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Experimental Fate - Vandread

Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

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Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Omg it's troll squid

I'll say 5
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Hibiki continued to take note of their forms, slightly confused. It was very likely they could perform all the same physical movements as men like him and Duelo, but their body shape and slightly smaller framed hinted at some very different function. Their larger hips possibly hinted at more powerful muscles, and likely meant they could jump higher, kick harder and run faster than the kind of men he was used to dealing with.

For some reason, his gaze kept wandering back to their pronounced breasts, specifically, the ones belonging to the person with the tight top, since they were much more obvious. What sort of purpose did that kind of appendage serve? The answer eluded him, so he decided to get a better observation at a later time. He had the inkling that they may be some sort of hypnotism organ since they very attention grabbing with they way they bounced and jiggled with his capturer's every breath. He dismissed the thought, rationalizing that he was watching those things for the sake of his own scientific curiosity.

"Hey! Pay attention. Enough with the staring," said the woman in the center, bringing Hibiki's attention back up to her face. She didn't like the attention he was giving her. "We have a few questions for you. Come with us." She motioned for the two men to follow her as she and her two escorts walked out of the brig, the two men in two. They passed anther two guards at the brig's entrance, who fell in line behind the two men as they were led down the hallways of the Ikazuchi's ship.

They rounded a corner laced with the blue crystal, but Hibiki didn't notice the state of the walls. He was observing the women in front of him. Specifically, her posterior. The sway of her hips as she walked was kinda alluring. He noted that it wasn't just her hips that were more pronounced, but also her buttocks. "What does she have in there?" he muttered.

Dat Ass
  1. Tap dat ass
  2. Ask for permission to touch
  3. Ask her about her butt
  4. Don't tap dat ass
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

3 It could be dangerous to Hibiki to touch unknown material (it could be hazard)
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread


Biohazards R' us
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

2 - A true scientist always has to test and try theories.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

True Kia, but before make a theory you need info, that thing could be a mouth or something than must not be touched.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Maybe it can be a sort of pillow or shield to protect ones bottom in case of an explosion or being thrown off, to help one not get hurt when falling. Who knows? I say poke the thing !! With a stick if needed !!
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

but, that thing could have a toxine than could pass throug the skin and start to dissolve the insides of him and the shape could be a way to lure their victims...also, Hibiki do that in the anime
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Never seen the anime, I just like the story so far ^^. But he can still use a stick... from a distance... I say poke it! Live on the edge! Anyways, we're stealing the show here.

Anyways though, option 2 has the thing where he asks first. So it doesn't mean that he will even end touching it, but he will ask about it, thus giving the female the option to respond, hopefully, in case it actually is something dangerous she would tell him, or just give him information. As a scientist, asking about it is a way to gather data that he can use later on. If that really is a toxic container and the female refuses, he can make a later mental note on it, maybe use it or test it later in a tight situation to gain an advantage. Hence that is why I chose option 2, because he gets to ask!!

And if it harmless maybe he gets to touch it. For me option two is the middle ground between options 1 and 3, with the possibility of gaining both results from both options, so why just pick 1 or 3, when you can pick 2 and maybe get both ends, the explanation and info and the touching.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Ok, lets stop here, you have a valid point about your choice.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

I cant Kia is not active, sorry to post to much. do you want than we erase all these posts?
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

I cant Kia is not active, sorry to post to much. do you want than we erase all these posts?

Lies !!!

Also, can't really tell if the_taken is serious :confused: