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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

O.K. now I downloaded the trial of "this magical girl" rpg game but, I can't edit the save file with "SGedit for xp and vx". It always say in a box "cannot find string" can some help.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

the game your talking about can you upload it please?

The Trial for this game was alright...

Hope they do break this DRM thing then... (wished games where easier to get lately it seems harder and harder to find good rpg games..)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Can't start up
Getting some moonspeak error with "Audio/BGM/(moonspeak)"

Might it be inability to translate unicode?

Realized I didn't have RTP VX installed. Switched to JP unicode and installing now. If this fixes it, I won't be following this post up.

Edit: Nope, still getting the missing BGM issue. I'm also getting the missing sprite error with
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Guess what, another RPG Game that is *drum roll* (wait for it!) DRM PROTECTED! WOOOHOOOOOO.

Seriously? Are all the games gonna be DRM protected? I might have just to call some reinforcements from some of my friends >:D

Atm I'm trying to hack the DRM protection, but so far I'm on the diagnosis of these applications... apparently there's no DRM Protection removal application for games.. I mean wtf?...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

To be honest until now everyone just avoided DRM protected games, but now that all of them has it someone will sooner or later have enough and crack it.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

To be honest until now everyone just avoided DRM protected games, but now that all of them has it someone will sooner or later have enough and crack it.

"When restrained there will alway's be someone there to try and rebel" ;)
anyhow since no one is making it happen yet
(i doubt well get new awsome game from drm just yet for a while or maybe never...
[if horror of UNBREAKABLE PROTECTION WAS MADE] >.>" anyhow there are alway's possibilitie's) "-,- trial makes me feel it's missing something awsome..."
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Alright then one thing i know is i can't get this game i wanted badly
(this magical girl) so does anyone has a clue, that they have a game that
is similar to (this magical girl)? with pregnancy and birth no game ends.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Please someone ban this guy for a week or so...

He's like going on and on about the same thing and never stops.

Dude DLSite is like the final frontier for games like this, if there's nothing you want on it, then it doesn't exist!

There's ofc those private upload websites where the authors use to post their stuff, but most of the times is for storage and work coordination. Sometimes some deductive folks find out about a few games that under development on those "private Websites" and share it here or on Hongfire.

Just stop asking for the same thing over and over geez...

Anyway... I've checked about the DRM crack and I talked to a kind user I met on Hongfire, he was trying to crack it aswell, way before I ever thought about it.

Apparently to crack the protection on a way much easier than any of the ones around the webs... you'd need to buy the game 1st in order to get cracking going... since I really can't buy games (or else I wouldn't be so pissed off), my "adventure" ends there...

Hopefully one day that fellow from Hongfire might get a chance to buy a game with DRM Protection and crack the damn thing or looking at even brighter side, some crazy hacker might crack the protection just for damn fun or because he's pissed off aswell lol!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Actually I heard some of the guy who crack stuff like this do it only for the challenge. So at the end the crack may come from someone who doesn't even care about h games.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Just found out something (but it might be worthless): whenever you have problems with the audio file from an HRPG, just go to DLsite, download the trial of the game you're having troubles with, and overwrite the audio files with the ones from the trial. That should usually fix things.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

does anyone have this game they can give me?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Myzle, did you even try google??

Here, this one I found, not sure if its the game... if not, then sorry... I just googled it, and I tried nyatorrentz, but the torrent site didnt have it...

oh btw, it has a PW: e6pyteqrcx3e5w

other DL links can be found here, btw I didnt upload it, as you know... so please do rep the original poster if possible!!

ps. while someone is asking for games, I would like a full version of this one, if its out??

the trial was realy short, but seemed promising to me...

@ Ace, thanks, I guessed as much, shame though, it seemed promising, if all the new RPG maker games are gonne be like this, then 2012 is gonne be a bad year imo... :S
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Myzle, did you even try google??

Here, this one I found, not sure if its the game... if not, then sorry... I just googled it, and I tried nyatorrentz, but the torrent site didnt have it...

ps. while someone is asking for games, I would like a full version of this one, if its out??

the trial was realy short, but seemed promising to me...

Sorry but that game is copy controlled as well, as indicated by that green box with a check mark above the screenshots.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

soulles while this turned out to be a dud,i do have to say, Thank you. Thank you for all your help,i truely appreceiat it. :D
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Zup little problem with rpg maker (yes i read first page)

Tried playing Village of Nightmare, needed jap locale.
So i tried with applocale and didnt work, swithed to japance locale still won't work :(

game/rpg maker wont even run, no window popping up, nothing in task manager, no black screen/box, no warnings, nothing, it just wont run.

wierd thing is it runs fine in regular locale, VoN starts up fine. but get errors when i start new game. (yes game is properly extracted and jp lang is installed)

//Thanks ahead
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Puroto RPG

Basically a run or rape game that ends in game over. You have to sneak by guards by walking past them or risk getting caught by running past them. I only got to level 2; this game is rather difficult. I don't have an upload account, but I found this game at hentaifarm.net in the RPG section.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Puroto RPG

Basically a run or rape game that ends in game over. You have to sneak by guards by walking past them or risk getting caught by running past them. I only got to level 2; this game is rather difficult. I don't have an upload account, but I found this game at hentaifarm.net in the RPG section.

Had it, finished it, delted it. You can basically stop after you reach stage 6 or so (where you get to the masked wizard looking dudes, they're the one to do the gangrape like the game's title screen)

the GOR and full HP caught scene is always the same, only the 2nd/3rd 'caught' CGs differs
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Zup little problem with rpg maker (yes i read first page)

Tried playing Village of Nightmare, needed jap locale.
So i tried with applocale and didnt work, swithed to japance locale still won't work :(

game/rpg maker wont even run, no window popping up, nothing in task manager, no black screen/box, no warnings, nothing, it just wont run.

wierd thing is it runs fine in regular locale, VoN starts up fine. but get errors when i start new game. (yes game is properly extracted and jp lang is installed)

//Thanks ahead
Did you try setting your UNICODE to Japanese?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

soulles while this turned out to be a dud,i do have to say, Thank you. Thank you for all your help,i truely appreceiat it. :D

You're welcome, we are all here to help share where we can, I just happened to find it... ^^

And yeah, it wasnt as good as I wanted it to be, or wel so far it hasnt been, but been stuck on alot of games lately....

so any 'new' game I find is always something more to try out... ^^

Wished I knew better what to do in the mahou shoujo ai included one... forgot the name of the game... I got some help on hentaipalm forums, but I realy suck at these games... ^^ (most of the times a save game is just best for me, wich is a shame, cause I love figuring things out, just get stuck for to long then give up... xD)

Oh also shame that there arent any new ones that you can find somewhere, due to the protection thing... :S
(do hope the few studio's I loved their work are not gonne have it, studio Gyu's game included)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Just a little Question about those DRM protected RPG-Maker Games.
How does it work? You start the .exe and the game creates a Connection to Dlsite? Pretty insecure.. one just needs to change a few things and you connect your Pc with some other network.

Well, whatever.
Could someone upload a DRM protected RPG-Maker Game? I just want to try my luck, maybe I can find a little security-loophole or something like that..

And even if I can't.. you get ALL Files, so one should be able to recreate the entire Game. Cracking your average RPGMaker Game is way to easy. I just leave the name RGSSAD_WX here. Nice little program, you never need cheatengine again. At least for.. RGPMaker XP and VX games.
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