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Multiplayer Gaming


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

No luck in getting a job. I'm capable, just apparently undesirable due to lack of references and applicable experience.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

No luck in getting a job. I'm capable, just apparently undesirable due to lack of references and applicable experience.
Nah, it's because you're white.

What games do you have for PC and 360? I think you listed them here at some point in time, but I'm too lazy to look. Though looking at Steam real quick, yeah, nothing we could play together on that. I wish I had Killing Floor, but my parents won't use their credit card so I can get it through Steam, and I can't find it in a retail store... at least not for a reasonable price - I found ONE copy so far, for $40. Steam has it for $20 normally, and hell, right now through steam it's under $15. It's a good game and all, but I'm not paying twice what it's worth.
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(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Sorry to change subject, but I've got to vent a bit. I'm pissed about my supposed luck here. The drop system works by determining when your next item will be and it has a max per week. However, it also has carry over from past week. I played for nearly 40 hours last week, which is more than the cap, and all that rollover, plus the 10 hours I've played so far this week have resulted in 0 drops, which is practically unheard of. I don't know what the max time is possible between rolling and getting an item, but I believe I'm well past it.

I just want a fucking shiv for christ's sake!


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I really wish the trading system would start already. I never play sniper anyway. I'd gladly trade this stupid shiv with you for something like the Pain Train


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I have both of those. Got rid of my only DR and my only axtinguisher to make the newest weapons. I'll miss my DR.

I bet only darkfire can guess what weapon I still haven't gotten but really want.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Some russian guy was asking me how to unlock the scattergun


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

So, who wants to help me figure out whether or not the Iron Grip: Warlord demo is any good or not? As far as I can tell, it's supposed to be a co-op, player vs. AI FPS/RTS. You can find it on Steam, under Demos.

The FPS part is fairly simple, though from what I've played, it could use some work: I don't like having to give each individual weapon it's own hotkey if I don't want to rely on the luck of the mouse-wheel or tap 'Q' 5 million times (and it sometimes doesn't work). They need to say 'Okay, you can carry your knife, 2 guns, your wrench, and an explosive.' None of this 'I can carry every weapon ever made!' bs. Hell, make the Wrench the melee weapon - primary fire whacks, alt-fire repairs. It doesn't have an alt-fire as-is as far as I can tell, so that would work.

On to the RTS part: you can press 'G' and get an overhead view (though you can't just move the camera - you have to physically move, a bit of a minus, but it also makes sense at the same time) to place down strategic structures. You have AI and AV nests (click and hold to change the way they face as you're setting them), you have a support tent that resupplies/heals, a couple of 'traps', and you can build a 'stronghold'. I'll get to what the stronghold is in a minute.

Now, the 'currency' in this game is 'power'; you use this to buy your character's weapons, as well as buy the structures you can build. I believe the pool is shared, but if you're playing with fairly competent people, the shared-ness should not be a problem. You get power by either letting the enemies kill the civilians cowering in buildings and then picking up the power they drop, by killing enemies, by finding it randomly, or by just letting the pool regenerate very slowly over time (I think it does, least-ways). I think repairs cost power, which would make sense, but I didn't pay close enough attention.

Now for the Stronghold. This is your main base. If it gets destroyed, it's game over... or at least that's what the tips lead me to believe. I've seen a game go on for a while with the Stronghold dead, so I dunno. I think you just can't respawn without a Stronghold, but again, I think I respawned when there was no Stronghold before, so I dunno. Next game I'll probably pay more attention to what the importance of the Stronghold is. I know you need it to win, but I really didn't pay that much attention, because it was constantly being blown up and rebuilt.

The bad guys are pretty typical. You have the automatic rifle people, the flamethrowers, the rocket guys, and tanks. You even have shield guys, though I attribute them more to the FPS side. You've also got an enemy commander you can kill to lower enemy morale. Then there's the walkers. Oh how I hate these guys. They're tougher than tanks, and they spit out meteor-like projectiles that can bounce 2-4 times, and when they explode, the explosion covers a large area. And they have a machine gun on their backs. And if you try to run under them, thinking you're slick, you get auto-squashed. God I hate those things.
The enemies also come in waves, 8 in all I believe.

All-in-all, it's a nice idea for a game, and I'd like to try it out some more, but I am only finding games that have 200+ ping, or games that are on the hardest difficulty with only 2 people in the game, and as soon as I join I get rocketed/cannoned into oblivion because the enemy is right on our doorsteps at only wave 1, maybe 2.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Played it when I came out with a few friends, lost interest after a while due to the abysmal playerbase, even with the full version of the game (Tharr be pirates!). The gameplay overall is highly amusing however, and pretty decent.

Massive tip though. It is possible to beat higher difficulties with only two- three people, as long as one person buys the heavy machine gun to mow down infantry, and another buys the rocket launcher to take out the initial wave of tanks ASAP. If a third perosn is available, building a refill station right next to the heavy machine gunner will give you time to farm the power needed to either build another one, or have the heavy machine gunner get a rocket himself, so he can help out against tanks.

Essentially, once you get the power to build two machine gun nests, an anti tank turret, and a refill station (a heavy machine gun will also help) at once, followed by upgrading them to max, the area is essentially "permanently secure" from anything but walkers. Which...of course, can/should be taken down by 3-5 rockets asap. (Walkers destroy everything so...yeah)

Edit: Also, power isn't shared, although each powerup you pickup/power you get for killing enemies is added to everyone's total. If I recall anyway.
As for the stronghold, there should be morale bars somewhere that acts as a "morale gauge" of sorts. As long as your stronghold is alive, it'll regenerate over time (fast enough so that unless you're dying every 5 seconds, it won't go down at all). Of course, as long as the enemy commanders are alive, THEIR bars also regenerate constantly, so you won't win unless you hunt their commanders. Game ends when one morale bar drops to the bottom.
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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Yeah, my major problem right now is finding a match to play in. It's difficult for me to swap between shooting people and setting up defensive/support structures, especially once the match gets going.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Yeah. To be honest, that's the game's biggest downfall. Lack of an actual playerbase. Was pretty fun when I scrounged up four friends to play with though, we ended up barely clearing the game in an epic fashion, on the last stage. But pub?... Eh... soloing normal/hard when your team's an idiot, only lasts for so long.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Holy engineer update batman.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

That's just a bonus thing, though I don't understand how to actually get it.

I'm not sure I quite understand the shotgun though. You get no random crits but you get 'revenge crits' but the way it describes it does not make it sound like revenge at all.

*edit* OOOOH! Ok, it makes more sense when you read the second part first. It made it sound like you can keep your sg up and keep getting 2 crits a second after you get a kill with the sg and then you get more after it gets destroyed.

Ok, so the gun has a 50% capacity, no random crits, but gives bonus crits after your sg is destroyed or destructed. The bonus crits it gives you are calculated by 2 for every kill it had and 1 for every assist it got. I'm on edge about how this'll work. If all the crits come immediately in a row after its destruction, that seems really cheap, even if they're just mini crits. If there's some way of picking the crits out or getting them randomly after that seems inconvenient somehow.
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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Does sound like they'll be in a row after destruction.

Still sounds crap though. You may have 6+ crits queued up, but you've got a clip of 3, and the shotgun's reload isn't exactly fast, even for a single shell. I rarely use my shotgun when I engie, I prefer the pistol.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The new shotgun unlock is a tool for offensive engineering or getting swift revenge against the person that just destroyed your sentry. Say your sentry got 2 kills, that's 4 shotgun crits, which is more than enough to down the prick heavy that mowed down your sentry. When your sentry is still up, you can hold down fort just fine with the pistol.

I love this unlock idea. I love building ninja sentries and racking up a kill or two before it dies. Now I get a weapon that gets crits because of it? Awesome, sign me up. You turtle engies can keep your normal shotgun.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Enjoy running out of ammo after 3 shots.

Oh wait, you play Fail of Nature anyways. You're used to getting off a few good cheapshots and then getting killed.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

3 crit shotgun shots is more than enough to down any enemy. If not, resort to pistol. When all else fails, crit wrench.

I'm actually a little offended that you think I use the fan.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Sorry, I thought you did. My deepest sincere apologies if that is not the case.

I haven't played in about 2 months and I've still not got back my sniping ability yet :(


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

And on the fifth update, God created the Hunstman


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I said sniping. Not aiming in vague direction of enemy and getting headshots against people who can't dodge.