. The lower one's morality, the more things outside of physical injury can trigger it; one a character becomes truly immoral (morality 1 or 2) simply contradicting them is enough to force a check to resist frenzy; at such a point they are consumed by their rage. To resist frenzy, one makes a Resolve + Composure roll. A single success is enough to resist going into a frenzy.

If the character fails this check, however, they enter their frenzied rage. They automatically transform into their most powerful form available (Bestial Form or Primal Form) and commence attacking. No longer able to discern friend from foe, they attack indiscriminately in a devastating berserk rage, killing without hesitation or mercy. The only time this changes is when the character takes damage in their last three health boxes. At that point, the basic fight or flight instinct switches, and the character flees as fast as they are able from the fight to avoid death. If cornered while attempting to flee, they will fight to defend themselves, but only until an opening to escape appears.

*** Regeneration.

Unlike many disciplines, this power does not require a roll, but rather represents an increased rate of natural healing.

Once attaining this level, you heal bashing damage at the rate of one per turn and Lethal damage at the rate of one per 15 minutes.
You can spend a point of willpower to heal a point of lethal instead of bashing that turn.

**** Skin-stealing
Cost: 1 WP

Unlike many disciplines, this power does not require a roll. One simply needs to meet the conditions to be able to use it, and spend a point of willpower to undergo the change.

Allows one to "wear" a false skin over them that is an almost perfect disguise
of anyone whose blood you've tasted. It is a perfect fit, like a glove, and you will change size as needed in order to become that person. The skin looks and feels like real skin, and samples taken from it would give a DNA match to the person you're disguised as.

The skin does not cover the eyes or orifices however, so you may still be given away by different eye colour or dental work. The skin grants 4 bonus successes to disguise rolls made to impersonate the subject in question. It gives off the same scent as them and masks your own. It does not modify your attributes. Even if the skin seems to grant an addition 250 pounds of fat, the character loses none of their dexterity.

If the character shape-changes while still wearing the false skin, it tears and is shed. The effects last for a scene, although you may end it sooner by tearing it off or shape-shifting. Once discarded, it quickly breaks down into dust of indeterminate origin.

***** Primal Form.
Roll: Stamina+Survival+ Primal Fury
Cost: 1 WP
This power unlocks the full potential of your changes, and allows you
to temporarily assume the form of the ultimate predator; one part prehistoric beast, one part pure nightmare. It should only be used in times of dire need, as it can drive one to acts of violence unspeakable and is much more difficult to control than the previous changes avaliable.

Primal form stands 2-6 feet tall at the shoulder. A giant bestial man, it is unable to speak but possesses powerful claws and fangs. You are able to fight upright or on all fours equally well.

You gain +4 strength, +2 dexterity, +4 Stamina, -3 Manipulation, +3 size, +7 health, +2 initiative, +9 Speed
You are treated as having 2/1 armour due to the form's thick hide.

All but the strongest willed mortals will flee in terror from you. Many will not even remember properly what they saw, rationalising it in whatever way they can to best cope with it.

While in this form, you heal one point of lethal damage per turn, instead of bashing damage. You can still spend a point of willpower to heal an additional point of lethal damage each turn.

Resolve+Composure Rolls to resist Frenzy are at -3.

You can maintain this form for one turn per success on the power's activation roll. Unlike other powers, you cannot change back to your natural form easily; you cannot change back early unless you succeed on a resolve+composure roll made at a -3 penalty.



* Left Handed Spanner.
Cost: 1 WP
Roll: Wits+Crafts+Nanobots

You temporarily disable a specific technological object within arm's reach. The malfunction has no apparent external cause.

The player must specifically state which object her character wishes to disable, and must touch it. The object ceases to work for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled. If the object is carried by another who seeks to avoid it being touched, a roll is required to make contact. Valid objects include anything that is manufactured by industrial means with at least three separate parts. A gun is valid, but a hinge or syringe is not. The object cannot be larger than the character themselves. They can affect the engine
of a car, but not the entire auto-mobile.

