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Re: Books

The Winding Circle and Circle Closes by Tamora Pierce, as well as her other works to a lesser extent. All of them are aproxamately teenage-focused fantasy (as far as I’m aware), with the Circle series heavily focused on magic. Redwall, for teenage-focused warfare fantasy with the races replaced with animals, and hints of magic. Dealing with Dragons and the later books; again, aproximately teenage-focused fantasy, this one heavily revolving around dragons, as the title suggests. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head, since I haven't been reading too much lately, so if you don’t like teen fantasy I suppose I can’t exactly help. =p
Re: Books

Finally found this topic.

So here's the deal. I work security, and now I work overnight at a business. This business has an intense fear of anyone accessing the network, so the guards aren't allowed to use the internet during their down time. They also can't bring in any devices whatsoever, not even a normal flip phone, so the only thing I have to entertain myself at night is a good book. So I now have a brand new library card, so I need reading suggestions. I know I could just go back through the topic, but I'm being lazy.

If you're wondering about genres then anything that isn't romance heavy should be fine. If you're wondering what I've read so far it isn't much. I haven't picked up a book since I was a teenager. What I have read is Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Unholy Night, Against All Enemies, and a novelization of Act of Valor. I'm gonna go find Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies because I enjoy the author, but after that I have no clue.


I haven't read any of those books, but based on titles I'd say the Night Watch trilogy would suit you.
Re: Books

There are many good books that you could get. I'd recommend A Game of Thrones and the following books of the series, or as Tassadar said The Dresden Files books, as those two are pretty much my personal favorites. I've actually read the novelization of the Three Kingdoms and I think it's pretty good also, but it can get a bit boring in parts. Let's see... Mistborn is another pretty good one also. Of course you could never go wrong with The Lord Of the Rings in my eyes, old it may be, yet it is still a great novel.
Re: Books

Rise Again was a good zombie novel that I enjoyed. Also the Conan short stories can be collected in Anthology form thanks to the movie from last summer.

Also flip through the thread a bit, there's some decent recommendations around.
Re: Books

I love the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neil. The first one is called "Some Girls Bite." It's a little girly, so I dunno if you'd like it but maybe worth checking out.
Re: Books

I've been nerding out with David McCullough's John Adams, but also enjoying the Dexter novels by Jeff Lindsay as a guilty pleasure read.
Re: Books

My favorite book (That I ever honestly read seriously) was "Where the red fern grows"..

If you take a personal liking to the book, you really do catch yourself sometimes drifting off into daydreaming about being in the story..

But the title was kinda misleading.. I mean, it says "Where the red fern grows", but you only hear about this "Red fern" at the beginning and end of the
story.. The other 90% has nothing to do with it.. Just the adventures of a boy and his 2 dogs hunting coons.
Re: Books

I'd also recommend "The Adversary Cycle" by F. Paul Wilson. Good little horror series. The entries are: 'The Keep' 'The Tomb' 'The Touch' 'Reborn' 'Reprisal' and 'Nightworld'.

The first three seemingly have nothing to do with each other, Reborn and Reprisal slowly bring some of the elements together, but Nightworld was awesomely apocalyptic and tied all the stories into one.

The Keep was an interesting start to it, the book taking place in a castle during WWII in Romania. There was a movie adaptation but it was absolute shit. Nightworld remains one of my favorite books.
Re: Books

OK... I just finished "A Dance with Dragons" By G. R. R. Martin, and I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

Re: Books

Yeah I can't wait for it either Wonderboy, but knowing George Martin, it'll be another decade before it gets done. I mean it took him like 4 or 5 years for A Feast for Crows I think. So The Winds of Winter as its supposed to be called may not come out for quite a while, so I'm not going to hold my breath for it just yet. But they are very good books in my eyes and I can sit down and read them for hours on end without taking a break.
Re: Books

I'm taking a long time reading Dance with Dragons. Partially because I know it'll be so damn long before the next book...
Re: Books

In regards to certain events in Dances with Dragons:
Nobody is dead unless you seen 'em die. We saw Jon get stabbed, and stabbed a whole bunch, sure. But he may yet live on in the wolf, and he may share the same fate as the bandit and his mom. And he may just get healed via magic. According to the witch, he's way too important to die.
Re: Books

I am not making any Robert Jordan cracks because I am above that sort of thing.

So, I've had two friends, in the course of a month, reading "American Gods" by Gaiman. While I haven't picked the thing up, myself, both of them have recommended it and the one, I had to point out something obvious that two other friends made mention of to me.

So, the first friend to read the book makes a comment about the name of the guy's cellmate and how it took him about halfway, 3/4 through the book before it clicked. Second friend to read the book apparently caught it right away. Third friend and I were discussing it and I'm like "So, did you pick up on the one little thing?" "What?" "With the guy's name?" "Which guy?" "Loki." "Loki?" "Yeah. Apparently it's spelled weird. L-o-w--" "OH MY GOD! How did I not see that?"
I also am apparently supposed to read a little mini story-within-the-story that had my one friend actually crying before the start of her class when she read it. I've been told it can be read out of context and is very kick in your gut. We shall have to see. I've had a couple of things where I've been told that and I haven't had the same reaction as my friends.

I've also been debating picking up the Hunger Games and reading those. Now, granted, I'm not having the same knee-jerk "Hell no!" reaction I usually get when everyone and their grandmother is reading/watching/involved in something and they tell me that I absolutely, positively, must need to, too, but for some reason, I just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe I'll wait for the summer book sale and find some cheap copies of it.
Re: Books

I can recall some memorable reads during my Middle and High School years.

George Orwell - Animal Farm & 1984
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
Lois Lowry - The Giver
Louis Sachar - Holes
William Golding - Lord of the Flies
J.D. Salinger - Catcher in the Rye

*There may have been others, but I can't remember them all.
Re: Books

I don't know if it technically qualifies as military sci-fi, but I recommend Orson Scott Card's 'Enders Game' anyway. A race of insectiod aliens has nearly wiped out humanity twice, so the military starts taking children and training them to be military commanders. Its not too much on the high strategy and space dogfighting, etcetera etcetera, but a great read nonetheless :)

I recommend you read enders shadow if you liked enders game.
Re: Books

Only a month and these babies will be mine

Re: Books

Has anyone here read "The Witcher" books by Andrzej Sapkowski?I would recommend it for all fantasy readers to give it a try.
Re: Books

I've only read the first one, and it was indeed quite good. No link between the games and books though... from what I can tell of playing the second game, the games take place much after the books.

Still, I agree that the Witcher books are indeed quite engrossing. I'll have to pick up the second, and wait for the third to be translated.
Re: Books

Just finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

Phew. Didn't match up precisely to the style of books I normally read (I've actually never read a Stephen King book before), but it was a nice change of pace, and a phenomenal ending.
Re: Books

I've heard some very good things about the Dark Tower series, but the main reason I've not picked them up is because I'm not a fan of Stephen King. I enjoy the writings he does as Richard Bachman, but as himself I've only liked the Shining.