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Does the forum seems a bit quiet these days to anyone else?


Nov 26, 2009
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Other than your choice of adjectives (brown, yellow, red... aren't too recommended nowadays),
I don't give a fuck that some neo-hippies find my choice of language ''problematic''


New member
Aug 17, 2020
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As a user I've gotta say: yours is too fuckin big, spoiler or shrink the damn thing it's extremely obnoxious.
But Darkfire said the size is fine now, since I already did what I was told (he DM’d me the limit). And why my signature is still small on my screen whereas it is gigantic on yours...I got no ideas. It’s smaller than a piece of 3M post-note on mine. Maybe you crank up the magnification on the browser to 800%? I am only at 100%. Or maybe it is an error or bug that keeps making it appear at massive size on your end because of the forum software or server setting.

And sometimes my signature doesn’t show on my screen either...at this very moment when I am replying...

Other than your choice of adjectives (brown, yellow, red... aren't too recommended nowadays)
With negative birth rates, comes Silver Tsunami (elderly may see white as sth bad, but I really want white hair). I like color words, it’s like rainbow. XD I thought color words are still welcomed. Just see his use of brown as “shit” and it is true: shits happen and they happen all the time. Positive birth rate confirmed, and it’s a double positive!

Back to the main topic, I think I might have found out why people are not writing on the forum. In general, the tone on ULMF from users can be extremely aggressive and angry; whereas the tone on F95zone is rather moderate. At least that how it looks like if I compare the first month experience on both forums.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
I don't give a fuck that some neo-hippies find my choice of language ''problematic''
Fair point, Dang hippies.
Just see his use of brown as “shit” and it is true: shits happen and they happen all the time.
That's the exact image that srpung to mind... And why I would have used 'Africa' to point at where birth rates are something to be addressed. Nevermind.

Back to the main topic, I think I might have found out why people are not writing on the forum. In general, the tone on ULMF from users can be extremely aggressive and angry; whereas the tone on F95zone is rather moderate. At least that how it looks like if I compare the first month experience on both forums.
This is actually not wrong, now that you mention it.
However, I'd think misinformation and cluelessness are a tad more rampant on f95. ULMF guys tend to correct mistaken/inaccurate statements more often, making the forum more reliable as a whole.
But overall, I doubt anyone can deny the growing lack of education and manners, nor the prevalence of sheer egotism. These are very related to the topic in case, imho.


New member
Aug 17, 2020
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Fair point, Dang hippies.

That's the exact image that srpung to mind... And why I would have used 'Africa' to point at where birth rates are something to be addressed. Nevermind.

This is actually not wrong, now that you mention it.
However, I'd think misinformation and cluelessness are a tad more rampant on f95.
That's kind of true over there, eventually someone has corrected those, but it takes a long time.

Education, man...
Education...when we have a world leader who encourages people to drink bleach and there are actually people following that, maybe it's not the lack of education. Certainly, there are enough spots for education in some countries, perhaps learners lose motivation to learn from the start (various reasons); teachers are handling class size beyond capacity; administrative work puts teachers behind schedule; certain publishers making new editions every year by rearranging chapters, changing//adding images, re-paraphasing passages in another form, add in more colours to a map, etc., costing students and families too much money (one good way to discourage education); the government does not provide enough fundings to allow schools to function properly, or not offering enough subsidies to low-income family so that they can afford education; lack of proper regulations and inspections on chartered schools (Harembee moonlighting as a nightclub); most schools are not providing enough support to suit individual needs; children/teens are unable to pick a desirable elective as they wish to study; teachers and officials are not using accurate materials (Tulsa black history)...I have skipped other issues like transportation network unable to cope with all the students in the area; infrastructures are not properly located and remotely inaccessible to some students; is the current system properly assessing the learners or is it kept as it is to make it convenient for the bureaucrats and examiners, etc. Teachers actually making students to act as slaves so as to learn slavery...definitely education?

Education, the least of our concern with the smallest funding available. I don't want to put more burdens on education, way too many issues, too little funding...you really can't expect something with that little funding and human resources to solve all the problems in this world...

Environmental protection? Education. Drugs and addictions? Education. Parenting problems? Education. Unwanted pregnancy? Education. STDs? Education.
It does cover a lot, but we spend too few to keep that running at a proper rate for decades. Nor did we properly evaluate the system, review it and implement fixes that suit the needs of our modern society.