** Blackout
Cost: 1 WP
Roll: Wits+Larceny+Nanobots
The character targets a specific area within unaided visual range. Success extinguishes the electric sources of light within an area of about 2000 square feet, with each additional success doubling the size of the area. Three successes, for example, kill the lights on an entire floor of a large office building. It does not simply turn them off, it prevents them from functioning at all. The effects last for one scene, or until the character chooses to end the effect

On an exceptional success, the character gains selective control over the technological light sources in the area, and may select one source to still function if she chooses.

In addition, at this level, your nanobots are skilled enough to purge toxins from your system. On a successful Stamina+Nanobots roll, you can cleanse your system of all external toxins, such as poisons, alcohol and drugs.

*** Iron Treachery.
Cost: 1 WP
Roll: Wits+Crafts+Nanobots - Target's Resolve

At this level, the character is beginning to exhibit mastery over technology. With a gesture, they can interfere with technological devices at range, causing them to malfunction, even if they are not computerised. A pistol, for example, will suddenly cease firing straight, a steering wheel twists madly, refusing to be controlled.

The character must point at the mechanical device in question, which must be within 10 yards per point of nanobots an must comprise at least two separate moving parts. If someone is currently attempting to use the device, he resists with resolve. If the character succeeds, the device essential uncontrollable for one turn per success. Any attempts to use it while under the effect are reduced to a chance die.

On a dramatic fail, the machine is altered, but in such a way that makes it easier to use. It grants an addition die to any attempts to use the object for the rest of the scene.

On an exceptional success, the effects last for the entire scene.

In addition, at this level, your nanobots are skilled enough to heal wounds in combat. By spending 1 WP, you can heal two points of bashing damage or one point of lethal damage as a free action

**** Machinegeist
Cost: 1 WP
Roll: Wits+Computer+Wisdom

The character uploads their conciseness into an electronic device, such as a computer. There they have access to what the machine knows, including any hidden knowledge or extra-sensory awareness therein.

If the character succeeds with their roll, their consciousness enters the machine. Their body is left in a trance and cannot perceive the world around them, you can only perceive what the machine can see. (A security system, for example, may be able to see through all of the cameras.)

The machine does not need to be active, though it must be physically intact, or at least enough so to be in working order. If the machine is off, however, it takes longer to draw information from it, based on how complex it is.

The character gains access to any and all knowledge or information the machine possesses. Merging with a computer mainframe or equivalent will yield more information than they can absorb, the character retains the information for one minute per dot of intelligence after leaving the system unless recorded. You can remain connected to a system for Wits+Nanobots turns, or break contact earlier if they have all the information they need.

If the object the character's consciousness is in is destroyed, they are thrown immediately back into their body. Any structural damage inflicted upon the object is also inflicted as points of health to the character's body. If the character's body is attacked, they are aware of it immediately. If the body is knocked unconscious, the consciousness returns to it. If the body is killed, the consciousness is trapped in the object for the duration of the power, and then is lost forever.

On a dramatic failure, not only can the character not interface with the machine, but it blocks any additional attempts to do so for the next 24 hours.

On an exceptional success, the character can remain in the system for a number of hours equal to Wits+Nanobots.

***** Create technology.
Cost: 2 WP
Roll: Intelligence+Crafts+Nanobots
To this level of merging with their nanobots, complicated devices
are simply another element to be conjured up at will. This ability allows a character to created sophisticated technology from the basest materials.

The character must have some foundation materials, such as metal or plastic, roughly equivalent in mass to the item she wishes to create. She must also either know how to build the item in question or have access to instructions on how to construct such a thing. A character cannot create a complicated bomb without either extensive knowledge of explosives or a manual or other set of instructions on how to create the object in question.

Within these limitations, this power can quickly and efficiently replicate almost any technology imaginable. With a few pounds of scrap metal and sand, for example, she can create a rudimentary computer. Or a handful of glass could be transformed into a magnifying glass.

The more complex the item is, the more successes are required. A dozen bullets may be formed with as few as five successes, a pistol 15, while a car or computer take a total of 50.


Super Speed (Celerity)

Cost: 1 WP per turn.

Character with the power of Celerity can move faster than any ordinary person. They appear to blur into nothingness, all others moving as if in slow motion in comparison.

Celerity is unlike many other powers in that is is not actively rolled. Rather it provides a group of benefits, many of which affect other rolls.

In turns when a character activates their Celerity, their dots in the discipline are subtracted from any and all attacking characters dice pools, as they move much more quickly than normal and are harder to hit. This penalty applies in addition to any armour the character may have, as well as to Defence (though note, like armour, Celerity's benefits to not diminish based on how many attacks the character faces.) Celerity's protection even applies against firearms.

Celerity also adds to a character's initiative during the turn in which it is active. A character with celerity 3 and Initiative 5 would have a basic initiative mod of 8 in turns in which celerity is active.

Finally, Celerity acts as a modifier to a character's speed while it is active. Their speed increases by itself again for each dot in celerity they possess. (Simply add one to the character's Celerity and multiply that number by your speed) Characters running while Celerity is active double this figure as well. Assuming the sample character with celerity 3 has a speed of 12, he has an effective speed of 48 during turns he activates celerity. If he runs while celerity is active, his speed is 96 - almost 65 miles per hour.


Super Endurance (Resilience)

Cost: 1 WP per turn

Resilience is unlike many other powers in that is is not actively rolled. Rather it provides an augmentation oh physical potential that lasts for the scene in which it is activated, and which affects other rolls.

Each dot od Resilience increases the character's Stamina by one for the scene in which the Discipline is active. This bonus also increases the character's Health boxes during the scene. Resilience may not be invoked more tha once per scene. That is, you may not spend a second WP and double the benefits of the power.

Additionally, Resilience "downgrades" a number of aggravated damage points per scene equal to Resilience dots. This damage becomes lethal instead. Aggravated wounds suffered in excess of the character's Resilience dots remain aggravated, however. This downgrade doesn't apply to any aggravated wounds that the character already possesses, just to newly acquire ones suffered while Resilience is active.

Note that the extra Heath boxes character gains in a scene while resilience is active can have consequences later. If a character suffers more damage than he has his usual Health boxes, those excess wounds upgrade existing wounds (bashing becomes lethal, lethal becomes aggravated) as per the damage rules. In other words, once the character's Resilience "powers down" at the end of the scene and the extra Health dots that the power confers are lost, he might have to contend with more serious wounds than initially harmed him.

Also, if a character suffers damage that upgrades her Health chart, Resilience does not downgrade it. For example, if a character with seven Health dots and a single dot of resilience suffers nine points of lethal damage, that ninth point stays aggravated. the other eight points are recorded normally as lethal (seven for the health boxes plus one for the Resilience), but the ninth stays aggravated as it upgrades the leftmost box on the character's health chart. If that's all the damage the character suffers by the end of the scene, another of those points of lethal damage upgrades to an aggravated wound once resilience ceases, and the character's health boxes drop to seven again. Characters with resilience are advised to be wise in combat, though they might feel invulnerable while invoking the Discipline.


Super Strength (Vigour)

Cost: 1 WP per scene.

Resilience is unlike many other powers in that is is not actively rolled. Rather it provides an increase of physical strength that lasts for the scene in which it is activated, affecting other rolls.

Each dot of Vigour increases the character's Strength by one while the discipline is active. Vigour cannot be invoked more than once per scene. That is, you may not spend a second WP and double the benefits of the power. Note also that certain derived traits (such as speed) might also be affected by the use of Vigour.

Additionally, a character's Vigour affects his ability to jump. The dice pool to jump is Strength + Athletics + any relevant equipment. When using Vigour to augment a jump, the character's vigour dots are added to the number of feet leapt per success.
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Powers (cont0


* Basic Telekinesis
Roll: Intelligence + Telekinesis
This power allows a character to lift and move objects with their mind. Each success rolled grants them an equivalent strength score for the purposes of what they can and can't lift or move with their mind.

At Telekinesis 3, a character can now apply their successes to either strength or dexterity, or a combination of each, to allow more delicate manipulation of objects.

** Kinetic Blow
Roll: Int + Strength + Telekinesis
The character focuses the force of a physical attack, such as a punch or kick, down to a pinpoint, inflicting damage as though the person on the other end is stabbed with a knife.

Bashing damage is converted to lethal. Attacks that already inflict lethal are unaffected. This power affects one future attack roll per success. The player can choose which of his attack rolls are affected, but they must choose before they roll the dice for each attack. The effect lasts for one scene, after which time any unused Kinetic Blows are lost.

At Telekinesis 3, the character can apply this power with ranged-weapon attacks, so as thrown rocks.

*** Telekinetic Strike
Roll: Presence + Athletics + Telekinesis

The character creates a ball of telekinetic force that they hurl at their intended target. Each success inflicts a point of bashing damage.

At Telekinesis 4, this damage can be lethal. At telekinesis 5, the character can spend a point of willpower to make the damage aggravated, by tearing apart the target;s cellular structure. This version of Telekinetic Strike actually causes the air to ripple in an unnatural fashion, warning a target about the threat. The target it allowed their defence against the character's aiming roll.

**** Control Velocity

Roll: Intelligence + Science + Forces

The character can increase or decrease the velocity of an object (but not a living creature). He could, for example, make a hurtling truck slow down, or speed up (or slow down) a bullet.

To be able to affect things that aren't already moving at the start of a round, such as bullets, the character must have a higher initiative and interrupt them. In the example of a fired bullet, the character would need to have a better initiative in order to interrupt and use this power to affect the bullet while it's in the air.

Each success doubles or halves the target;s speed. For example, a truck going at 80mph is reduced to 40mph with one success, 20mph with two successes, 10mph with three successes and so on. Note that the character must affect the entire target and its size. He can't single out portions of it, such as slowing the velocity of a single tire and so slow the whole truck (while causing the passengers and objects inside to be thrown forwards). Especially large targets impose a penalty to the roll. A target of size 21-30 takes a -2 penalty, 31-40 takes a -4, and so on.

High speed projectiles such as arrows and bullets cannot be halted at this level. Instead, add (for increased velocity) or subtract (for decreased velocity) one point of damage per every two successes. For affecting auto-fire from the same gun, use the follow table for appropriate penalties:

Short burst -2 dice penalty.
Medium burst -4 dice penalty.
Long burst -6 dice penalty.

***** Velocity Mastery
Roll: Resolve + Athletics + Telekinesis (contested by Composure of target if living)
Cost: 1 Willpower

This power acts like Control Velocity, except you can now affect living creatures, or portions of objects (such as affecting a truck's tire, but not the rest of the truck, which will surely cause the rig to jack-knife unless the driver is very, very good.)

When this power is used on a living creature, its Speed trait is doubled or halved, but it is not in full control and must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll each turn it moves or it suffers a knock-down effect. The creature's speed is for the power's duration, which by default is one turn. Additional successes after the first can be spent either to continue to double or halve the creature's speed, or to extend the duration by one turn.

In the case of projectiles, one success is enough to completely halt the projectile halfway in its path (or as close between there and its target as the user desires). Additional successes can halt it closer and closer to its origin point, with an exceptional success halting it within the barrel of the gun. For instance, two successes halt a bullet after it travels only one quarter the way from the barrel to its intended target.

As with Control Velocity, there are penalties for affecting auto-fire as listed in the table above.


Space Powers

* Spatial Map

Roll: Intelligence + Science + Space
Duration: Concentration + 1 turn

Statistics show that each individual involved in the average gunfight stands only a relatively small chance of being fatally wounded. Fear distorts spatial perception, just as it distorts the perception of time, influencing shooters' aim. A character that has this power is not guaranteed to be any less afraid during a gunfight, but they do have a much more accurate sense of where everyone and everything is.

The power creates a mental spatial map that constantly updates the character on the changing topography of their surroundings, from the guy sneaking up among the parked cars, the the stray leaf blowing by the that sudden breeze.

This power allows a made to perceive their surroundings with an acuteness transcending mundane sight; ignoring any visual penalties they might be taking. It also allows them to eliminate one penalty die to their ranged attack pool in the following turn, helping them offset (or eliminate) penalties for opponents' concealment or other spatially based conditions such as hitting a prone target. They cannot gain bonus dice by virtue of this power, it simply eliminates penalties.

** Scrying

Roll: Intelligence + Investigation + Space
Duration: Concentration + 1 turn

The character can view a location remotely. They can employ all of their senses through these "perceptual windows", allowing them to see, hear, smell and even tough things on the far side.

