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AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Eh... whatever they were in the original?

Bureaucrat; Summoner Survivalist Channeler. What could go wrong.

4c. The thought of some relatively unintimidating swamp hick calling the shots over the rapepowerful wizzad amuses me.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Anthros and Monstergirls/boys will be more common then mere beasts and animals.
The Trait setup will be: Survivalist, Channeler, Anarchist
The traits are only the starting ones, as we'll be able to research others, but Anarchist as a disadvantage cannot be remedied. Damn good thing you folks voted for a -Leadership- focused hero, otherwise this would've been harsh once we start claiming slaaaveees.

-The Story Post-
Yereth looked over the young Naga, his expression ponderous. As much as he yearned to free his people from the shackles of the Empire, and shatter the chains so none of reptilekind could be enslaved ever again... He wasn't convinced about Cheysas usefullness yet. She was young, reckless and irresponsible, and had only just begun to grasp the arcane arts she had gained by chance or a twist of fate. She'd have to prove herself before he considered her a meaningful ally. Regardless, it was the circumstances surrounding her that finally had united the reptilekind tribes scattered throughout the swamps, and he had longed for this day, to finally get started with the war against the Empire. A discreet cough, and he drew Cheysas attention.

The Naga was startled by the sudden cough, half rolling over and half pushing herself up, revealing her scarcely clothed assets and shapes for the lizardman, even if it wasn't intentional. Blinking a few times, the young Shamaness broke the silence. "Oh, it's Yereth...", her voice telling of disappointment. Something the lizardman rolled his eyes at. "Any progress, Shaman? Have you prepared yourself, so that I can finally head out, that our warriors are finally allowed to bring the fight to the Nomads?", Yereth's voice was irritated and mocking. The Naga frowned, not enjoying such crude treatment, she possessed wondrous powers that surely would aid her people after all!

"Almost ready, I'm sure I'll be once you've rounded up some warriors... I bet there'll be many females eager to lick your tail as you crawl through the swamp.", Cheysa too grew irritated, staring defiantly up at Yereth, whom neither trusted nor believed in her magical prowess, but she'd show him one way or another! The lizardman only nodded, turning to leave. He had no reason to respond to such childish nonsense, but she did bring up a good point; he'd certainly be on the lookout for a fine female or three to bring along. Cheysa on the other hand, turned back to her books with an annoyed hiss rising in her throat, where was that handsome young male she had 'invited' to her chambers earlier this day?

Yereth shook his head as he left Cheysa's chamber behind him, and began to descend the spiraling stairs. He certainly hoped she could cast spells to begin with, the war against the empire would be long. On his way down, he began planning where he would go to begin with, he had a few options after all.

1) Never turns up!
2) Turns up, lusting for the shamaness(consensual)
3) Turns up, having been blackmailed or intimidated by the shamaness(cheysa=dom)
4) Turns up, for some other reason...?

a) A Lizardman
b) A Draconian
c) A Frog
d) A Lamia
e) A Naga
h) Other

1) Head East and South, and make sure the other tribes support the cause
2) Head East and North, and try taking control of the Empires loggingcamps, cutting off their lumber supplies, and gaining Tigran slaves in the process!
3) Head North, to an old elf city, that got raided, looted and razed by the empire. It will take some time to build a caravan with sufficient materials to help the elves rebuild their city, or the elves could be rounded up, the ruins of their town made into a slavecamp, for additional fodder to fight the Empire!
4) Head Southwards, to raid an Archon settlement, if nothing else they would make for well-trained slaves to combat the empire. Not to forget their TEMPLE VIRGINS!
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Woot, great start. XD Ahh, didn't think they would have such a dislike for one-another... oh well. Well described, paced and the characters are done well, though I didn't think Yereth was that mocking/open with his contempt. ^w^

I'm conflicted between being really mean and going with 1) for no visitor, a little amusement to start this never hurts. Although having a grouchy mission control may not be such a fantastic thing to have...

So perhaps she does have a consensual Visitor in the form of a lovely young Lizardman, given they may be more to her taste or more numerous then the Lamia, Naga and Frogs.

On his way out, he could've wiggled his tail at her suggestively/playfully, returning her patronizing comment in a way.

Edit; From the shout box as a reminder you asked for, could you please add some exposition about this village? That'd be spiffy.


1 - Seek the aid of others first, make sure everyone actually supports and wants to further the cause, it'd be silly to charge out without knowing for sure, and besides, the Empire doesn't know of the Lizardfolk's plan yet, so we do have some time.

About the slaves - enslaving would probably solidify the whole 'The Lizardfolk are savage, nasty people' perception from the other species, if it doesn't already exist. Though that's probably just me.
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Woot, great start. XD Ahh, didn't think they would have such a dislike for one-another... oh well. Well described, paced and the characters are done well. ^w^

I'm conflicted between being really mean and going with 1) for no visitor, a little amusement to start this never hurts. Although having a grouchy mission control may not be such a fantastic thing to have...

So perhaps she does have a consensual Visitor in the form of a lovely young Lizardman, most likely choice given she resides in a Lizardfolk village I think, correct me if I'm wrong, naga/Draconians and the others don't seem so common. (Although being a Naga herself, another Naga might be of preference.. erh.)


1 - Seek the aid of others first, make sure everyone actually supports and wants to further the cause, it'd be silly to charge out without knowing for sure, and besides, the Empire doesn't know of the Lizardfolk's plan yet, so we do have some time.

About the slaves - enslaving would probably solidify the whole 'The Lizardfolk are savage, nasty people' perception from the other species, if it doesn't already exist. Though that's probably just me.

2A, and then 1 in other words.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

2 b

I'm torn between 2 and 4. 2 is downright nessesary to do and do soon, if we don't want to loose in the first twenty turns or so. But the archons are kinda on-the-way, and we could probably take them... Of course, we have to watch out for those blasted swamp-mobs spawning and attacking the city while the army is away, so I'm not sure what kind of forces Yereth will be bringing to bear...

Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Wait uh uh no

Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS



Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

2B, then 1 to solidify our power base.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

I apologize for taking such time updating the CYOAS, and my only real excuse is me procastrinating. ): I'll try to get around to it in not too long hopefully, but until then. My apologies for being a twat.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Stop wanking about and post then.