Education, the more you know, the less hope you have for humanity...and definitely, education did not save us from COVID-19 pandemic. They put the kids back to schools and increase the number of infected! Education dooms us all! No more funding to education! XD


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
And here I thought you wanted back on topic xD
But yeah, that'd be the heart of the 'pop issue': there's something very wrong when you need 2-3 people to take on the same job a single predecessor was doing before.
A steep loss of efficiency is a tell-tale sign that a societal model is coming to its end... For any set animal or bacterial community/colony.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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But Darkfire said the size is fine now, since I already did what I was told (he DM’d me the limit). And why my signature is still small on my screen whereas it is gigantic on yours...I got no ideas. It’s smaller than a piece of 3M post-note on mine. Maybe you crank up the magnification on the browser to 800%? I am only at 100%. Or maybe it is an error or bug that keeps making it appear at massive size on your end because of the forum software or server setting.
That's why I said "as a user" since it was not meant to reflect the position of staff in any way. As for the size difference, it's most likely because you're using a giant monitor with high resolution, I do not.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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But Darkfire said the size is fine now, since I already did what I was told (he DM’d me the limit). And why my signature is still small on my screen whereas it is gigantic on yours...I got no ideas. It’s smaller than a piece of 3M post-note on mine. Maybe you crank up the magnification on the browser to 800%? I am only at 100%. Or maybe it is an error or bug that keeps making it appear at massive size on your end because of the forum software or server setting.

And sometimes my signature doesn’t show on my screen either...at this very moment when I am replying...
Let's not put words in my mouth. I said that I still personally think your signature is quite large, but I gave you a guideline and you followed it, so I'm in no position to tell you to make it even smaller.
Slicer is still right; your signature is irritatingly large. Your signature is larger than your wall of text, and I AM using 90% zoom.



Jungle Girl
Mar 9, 2016
Reputation score
What is this about education...? More than two sentences is actually too much reading so I am just going to partial-quote George-Carlin...:
«There's a reason education sucks, it's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. »


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
«There's a reason education sucks, it's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. »
Dunno the dude, but he sounds fun. Here's another from him:
"Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town."

IOW, when someone points out an issue, you'd want to address the issue, not elude it.
That would be what mods do they they make remarks: they're not brushing the specific monkey off; they worry what'd happen if 80% of the circus also went ape.

To be fair, I have no clue whatsoever how the off-topic went this far. Read a couple posts, was amused, had peanuts on hands... 🐒


New member
Aug 17, 2020
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And here I thought you wanted back on topic xD
But yeah, that'd be the heart of the 'pop issue': there's something very wrong when you need 2-3 people to take on the same job a single predecessor was doing before.
A steep loss of efficiency is a tell-tale sign that a societal model is coming to its end... For any set animal or bacterial community/colony.
TL;DR: Just a rant on education since you mentioned it. It might not exactly be the lack of the education that causes any specific issue, but neither will offering enough quotas for education solve certain problem. Not even a wall of text can do that.

Much as I wanted to stay on-topic, at least when we are talking here, the forum isn’t that quiet anymore. Kind of addressing the issue in a slightly different approach. Of course, not everyone sees it that way.

Since you mentioned “correction”, I can think of another reason for why the forum got quiet. People tend to be a little bit quiet when they get corrected//pointed out for errors constantly in public. Kind of like what happened in a classroom setting. I was the few of the chatterboxes in class, most of us were either top in our own favourite subjects//able to answer questions accurately//ask questions that provide insights. Being constantly corrected publicly in class, that’s a way you can silence certain students. It was the main reason why some of my classmates didn’t speak much publicly in class. It is the same for kids today. I don’t think everyone coming here to write has an absolute answer for everything or undeniable and perfectly accurate facts. Making a mistake here and there is a common trait unless you are a perfectionist.

I am not sure if that’s what you meant for correcting mistakes//inaccurate information. It could be what I do usually like correcting my post in Edit (some grammatical errors here and there) or going back to my Magicami post to add in more information as I explore the game more.