The roll is modified by the character's sympathetic connection to the location, using the following table:

Sympathetic Connection/Dice Penalty

Sensory: You can see, hear or otherwise sense your target directly. No penalty.
Intimate: You have a piece of the target's physical substance, such as hair, nail clippings or blood from a creature, a leaf or flower from a plant, or a sliver of material from an object. Or you know the target very well, such as a long-time friend of close family member, a beloved pet or prized possession. -2 penalty.
Known: You know the target, which might be a friend, co-worker or personal possession. You have a photo or other accurate representation of the target, or you can see the target on live video or hear them over live audio. -4 penalty.
Acquainted: You're acquainted with the target. It might be a casual acquaintance, a co-worker you hardly know, or an item you held or used once. -6 penalty.
Encountered: Have have encountered the target briefly, such as a person you passed on the street or an item you touched once. -8 penalty.
Described: You have never encountered the target, but can describe it. You might know a person's name or physical description, or what an object or place looks like. -10 penalty.

The character cannot actually affect anything with their touch through the window, only feel their touch. The scrying window is not visible to the receiving end, although someone touched by the character may make a Wits+Composure roll to notice. If they succeed, they know something just touched them, but cannot see what it is.

At space 3, the character can use the power with a prolonged duration.

*** Portal

Cost: 1 Willpower
Roll: Manipulation + Investigation + Space
Duration: Concentration + 1 turn.

This power creates a spatial warp through which the caster (and anyone else who uses it) can move from one point to another without traversing the intervening space. The character steps forwards and "vanishes" from one place to arrive at another, "appearing" instantaneously.

The target number, as well as the duration, for successfully creating a portal is determined by the caster's sympathetic connection to the destination, as per the following table:

Intimate: 1 success
Known: 2 successes
Acquainted: 3 successes
Encountered: 4 successes
Described: 5 successes.

One person of size 5 or less can pass through the portal each turn (larger people can spend two turns squeezing through). Each success added to thr target number allows the character to widen the portal so that one additional person can pass through per turn.

A portal's entrance and exit can be placed anywhere that allows a person of size 5 of less enough freedom of movement to enter or exit it in a single turn Most portals are used like doors, with the entrance and exit perpendicular to the found, but the caster can be creative. The entrance and exit, however,r must mirror each other on the same plane. For example, the entrance could be placed below a falling person, but the exit cannot be set to eject the falling person sideways. It must face down (as its opposite faces up).

Note that the creator cannot limit who can and can't use the portal within using the power. Nearby enemies can attempt to step through an open portal. A person can be thrown through a portal forcibly, but a hold must first be achieved in a grapple action, after which the grappler can shove the person through the portal.

With space 4, this can be used with a prolonged duration. With space 5, it can always be cast in one turn regardless of difficulty.

**** Transportation

Cost: 1 Willpower
Roll: Intelligence + Science + Space

The character can traverse space without moving, all without the need to open a portal. The character must have a sympathetic connection to their destination. The weaker the connection, the more penalties their activation roll suffers (See the table listed under Scrying). A location that they are currently scrying is a known sympathetic connection (-4).

They can teleport themselves and anything they're wearing or carrying (provided it's not too large; needs one extra success per size rating above 3).

***** Worlds Collide

Cost: 1 Willpower
Roll: Resolve + Investigation + Space vs Stamina

The character can co-locate people or objects with one another and cause them to physically interact. When two or more objects (including people) are superimposed upon one another and allowed to interact, they are usually destroyed in a very messy fashion, as molecular lattices collide and drive each other apart. For living creatures, the result is usually crippling at the very least.

One subject per target factor (see below) can be affected. If even a single target succeeds in the contested resistance roll, none of the targets are co-located. The power inflicts one point of aggravated damage per success. Once the targets contact one another, they are immediately repulsed and suffer knockdown; they do not remain fused.

Number of targets/dice penalty:

Two: -2 penalty
Four: -4 penalty
Eight: -6 penalty
16: -8 penalty*

*and so on and so forth.


Weather Control

* Call the Breeze
Roll: None or Manipulation + Occult

The character may summon a brisk wind (approx 25 mph) and direct it as they will. This wind is useful both for dispersing or redirection a fire or flying insects, or as a distraction.

Though it requires no roll to actually summon the wind, a successful manipulation + occult roll is necessary to direction it to any specific task, such as to disperse tear gas. Because of the distraction of the sudden breeze, perception task rolls made in the area suffer a -1 penalty.

