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Demon Girl
Mar 7, 2011
Reputation score
poster group b 2.jpg

You can support the development of the game at:

Shuji has lost the last month of his life. Now he finds in that time he's been dating a group of gorgeous, out-of-his-league girlfriends. What happened in that time? And will he be able to turn a group of jealous ex-girlfriends into a harem? Choose how you build your skills and which women you’ll focus on, as you date the girls in order to unravel the mystery and unlock interactive, point and click sex scenes.

This edition, titled "The First Day" includes the full first day of the story, introducing much (but not all!) of the cast.

The gameplay is point and click and non-linear, similar to a classic dating sim but in the distinctive style I've used in my previous games, allowing you to choose how you build your skills and which women you’ll focus on. Manage your time and money effectively, choosing when to raise skills and when and where to take the girls out on dates. When your relationship gets high enough you can restore your memories to discover how your past self seduced each of the women, then build a harem as you persuade them all to return to you. You are rewarded with interactive sex scenes with many detailed actions available, numerous pictures and voiced lines, and ultimately by getting the girls to move in with you!

Kinks: Harem, Male domination, Group sex, Cheating, Exhibitionism (and MORE to come as development continues!)


v0.2.2 for Windows:

v0.2.2 for Mac:

v0.2.2 for Web browser:

The most recent versions of the game available to patrons .​

Features (some are still to come):
  • The game already includes voice acting and a large number of images. Animations are also coming, with more extensive animations if the game gets enough support!
  • Experience large, interactive sex scenes with many available possibilities.
  • As you replay the game, you will discover more women to unlock and bring into the harem.
  • Manage your time well and you can combine different girls to produce various three-way interactive sex scenes and combination endings. Eventually, you’ll be able to complete the full harem ending, with all the women at once!
  • As each of your women move in to your apartment, you’ll be able to have fun with them whenever you want, choose their outfits and tell them how they should address you out of several voice-acted options.
  • Find hidden secrets and collector cards as rewards for achievements.

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Demon Girl
Mar 7, 2011
Reputation score
Oh, and while I'm at it, here's a little preview of a new feature I'm starting to add in. There's going to be at least a couple of these in the game in the March update.

I'd appreciate hearing what you think of this kind of thing - if it's popular then it might be worth my time to make more of them. ;)


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
OP not up to standard, requires gameplay description, PM myself, Darkfire or Jesus with an updated OP, or when you have updated the OP.

You've got part of what I'd need to say the OP has enough information on gameplay, but I need to see a little more. Mainly what mechanics the player will be interacting with during a playthrough, is it a run-of-the mill dating sim where you've simply gotta pick the right choices? Etc.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
OP has been updated, thread moved back and re-opened.


Demon Girl
Mar 7, 2011
Reputation score
I've updated the public release to 0.2.2, with some substantial changes.

Changelog for v0.2.2:
  • Added a new animation of Nobuko's boobs bouncing when you stare at them in the subway intro. This is a prototype of a potential feature that could crop up more in development if it's well received!
  • Added another new animation of Shizu's boobs bouncing when she's naked in the titles!
  • And added another new animation, this one of Emi. Find it for yourself!
  • Optimised the game, reducing file size significantly. (Quicker downloads.)
  • Fixed the bug in the Mac version that gave many people only a black screen on starting the game. (Finally Mac players are included too!)
  • Shifted to 32 bit builds, so more people can play. If problems arise then I'll move back to 64 bit, but there will be web versions available too for 32 bit users.
The links in the OP have the new downloads.


Demon Girl
Mar 7, 2011
Reputation score
Kind of quiet around here, isn't it? :)

Well, anyway, I made a trailer for the game:


New member
Sep 8, 2021
Reputation score
I may have found a bug: the following error keeps reoccurring regardless of volume change, or how far back I go in my saves. As follows:

Uncaught range error: Failed to execute start on 'AudioBufferSourceNode': The offset provided (-1398) is less than the minimum bound (0).
(note: the number of offset fluctuates)
File Engine.js@1:44085

Stack trace:
Range error: Failed to execute 'start' on 'AudioBufferSourceNode': The offset provided (-1398.58) is less than the minimum bound (0). at s.play(chrome-extension://glgjbkmlhndpjahbacbepnmimccpiga/data/Engine.js:1:44085)
at s.update(chrome-extension://glgjbkmlhndpjahbacbepnmimccpig)

at AudioManager.update AudioBuffers(Main_122.js/352:16)
at AudioManager.update(Main_122.js/3612:10)
at SceneManagerBGStuckFix.SceneManager.Update(Main122.js:2481:22)
at MainupdateFrame main.122.js 44911:18
at Main_122.js.45235.24
at chrome-extension(glgjbkmlhndpjahbacbepnmimccpig)/data/Engine:js.1:81035

I hope i have the syntax right, i don't know coding. i am about on day15 or so, Emi and Nobuko have submitted, but Shizu is not changing. until this is addressed, i am locked out. game goes to the next screen, but does not progress from there. Please help.
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