(Once more, sorry for my education rant going astray, but I got a little carried away when people pin something on education. I learnt way too much and hard from my education, there are flaws in the system, but I am certain, lack of education is certainly not true for everyone here on the Internet. XD
I was going to add in details for my Magicami post when I logged in, again the alert popped up and led me here, back to the post I should be working on; hopefully I did keep the forum a little bit “the more the merrier” over the last few days for this thread).

Let's not put words in my mouth. I said that I still personally think your signature is quite large, but I gave you a guideline and you followed it, so I'm in no position to tell you to make it even smaller.

Slicer is still right; your signature is irritatingly large. Your signature is larger than your wall of text, and I AM using 90% zoom.
Yeah, I thought following the guideline was enough and it was fine to you. But it wasn’t.

My signature is still too big? I really need a template to work on then. It’s the second time I tried to make a signature, I don’t think I made a good one the first time (too small, everything goes pixelated; tried to fix it, still pixelated). How big should the signature be? Just for laugh, is this wall big enough to make my

That's why I said "as a user" since it was not meant to reflect the position of staff in any way. As for the size difference, it's most likely because you're using a giant monitor with high resolution, I do not.
XD I didn’t know you are a staff. I have only talked to Jesus about my Magicami post. Also I am using a super small monitor, maybe that’s why it looks small like a post-note for me. But yeah, I would like to fix my signature, it doesn’t matter whether you speak as a staff or user. I can’t get it to work as I wanted it to be if everyone kesaying it is too big.

What is this about education...? More than two sentences is actually too much reading so I am just going to partial-quote George-Carlin...:
«There's a reason education sucks, it's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. »
Nah, education sucks because it was never good anyway. Think of how much harm it will do to your reign if you educate your people. XD

(Sorry to type so much in one post, but freedom of speech is truly dying IRL for me. And that is not an IRL experience everyone shares//can comprehend)


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
TL;DR: Just a rant on education since you mentioned it. It might not exactly be the lack of the education that causes any specific issue, but neither will offering enough quotas for education solve certain problem. Not even a wall of text can do that.
It would take a lot of countries being humble and admitting they have really sorted pasts and wanting to bring to light those pasts rather than bury them. When I don't want to admit to some fucked up shit in my past, I tend to try and bury it. Think about that on a municipal, state-wide, and then, national scale. How many Japanese do you think want to talk about Nanjing, or American's talk about Tulsa? I'm guessing not too many.

Since you mentioned “correction”, I can think of another reason for why the forum got quiet. People tend to be a little bit quiet when they get corrected//pointed out for errors constantly in public. Kind of like what happened in a classroom setting. I was the few of the chatterboxes in class, most of us were either top in our own favourite subjects//able to answer questions accurately//ask questions that provide insights. Being constantly corrected publicly in class, that’s a way you can silence certain students. It was the main reason why some of my classmates didn’t speak much publicly in class. It is the same for kids today. I don’t think everyone coming here to write has an absolute answer for everything or undeniable and perfectly accurate facts. Making a mistake here and there is a common trait unless you are a perfectionist.
Part of learning something new is being called an idiot. Well, in theory, anyways. The more wrong you are, the more incentive you should be to educate yourself on things so you don't come off as ignorant. Quietly stepping back to check your information isn't an issue. The issue with a lot of people on forums such as these is that not everyone wants to be told their project is garbage or their opinion is shit. Granted, that kind of specific language is a bit unnecessary, but the core intent is relevant. I think really, like the AAA industry, there needs to be more scrutiny from both consumers and people who are providing a platform for this stuff. ULMF staff can't outright delete generic 3D trash pile #338 just cause nobody shows interest. The best they can do is wait for the project to see no activity for a year and then lock the thread. It's up to the "intended audience" to come out of the woodwork and humble the developer, albeit in a way that isn't as "angry and aggressive" as I usually would.

On the other end of that, the consumers have to be willing to admit they can be wrong or less-informed about stuff. As one of those "idiots" who tended to be wrong about the developer-side of stuff and even now can admit he's not as on the "up-and-up" with stuff like rpgmaker and just about any fucking physics-based engine ( , I can notice things that your average idiot probably won't. Call it experience, call it education, call it learning to lurk and learn a few things. Either way, being ignorant and settling on a "hope you succeed!" is the most utterly brain-dead and empty kind of low-standard statement that a bot or moron could conceive of in my (not-so) humble opinion. If all you can offer is a "looks good, will keep an eye on it" or some similar shit, don't. You're not improving the quality of content you want.