This power lasts for one turn per dot in Weather Control that the user has, can be be summoned both indoors and out.

** Silent Fog

Cost: 1 Willpower
Roll: Manipulation + Survival + Weather Control

With this power, the character may summon a thick blanket of fog to obscure an area, allowing a group to move unseen. Unlike regular fog, the user, and anyone with them that they allow to at the time of using this power, can see through the fog unobscured. This fog bank moves as the one who summoned it wills it to, and makes an excellent vehicle for ambush or a way of avoiding combat entirely.

Over the course of a turn, the air congeals and a dense fog covers an area equal to the user's Weather Control x 20 yards. It may thereafter be directed to move in any direction at a rate of (Weather Control x 10) yards per turn. While within the fog, a perception check at -2 is required for observers to spot someone more than one yard distant. Even if spotted, ranged attacks are treated as if those within the bank and substantially concealed. Silent Fog lasts for an entire scene or until dismissed.

On a dramatic failure, the fog appears but obscures the vision of the summoner and his allies as much as anyone else.

On an exceptional success, the fog is particularly thick, the penalty is -3 to perception checks instead of -2.

*** Deluge

Cost: 1 willpower
Roll: Manipulation + Survival + Weather Control
Action: Extended (20 successes, one turn passes per roll)

With this power, the character summons forth a torrential downpour to the area. No gentle shower, this torrent has myriad uses, from ruining crops to starting flash floods to erasing tracks and evidence of the group's passage. It can, however, only be used outdoors.

The area affected is equal to one square mile per success achieved. Common sense must be applied to applications of this power; it can flood low-lying areas or cause a river to swell in its banks, but no one stand on even reasonably high ground is going to drown. This power is not designed to cause damage directly, but it can sure as hell do so indirectly, causing thousands of dollars in property damage alone. The downpour lasts for a scene.

Those caught in heavy rain suffer a -2 penalty to perception rolls and ranged combat.

On a dramatic fail, the weather alter in a manner other than the character's choosing. It may shift from rain to snow to hail to high wind, usually in some way horribly inconvenient for the character.

On an exceptional success, the character can select an area that receives less or no rain, effectively creating an eye of the storm.


The weather is already raining or drizzling: +2 bonus
A heavily clouded day: +1 bonus
Cloudless day: -3 penalty
Desert or similarly arid area: -5 penalty

**** Killing Frost

Cost: 1 willpower
Roll: Manipulation + Survival + Weather Control

This power summons forth the chill of a hundred winters in the space of a few heartbeats. The temperature suddenly drops below freezing within 10 yards per dot in weather control of the user. Frost forms on surfaces, and water freezes. If the power is used within a rainstorm, the sudden freezing rain might down power lines and break tree branches. Living creatures (except the power's user) take two points of bashing damage from the sudden chill. In addition, anyone in the area (again, excluding the character using this, but not his allies) suffer a -2 penalty to strength and dexterity rolls for as long as the cold lasts. The reduced temperature lasts for one turn per success.

At GM discretion, any creatures who are appropriately protected from the cold may take less damage or be immune to the imposed penalties. The user of this power is protected from the direct effects of the cold, but may be subject to secondary effects. The cold don't injure or debilitate them, but they may still slip when trying to move across ice or be injured by a falling power line.

This power can only be used once per scene.

On a dramatic fail, the power turns against the user; they immediately take two point of lethal damage from the cold as the power turns inward on the user.

On an exceptional success, the sudden shock of cold is particularly vicious, living creatures suffer three points of damage instead of two.

***** Thunderbolt

Cost: 1 willpower
Roll: Intelligence + Survival + Weather Control

At the character's command, lightning strikes their foes, its power capable of killing most humans.

The bolt deals a base of five pints of lethal damage, plus any extra successes from the activation roll after the first. The character can nominate any target within their line of sight, as long as the victim is outdoors or standing near a window.

On a dramatic failure, the bolt strikes a random target nearby, friend or foe.

On an exceptional success, the target is struck deaf for two turns (assuming they're not killed outright).