My signature is still too big? I really need a template to work on then. It’s the second time I tried to make a signature, I don’t think I made a good one the first time (too small, everything goes pixelated; tried to fix it, still pixelated). How big should the signature be? Just for laugh, is this wall big enough to make my
You could always put your sig behind a spoiler so that any curious minds can just open it.

Nah, education sucks because it was never good anyway. Think of how much harm it will do to your reign if you educate your people. XD
I highly recommend reading "Animal Farm" for the inevitable conclusion to today's issues. It is an inevitability that a few smart guys will eventually give the ignorant masses reason to depose the current ruling class. Unfortunately, it's a cyclical process.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
freedom of speech is truly dying IRL
That was a nice post; made lots of sense.

I didn't mean 'education' as in school. School edutcation is about 10-20% of what education is, in my book. There's a reason the idiom "educated fool" exists.
Like Bob says (more or less), the biggest part is to admit there's stuff we don't know about, and learn about it. Freedom of speech helps here - when discussion goes both way (AKA sharing).

Anyway, you have a solid definition of 'peer pressure', which makes me think your definition of 'freedom of speech' is more flimsy.
Like all freedoms, it needs be used scarcely and wisely. Don't waste it on people who won't listen to you, scorn you, or people you simply have nothing to learn/gain from.

I'll loosely quote Squealer (or was it Napoleon?): 'all are equals, but some are more equal than the rest'. That's peer pressure, and what it leads you to believe - a lie. Well, scratch that! :devilish:

No matter your situation, just use it first and foremost with people you're close to. If no one, a random stranger on the street or that smiling bakery lady are fine. Sometimes it's hard to remember that there are so many strangers who are as communication-deprived as you might feel.
You can use internet and the personas that inhabit it make that waaay less efficient than IRL. RL issues are never solved online, though starting points may be found with any luck.

Hope that helps. Cheers! (what was the topic again? wait where am I? who is LM and what is DG??? 🙃)

edit/PS: and f*ck those f*cking useless masks. Even communicating with just a smile has become a dead custom now.
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
"Freedom" is generally something that is a given, and is provided without requirement that show restraint in its application. "Free", meaning "without cost" and "dom" being derived from "dominant" and often applied as "in control" or "of authority," Your "freedom of speech" is basically the free use of speech at your own discretion, and without consequence. The mistake most people seem to make is that you are also free to experience the consequences. Take the Alex Jones fiasco, for example. People on both sides were outraged by the bans, even if the guy is a tool in the opinion of one side. It's the fact that you then create a martyr out of a madman. Big corporations have made a number of bad decisions the past year, and as I've said, people with a lot of free time are paying attention. You can't just put a black square on your twitter and have everyone applaud, anymore.

That quote about equality is more a position about universal equality than demographic equality. It's like claiming a freedom is more free than another in some places. Of course some freedoms are looser than others in some backwards places. That doesn't mean those freedoms don't exist or shouldn't be acknowledge due to an inequality in their application.

I don't follow your reasoning with the part about communication-deprived people, especially with your prior part about conservative application of the freedom of speech. I think if you're going to talk about acknowledging a freedom and then insisting one self-condition to avoid over-usage, you should figure out where and what is unacceptable rather than who it should be censored from.

Those "useless fucking masks" are meant to provide others protection from the water droplets you exhale with your breath so that they aren't getting COVID. If you want to get the virus and risk your immune system (among a variety of potential other issues), you do you. I'm sure I speak for many people, though, when I say either wear the mask or don't go out. None of us want what you're having.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
I don't follow your reasoning with the part about communication-deprived people, especially with your prior part about conservative application of the freedom of speech. I think if you're going to talk about acknowledging a freedom and then insisting one self-condition to avoid over-usage, you should figure out where and what is unacceptable rather than who it should be censored from.
Oh, I was answering just Neonocturne, not you. I like your sources and your thought process seems pretty solid - they didn't need a reply imo.
I don't feel like going into a deep debate, so I'll just answer to the above quote, if you don't mind.

'Freedom' as I define it ain't an infinite commodity.
'Freedom of speech'? You're free to use it, but it's not worth anything if you never use it - it might as well not exist.
If you overuse or misuse it, people will use theirs to shut you up. Unless you're a masochist or extraordinarily headstrong, you will result less likely to use your freedom of a speech in a similar context. Hence, your freedom has become more limited.
If you use it for self-gratification, you might as well do so without an audience at all. Because you'll neither learn nor grow nor help others to.

There are many way to use, misuse, abuse or overuse what we call 'freedoms'. I don't really care, actually; what I'd like, would be for people to use them more wisely (myself included). Because we sure are doing heaps of nothing with these so-called freedoms of ours. To the point some might be tempted to call them useless.

I'll leave it at that, this should cover the said gaps, when reading between the lines. I don't wanna proselytize my opinions.
This place lacks fresh beer, AC and relaxing music, in order to have a long discussion :D And sexy bunny dancers.

PS: you could compare today's "Freedom" with 1984's "Freedom". That'd make for a fun 'find the difference' late-night game if there's any to find.
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Jungle Girl
Mar 9, 2016
Reputation score
Alas... I do not particularly feel «free» in the current state of so-called civilisation.
I also do not particularly find the «education» system to necessarily reflect actual reality; book-learned knowledge only goes so far, but, eventually, I think it is important to actually field-test the claims found in a book, even if whole entire «education-systems» revolve around text-book-written material. I will quote something attributed to Nikola Tesla in this regard...:
«Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.» -Nikola Tesla

I also have reason to suspect & consider that maybe a lot of the world's [so-called ?] economic-woes may be significantly contributing to the lack of social-activity that we would otherwise normally see, and, yes, the subject of this thread-topic inclusive. Another factor that I have to consider is how the «news» diverts & re-directs everyone's attention away from the «fun» things in life & seems largely be [psychologically] putting much of the world's people into a sort of «flight-or-flight survival-mode» mentality.

Personally expressing my not-so-necessarily professional so-called opinion, considering the long history of supposed scientific-progress & technological advancements (70+ years worth of it in America alone), combined with the vast raw/economic-resources existing on earth that is contrary to the «scarcity» and «shortages» narratives, what I see are a bunch of empty buildings that out-number the homeless-population (who number in the literal millions) just sitting around empty & collecting dust & not being used for any «productive» purpose what-so-ever, even though I think it should be very easy to do so in order to produce quite an abundance for us all (including the prevention of any so-called food-shortages for which there are surely ways to produce food in safe & high-quality sanitary manners where nobody gets infected by anything debilitating).

Take a brief look at how this works for example... (talk about electricity & how to generate/harness it can come another day)


New member
Aug 17, 2020
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It would take a lot of countries being humble and admitting they have really sorted pasts and wanting to bring to light those pasts...

Part of learning something new is being called an idiot. Well, in theory, anyways. The more wrong you are, the more incentive you should be to educate yourself on things so you don't come off as ignorant. Quietly stepping back to check your information isn't an issue. The issue with a lot of people on forums such as these is that not everyone wants to be told their project is garbage or their opinion is shit. Granted, that kind of specific language is a bit unnecessary, but the core intent is relevant. I think really, like the AAA industry, there needs to be more scrutiny from both consumers and people who are providing a platform for this stuff. ULMF staff can't outright delete generic 3D trash pile #338 just cause nobody shows interest. The best they can do is wait for the project to see no activity for a year and then lock the thread. It's up to the "intended audience" to come out of the woodwork and humble the developer, albeit in a way that isn't as "angry and aggressive" as I usually would.

On the other end of that, the consumers have to be willing to admit they can be wrong or less-informed about stuff. As one of those "idiots" who tended to be wrong about the developer-side of stuff and even now can admit he's not as on the "up-and-up" with stuff like rpgmaker and just about any fucking physics-based engine ( , I can notice things that your average idiot probably won't. Call it experience, call it education, call it learning to lurk and learn a few things. Either way, being ignorant and settling on a "hope you succeed!" is the most utterly brain-dead and empty kind of low-standard statement that a bot or moron could conceive of in my (not-so) humble opinion. If all you can offer is a "looks good, will keep an eye on it" or some similar shit, don't. You're not improving the quality of content you want.

"Animal Farm"
Burying the facts...is never the way forward. That is why I respect that one Japanese professor who stood out and publicly criticised their government on Nanjing. Same goes for those individuals who tried their best to preserve the facts about Tulsa.