Rain or windy weather: +2 bonus
Cloudy day: +1 bonus
Cloudless Sky: -3



Forenote about Auspex: Once in a while, this discipline provides extra-sensory and even precognitive visitations. Such premonitions might come as quick flashes of imagery, overwhelming feelings of empathy, or even as an ominous sense of foreboding. This aspect of the power is in no way controllable by the character, but they can learn to interpret the signs given time and experience. Additionally, as this mostly deals with heightening your senses to supernatural levels, it can have its drawbacks. When using any level of power save the fifth (Astral Projection), they run the risk of their senses being overwhelmed by excessive stimuli. Sudden or severe occurrences, such as a gun firing or a flash bulb in the eyes, can distract a character unless they succeed on a resolve roll. Failure disorients the character, making him effectively unaware of his surrounding until the end of the following turn.

* Heightened Senses

Roll: None

When this power is activated, all of the character's senses sharpen to a razor's edge, effectively doubling the range and clarity of all stimuli received. Heightened eyesight allows the character to perceive the most minute details of objects at great distances, while a heightened sense of smell might alert the character to the presence of trance amount sof alcohol on a person's breath. Character with this power also have the option of magnifying a single sense, rather than all five, in order to better block out unwanted stimuli from other sources. Note, however, that the risk of sudden distraction remains, regardless of how many or how few senses are currently heightened.

This power allows the user to see in pitch back darkness.

** Aura perception

Roll: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex - target's composure.

With this power, the character can open their perceptions to the psychic aura that surround all sentient creatures. Numerous and often-shifting hues and patterns compose these auras, and it can take many years before someone becomes truly proficient at reading them correctly with any degree of regularity. Although the strongest emotions predominate, almost every individual has more than one colour to their aura at any given time, and an observer can see ay number of streaks or flashes of these other colours.

"Psychic colours" change with the subject's mental or emotional state, creating an ever-moving pattern that is as unique to each person as a fingerprint. As a rule, the more powerful the emotions, the more powerful the emotions, the more intense the colours, but even this guideline is betrayed by any number of mitigating factors, depending on circumstance. Attempting to discern specific information may warrant a more difficult roll.

See this image for a guide to aura perception.

An auspex user who observes someone in the act of lying may recognise that the subject speaks falsely. Intelligence + Empathy + auspex is rolled versus the subject's Composure in a contested action. The Auspex user recognises the lie if the msot successes are rolled for him. Applied towards reading the mood of potential combatants, this power also grants its user a bonus to initiative in the first turn equal to the number of successes rolled in activating the effect. Doing so requires that the vampire speaks to or is in the proximity of intended combatants for at least one turn before a fight breaks out. That period of interaction allows the reading character to recognise that events are about to turn violent, so they can react with advanced knowledge.

*** The Spirit's Touch

Roll: Wits + Occult + Auspex

The character's powers of perception have progressed to the point that they can pick up psychic impressions from objects simply by handling them for a moment or two. Such impressions can tell the character who last help the object, when it was last held, and even what was done with it in the past.

These psychic impressions typically come in the form of quick and cryptic images, and as with other Auspex powers, learning how to decipher the information gleamed can be a task all its own. Most impressions pertain to the last person who handled the object in question, but two circumstances usually preclude such a reading. First, a long-time owner or handler of the object leaves stronger impressions than someone who handled it briefly, if more recently. Second, experiences associated with great emotion, be it hate, passion or fear, often linger in the form of intense psychic impressions on objects. It is these impressions that likely come to the fore over anything more recent or, in all likelihood, far less emotionally significant.

All that is required in order to glean information form an object by using this power is that the character turn the item over in their hands (or otherwise handle it) for a few moments, during which they enter a shallow trance. This trance is the gateway through which psychic snapshots arrive, and anything that prematurely disrupts the trance likely prevents any useful information from being received.

This power can also be used to glimpse the past of another. The subject must be touched, which could require a roll if the subject is resistant. In this case, the roll is contested by the subject's resolve. The subject does not know that past events in their existence are perceived. If the roll is successful, a vision is received of the subject's past, all from the subject's perspective. With no time-frame or criteria for the event witness, the last dramatic, tense of passionate act performed or experienced by the subject is glimpsed. If a specific time-frame of event is focused on, the Auspex user's roll suffers a -1 penalty for each day that has passed since the event.

*** Telepathy

(coming soon)

***** Astral Projection

(coming soon)
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