TL;DR on freedom, well, seeing the news on poisoning certain someone? That’s the kind of silencing I am referring IRL. I am not referring freedom of speech on hate speech or more sinister stuff. I know the difference and the consequence and what troubles they can cause and why it is not justifiable in those situations (freedom of speech was mentioned in bracket at the end of my post, concerning IRL, irrelevant to anything else I have said in that post, how could you misread that...)

I think you must be really smart too. To say that people who are ignorant on certain areas are “idiots” in your term, shows that you lack understanding on the concept of learning and basic human empathy for those who have harder time in learning. Frankly, we are smart, we learnt things extremely fast, we get the basics and we move onto the advanced. We are on the fast track. The difference, I was and still am always looking back, and offer a helping hand for those behind

An important step in improving education: understanding individual’s needs and differences. Not all learners learn at the same pace, not all learners think in unison and comprehend ideas uniformly as the teachers. To use the term “idiots” there without understanding those users, you are actively silencing the other side, emotionally and psychologically; or saying “why waste your breath moaning at the crowd”, you are actively rejecting the conversations. Basically, silencing others by shutting down conversations.

We don’t ever stop telling or encouraging people to wear masks, not because it is for our own health concerns along. We are doing it because it can save lives, not just the oppositions, but medical professionals who are actively trying to cure patients, law enforcers who are risking their lives to maintain (racists or not). Reducing the number of infected can proactively relief the their overloading workload, it also means non-emergency services will be able get back some workforce on the tasks. Constantly talking down to them does not work. Same thing for your so-called “idiots”. There are other ways to persuade them, but I guess you don’t have the incentive since you are always right.

From what I have learnt and experienced, sometimes by helping others to learn certain subjects or concepts, I gain insights on how their mind work and come up with unique ways to overcome their learning barriers. If you think talking or discussing anything with anyone is a waste of time, you may be just motivated to learn.

“The more you are, the more incentive...” is something an intrinsic learner would say, so you and I are really alike.

Also, we have read the same book. It was truly a classic, sadly, that book will be banned and removed from public libraries soon. And that is the crisis for me. Many great literatures like that might be banned online too if whatever happening is happening. I am already talking about it in past tense and also referring it as “it”.

Pardon me if I might have used a slightly rude tone, but hopefully, you are that smart and understanding as well. Sometimes, they do mistakes like a complete noob, that’s what they are, if we were to help, we need to be patient and understanding; if we are not, we might never help them and we might be closing more conversations. I think we may have even shared similar experience on actually wasting time talking to complete strangers and tell them things they should do on certain issue. I get those feelings too, fed up and frustrated. But yeah, I have patience, and I am more willing to believe, somehow I might be wrong on that guy. At least, if you spend enough time, looking back, that’s just another experience proving you right and how good you are at reading them. Still a win-win on your end.

And thanks on the signature fix, I will work on that after this.

That was a nice post; made lots of sense.

I didn't mean 'education' as in school. School edutcation is about 10-20% of what education is, in my book. There's a reason the idiom "educated fool" exists.
Like Bob says (more or less), the biggest part is to admit there's stuff we don't know about, and learn about it. Freedom of speech helps here - when discussion goes both way (AKA sharing).

Anyway, you have a solid definition of 'peer pressure', which makes me think your definition of 'freedom of speech' is more flimsy.
Like all freedoms, it needs be used scarcely and wisely. Don't waste it on people who won't listen to you, scorn you, or people you simply have nothing to learn/gain from.

I'll loosely quote Squealer (or was it Napoleon?): 'all are equals, but some are more equal than the rest'. That's peer pressure, and what it leads you to believe - a lie. Well, scratch that! :devilish:

No matter your situation, just use it first and foremost with people you're close to. If no one, a random stranger on the street or that smiling bakery lady are fine. Sometimes it's hard to remember that there are so many strangers who are as communication-deprived as you might feel.
You can use internet and the personas that inhabit it make that waaay less efficient than IRL. RL issues are never solved online, though starting points may be found with any luck.

Hope that helps. Cheers! (what was the topic again? wait where am I? who is LM and what is DG??? 🙃)

edit/PS: and f*ck those f*cking useless masks. Even communicating with just a smile has become a dead custom now.
Ah, Strange, you too got led astray on the freedom of speech part...it’s Saudi’s cybercrime level of silencing for me. Peer pressure can be positive, don’t get me wrong on all that freedom sidetrack, but we have to take a look back to watch the tone. I was hoping someone might be able to point out that key. Because I had been trying to help others to understanding various things in the past. Peeling the layers slowly and guiding the learners to gradually learn things are the best. If I can lead them to a conclusion they can arrive on, they will be able to do it on their own for the rest of their lives. So constructive, friendly and inspiring feedbacks can be a good way to keep conversations going while making corrections. Probably also explaining why I am doing it in layers. Old habits of mine.

And on the mask, some masks are completely useless and that is partially correct. However, different masks have different level of BFE, PFE & VFE. Those are 3 efficiency indexes for stopping various tiny particles, bacteria and virus from penetrating masks. If you are using standardised masks with all 3 at 98%, those masks do save lives and prevent you from being infected. Those are the most important things you must keep an eye on when buying masks. But do remember, when you are purchasing those masks in bulks, you might be upsetting the supply for medical professionals. From what I have heard, common folks like us can use layers of coverings (depending on the materials, its density and its power to prevent tiny particles from penetrating) to obtain a safe level of protection.

The last time I talked to an American friend, she told me someone (whose husband just got confirmed for COVID-19) ran into the store and yelled at people in their faces, “my husband got COVID-19.” She was not wearing a mask at all. Some of the people she yelled at weren’t wearing a mask either. That’s the last time we spoke like a month ago, I can’t get hold of her for updates since. Pretty sure the lady didn’t meant to spread the potential virus, but if they were all wearing masks, it might just be less worrying. BTW, the virus may infect us via droplets onto our eyes, which is why having the masks on can prevent a patient from infecting others (at least in some of the news on 3 different TV channels are reporting the same thing with professionals explaining that; locally for me). It is also possible since the staff with masks forgot to wash their hands before eating (again, overloading their workload, they are rushing for food...you get the point).

I understand how difficult it is to breathe with a mask on, but for the sake of those working on the frontline during this pandemic, do them a favour. They have families too. I put on a mask or protective gear in public not because I reject the ideal Jesus said about baring our face in public is the commandment or sth (I don’t believe in Jesus, sorry, hopefully certain governors saying is completely wrong on that and Jesus never say those words). I do it because those are the words from doctors, nurses and EMTs; every little thing we do to stop the pandemic, we are giving them a better environment to work with.

Final words, hopefully the conversation is reflective or inspiring in one way on another for others to find out what are the possibilities that may have caused the quietness and how we can approach the various issues that may have started that. Sometimes one problem can be caused by many variables. By keeping ourselves as open-minded as possible, reminding ourselves to reflect on real past events instead of burying the past etc, all those slow, painful and heart-wrenching processes shall be an enlightenment and shall keep on shaping us into a better version.

(I hope nothing got misunderstood this time or getting the wrong references in unrelated places; just changed the signature with spoilers, perhaps that should stop it from being too large)
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Jungle Girl
Dec 15, 2015
Reputation score
I have less money despite doing more work in a foreign country, the H games that are posted here are somewhat of the same thing and are getting repetitive to me, and the forum going over a re-haul have lowered the amount of reasons/incentive to view this board as often.

Plus the world is kinda shit right now due to Covid which is also accelerating the wealth/class problem to the point that middle class hardly exists, which means less disposable income can be used here. (My doctor that I now go back to in the USA is still 142k in school debt and he's 32 without any kids... Jesus fuck.)

Plus I use reddit more.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
You're right that a lack of disposable income is a deterrent for buying things like h-games. If I were a prospective developer with no prior projects under my belt and a project on the back-burner, I would be taking this opportunity to step back, refine my models/art/etc, and have a demo at the ready for when this thing blows over. Right now, there is too much risk in treating every dime like it's expendable and as though resources are not finite. Before a porn game for $20, I'm going to buy the fixings for chicken-friend rice and some pot-stickers. Before I crowdfund a project whose development has an improved uncertainty of being completed nowadays, I'll put money towards buying things like a water filter for my tap or more laundry detergent to keep my clothes clean.

Newer developers should be stepping back and avoiding throwing their hat in until we can be certain that the population of the world isn't gonna be trimmed down by a quarter, first.